230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-30-4.3

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-30-4.3 - General Provisions
A. Pari-Mutuel Tickets. A pari-mutuel ticket is evidence of a contribution to the pari-mutuel pool operated by the association and is evidence of the obligation of the association to pay to the holder thereof such portion of the distributable amount of the pari-mutuel pool as is represented by such valid pari-mutuel tickets. The association shall cash all valid winning tickets when such are presented for cash payment during the course of the meeting where sold, and for a specified period after the last Day of the Meeting.
1. To be deemed a valid pari-mutuel ticket, such tickets shall have been issued by a pari-mutuel ticket machine operated by the association and recorded as a ticket entitled to a share of the pari-mutuel pool, and contain imprinted information as to:
a. The name of the association operating the meeting.
b. The name of the association conducting the Contest for which the pari-mutuel ticket is issued.
c. A unique identifying number or code.
d. Identification of the terminal at which the ticket was issued.
e. A designation of the Performance for which the wagering transaction was issued.
f. The Contest number for which the pool is conducted.
g. The type or types of wagers represented.
h. The number or numbers representing the Betting Interests for which the wager is recorded.
i. The amount or amounts of the contributions to the pari-mutuel pool or pools for which the ticket is evidence.
2. No pari-mutuel ticket recorded or reported as previously paid, canceled, or non-existent shall be deemed a valid pari-mutuel ticket by the association. The association may withhold payment and refuse to cash any pari-mutuel ticket not deemed valid.
B. Pari-Mutuel Ticket Sales. No pari-mutuel ticket may be sold on a Contest for which on a Contest for which wagering has already been closed and no association shall be responsible for ticket sales entered into but not completed by issuance of a ticket before the Totalisator is closed for wagering on such Contest.
1. Payment on winning pari-mutuel wagers shall be made on basis of the order of finish as purposely posted and declared "official." Any subsequent change in the order may result in the order of finish or award of purse money as may result from a subsequent ruling by the Stewards or Commission shall in no way affect the pari-mutuel Payoff. If an error in the posted order of finish or Payoff figures is discovered, the Official Order of Finish or Payoff prices may be corrected and an announcement concerning the changes shall be made to the public.
2. The association shall have no obligation to enter a wager into a betting pool if unable to do so due to equipment failure.
C. Payment for Errors. If an error occurs in the payment amounts for pari-mutuel wagers, which are cashed or entitled to be cashed; and as a result of such error the pari-mutuel pool involved in the errors is not correctly distributed among winning ticket holders, the following shall apply:
1. Verification is required to show that the amount of the commission, the amount in Breakage, and the and the amount in Payoffs is equal to the total gross pool. If the amount of the pool is more than the amount used to calculate the payoff, the underpayment shall be added to the corresponding pool of the next Contest. If underpayments are discovered after the close of the Meeting, the underpayment shall be held in the interest-bearing account approved by the Division until being added, together with accrued interest, to the corresponding pool of the next meet.
2. Any claim not filed with the association within 30 days, inclusive of the date on which the underpayment was publicly announced, shall be deemed waived; and the association shall have no further liability therefore.
3. In the event the error results in an overpayment to winning wagers, the association shall be responsible for such payment.
D. Display of Betting Information.
1. Approximate odds for win pool betting shall be posted on display devices within view of the wagering public and updated at intervals of not more than 90 seconds.
2. The probable Payoff or amounts wagered, in total and on each Betting Interest, for other pools (excluding exotic wagers involving three or more Betting Interests) shall be displayed to the wagering public at intervals and in a manner approved by the Division.
3. Official prices and Payoffs must be displayed upon each Contest being declared official.
E. Canceled Contests. If a Contest is canceled or declared "no contest," refunds shall be granted on valid wagers in accordance with these rules.
1. Authorized refunds shall be paid upon presentation and surrender of the affected pari-mutuel ticket.
F. Coupled Entries and Mutuel Fields. Contestants coupled in wagering as a Coupled Entry or Mutuel Field shall be considered part of a single Betting Interest for the purpose of price calculations and distribution of pools. Should any Contestant in a Coupled Entry or Mutuel Field be officially withdrawn or Scratched, the remaining Contestants in that Coupled Entry or Mutuel Field shall remain valid Betting Interests and no refunds will be granted. If all Contestants within a Coupled Entry or Mutuel Fields are Scratched then tickets on such Betting Interests shall be refunded, notwithstanding other provisions of these rules.
1. For the Purpose of price calculations only, Coupled Entries and Mutuel Fields shall be calculated as a single finisher, using the finishing position of the leading Contestant in that Coupled Entry or Mutuel Field to determine order of placing. This rule shall apply to all circumstances, including situations involving a Dead Heat, except as otherwise provided.
G. Closing of Wagering in a Contest. A Division representative shall verify the close of wagering for each Contest after which time no pari-mutuel tickets shall be sold for that Contest.
1. The association shall maintain, in good order, a system approved by the Division for closing wagering.
H. Emergency Situation. In the event of an emergency in connection with the pari-mutuel department not covered in these rules, the pari-mutuel manager representing the association shall report the problem to the Division representative and the association shall render a full report to the Division with 48 hours. The Division, at its discretion, may apply approved rules and regulations of jai alai, greyhound racing, or horse racing, or the Uniform Rules of Racing approved by the association of Racing and Commission International, in an event of an emergency not covered in these rules.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-30-4.3