Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-120-05-19.10 - Recordkeeping and ReportingA. Recordkeeping 1. The owner or operator of a coating operation subject to this regulation shall maintain records of information sufficient to determine compliance with the applicable requirements of this regulation, including at minimum the following information for each calendar month for each coating line or operation and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five (5) years: a. The name, description (coating category) and amount used of each coating, on each coating line or operation;b. The type and amount of solvent used for diluents and cleanup operations;c. The mass of VOC per volume of each coating minus water and exempt compounds (excluding water), as applied, used each month on each coating line or operation.d. A Safety Data Sheet, a Certified Product Data Sheet or equivalent for each coating, diluent or cleaning solvent used.2. The owner or operator of a coating unit complying by the means of daily-weighted averaging shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each coating unit and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five (5) years:a. The name and identification number of each coating, as applied, on each coating unit,b. The mass of VOC per volume coating (excluding water) and the volume of each coating (excluding water), as applied, used each day on each coating unit,c. The daily-weighted average VOC content of all coatings, as applied on each coating unit calculated according to the procedure in, § 19.13(D) of this Part,d. The type and amount of solvent used for diluents and cleanup operations.3. The owner or operator of a coating line or operation complying by means of add-on control equipment shall in addition to the recordkeeping requirements in § 19.10(A) of this Part maintain the following:a. A log of operating time for the capture system, control device, monitoring equipment, and the associated coating line or operation;b. A maintenance log for the capture system, control device, and monitoring equipment detailing all routine and non-routine maintenance performed including dates and duration of any outages;c. For condensers: (1) Design inlet temperature of cooling medium and design exhaust gas temperature.d. For thermal incinerators: (1) Design combustion temperature;(2) All three-hour periods of operation in which the average combustion temperature was more than twenty-eight degrees Celsius (28ºC) or fifty degrees Fahrenheit (50ºF) below the average combustion temperature during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance, and,(3) The operating temperature.e. For catalytic incinerators: (1) Design exhaust gas temperature, design temperature rise across catalyst bed, anticipated frequency of catalyst change, and catalyst changes;(2) All periods where the temperature increase across the catalyst bed is less than eighty percent (80%) of the temperature increase recorded during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance, and,(3) The inlet and outlet temperatures and temperature rise across the catalyst bed.f. For carbon adsorbers: (1) Design pressure drop across the adsorber and design VOC concentration at breakthrough.(2) All three-hour periods of operation during which the average VOC concentration or reading of organics in the exhaust gases is more than twenty percent (20%) greater than the average exhaust gas concentration or reading measured by the organics monitoring device during the most recent determination of the recovery efficiency of the carbon adsorber that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance, and,(3) The pressure drop across the adsorber and the hydrocarbon levels for breakthrough.g. Results of compliance tests and associated calculations demonstrating a ninety percent (90%) overall reduction of VOC emissions from subject lines or reduction of emissions to the equivalent of the applicable VOC content limitations of § 19.7 of this Part as calculated on a solids applied basis. Overall reduction efficiency shall be calculated as the product of the capture efficiency and the control device destruction or removal efficiency. Testing shall be performed according to § 19.12 of this Part. Capture efficiency shall be determined by methods approved by the Department and EPA.B. Reporting 1. The owner or operator of a subject coating line or operation shall: a. Notify the Director of any record showing use of any non-complying coatings by sending a copy of such record to the Director within thirty (30) calendar days following that use;b. Notify the Director of any record showing noncompliance with the applicable daily weighted average requirements by sending a copy of the record to the Director within thirty (30) calendar days following the occurrence, and,c. Notify the Director of any record showing noncompliance with the applicable requirements for control devices by sending a copy of the record to the Director within thirty (30) calendar days following the occurrence.d. Notify the Director at least thirty (30) calendar days before changing the method of compliance.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-19.10
Amended effective 8/14/2019