230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-30-4.2

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-30-4.2 - Definitions, Constructions, Interpretations
A. In applying the rules and regulations as contained herein, including all amendments thereto, the following definitions, constructions and interpretations shall apply:
1. "Betting Interest" means one (1) or more Contestants in a pari-mutuel Contest which are identified by a single program number for wagering purpose.
2. "Breakage" means the Net Pool minus Payoff.
3. "Commission" means a regulatory agency with the authority to regulate racing and or jai alai in another state.
4. "Contest" means a competitive racing or jai alai event on which pari-mutuel wagering is conducted.
5. "Contestant" means each individual race horse, greyhound, or jai alai player or team, that participates in a Contest.
6. "Coupled Entry" means two (2) or more Contestants in a Contest that are treated as a single Betting Interest for pari-mutuel wagering purposes.
7. "Day" means the normal business day of the facility on which the licensee may conduct multiple programs.
8. "Dead Heat" means the finish of a race in which the noses of two (2) or more horses or greyhounds reach the finish line at the same time.
9. "Division" means the Division of Gaming & Athletics, Department of Business Regulation, or the State of Rhode Island.
10. "Game" means a contest between jai alai players or teams on which pari-mutuel wagering is permitted at any licensed fronton.
12. "Guest Association" means an association which offers licensed pari-mutuel wagering on Contests conducted by another association (the host) in either the same state or another jurisdiction.
13. "Handle" means the aggregate of all pari-mutuel pools, excluding wagers.
14. "Host Association" means an association conducting a licensed pari-mutuel Meeting from which authorized Contest or entire Performances are Simulcast.
15. "Inquiry" means an investigation by the Stewards of a foul before they declare the Contest official.
16. "Meeting" means the specified period and dates each year during which an association is authorized to conduct pari-mutuel wagering by approval of the Division.
17. "Minus Pool" means the situation when the amount of money to be distributed on winning wagers is in excess of the amount of money comprising the Net Pool.
18. "Mutuel Field" means two (2) or more Contestants in a Contest that are treated as a single Betting Interest for pari-mutuel wagering purposes because the number of Betting Interests exceeds the number that can be handled individually by the pari-mutuel system.
19. "Net Pool" means the amount of gross ticket sales less refundable wagers and statutory commissions.
20. "Objection" means a verbal claim of foul before the Contest is declared official.
21. "Official Order of Finish" means the order of finish of the Contestants in a Contest as declared official by the Stewards.
22. "Official Starter" means the official responsible for dispatching the horses or greyhounds for a Race.
23. "Official Time" means the Official Time for a Race shall be the period from the first horse or greyhound crosses the starting point until the first horse or greyhound crosses the finish line.
24. "Off Time" means the moment at which, on the signal of the Official Starter, the doors of the starting gate are opened, officially dispatching the horses or greyhounds in each Contest, or the moment of the first serve in a jai alai Game.
25. "Outstanding Ticket" means a winning or refundable pari-mutuel ticket which was not cashed during the Performance for which it was issued.
26. "Pari-Mutuel System" means the electro-mechanical or computerized system and all software (including the Totalisator and off-site betting equipment) that is used to record bets and transmit wagering data.
27. "Patron" means a member of the public present on the grounds of a pari-mutuel association during a Meeting for the purpose of wagering or to observe racing or jai alai.
28. "Payoff" means the amount of money paid to winning wagers.
29. "Performance" means a schedule of Contests conducted on the same Day as authorized by the Division.
30. "Permit" means an authorization by the Division to an association to conduct Simulcast or interstate common and pari-mutuel wagering or a Contest at a specified location.
31. "Post Position" means the pre-assigned position from which a horse or greyhound will leave the starting gate, or the position assigned to a jai alai player or team.
32. "Post Time" means the scheduled starting time for a Contest.
33. "Profit" means the Net Pool after deduction of the amount bet on the winners.
34. "Profit Split" means a division of profit amongst separate winning Betting Interests or winning betting combinations resulting in two (2) or more Payoff prices.
35. "Program" means according to the requirement text:
a. The published listing of all Contests and Contestants for a specific Program.
b. A schedule of Races or Games of either a matinee or evening Performance.
36. "Race" means a Contest between horses or greyhounds at a licensed Meeting on which pari-mutuel wagering is permitted.
37. "Result" means that part of the Official Order of Finish used to determine the pari-mutuel Payoff
38. "Scratch" means the act of withdrawing an entered horse or greyhound from a Contest after the closing of entries.
39. "Simulcast" means the live audio and visual transmission of a Contest to another location for pari-mutuel wagering purposes. The Contest must be sanctioned and/or licensed in the state of origin.
40. "Single Price Pool" means an equal distribution of profit to winning Betting Interests or winning betting combinations through a single Payoff price.
41. "Starter" means a horse or greyhound which becomes an actual Contestant in a Race by virtue of the starting gate opening in front of it upon dispatch by the Official Starter.
42. "Steward" means a duly appointed racing official with powers and duties specified by rules by the state of origin.
43. "Totalisator" means the system used for recording, calculating, and disseminating information on ticket sales, odds and Payoff prices to Patrons of a pari-mutuel wagering facility.
44. "Winner" means the horse or greyhound whose nose reaches the finish line first or a horse which is placed first through disqualification by the Stewards, or a jai alai player or team who first reaches the required number of points in a game.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-30-4.2