250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-39.11

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-120-05-39.11 - Compliance and Performance Testing Requirements
A. Any HMIWI subject to the emissions limitations in §§ 39.9(A) and (B) of this Part, must conduct an initial performance test to demonstrate compliance with those emission limits.
B. A performance test protocol must be submitted for review and approval to the Office of Air Resources at least sixty (60) days prior to conducting the initial or repeat performance test. The use of the bypass stack during a performance test shall invalidate the performance test. The initial performance tests shall be conducted according to the following specifications:
1. All performance tests shall consist of a minimum of three (3) test runs conducted under representative operating conditions;
2. The minimum sampling time shall be one (1) hour per test run unless otherwise required by the Office of Air Resources;
3.40 C.F.R. § 60 Appendix A Method 1, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to select the sampling location and number of traverse points;
4.40 C.F.R. § 60 Appendix A-2 Method 3, 3A or 3B, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used for gas composition analysis, including measurement of oxygen concentration. 40 C.F.R. § 60 Appendix A-2 Method 3, 3A or 3B, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part shall be used simultaneously with each reference method. As an alternative to 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-2, Method 3B, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analysis (Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus), incorporated in § 39.4(B) of this Part, may be used;
5. The pollutant concentrations shall be adjusted to seven percent (7%) oxygen using the following equation:

Cadj = Cmeas ( 20.9-7)/(20.9-%O2)


Cadj = pollutant concentration adjusted to seven percent (7%) oxygen;

Cmeas = pollutant concentration measured on a dry basis

20.9 = oxygen concentration in air, percent; and

%O2 = oxygen concentration measured on a dry basis, percent;

6.40 C.F.R. § 60 Appendix A-3, Method 5, Appendix A-8 Method 26A or 29, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to measure the particulate matter (PM) emissions. As an alternative, PM CEMS may be used as specified in § 39.11(F) of this Part;
7.40 C.F.R. § 60 Appendix A-4, Method 9, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to measure stack opacity. As an alternative, demonstration of compliance with the PM standards using bag leak detection systems as specified in § 39.12(F) of this Part or PM CEMS as specified in § 39.11(F) of this Part is considered demonstrative of compliance with the opacity requirements;
8.40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-4, Method 10 or 10B, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to measure the carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. As specified in § 39.11(E) of this Part, use of CO CEMS are required.
9.40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-7, Method 23, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to measure total dioxin/furan emissions. As an alternative, an owner or operator may elect to sample dioxins/furans by installing, calibrating, maintaining, and operating a continuous automated sampling system for monitoring dioxin/furan emissions as specified in § 39.11(G) of this Part. he minimum sampling time shall be four (4) hours per test run. If the affected facility has selected the toxic equivalency standards for dioxins/furans, under § 39.9 of this Part, the following procedures shall be used to determine compliance:
a. Measure the concentration of each dioxin/furan tetra- through octa-congener emitted using 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-7, Method 23, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part.
b. For each dioxin/furan congener measured in accordance with § 39.11(B)(9)(a) of this Part, multiply the congener concentration by its corresponding toxic equivalency factor, as specified in § 39.17 of this Part.
c. Sum the products calculated in accordance with § 39.11(B)(9)(b) of this Part to obtain the total concentration of dioxans/furans emitted in terms of toxic equivalent.
10.40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-8, Method 26 or 26A, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to measure hydrogen chloride (HCl) emissions. As an alternative, HCl CEMS may be used as specified in § 39.11(F) of this Part;
11.40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-8, Method 29, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part shall be used to measure lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg) emissions. As an alternative, Hg emissions may be measured using ASTM D 6784-02, incorporated in § 39.4(C) of this Part. As an alternative for Pb, Cd, and Hg, multi-metals CEMS or Hg CEMS, may be used as specified in § 39.11(F) of this Part. As an alternative, an owner or operator may elect to sample Hg by installing, calibrating, maintaining, and operating a continuous automated sampling system for monitoring Hg emissions as specified in § 39.11(H) of this Part.
12.40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-7, Method 22, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to determine compliance with the fugitive ash emission limits for HMIWI specified in § 39.9(B) of this Part. The minimum observation time shall be a series of three (3) one-hour observations.
13.40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-4, Method 7 or 7E, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to measure NOx emissions.
14.40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-4, Method 6 or 6C, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, shall be used to measure SO2 emissions.
C. The owner of a HMIWI shall conduct periodic performance tests to determine continuing compliance with the emission limits specified in § 39.9 of this Part for opacity, PM, CO, and HCl using the applicable test methods specified in § 39.11(B) of this Part. The use of a bypass stack during a performance test shall invalidate the performance test. Periodic tests shall be conducted according to the following schedule:
1. Except as provided in §§ 39.11(E) and (F) of this Part, periodic tests shall be conducted no more than twelve (12) months after the initial performance test at the facility and, thereafter, no more than twelve (12) months following the previous performance test.
2. If, in a 3-year period, all three (3) annual performance tests demonstrate compliance with the emission limit for a pollutant (PM, CO, or HCl), the frequency of testing for that pollutant may be reduced to once in three years. If any performance test indicates noncompliance with an applicable emission limit, performance tests for that pollutant shall be conducted annually until all annual performance tests in a 3-year period indicate compliance with the emission limit. In no case shall the period between performance tests for PM, CO, or HCl be longer than three (3) years.
D. For large HMIWI, continuing compliance with the visible emission limits for fugitive emissions from fly ash/bottom ash storage and handling in § 39.9(B)(1) of this Part, must be demonstrated by conducting a performance test using 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-7 Method 22, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, no more than twelve (12) months after the initial performance test and annually thereafter.
E. For any HMIWI, compliance shall be determined for the CO emissions limit using a CO CEMS according §§ 39.11(E)(1) through (3) of this Part:
1. Determine compliance with the CO emissions limit using a 24-hour block average, calculated as specified in section 12.4.1 of 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-7, Method 19, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part.
2. Operate the CO CEMS in accordance with the applicable procedures under 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix B and F, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part.
3. Use of a CO CEMS may be substituted for the CO annual performance test and minimum secondary chamber temperature to demonstrate compliance with the CO emissions limit.
F. HMIWI may use a CEMS to demonstrate continuing compliance with any of the applicable emission limits in § 39.9(A) of this Part, provided that:
1. Compliance with the applicable emissions limit(s) is determined by using a 24-hour block average, calculated as specified in section 12.4.1, 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-7, Method 19, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part;
2. All CEMS are operated in accordance with the applicable procedures specified in 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendices B and F incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part;
3. HCl CEMS may be substituted for the HCl annual performance test, minimum HCl sorbent flow rate, and minimum scrubber liquor pH to demonstrate compliance with the HCl emissions limit; and
4. PM CEMS may be substituted for the PM annual performance test and minimum pressure drop across the wet scrubber, if applicable, to demonstrate compliance with the PM emissions limit.
G. A HMIWI using a continuous automated sampling system to demonstrate compliance with the dioxin/furan emissions limits under § 39.9 of this Part shall record the output of the system and analyze the sample according to 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-7 Method 23, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part.
1. The owner or operator of an HMIWI who elects to continuously sample dioxin/furan emissions instead of sampling and testing using 40 C.F.R.§ 60 Appendix A-7, Method 23, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continuous automated sampling system and shall comply with the requirements specified in 40 C.F.R. 60.58b(p) and (q) Subpart Eb, incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part.
H. The owner or operator of a HMIWI using a continuous automated sampling system to demonstrate compliance with the Hg emissions limits under § 39.9 of this Part shall record the output of the system and analyze the sample at set intervals using any suitable determinative technique that can meet appropriate performance criteria.
1. The owner or operator of a HMIWI who elects to continuously sample Hg emissions instead of sampling and testing using 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix A-8, Method 29 incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part, or an approved alternative method for measuring Hg emissions, shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continuous automated sampling system and shall comply with the requirements specified in 40 C.F.R.§ 60.58b(p) and (q) of Subpart Eb incorporated in § 39.4(A) of this Part.
I. Except as provided in §§ 39.11(E) through (H) of this Part, the owner or operator of a HMIWI equipped with a dry scrubber followed by a fabric filter; a wet scrubber; or a dry scrubber followed by a fabric filter and wet scrubber shall:
1. During the initial performance test, establish maximum and minimum values for each of the applicable operating parameters listed in § 39.18 of this Part, as site-specific operating parameters; and
2. Following the date on which the initial performance test is completed or is required to be completed, whichever is earlier, ensure that the HMIWI does not operate above any of the applicable maximum operating parameters or below any of the applicable minimum operating parameters, measured as 3-hour rolling averages (calculated each hour as the average of the previous three (3) operating hours) at all times except during periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction. Operating parameter limits do not apply during performance tests. Operation above the established maximum or below the established minimum operating parameter(s) shall constitute a violation of that operating parameter(s).
J. Except as provided in § 39.11(N) of this Part, continuous compliance status for HMIWI equipped with a dry scrubber followed by a fabric filter shall be determined as follows:
1. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum secondary chamber temperature (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the CO emission limit.
2. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum fabric filter inlet temperature, above the maximum charge rate, and below the minimum dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the dioxin/furan emission limit.
3. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum HCl sorbent flow rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the HCl emission limit.
4. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum Hg sorbent flow rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the Hg emission limit.
5. Use of the bypass stack (except during startup, shutdown, or malfunction) shall constitute a violation of the PM, dioxin/furan, HCl, Pb, Cd and Hg emission limits.
6. Operation of the HMIWI above the CO emissions limit as measured by the CO CEMS specified in § 39.11(E) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the CO emissions limit.
7. Failure of the owner or operator of the HMIWI to initiate corrective action within one (1) hour of a bag leak detection system alarm; or failure to operate and maintain the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged for more than five percent (5%) of the total operating time in a six-month block reporting period shall constitute a violation of the PM emissions limit. If inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time is counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm is counted as a minimum of one (1) hour. If it takes longer than one (1) hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time is counted as the actual amount of time taken to initiate corrective action. If the bag leak detection system is used to demonstrate compliance with the opacity limit, this would also constitute a violation of the opacity emissions limit.
8. Operation of the HMIWI above the PM, HCl, Pb, Cd, and/or Hg emissions limit as measured by the CEMS specified in § 39.11(F) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the applicable emissions limit.
9. Operation of the HMIWI above the dioxin/furan emissions limit as measured by the continuous automated sampling system specified in § 39.11(G) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the dioxin/furan emissions limit.
10. Operation of the HMIWI above the Hg emissions limit as measured by the continuous automated sampling system specified in § 39.11(H) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the Hg emissions limit.
K. Except as provided in § 39.11(N) of this Part, continuous compliance status for HMIWI equipped with a wet scrubber shall be determined as follows:
1. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum pressure drop across the wet scrubber or below the minimum horsepower or amperage to the system (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the PM emission limit.
2. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum secondary chamber temperature (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the CO emission limit.
3. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate, below the minimum secondary chamber temperature, and below the minimum scrubber liquor flow rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the dioxin/furan emission limit.
4. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum scrubber liquor pH (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the HCl emission limit.
5. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum flue gas temperature and above the maximum charge rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the Hg emission limit.
6. Use of the bypass stack (except during startup, shutdown, or malfunction) shall constitute a violation of the PM, dioxin/furan, HCl, Pb, Cd and Hg emission limits.
7. Operation of the HMIWI above the CO emissions limit as measured by the CO CEMS specified in § 39.11(E) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the CO emissions limit.
8. Operation of the HMIWI above the PM, HCl, Pb, Cd, and/or Hg emissions limit as measured by the CEMS specified in § 39.11(F) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the applicable emissions limit.
9. Operation of the HMIWI above the dioxin/furan emissions limit as measured by the continuous automated sampling system specified in § 39.11(G) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the dioxin/furan emissions limit.
10. Operation of the HMIWI above the Hg emissions limit as measured by the continuous automated sampling system specified in § 39.11(H) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the Hg emissions limit.
L. Except as provided in § 39.10(N) of this Part, continuous compliance status for HMIWI equipped with a dry scrubber followed by a fabric filter and a wet scrubber shall be determined as follows:
1. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum secondary chamber temperature (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the CO emission limit.
2. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum fabric filter inlet temperature, above the maximum charge rate, and below the minimum dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the dioxin/furan emission limit.
3. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum scrubber liquor pH (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the HCl emission limit.
4. Operation of the HMIWI above the maximum charge rate and below the minimum Hg sorbent flow rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling average) simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the Hg emission limit.
5. Use of the bypass stack (except during startup, shutdown, or malfunction) shall constitute a violation of the PM, dioxin/furan, HCl, Pb, Cd and Hg emission limits.
6. Operation of the HMIWI above the CO emissions limit as measured by the CO CEMS specified in § 39.11(E) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the CO emissions limit.
7. Failure of the owner of operator of the HMIWI to initiate corrective action within one (1) hour of a bag leak detection system alarm; or failure to operate and maintain the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged for more than five percent (5%) of the total operating time in a 6-month block reporting period shall constitute a violation of the PM emissions limit. If inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time is counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm is counted as a minimum of one (1) hour. If it takes longer than one (1) hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time is counted as the actual amount of time taken to initiate corrective action. If the bag leak detection system is used to demonstrate compliance with the opacity limit, this would also constitute a violation of the opacity emissions limit.
8. Operation of the HMIWI above the PM, HCl, Pb, Cd, and/or Hg emissions limit as measured by the CEMS specified in § 39.11(F) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the applicable emissions limit.
9. Operation of the HMIWI above the dioxin/furan emissions limit as measured by the continuous automated sampling system specified in § 39.11(G) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the dioxin/furan emissions limit.
10. Operation of the HMIWI above the Hg emissions limit as measured by the continuous automated sampling system specified in § 39.11(H) of this Part shall constitute a violation of the Hg emissions limit.
M. The owner or operator of an HMIWI equipped with selective noncatalytic reduction technology shall:
1. Establish the maximum charge rate, the minimum secondary chamber temperature, and the minimum reagent flow rate as site specific operating parameters during the initial performance test to determine compliance with the emissions limits;
2. Following the date on which the initial performance test is completed ensure that the affected facility does not operate above the maximum charge rate, or below the minimum secondary chamber temperature or the minimum reagent flow rate measured as 3-hour rolling averages (calculated each hour as the average of the previous three (3) operating hours) at all times. Operating parameter limits do not apply during performance tests.
3. Except as provided in § 39.11(N) of this Part, operation of the affected facility above the maximum charge rate, below the minimum secondary chamber temperature, and below the minimum reagent flow rate simultaneously shall constitute a violation of the NOX emissions limit.
N. The owner or operator of a HMIWI may conduct a repeat performance test within thirty (30) days of violation of applicable operating parameter(s) to demonstrate that the affected facility is not in violation of the applicable emission limit(s). Repeat performance tests conducted for this purpose shall be conducted under the identical operating parameters that indicated a violation under §§ 39.11(J) through (M) of this Part.
O. The owner or operator of a HMIWI using an air pollution control device other than a dry scrubber followed by a fabric filter; a wet scrubber; or a dry scrubber followed by a fabric filter and a wet scrubber; or selective noncatalytic reduction technology to comply with the applicable emission limits in § 39.9 of this Part, shall:
1. As part of the performance test protocol required in § 39.11(B) of this Part, the owner or operator must submit to the Director for approval site-specific operating parameters to be monitored during the initial performance test and continuously thereafter. The following information must be included in the submittal:
a. A description of the facility, including the devices controlled with the air pollution control device;
b. The proposed operating parameters to be monitored; and
c. Technical data and information demonstrating that the operating parameters submitted to be monitored are sufficient for monitoring operation of the alternative air pollution control device.
2. The owner or operator shall not conduct the initial performance test until after the performance test protocol has been approved by the Director.
3. Compliance with operating parameters shall be determined as follows:
a. During the initial performance test, establish maximum and minimum values for each of the operating parameters approved by the Director as site-specific operating parameters; and
b. Following the date on which the initial performance test is completed or is required to be completed, ensure that the HMIWI does not operate above any of the applicable maximum operating parameters or below any of the applicable minimum operating parameters, measured as three (3) hour rolling averages (calculated each hour as the average of the previous three (3) operating hours) at all times except during periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction. Operating parameter limits do not apply during performance tests. Operation above the established maximum or below the established minimum operating parameter(s) shall constitute a violation of that operating parameter(s).
P. The owner or operator of a HMIWI may conduct a repeat performance test at any time to establish new values for the operating parameters. The Department may request a repeat performance test at any time. All stack testing must be observed by the Office of Air Resources or its authorized representatives to be considered acceptable.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-39.11

Amended effective 12/26/2018