240 R.I. Code R. 240-RICR-40-00-1.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 240-RICR-40-00-1.4 - Intake / Assessment / Notification
A. Parole permits are delivered by Parole Board staff to the Office of Parole Coordinator two (2) working days prior to release day. Permits are checked with the finalized release list two (2) working days prior to release.
B. Probation and Parole Officers pick up their assigned permits the day before affected offenders' release in order to obtain offenders' signatures and explain any special requirements.
1. Once the Probation and Parole Officer receives the assigned case, s/he will contact the offender and schedule an initial meeting.
2. During this first meeting, the Probation and Parole Officer will verify if the offender will be residing in a licensed nursing facility, licensed assisted living facility or housing for the elderly.
3. The Probation and Parole Officer shall ask the offender if the facility is aware of his/her status (parole). This information will be documented in the case file.
C. The RIDOC Counselor will have completed the Rhode Island Parole Risk Assessment prior to the offender's being seen by the Parole Board. The Parole Risk Assessment Instrument, which includes the following, will be incorporated into the inmate's case plan.
1. Prior felony convictions;
2. Parole/Probation status at admission;
3. Current offense;
4. History of violent/assault convictions/adjudications;
5. Current age;
6. Completed education;
7. Scored custody level;
8. Severity of discipline severity (last 24 months).
D. The Notification Letter for offenders being released on parole for any of the following offenses and the assigned risk level will be forwarded to the licensed nursing facility, licensed assisted living facility or housing for the elderly upon completion.
1. Murder
2. Voluntary manslaughter
3. Involuntary manslaughter
4. First degree sexual assault
5. Second degree sexual assault
6. Third degree sexual assault
7. Assault on person sixty (60) years of age or older.
8. Assault with intent to commit specified felonies (murder, robbery, rape, or burglary)
9. Felony assault
10. Patient abuse
11. Neglect or mistreatment of patients
12. First degree arson
13. Felony larceny
14. Robbery
15. A copy of the notification letter will be forwarded to the affected offender.
E. The Probation and Parole Officer will develop a case plan with the focus on assessment of risk and if there are any security or safety plans that need to be addressed based upon the following:
1. Parole risk assessment;
2. Terms and conditions of parole, including any special conditions;
3. Current offense;
4. Criminal history;
5. Employment (if applicable);
6. Housing
7. Substance abuse;
8. Mental health;
9. Family;
10. Criminal association.
F. If the offender states that s/he is residing or will be residing in a licensed nursing facility, licensed assisted living facility or housing for the elderly, the offender shall be informed of the following:
1. The facility director will be informed of the charge information and court disposition of the offender and;
a. that the offender is currently placed on parole;
b. of contact information (Probation and Parole Officer);
c. that site visits will occur;
d. of the need for contact person/telephone number at the facility;
e. of the assigned risk level;
f. of the recommendations of security or safety measures, if applicable.
2. The offender shall inform his/her Probation and Parole Officer of any change of address (condition of parole), including transfer to such a facility at any point during the course of supervision;
3. The Probation and Parole Officer shall complete the Notification Letter and forward the letter to the facility. The Officer shall maintain a copy in the case file. The Probation and Parole Officer should also make telephone contact with the facility following forwarding of the letter;
4. Notice (i.e., a copy of the Notification Letter) will also be forwarded to the appropriate State Regulatory Agency and State Long Term Care Ombudsman.

240 R.I. Code R. 240-RICR-40-00-1.4