N.D. Admin. Code 43-02-13-24

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 43-02-13-24 - Reclamation of facilities

The plugging and reclamation of high-level radioactive waste facilities must comply with all applicable rules in chapter 43-02-03. Well bore must be filled with concrete or another plugging material approved by the commission from the top of the waste to the ground surface.

All buildings and infrastructure not used for either site monitoring or security must be removed. All disturbed lands must be reclaimed to a condition consistent with prior land use and productive capacity.

The exceptions to this is the area that contains signs or structures that are to be placed over the site to warn or dissuade future generations from occupying the surface, drilling into the subsurface, or disturbing the disposal wells, shafts, or chambers given the long-term nature of the high-level radioactive waste.

Upon final closure of the waste disposal site, both active and passive institutional controls must be implemented in and around the site. The means and the length of time that active institutional controls are maintained must be determined by the commission after consulting with the advisory council. The signs and structures comprising the passive institutional controls must be determined by the commission after consulting with the advisory council. Documents containing the location and depth of the waste, well construction, plugging and reclamation information, years of operation, half-lives of the radioactive waste, and other pertinent data must be permanently stored in the local, state, and national archives.

N.D. Admin Code 43-02-13-24

Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 2020-378, October 2020, effective 10/1/2020.

General Authority: NDCC 38-23-03

Law Implemented: NDCC 38-23-03