ItemNo. | Waters Index Number | Name | Description | Map Ref. No. | Class | Standards |
1 | 0-19 portion as described | Black River | Mouth to Watertown water plant intake including section of Black River south of Delano Island. | 6, 1 2, 7 | C | C |
2 | 0-19 portion as described | Black River | From Watertown water plant intake to a point 2 miles above eastern end of Huntington Island and including diversion to north of Huntington Island. | 7 | A | A |
3 | 0-19 portion as described | Black River | From a point 2 miles above eastern end of Huntington Island to Jefferson-Lewis county line at Carthage. | 7, 2 3, 8 | C | C |
4 | 0-19 portion as described | Black River | From Jefferson-Lewis county line at Carthage to trib. 81 (Moose River) entering from east at Lyons Falls. | 8, 9 15 | C | C |
5 | 0-19 portion as described | Black River | From trib. 81 (Moose River) to Herkimer-Oneida county line about 0.5 mile northeast of Enos. | 15, 19 20 | C | C(T) |
6 | 0-19 portion as described | Black River | From Herkimer-Oneida county line to P 1007 (North Lake) located immediately north and east of Atwell. | 20, 21 17 | C | C(T) |
7 | 0-19-1 and trib. 1 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from north about 1.0 mile east of Dexter. | 1 | C | C |
8 | 0-19-2 portion as described | Game Farm Brook or Trout Creek | Enters the Black River from the north about 1.5 miles east of Dexter and 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 1. Mouth to Game Farm Road. | 1 | C | C |
8.1 | 0-19-2 portion as described | Game Farm Brook or Trout Creek | From Game Farm Road to source. | 1 | C | C(TS) |
8.2 | 0-19-2-1 | Trib. of Game Farm Brook | 1 | C | C | |
9 | 0-19-3 | Philomel Creek | Enters the Black River from the northeast at Brownville. | 2 | C | C |
9.1 | 0-19-3-a, b, 1, 2, 3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and tribs. a-1, 1-1, 3d-1, 3d-2, 4-a, 4-b | Tribs. and subtribs. of Philomel Creek | 2 | C | C | |
10 | 0-19-4, 4-1, 1-a, 5, 6 and tribs. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter the Black River from the south at Brownville, the south and northeast at the western end of Watertown, respectively. | 2, 7 | C | C |
11 | 0-19-7 and all tribs. including P 393 | Cold Creek | Enters the Black River from the south at Huntingtonville, directly south of Delano Island. | 7 | C | C(T) |
12 | 0-19-8, 9 and trib. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter the Black River from the south and north, respectively, at the eastern end of Huntington Island. | 7, 2 | C | C |
13 | 0-19-10, 11 | Tribs. of the Black River | Enter the Black River from the southeast about 1.0 mile southwest and northeast, respectively, from the Village of Black River. | 2, 7 | C | C(T) |
14 | 0-19-12 portion as described | Deerlick Creek (Felts Mills Creek) | Enters the Black River from the southeast at Felts Mills. Entire length except for 0.25 mile stretch 1 mile above mouth. | 2, 3 | C | C(T) |
15 | 0-19-12 portion as described | Deerlick Creek (Felts Mills Creek) | 0.25 mile stretch 1 mile above mouth. This stretch frequently dry. | 2 | C | C |
15.1 | 0-19-12-a | Trib. of Deerlick Creek (Felts Mills Creek) | Entire stream. | 2, 3 | C | C(TS) |
16 | 0-19-12-1 | Trib. of Deerlick Creek (Felts Mills Creek) | Enters Deerlick Creek from the south about 3.2 miles upstream from mouth and 3.0 miles northwest of Champion. | 8 | C | C |
17 | 0-19-12-2 portion as described | Mill Creek | Enters Deerlick Creek from the southeast 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.5 miles northwest of Champion. Mouth to 0.5 mile below trib. 3 which enters from the east 2.4 miles upstream from the mouth and 3.0 miles west and slightly north of Champion. (Formerly known as Townsend Creek.) | 8 | C | C(T) |
18 | 0-19-12-2 portion as described | Mill Creek | From 0.5 mile below trib. 3 to source. (Formerly known as Townsend Creek.) | 8 | C | C |
19 | 0-19-12-3 | Trib. of Deerlick Creek (Felts Mills Creek) | Enters Deerlick Creek from the northeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.0 miles north and slightly east of Champion. | 8 | C | C |
20 | 0-19-12-3-1, 1-1 | Hadsall Creek | Enter trib. 3 of Deerlick Creek from the southeast 0.2 mile above mouth and 0.5 mile northwest of Champion Huddle. | 8 | C | C |
21 | 0-19-12-3-2 | Huddle Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Deerlick Creek from the southwest 2.4 miles above mouth and 1.3 miles northeast of Champion. | 8 | C | C |
22 | 0-19-12-4, 5, 6, 7 including P 393a, P 393b | Tribs. of Deerlick Creek (Felts Mills Creek) | Enter Deerlick Creek from the south, west, west and southwest, respectively, at distances of 2.0, 2.4, 2.9 and 3.2 miles upstream from trib. 3 in a semi-circular pattern to the north, west and south 0.5 mile from Champion. | 8 | C | C |
23 | 0-19-13, 14, 15 and trib. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from the southeast in a section of the stream from 1.5 miles upstream from trib. 12 (Deerlick Creek) to 0.5 mile west of Great Bend. | 3 | C | C |
24 | 0-19-16 and trib. | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from the southwest 1.0 mile southeast of Deferiet. | 3 | C | C(T) |
25 | 0-19-17 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from the south at Herring, 1.5 miles southeast of Deferiet. | 3 | C | C |
26 | 0-19-18 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from the north at Herring, 1.5 miles southeast of Deferiet. | 3 | C | C(T) |
27 | 0-19-P 394 | Unnamed pond | Located on Black River 2.5 miles southeast of Deferiet. | 3 | C | C |
28 | 0-19-19 and trib. | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southwest 1.4 miles upstream from P 394 and 2.0 miles northwest of Carthage. | 8 | C | C(T) |
29 | 0-19-20, 21 and trib. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from west and north, respectively, 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 19 and 1.0 mile northwest of Carthage. | 8 | C | C |
30 | 0-19-22 portion as described | Lake Creek | Enters Black River from southwest at southeastern side of West Carthage. Mouth to road from West Carthage to Deer River, about 0.7 mile upstream from mouth. | 8 | C | C |
31 | 0-19-22 portion as described | Lake Creek | From road connecting West Carthage with Deer River to P 395 (Pleasant Lake), located 1.7 miles south of Champion. | 8 | B | B |
32 | 0-19-22 portion as described | Lake Creek | From P 395 (Pleasant Lake) to source. | 8 | A | A |
33 | 0-19-22a, 1, 2, 3, 4 and trib. | Tribs. of Lake Creek | Enter Lake Creek from general southeasterly direction in section of stream from West Carthage to 1.0 mile northeast of Pleasant Lake. | 8 | C | C |
34 | 0-19-22-P 395 | Pleasant Lake | Located 1.7 miles south of Champion and 5.0 miles southwest of Carthage. | 8 | A | A |
35 | 0-19-23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and tribs., 28, 29, 30 and tribs. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River in a section beginning 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 22 (Lake Creek) and 1.0 mile southeast of Carthage and ending 3.8 miles upstream from trib. 22 and 1.7 miles northeast of the hamlet of Deer River. Tribs. 23 and 24 enter from the south, 25 and 26 from the northeast, 27 from the east, 28 from the west, 29 from the north and 30 from the east. | 8, 9 | C | C |
36 | 0-19-31 portion as described | Deer River | Enters Black River from the west 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 30 and 2.0 miles northeast of the hamlet of Deer River. Mouth to Copenhagen Water Plant Intake. | 8 | C | C |
37 | 0-19-31 portion as described | Deer River | From Copenhagen Water Plant Intake to trib. 12 which enters Deer River from the south 2.0 miles south and slightly west of Copenhagen. | 8 | A | A |
38 | 0-19-31 portion as described | Deer River | From trib. 12 to P 402 (Sears Pond) located at Boyd, 2.5 miles northwest of Parkers. | 8, 7 14 | C | C |
39 | 0-19-31 portion as described | Deer River (Burlingham Creek) | From P 402 (Sears Pond) to trib. 35. | 14 | C | C(TS) |
39.1 | 0-19-31 portion as described | Deer River (Burlingham Creek) | From trib. 35 to source. | 14 | C | C(T) |
40 | 0-19-31-P 396 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Deer River at community of Deer River. | 8 | C | C |
41 | 0-19-31-1 and trib. | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the south 2.0 miles upstream from the mouth immediately west of the community of Deer River. | 8 | C | C |
42 | 0-19-31-P 397 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.5 mile west of community of Deer River. | 8 | C | C |
43 | 0-19-31-2 | Kidder Creek | Enters Deer River from the north 2.4 miles upstream from trib. 1 at Kings Falls. | 8 | C | C(T) |
44 | 0-19-31-3, 3a, 4, 5 and trib., 6, 7 and trib., 8 and tribs., 9 and trib. including P 398, 9a and trib., 9b | Tribs. of Deer River | Enter Deer River in the section beginning 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.5 miles northeast of Copenhagen and ending approximately 0.2 mile southwest of Copenhagen. P 398 is northwest of Copenhagen. | 8 | C | C |
45 | 0-19-31-P 399 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Deer River at Copenhagen. | 8 | C | C |
46 | 0-19-31-10, 11 and trib. | Tribs. of Deer River | Enter Deer River from the west and southeast, respectively, about 1.0 mile upstream from P 399 and 1.0 mile southwest of Copenhagen. | 8 | A | A |
47 | 0-19-31-12 and tribs. | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the south 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 11 and 1.8 miles south and slightly west of Copenhagen. | 8 | C | C(T) |
48 | 0-19-31-13 | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the northwest 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 12 and 2.0 miles southwest of Copenhagen. | 8 | C | C |
49 | 0-19-31-14 | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the west 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 1.5 miles east of Pinckney. | 8 | C | C(T) |
50 | 0-19-31-14-1 | Subtrib. of Deer River | Enters trib. 14 of Deer River from the northwest 0.4 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.2 miles east of Pinckney. | 8 | C | C |
51 | 0-19-31-15 and trib. | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the west 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 14 and 1.6 miles east and slightly south of Pinckney. | 8 | C | C |
52 | 0-19-31-16 | Cobb Creek | Enters Deer River from the southeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 15 and 1.9 miles east and slightly south of Pinckney. | 8 | C | C |
53 | 0-19-31-16-1 and trib. | Trib. of Cobb Creek | Enters Cobb Creek from the southeast 0.1 mile upstream from the mouth and 2.0 miles east and slightly south of Pinckney. | 8 | C | C |
54 | 0-19-31-16-2 portion as described | Mud Creek | Enters Cobb Creek from the southwest 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.5 miles southeast of Pinckney. Mouth to trib. 5. | 8 | C | C |
54.1 | 0-19-31-16-2 portion as described | Mud Creek | From trib. 5 to 0.3 mile upstream of trib. 8. | 8 | C | C(T) |
54.2 | 0-19-31-16-2 portion as described including P 400 | Mud Creek | From 0.3 mile upstream of trib. 8 to 0.7 mile upstream of trib. 10. P 400 is on Mud Creek immediately north of Lanesburg. | 8 | C | C(TS) |
54.3 | 0-19-31-16-2 portion as described | Mud Creek | From 0.7 mile upstream of trib. 10 to source. | 8, 14 | C | C(T) |
55 | 0-19-31-16-2-1 and tribs. 2, 2a, 3 | Tribs. of Mud Creek | Enter Mud Creek from the southwest, south, east and southeast, respectively, 0.9, 1.1, 2.7 and 3.0 miles upstream from the mouth. Trib. 1 enters 2.5 miles north of Bellwood, trib. 2 enters 2.2 miles north of Bellwood and trib. 3 enters 0.7 mile northeast of Bellwood. | 8 | C | C |
56 | 0-19-31-16-2-4 and trib. | Trib. of Mud Creek | Enters Mud Creek from the southeast 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 3 and 1.4 miles southeast of Bellwood. | 8 | C | C(T) |
57 | 0-19-31-16-2-5 and trib., 6 and trib. | Tribs. of Mud Creek | Enter Mud Creek from the southeast and north, respectively, 0.7 and 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 1.8 miles northeast of Gardners Corners. | 8 | C | C |
58 | 0-19-31-16-2-7 | Trib. of Mud Creek | Enters Mud Creek from the east immediately upstream from trib. 6 and 1.8 miles northeast of Gardners Corners. | 8 | C | C(T) |
59 | 0-19-31-16-2-8, 9 and trib., 10 | Tribs. of Mud Creek | Enter Mud Creek from the southeast, southeast and west in a section of the stream from 1.8 miles north of Lanesburg to 0.3 mile northwest of Lanesburg. | 8 | C | C |
60 | 0-19-31-16-2-11, 12 | Tribs. of Mud Creek | Enter Mud Creek from the southeast and southwest approximately 3.2 miles east of Parkers. | 14 | C | C |
61 | 0-19-31-16-3 and trib., 3a, 4, 5, 6 and trib. | Tribs. of Cobb Creek | Enter Cobb Creek from the southeast, northeast, east, southwest and southeast in a section of the stream from 2.0 miles northeast of Bellwood to 1.0 mile southwest of Windecker. | 8 | C | C |
62 | 0-19-31-17 and tribs. | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the west 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 16 (Cobb Creek) and 1.7 miles southeast of Pinckney. | 8 | C | C |
63 | 0-19-31-18 portion as described | Smith Creek | Enters Deer River from the southeast 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 17 and 2.5 miles northwest of Bellwood mouth to 0.5 mile upstream of trib. 2. | 8 | C | C(T) |
63.1 | 0-19-31-18 portion as described | Smith Creek | From 0.5 mile upstream of trib. 2 to 0.7 mile upstream of trib. 5. | 8 | C | C(TS) |
63.2 | 0-19-31-18 portion as described | Smith Creek | From 0.7 mile upstream of trib. 5 to source. | 8, 14 | C | C(T) |
64 | 0-19-31-18-1, 2, 3, 4 and trib., 5 | Tribs. of Smith Creek | Enter Smith Creek from the southeast and south in a section of the stream from 0.7 mile northwest of Bellwood to 0.7 mile east of Gardners Corners. | 8 | C | C |
65 | 0-19-31-18-6 and trib. | Trib. of Smith Creek | Enters Smith Creek from the south 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 5 and 1.0 mile east of Rector. | 8, 14 | C | C(T) |
67 | 0-19-31-20 and tribs. | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the south immediately upstream from trib. 19 and 2.8 miles northeast of New Boston. | 8 | C | C(T) |
68 | 0-19-31-21 | Lacey Creek | Enters Deer River from the south 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 20 and 2.0 miles northeast of New Boston. | 8 | C | C |
69 | 0-19-31-21-1 and trib. | Trib. of Lacey Creek | Enters Lacey Creek from the southeast 0.8 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.7 miles northeast of New Boston. | 8 | C | C(T) |
70 | 0-19-31-21-2, 3, 4 and tribs., 5 | Tribs. of Lacey Creek | Enter Lacey Creek from the southwest, south and southeast in a section of the stream from 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.6 miles east of New Boston to 0.4 mile south of Gardners Corners. | 8 | C | C |
71 | 0-19-31-22 and tribs. 22a and trib., 22b, 22c, 23 | Tribs. of Deer River | Enter Deer River between 1.0 and 2.6 miles upstream from trib. 21. | 8 | C | C |
72 | 0-19-31-P 401 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at New Boston 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 23. | 8 | C | C |
73 | 0-19-31-24 portion as described | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the southeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 23 and 0.2 mile south of New Boston. Mouth to trib. 5, which enters from the south 3.5 miles upstream from the mouth and 1.4 miles southeast of Montague. | 8 | C | C(T) |
74 | 0-19-31-24 portion as described | Trib. of Deer River | From trib. 5 to source. | 8 | C | C |
75 | 0-19-31-24-1 | Subtrib. of Deer River | Enters trib. 24 of Deer River from the southwest 0.8 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.0 mile south of New Boston. | 8 | C | C(T) |
76 | 0-19-31-24-2 and tribs., 3 | Subtribs. of Deer River | Enter trib. 24 of Deer River from the south 1.5 and 2.2 miles upstream from the mouth, respectively, and 0.7 mile north and 0.8 mile northeast of Montague. | 8 | C | C |
77 | 0-19-31-24-4, 5 | Subtribs. of Deer River | Enter trib. 24 of Deer River from the east and south 3.0 and 3.5 miles above the mouth, respectively, and 1.0 and 1.3 miles southeast of Montague. | 8 | C | C(T) |
78 | 0-19-31-24-6 | Subtrib. of Deer River | Enters trib. 24 of Deer River from the southeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 5, and 1.5 miles southeast of Montague. | 8 | C | C |
79 | 0-19-31-25 | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the southeast 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 24, and 3.6 miles southeast of Barnes Corners. | 7, 8 | C | C(T) |
80 | 0-19-31-26 | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the east 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 25, 1.5 miles west and slightly north of Montague and 4.3 miles southeast of Barnes Corners. | 7, 8 | C | C |
81 | 0-19-31-27 and tribs. | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the southeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 26, 1.2 miles west of Montague, and 4.4 miles southeast of Barnes Corners. | 7, 8 | C | C(TS) |
82 | 0-19-31-28 | West Branch Deer River (above trib. 5 Plumtree Creek) | Enters Deer River from the southwest 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 27, 1.5 miles west of Montague and 4.4 miles southeast of Barnes Corners. | 7, 13 14 | C | C(T) |
83 | 0-19-31-28-1 | Trib. of West Branch of Deer River | Enters West Branch of Deer River from the west 1.4 miles upstream from the mouth, 2.0 miles southwest of Montague and 5.0 miles southeast of Barnes Corners. | 7 | C | C(T) |
84 | 0-19-31-28-2 and trib. | Perige Creek | Enters West Branch of Deer River from the west 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 1, 2.5 miles southwest of Montague and 4.6 miles east of Worth Center. | 13, 14 | C | C(T) |
85 | 0-19-31-28-3 and trib. | McNeil Creek | Enters West Branch of Deer River from the east 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2, 2.6 miles southwest of Montague and 4.8 miles east of Worth Center. | 13, 14 | C | C(T) |
86 | 0-19-31-28-4, 5 | Tribs. of West Branch of Deer River | Enter West Branch of Deer river from southeast 1.4 and 2.2 miles upstream from trib. 3, respectively, and 1.7 and 2.0 miles southwest of Boyd. | 14 | C | C(T) |
87 | 0-19-31-28-6 | Trib. of West Branch of Deer River or Plumtree Creek | Enters West Branch of Deer River from the northeast 2.2 miles upstream from trib. 5 and 3.0 miles south of Boyd. | 14 | C | C |
88 | 0-19-31-29 | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the southwest 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 28 and 1.5 miles southwest of Montague. | 7, 8 | C | C(T) |
89 | 0-19-31-30 and tribs. | Trib. of Deer River | Enters Deer River from the east 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 29 and 1.3 miles southwest of Montague. | 8, 14 | C | C(TS) |
90 | 0-19-31-31 | Luther Creek | Enters Deer River from the south 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 30 and 1.5 miles northwest of Boyd. | 14 | C | C(T) |
91 | 0-19-31-P 402 | Sears Pond | Located 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 31 and immediately south of Boyd. | 14 | C | C(T) |
92 | 0-19-31-32 portion as described | Edick or Parker Creek | Enters Deer River at upstream end of P 402 (Sears Pond) from northeast 0.5 mile southeast of Boyd. Mouth to 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 2. | 14 | C | C(T) |
92.1 | 0-19-31-32 portion as described | Edick or Parker Creek | From 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 2 to trib. 2 (Mulligan Creek) which enters from trib. 1 and 1.5 miles northeast of Boyd. | 14 | C | C(TS) |
93 | 0-19-31-32 portion as described | Edick or Parker Creek | Trib. 2 to source. | 14 | C | C(T) |
94 | 0-19-31-32-1 | Trib. of Edick Creek or Parker Creek | Enters Edick or Parker Creek from southeast 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile east of Boyd. | 14 | C | C |
95 | 0-19-31-32-2 and tribs. | Mulligan Creek | Enters Edick or Parker Creek from southeast 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.5 miles northeast of Boyd. | 14 | C | C(TS) |
96 | 0-19-31-32-3, 4 and trib. | Tribs. of Edick or Parker Creek | Enter Edick or Parker Creek from northeast 0.2 and 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 2, respectively, and 1.5 and 1.0 miles northwest of Parkers. | 14 | C | C(TS) |
97 | 0-19-31-32-5 | Trib. of Edick or Parker Creek | Enters Edick or Parker Creek from south 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 4 at Parkers. | 14 | C | C |
98 | 0-19-31-32-P 403 | Parker Pond | Located on Edick or Parker Creek 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 5 and 1.4 miles southeast of Parkers. | 14 | C | C(T) |
99 | 0-19-31-32-6 | Trib. of Edick or Parker Creek | Enters Edick or Parker Creek from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from Parker Pond. | 14 | C | C(T) |
100 | 0-19-31-33, 34, 35 | Tribs. of Deer River or Burlingham Creek | Enter Deer River or Burlingham Creek from east, southwest and southwest, respectively, 1.4, 1.7 and 2.4 miles upstream from Sears Pond and in an area centering 1.5 miles southwest of Parkers. | 14 | C | C(T) |
101 | 0-19-31-36 | Trib. of Deer River or Burlingham Creek | Enters Deer River or Burlingham Creek from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 35 and 2.4 miles southerly of Parkers. | 14 | C | C |
102 | 0-19-32 and trib. | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 31 (Deer River) and 0.6 mile northwest of Blodgett Landing. | 8 | C | C |
103 | 0-19-33 | Stony Creek | Enters the Black River from southwest 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 32 and immediately southeast of Blodgett Landing. | 8 | C | C |
104 | 0-19-33-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 | Tribs. of Stony Creek | Enter Stony Creek in a section of the stream from 0.1 mile above mouth at Blodgett Landing to 3.0 miles southeast of Copenhagen. | 8 | C | C |
105 | 0-19-34 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southwest 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 33 (Stony Creek) and 2.2 miles northwest of Castorland. | 8 | C | C |
106 | 0-19-35 and tribs. | Swiss Creek | Enters Black River from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 34 and 2.0 miles northwest of Castorland. | 8, 9 | C | C |
107 | 0-19-36 and trib., 37 | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from southwest 0.4 and 1.1 miles, respectively, upstream from trib. 35 (Swiss Creek) and 1.5 and 1.2 miles northwest of Castorland. | 8 | C | C |
108 | 0-19-38 and tribs. | Potash Creek | Enters Black River from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 37 and 0.8 mile north of Castorland. | 8, 9 | C | C |
109 | 0-19-39 portion as described | Hufcut Creek | Enters Black River from southwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 38 (Potash Creek) and 0.5 mile northeast of Castorland. Mouth to trib. 2 (Cemetery Creek) which enters from west 1.8 miles above mouth and 1.3 miles south of Castorland. | 8 | C | C |
110 | 0-19-39 portion as described | Hufcut Creek | From trib. 2 (Cemetery Creek) to source. | 8 | C | C |
111 | 0-19-39-1 | Trib. of Hufcut Creek | Enters Hufcut Creek from northwest 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and immediately northeast of Castorland. | 8 | C | C |
112 | 0-19-39-2 portion as described | Cemetery Creek | Enters Hufcut Creek from west 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 1.1 miles south of Castorland. From mouth to 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 1. | 8 | C | C |
112.1 | 0-19-39-2 portion as described | Cemetery Creek | From 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 1 to trib. 2. | 8 | C | C(TS) |
112.2 | 0-19-39-2 portion as described | Cemetery Creek | From trib. 2 to Route 26 crossing. | 8 | C | C(T) |
112.3 | 0-19-39-2 portion as described | Cemetery Creek | From Route 26 crossing to source. | 8 | C | C |
113 | 0-19-39-2a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and tribs., 8, 9, 10, 11 and tribs., 12, 13 and tribs., 14, 15 | Tribs. of Hufcut Creek | Enter Hufcut Creek in a section beginning 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 (Cemetery Creek) and 1.5 miles south of Castorland, and extending to source located 1.5 miles northwest of Windecker. | 8 | C | C |
114 | 0-19-40 portion as described | Beaver River | Enters Black River from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 39 (Hufcut Creek) and 0.5 mile northeast of Castorland. Mouth to 1.0 mile below the upper dam in hamlet of Beaver Falls located between P 405 and P 406. | 8, 9 | C | C |
114.1 | 0-19-40 portion as described | Beaver River | From 1.0 mile below the upper dam in the hamlet of Beaver Falls to the upper dam. | 9 | C | C |
115 | 0-19-40 portion as described | Beaver River | Upper dam at hamlet of Beaver Falls located between P 405 and P 406 to Power Plant at High Falls located immediately below P 418 (High Falls Pond). | 9 | B | B |
116 | 0-19-40 portion as described | Beaver River | Power Plant at High Falls to dam at High Falls at downstream end of P 418 (High Falls Pond). | 9 | C | C |
117 | 0-19-40 portion as described | Beaver River | Dam at High Falls to trib. 21, which enters Beaver River from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from P 449 (Beaver Lake) and 0.2 mile east of Herkimer-Lewis County boundary. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
118 | 0-19-40 portion as described | Beaver River | From trib. 21 to dam at P 478 (Moshier Pond) located 2.2 miles upstream from trib. 21 and 3.8 miles east and slightly north of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C |
119 | 0-19-40 portion as described | Beaver River | Dam at P 478 (Moshier Pond) to dam at P493 (Stillwater Reservoir), located 3.0 miles upstream from dam at P 478 and at downstream end of Stillwater Reservoir. | 10 | C | C(T) |
120 | 0-19-40-a and tribs., b, c, d and tribs., 1 and tribs. | Tribs. of Beaver River | Trib. 1 (Widmeyer Creek) enters Beaver River from north 3.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile west of Beaver Falls. | 9 | C | C |
121 | 0-19-40-P 404, P 405 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located at Beaver Falls and 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 1 (Widmeyer Creek). | 9 | C | C |
122 | 0-19-40-2, 2a, 2b | Tribs. of Beaver River | Trib. 2 enters Beaver River at P 406 from 0.5 mile east of Beaver Falls and 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 1. | 9 | C | C |
123 | 0-19-40-P 406 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Beaver River immediately east of hamlet of Beaver Falls. | 9 | B | B |
124 | 0-19-40-3 portion as described | Black Creek | Enters Beaver River immediately east of hamlet of Beaver Falls. From mouth to Brewery Road Crossing. | 9 | C | C(T) |
124.1 | 0-19-40-3 portion as described | Black Creek | From Brewery Road Crossing to Erie Canal Road Crossing. | 9 | B | B(T) |
124.2 | 0-19-40-3 portion as described | Black Creek | From Erie Canal Road Crossing to source. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
125 | 0-19-40-3-1 and trib. | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from south 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 0.5 mile west of Croghan. | 9 | C | C |
126 | 0-19-40-3-2 | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from south 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.5 mile south of Croghan. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
127 | 0-19-40-3-2-1, 2 | Subtribs. of Black Creek | Enter trib. 2 of Black Creek from southeast and southwest, respectively, 1.0 and 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.7 and 2.2 miles south of Croghan. | 9 | C | C(T) |
128 | 0-19-40-3-2-3 | Subtrib. of Black Creek | Enters trib. 2 of Black Creek from east 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 3.0 miles south of Croghan. | 9 | C | C |
129 | 0-19-40-3-3 portion as described | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from east 1.8 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 2.0 miles southeast of Croghan. Mouth to trib. 1 which enters trib. 3 of Black Creek from east 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles southwest of Kirschnerville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
130 | 0-19-40-3-3 portion as described | Trib. of Black Creek | From trib. 1 to source. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
131 | 0-19-40-3-3-1 and trib. | Subtrib. of Black Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Black from east 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles southwest of Kirschnerville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
132 | 0-19-40-3-3-2 | Subtrib. of Black Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Black Creek from north 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles southwest of Kirschnerville. | 9 | D | D |
132.1 | 0-19-40-3-3-3, including P 407, 4 | Subtribs. of Black Creek | Enter trib. 3 of Black Creek from northeast and east, respectively, 0.6 and 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile southwest and 0.6 mile south of Kirschnerville, respectively. P 407 is located at Kirschnerville on upstream end of trib. 3 of trib. 3 of Black Creek. | 9 | C | C |
133 | 0-19-40-3-P 408 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black Creek 1.8 miles southwest of Kirschnerville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
134 | 0-19-40-3-4, 5 | Tribs. of Black Creek | Enter Black Creek from southwest and southeast 1.5 and 1.7 miles upstream from P 408 and approximately 2.2 miles south of Kirschnerville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
135 | 0-19-40-3-6, P 408a, P 408b, P 408c, 7 including P 408d, P 408e, P 408f | Tribs. of Black Creek | Enter Black Creek from northeast and south 1.4 and 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 5, respectively, and 2.2 and 2.8 miles southeast of Kirschnerville. Ponds P 408a, P 408b, and P 408c are located on Black Creek between tribs. 6 and 7. Ponds P 408d, P 408e and P 408f are located on trib. 7 of Black Creek. | 9 | C | C |
136 | 0-19-40-3-8 and trib. | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from north 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 2.4 miles northeast of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C(T) |
137 | 0-19-40-3-9, P 408g, P 408h, P 408i | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from southwest 2.4 miles upstream from trib. 8 and 4.0 miles northeast of Crystal Dale near Petries Mill. Ponds located on Black Creek between tribs. 8 and 10. | 9 | C | C |
138 | 0-19-40-3-10 | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from east 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 9 and immediately southwest of Petries Mill. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
139 | 0-19-40-3-10-1 | Subtrib. of Black Creek | Enters trib. 10 of Black Creek from southeast 0.1 mile above mouth and 0.3 mile southwest of Petries Mill. | 9 | C | C(T) |
140 | 0-19-40-3-10-1-1, P 408j, 2, 3, 4 | Subtrib. of Black Creek | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 10 of Black Creek from east 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile south of Petries Mill. | 9 | C | C |
141 | 0-19-40-3-P 409 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.9 mile southwest of Petries Mill and 3.6 miles northeast of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C |
142 | 0-19-40-3-P 410 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black Creek 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 10 at Petries Mill. | 9 | C | C(T) |
143 | 0-19-40-3-11 and trib., 12 and trib. | Tribs. of Black Creek | Enter Black Creek from northeast and east 0.5 and 1.5 miles, respectively, upstream from P 410 and 4.0 miles west and 3.0 miles slightly south of west from hamlet of Number Four. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
144 | 0-19-40-3-13, P 410a | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from south 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 12 and 2.8 miles southwest of hamlet Number Four. Pond (P 410a) located on Black Creek between tribs. 12 and 13. | 10 | C | C |
145 | 0-19-40-3-14 | Trib. of Black Creek | Enters Black Creek from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 2.5 miles southwest of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
146 | 0-19-40-4 portion as described | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from north 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 0.5 mile west of Croghan. Mouth to 1.0 mile upstream from mouth which is about 1.3 miles northwest of Croghan. | 9 | C | C(T) |
147 | 0-19-4 portion as described | Trib. of Beaver River | From 1.0 mile upstream from mouth to source. | 9 | C | C |
148 | 0-19-40-4-1, 1a, 2, 3 | Subtribs. of Beaver River | Enter trib. 4 of Beaver River from northwest, northwest, southeast and northwest, respectively, 0.1, 0.8, 1.7 and 1.8 miles upstream from mouth. Trib. 1 is about 0.6 mile west and slightly north of Croghan and both trib. 2 and trib. 3 are 1.8 miles northwest of Croghan. | 9 | C | C |
149 | 0-19-40-5, 6a and trib., 6 | Tribs. of Beaver River | Enter Beaver River from southeast, northwest and southeast, respectively, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 4 and at Croghan and 0.1 mile north and northeast of Croghan, respectively. | 9 | C | C |
150 | 0-19-40-P 411 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Beaver River between trib. 5 and trib. 6 immediately north of Croghan. | 9 | B | B |
151 | 0-19-40-7 portion as described | Murmur Creek | Enters Black River from east 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 1.0 mile northeast of Croghan. Mouth to trib. 3 (Sandy Creek) which enters Murmur Creek from northwest 0.3 mile west of Kirschnerville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
152 | 0-19-40-7 portion as described | Murmur Creek | Trib. 3 (Sandy Creek) to source. | 9, 10 | C | C(TS) |
153 | 0-19-40-7-1 | Trib. of Murmur Creek | Enters Murmur Creek from northeast 0.6 mile above mouth. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
153.1 | 0-19-40-7-2 | Trib. of Murmur Creek | Enters Murmur Creek from northeast 1.1 miles above mouth. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
154 | 0-19-40-7-P 412 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Murmur Creek 1.8 miles upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles east of Croghan. | 9 | C | C |
155 | 0-19-40-7-3 | Sandy Creek | Enters Murmur Creek from northeast 0.3 mile west of Kirschnerville. Mouth to P 413 (Croghan Reservoir) located 2.5 miles northeast of Kirschnerville and 2.0 miles southeast of Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
156 | 0-19-40-7-3 portion as described including P 413 | Sandy Creek | P 413 (Croghan Reservoir) to source, including P 413. | 9 | AA | AA(T) |
157 | 0-19-40-7-3-1 | Trib. of Sandy Creek | Enters Sandy Creek from north 0.5 mile downstream from P 413 (Croghan Reservoir) and 1.5 miles southeast of Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
159 | 0-19-40-7-3-3 | Trib. of Sandy Creek | Enters Sandy Creek from east at P 413 (Croghan Reservoir). | 9 | AA | AA(T) |
160 | 0-19-40-7-4, 5, 6 and trib., including P 414, 7 and trib., 8 | Tribs. of Murmur Creek | Enter Murmur Creek in section beginning 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 3 (Sandy Creek) and 0.6 mile east of Kirschnerville and extending to point 3.6 miles northwest of hamlet of Number Four and at New Bremen-Watson town line. P 414 is located on trib. 6, 2.5 miles east and slightly north of Kirschnerville and 0.7 mile northeast of Bush's Corners. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
161 | 0-19-40-7-P 415, P 416, P 417 | West Ponds | Located on Murmur Creek 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 6 and 1.0 and 1.5 miles upstream from trib. 8, respectively; and 0.7 mile southeast of Bush's Corners and in area 2.5 miles northwest of hamlet of Number Four. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
162 | 0-19-40-8 | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from northeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 7 (Murmur Creek) and in area 1.5 miles northeast of Croghan. | 9 | C | C |
162.1 | 0-19-40-9 | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from northwest 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 7 (Murmur Creek). | 9 | C | C(TS) |
163 | 0-19-40-P 418 | High Falls Pond | Located on Beaver River 1.5 miles west of Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
164 | 0-19-40-10 including P 422 | Balsam Creek | Enters Beaver River from north at north side of P 418 (High Falls Pond) 1.7 miles northwest of Belfort. P 422 is at source of Balsam Creek 3.5 miles north of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir). | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
165 | 0-19-40-10-1, 2, 3 and trib. | Tribs. of Balsam Creek | Enter Balsam Creek from north, southeast and southeast, respectively, 0.3, 1.6 and 2.6 miles upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles northwest, 1.7 miles north and 2.0 miles northeast, respectively, from Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
166 | 0-19-40-10-4 and trib. | Warner Creek | Enters Balsam Creek from southeast 1.5 miles upstream from trib. 3 and 2.6 miles northeast of Belfort. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
167 | 0-19-40-10-4-P 419 | Goose Pond | Located at source of Warner Creek 1.0 mile west of P 422 | 10 | C | C(T) |
168 | 0-19-40-10-4-P 420 | Meister Pond | Located 0.7 mile south and slightly west of P 419 (Goose Pond) and 3.3 miles northwest of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir). | 10 | C | C |
169 | 0-19-40-10-5 including P 421 | Trib. of Balsam Creek | Enters Balsam Creek from northwest 3.0 miles upstream from trib. 4 (Warner Creek) and 0.6 mile east and slightly south of P 420 (Meister Pond). P 421 is located at the source of this stream 0.8 mile south of P 419 (Goose Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
170 | 0-19-40-P 423 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Beaver River 1.0 mile upstream from P 418 (High Falls Pond) at Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
171 | 0-19-40-P 424 | Taylorville Pond | Located on Beaver River 0.8 mile upstream from P 423 and 1.0 mile east and slightly south of Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
172 | 0-19-40-P 425 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Beaver River 1.6 miles upstream from P 424 (Taylorville Pond) and 2.3 miles east of Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
173 | 0-19-40-P 426 | Effley Pond | Located on Beaver River beginning 0.7 mile upstream from P 425 and 2.8 miles east of Belfort. | 9 | C | C(T) |
174 | 0-19-40-P 427 | Unnamed pond | Pond located near south shore of P 426 (Effley Pond) 2.0 miles northeast of P 413 (Croghan Reservoir). | 9 | C | C(T) |
175 | 0-19-40-P 428 | Hogback Pond | Pond located near Beaver River 1.0 mile south of P 426 (Effley Pond) and 1.6 miles east of P 413 (Croghan Reservoir). | 9 | C | C(T) |
176 | 0-19-40-11 | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from south at southern shore of P 426 (Effley Pond) and 0.6 mile northeast of P 428 (Hogback Pond). | 9 | C | C |
177 | 0-19-40-12 and trib. | Sammys Creek | Enters Beaver River from north at upstream end of P 426 (Effley Pond) and 2.0 miles south of P 420 (Meister Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
178 | 0-19-40-12-P 429 | Snider Pond | Located at source of trib. 12 (Sammys Creek) and 1.0 mile north of P 431 (Soft Maple Pond). | 10 | C | C |
179 | 0-19-40-12-P 430 | Unnamed pond | Pond located near Sammys Creek 0.4 mile west of P 429 (Snider Pond) and 0.7 mile north of upstream end of P 426 (Effley Pond). | 9, 10 | C | C |
180 | 0-19-40-13 | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from south 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 12 (Sammys Creek) and 1.4 miles north and slightly west of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. | 10 | C | C(T) |
181 | 0-19-40-13-P 431 | Soft Maple Pond | Located on trib. 13 beginning 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile north of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. | 10 | C | C(T) |
182 | 0-19-40-13-P 432 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 13 1.2 miles upstream from P 431 (Soft Maple Pond) and 0.8 mile southeast of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. | 10 | C | C(T) |
183 | 0-19-40-14 | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from south at southern shore of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir) and 0.8 mile northeast of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. | 10 | C | C |
184 | 0-19-40-P 434 | Soft Maple Reservoir | Located on Beaver River beginning 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 13 and 3.7 miles northwest of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
185 | 0-19-40-15 | Fish Creek | Enters Beaver River from north at P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir) 1.5 miles northeast of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. | 10 | C | C(T) |
186 | 0-19-40-15-P 435 | Unnamed pond | Pond located near Fish Creek 0.7 mile north of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir) and 1.3 miles east and slightly south of P 429 (Snider Pond). | 10 | C | C |
186.1 | 0-19-40-15-a including P 435a, P 435b, P 435c, P 435d | Trib. of Fish Creek | Enters Fish Creek from east approximately 0.2 mile upstream from mouth. Ponds located west of Fish Creek and north of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir). | 10 | C | C |
187 | 0-19-40-15-1, 2, 3, and trib. | Tribs. of Fish Creek | Enter Fish Creek from east, west and northwest 0.6, 1.6 and 2.0 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth and 2.0, 3.0 and 3.4 miles northeast of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. | 10 | C | C(T) |
188 | 0-19-40-15-4 | Roaring Brook | Enters Fish Creek from southeast 2.2 miles upstream from mouth 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.2 miles northeast of P 429 (Snider Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
189 | 0-19-40-15-4-P 436 | Sand Pond | Located on Roaring Brook 3.0 miles upstream from mouth and 4.0 miles northeast of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir). | 10 | C | C(T) |
190 | 0-19-40-15-5, 6, 7, 8 | Tribs. of Fish Creek | Enter Fish Creek in a section of stream beginning at 1.0 mile upstream and ending 2.4 miles upstream from trib. 4 (Roaring Brook) and generally in an area 2.5 miles northwest of P 436 (Sand Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
191 | 0-19-40-16 and trib. | Silver Mine Creek | Enters Beaver River from northeast near upstream end of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir) and 1.6 miles northeast of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. | 10 | C | C(T) |
192 | 0-19-40-17 including P 437 | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from south 1.2 miles upstream from P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir) and 2.5 miles east and slightly south of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. P 437 is located at source of trib. 17, 2.6 miles southeast of intersection of town lines described above. | 10 | C | C(T) |
193 | 0-19-40-18 | Alder Creek | Enters Beaver River from north 1.5 miles upstream from trib. 17 and 1.3 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
194 | 0-19-40-18-1 | Trib. of Alder Creek | Enters Alder Creek from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
195 | 0-19-40-18-2 | Trib. of Alder Creek | Enters Alder Creek from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.2 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
196 | 0-19-40-18-2-1 | Subtrib. of Alder Creek | Enters trib. 2 of Alder Creek from northeast 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 2.7 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
197 | 0-19-40-18-2-1-P 438 | Ikes Pond | Pond located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 2 of Alder Creek and 3.0 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C |
198 | 0-19-40-18-2-2 | Subtrib. of Alder Creek | Enters trib. 2 of Alder Creek from east 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 3.4 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
199 | 0-19-40-18-2-2-P 439 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of trib. 2 of trib. 2 of Alder Creek and 3.5 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C |
200 | 0-19-40-18-2-P 440 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of trib. 2 of Alder Creek immediately north of P 439. | 10 | C | C |
201 | 0-19-40-18-3 | Trib. of Alder Creek | Enters Alder Creek from west 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.3 miles northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
202 | 0-19-40-18-3-P 441 | Crooked Lake | Located on trib. 3 of Alder Creek beginning 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 2.5 miles east of P 434 (Soft Maple Reservoir). | 10 | C | C(T) |
203 | 0-19-40-18-3-P 442 | McCabe Pond | Located at source of trib. 3 of Alder Creek and 0.4 mile upstream from P 441 (Crooked Lake). | 10 | C | C |
204 | 0-19-40-18-4 | Trib. of Alder Creek | Enters Alder Creek from north 1.7 miles upstream from trib. 3 at Herkimer-Lewis county line and 1.0 mile east and slightly south of P 442 (McCabe Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
205 | 0-19-40-18-5 | Pepperbox Creek | Enters Alder Creek from southeast 1.7 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 2.6 miles northeast of P 441 (Crooked Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
206 | 0-19-40-18-5-1, 2, 3 | Tribs. of Pepperbox Creek | Enter Pepperbox Creek from southwest, southeast and northeast 0.8, 1.0 and 2.2 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 2.4, 2.7 and 3.0 miles southeast of P 436 (Sand Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
207 | 0-19-40-18-5-P 443 | Pepperbox Pond | Located at source of trib. 5 (Pepperbox Creek) 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 3.2 miles east and slightly south of P 436 (Sand Pond). | 10 | C | C |
208 | 0-19-40-18-6 | Trib. of Alder Creek | Enters Alder Creek from north 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 5 (Pepperbox Creek) and 1.7 miles west and slightly north of P 443 (Pepperbox Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
209 | 0-19-40-18-7 | Trib. of Alder Creek | Enters Alder Creek from northwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 1.3 miles east of P 436 (Sand Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
210 | 0-19-40-18-7-P 444 and P 445 | Spring Ponds | Ponds located at source of trib. 7 of Alder Creek 1.3 miles northeast of P 436 (Sand Pond). | 10 | C | C |
211 | 0-19-40-18-P 446 | Tied Lake | Located at source of Alder Creek 5.0 miles northeast of P 436 (Sand Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
212 | 0-19-40-18-P 447 and P 448 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located at source of Alder Creek immediately north of P 446 (Tied Lake). | 10 | C | C |
213 | 0-19-40-P 449 | Beaver Lake | Located on Beaver River beginning about 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 18 (Alder Creek) and 1.0 mile northeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | B | B(T) |
214 | 0-19-40-P 449-a and trib. | Slough Brook | Enters P 449 (Beaver Lake) from southeast near upstream end of lake and 1.5 miles east of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
215 | 0-19-40-P 449-2 | Trib. of Beaver Lake | Enters P 449 (Beaver Lake) from south 0.8 mile east of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
216 | 0-19-40-P 449-2-P 450 | Beaver Dam Pond | Located 0.2 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 2 of Beaver Lake and 1.0 mile east of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
217 | 0-19-40-P 449-2-P 450-1 | Trib. of Beaver Dam Pond | Enters P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond) from south 1.0 mile east and slightly south of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
218 | 0-19-40-P 449-2-P 450-2 | Trib. of Beaver Dam Pond | Enters P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond) from southwest on west shore of lake and 0.8 mile east and slightly south of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
219 | 0-19-40-P 449-2 P 450-2-P 451 | Francis Lake | Located at source of trib. 2 of Beaver Dam Pond and 1.0 mile south and slightly east of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
220 | 0-19-40-P 449-2 P 450-2-P 451-P 453 | Mirror Pond | Pond located immediately east of northeast shore of P 451 (Francis Lake) and 1.0 mile southeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C |
221 | 0-19-40-P 449-2-P 450-2-P 451-1 and trib. | Trib. of Francis Lake | Enters P 451 (Francis Lake) from east on eastern shore of lake and 1.2 miles southeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
222 | 0-19-40-P 449-2-P 450-2-P 451-1-P 452 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of trib. 1 of P 451 (Francis Lake) about 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles southeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C |
223 | 0-19-40-P 449-2-P 450-3 | Trib. of Beaver Dam Pond | Enters P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond) from west on western shore of pond 0.8 mile east of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
224 | 0-19-40-P 449-2-P 450-3-P 454 | Woodwardia Pond | Located 0.2 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 3 of Beaver Dam Pond and 0.6 mile east of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
225 | 0-19-40-P 449-3 | Trib. of Beaver Lake | Enters P 449 (Beaver Lake) from southwest 0.4 mile east and slightly north of hamlet of Number Four and 0.2 mile northwest of P 454 (Woodwardia Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
226 | 0-19-40-P 449-4 and tribs. | Beaver Meadow Brook | Enters P 449 (Beaver Lake) from northwest 0.7 mile northeast of hamlet of Number Four and 0.5 mile north of P 454 (Woodwardia Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
227 | 0-19-40-P 449-4-P P 455, P 455a | Unnamed ponds | Pond (P 455) located 1.5 miles west of hamlet of Number Four and 2.7 miles southeast of intersection of New Bremen-Croghan-Watson town lines. Pond (P 455a) located on Beaver Meadow Brook. | 10 | C | C |
228 | 0-19-40-19 | Three Mile Brook | Enters Beaver River from north 0.4 mile upstream from P 449 (Beaver Lake) and 2.0 miles east and slightly north of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
229 | 0-19-40-19-P 456 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Three Mile Brook 1.9 miles upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles southeast of P 441 (Crooked Lake). | 10 | C | C |
230 | 0-19-40-19-P 457 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Three Mile Brook 0.5 mile upstream from P 456 and 2.0 miles southeast of P 442 (McCabe Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
231 | 0-19-40-19-1, 2 | Tribs. of Three Mile Brook | Enter Three Mile Brook from north and southeast 0.1 and 0.2 mile upstream from P 457, respectively, and in an area 2.1 miles southeast of P 442 (McCabe Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
232 | 0-19-40-19-P 459 | Bear Pond | Located at source of Three Mile Brook 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.4 miles east of P 441 (Crooked Lake). | 10 | C | C |
233 | 0-19-40-19-P 458 | Unnamed pond | Pond located near Three Mile Brook 0.3 mile southeast of P 459 (Bear Pond) and 2.6 miles east of P 441 (Crooked Lake). | 10 | C | C |
234 | 0-19-40-20 portion as described | Sunday Creek | Enters Beaver River from southwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 19 (Three Mile Brook) and 2.1 miles east and slightly north of hamlet of Number Four. Mouth to trib. 2 (Lizard Spring Brook) which enters from east 2.6 miles upstream from mouth and 3.3 miles east of P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
235 | 0-19-40-20 portion as described | Sunday Creek | From trib. 2 to source at P 473 (Sunday Lake). | 10 | C | C |
236 | 0-19-40-20-P 460, P 461, P 462 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located in an area 0.1 mile south of Sunday Creek and 2.3 miles east of P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond). | 10 | C | C |
237 | 0-19-40-20-1 including P 462a and trib. P 462b, P 462c | Trib. of Sunday Creek | Enters Sunday Creek from east 0.7 mile downstream from trib. 2 (Lizard Spring Brook) and 2.8 miles east of P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond). Ponds are located on trib. 1 of Sunday Creek P 462a (Green Pond). | 10 | C | C |
238 | 0-19-40-20-1-P 463 and P 464 | Unnamed ponds | P 463 is located near source of trib. 1 of Sunday Creek and 3.4 miles east of P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond), and P 464, 0.2 mile east of P 463. | 10 | C | C |
239 | 0-19-40-20-2 portion as described | Lizard Spring Brook | Enters Sunday Creek from east 2.6 miles upstream from mouth and 3.3 miles east of P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond). From mouth 1.5 miles upstream. | 10 | C | C(TS) |
239.1 | 0-19-40-20-2 portion as described | Lizard Spring Brook | From 1.5 miles upstream of mouth to source. | 10 | C | C(T) |
240 | 0-19-40-20-2-P 465, P 466, P 467 and P 468 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located in an area 0.2 mile southeasterly of Lizard Spring Brook and 0.8 mile east of mouth of Lizard Spring Brook. | 10 | C | C |
241 | 0-19-40-20-2-1 | Trib. of Lizard Spring Brook | Enters Lizard Spring Brook from northwest 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 4.0 miles east of P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
242 | 0-19-40-20-2-2 | Trib. Lizard Spring Brook | Enters Lizard Spring Brook from south 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 4.1 miles east of P 450 (Beaver Dam Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
243 | 0-19-40-20-2-2- P 469 | Unnamed pond | Pond near trib. of Lizard Spring Brook located 0.1 mile east of trib. 2 of Lizard Spring Brook and 0.4 mile southeast of mouth of trib. 2. | 10 | C | C |
244 | 0-19-40-20-2-3 and tribs. | Trib. of Lizard Spring Brook | Enters Lizard Spring Brook from east 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 0.4 mile north of P 469. | 10 | C | C(T) |
245 | 0-19-40-20-2-P 470 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Lizard Spring Brook 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 0.8 mile northeast of P 469. | 10 | C | C(T) |
246 | 0-19-40-20-2-4 | Trib. of Lizard Spring Brook | Enters Lizard Spring Brook from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from P 470 and 0.9 northeast of P 469. | 10 | C | C |
247 | 0-19-40-20-2-4-P 471 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of Trib. 4 of Lizard Spring Brook 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles northeast of P 469. | 10 | C | C |
248 | 0-19-40-20-2-P 472 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.3 mile south of mouth of trib. 4 of Lizard Spring Brook and 0.8 mile east of P 469. | 10 | C | C |
249 | 0-19-40-20-P 473 | Sunday Lake | Located 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 2 (Lizard Spring Brook) and 2.9 miles east of P 451 (Francis Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
250 | 0-19-40-20-P 473-1 | Trib. of Sunday Lake | Enters P 473 (Sunday Lake) from east 0.6 mile southwest of mouth of Lizard Spring Brook. | 10 | C | C |
251 | 0-19-40-20-P 473-1-P 474 | Sunday Creek Reservoir | Located 0.4 mile upstream from P 473 (Sunday Lake) and 3.6 miles east of P 451 (Francis Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
252 | 0-19-40-20-P 473-1-P 474-1 including P 475 | Trib. of Sunday Creek Reservoir | Enters P 474 (Sunday Creek Reservoir) from east at northern shore 0.1 mile east of reservoir outlet. P 475 is located at source of this trib. 0.5 mile east of P 473 (Sunday Lake). | 10 | C | C |
253 | 0-19-40-20-P 473-1-P 474-2 and P 476, 3 and trib. | Tribs. of Sunday Creek Reservoir | Enter P 474 (Sunday Creek Reservoir) from east and southeast on east and south shores of lake 0.5 and 0.7 mile, respectively, southeast of P 473 (Sunday Lake). P 476 is located at source of trib. 2, 0.2 mile south of P 475. | 10 | C | C(T) |
254 | 0-19-40-20-P 473-2 including P 477a, P 477b, P 477 | Trib. of Sunday Lake | Enters P 473 (Sunday Lake) from south 0.8 mile southwest of mouth of Lizard Spring Brook. P 477 is located at source of this trib. and 0.2 mile south of P 473 (Sunday Lake). | 10 | C | C |
255 | 0-19-40-21 | Trib. of Beaver River | Enters Beaver River from northeast immediately upstream from trib. 20 (Sunday Creek) and 0.5 mile east and slightly north from upstream end of P 449 (Beaver Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
256 | 0-19-40-P 478 | Moshier Pond | Located on Beaver River beginning 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 21 and 3.8 miles northeasterly of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
257 | 0-19-40-22 portion as described | Moshier Creek | Enters Beaver River from northeast at P 478 (Moshier Pond) 3.0 miles north and slightly east of P 473 (Sunday Lake). Mouth to P 489 (Second Moshier Pond) located 2.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile east of P 443 (Pepperbox Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
258 | 0-19-40-22 portion as described | Moshier Creek | From P 489 (Second Moshier Pond) to source. | 10 | C | C |
259 | 0-19-40-22-a, 1 and trib., including P 479, P 480, P 480a, P 480b, P 480c, P 480d, 2a | Tribs. of Moshier Creek | Trib. 1 enters Moshier Creek from southeast 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles east of P 459 (Bear Pond). P 479 is located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 1, 2.2 miles southeast of P 459. P 480 (Cropsey Pond) is located at source of trib. 1, 0.6 mile northeast of P 479. P 480a, P 480b, P 480c and P 480d are located on trib. 1 between the mouth of trib. 1 and P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C |
260 | 0-19-40-22-2 including P 481 | Trib. of Moshier Creek | Enters Moshier Creek from north 0.9 mile north of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). P 481 is at source of this trib. 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile north of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C |
261 | 0-19-40-22-P 482 | First Moshier Pond | Located on Moshier Creek 1.1 miles north of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
262 | 0-19-40-22-3 | Trib. of Moshier Creek | Enters Moshier Creek from northeast at P 482 (First Moshier Pond) 1.1 miles north of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C |
263 | 0-19-40-22-3-a including P 483a, P 483, P 484b, including P 484a | Subtribs. of Moshier Creek | Ponds P 483a, P 483, P 484 are located on trib. 3 of Moshier Creek 0.5, 0.6 and 0.8 mile, respectively, upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles northeast of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C |
264 | 0-19-40-22-3-P 485 | Deer Pond | Pond located on trib. 3 of Moshier Creek 1.3 miles northeast of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C |
265 | 0-19-40-22-3-P 486 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 3 of Moshier Creek 0.1 mile upstream from P 485 (Deer Pond) and 0.1 mile downstream from P 487 (Sunshine Pond). | 10 | C | C |
266 | 0-19-40-22-3-P 487 | Sunshine Pond | Pond located on trib. 3 of Moshier Creek 0.3 mile northeast of P 485 (Deer Pond). | 10 | C | C |
267 | 0-19-40-22-3-P 488 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of trib. 3 of Moshier Creek 0.2 mile upstream from P 487 (Sunshine Pond). | 10 | C | C |
268 | 0-19-40-22-P 489 | Second Moshier Pond | P 489 (Second Moshier Pond) is located on Moshier Creek 0.2 mile upstream from P 482 (First Moshier Pond) and 0.7 mile west of P 485 (Deer Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
269 | 0-19-40-22-P 489-1 including P 490 | Trib. of Second Moshier Pond | Enters P 489 (Second Moshier Pond) from east 0.2 mile north of P 482 (First Moshier Pond). P 490 is located on trib. immediately upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile west of P 485 (Deer Pond). | 10 | C | C |
270 | 0-19-40-22-P 491 | Third Moshier Pond | Located on Moshier Creek 0.2 mile upstream from P 489 (Second Moshier Pond). | 10 | C | C |
271 | 0-19-40-22-P 492 | Duck Pond | Located at source of Moshier Creek 0.4 mile upstream from P 491 (Third Moshier Pond). | 10 | C | C |
272 | 0-19-40-P 493 | Stillwater Reservoir | At source of Beaver River beginning 2.6 miles upstream from trib. 22 (Moshier Creek) and 6.7 miles easterly of hamlet of Number Four. | 10, 11 | C | C(T) |
273 | 0-19-40-P 493-1 and trib. | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters western end of Stillwater Reservoir from northwest 1.5 miles east of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C |
274 | 0-19-40-P 493-2 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters western end of Stillwater Reservoir from north 1.6 miles east of P 480 (Cropsey Pond). | 10 | C | C |
275 | 0-19-40-P 493-2-P 494 | Shallow Pond | Located on trib. 2 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles southeast of P 485 (Deer Pond). | 10 | C | C |
276 | 0-19-40-P 493-2-1 including P 495 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 2 of Stillwater Reservoir from east 0.8 mile upstream from mouth at P 494 (Shallow Pond). P 495 is located at source of this trib. 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 10 | C | C |
277 | 0-19-40-P 493-2-P 496 | Raven Lake | Located on trib. 2 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.2 mile upstream from P 494 (Shallow Pond) and 1.0 mile southeast of P 487 (Sunshine Pond). | 10 | C | C |
278 | 0-19-40-P 493-2-1a, 2, 2a, P 496a | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Subtrib. 2 enters trib. 2 of Stillwater Reservoir from northwest at P 496 (Raven Lake) and 1.2 miles east of P 485 (Deer Pond). | 10 | C | C |
279 | 0-19-40-P 493-2-3 including P 497 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 2 of Stillwater Reservoir from northeast 0.4 mile upstream from P 496 (Raven Lake) and 0.2 mile downstream from P 498 (Lyon Lake). P 497 is at source of this trib. 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile northeast of P 496 (Raven Lake). | 10 | C | C |
280 | 0-19-40-P 493-2-P 498 | Lyon Lake | At source of trib. 2 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.6 mile upstream from and northeast of P 496 (Raven Lake). | 10 | C | C |
281 | 0-19-40-P 493-3 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters western end of Stillwater Reservoir from northeast 1.2 miles south of P 496 (Raven Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
282 | 0-19-40-P 493-3-P 499 | Slim Pond | At source of trib. 3 of Stillwater Reservoir 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 0.5 mile southeast of P 496 (Raven Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
283 | 0-19-40-P 493-4 portion as described | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters Stillwater Reservoir from northeast 3.0 miles north of peak of Stillwater Mountain. Mouth to P 500 (Evergreen Lake) which is located on trib. 1.2 miles southeast of P 496 (Raven Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
284 | 0-19-40-P 493-4 portion as described | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | From P 500 (Evergreen Lake) to source at P 501 which is 0.1 mile upstream from P 500. | 10 | C | C |
285 | 0-19-40-P 493-4-P 500 | Evergreen Lake | Located on trib. 4 of Stillwater Reservoir 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile southeast of P 496 (Raven Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
286 | 0-19-40-P 493-4-P 501 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of trib. 4 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.1 mile upstream from, and north of, P 500 (Evergreen Lake). | 10 | C | C |
287 | 0-19-40-P 493-5 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters northerly side of Stillwater Reservoir from northeasterly of peak of Stillwater Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
288 | 0-19-40-P 493-5-P 502 | Peaked Mountain Lake | Located at source of trib. 5 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.4 mile upstream from mouth, and 0.7 mile southeast of P 500 (Evergreen Lake). | 10 | C | C(T) |
289 | 0-19-40-P 493-6 portion as described | Wolf Creek | Enters northerly side of Stillwater Reservoir from north 4.3 miles west of hamlet of Beaver River. Mouth to P 515 (Dismal Pond) which is 3.8 miles upstream from mouth and 4.9 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
290 | 0-19-40-P 493-6 portion as described | Wolf Creek | From P 515 (Dismal Pond) to source at P 516 which is 0.5 mile upstream from, and west of, P 515. | 11 | C | C |
291 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-1 | Trib. of Wolf Creek | Enters Wolf Creek from northeast 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile east of P 505 (Hidden Lake or Hanks Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
292 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-1-1 including P 503 | Subtrib. of Wolf Creek | Enters trib. 1 of Wolf Creek from northeast 1.4 miles upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles south of P 504 (Hawk Pond). P 503 is at source of this trib. 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile south of P 504. | 11 | C | C(T) |
292.1 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-1-1-P 504a, P 504b, P 504c | Unnamed ponds. | Ponds located north of P 503 and southeast of P 504 (Hawk Pond). | 11 | C | C |
293 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-1-P 504 | Hawk Pond | Pond located at source of trib. 1 of Wolf Creek 4.4 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
294 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-2 | Trib. of Wolf Creek | Enters Wolf Creek from southwest 1.4 miles upstream from mouth and 0.2 mile east of P 505 (Hidden Lake or Hanks Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
295 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-2-P 505 | Hidden Lake or Hanks Pond | Pond located at source of trib. 2 of Wolf Creek 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 4.3 miles westerly of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
296 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-3, including P 505a, P 505b, P 505c | Trib. of Wolf Creek | Enters Wolf Creek from west 0.4 mile north of P 505 (Hidden Lake or Hanks Pond). | 11, 10 | C | C |
297 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-3-1 including P 506 | Subtrib. of Wolf Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Wolf Creek from southwest 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.5 mile northwest of P 505 (Hidden Lake or Hanks Pond). P 506 is at source of this trib. and 0.6 mile north of P 502 (Peaked Mountain Lake). | 11, 10 | C | C |
298 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-3-P 507 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 3 of Wolf Creek 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 0.1 mile downstream from P 508 (Ginger Pond). | 10 | C | C |
299 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-3-P 508 | Ginger Pond | Pond located on trib. 3 of Wolf Creek 0.9 mile north of P 502 (Peaked Mountain Lake). | 10 | C | C |
300 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-3-2 including P 509 | Subtrib. of Wolf Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Wolf Creek from southwest at northerly end of P 508 (Ginger Pond). P 509 is located at source of this trib. 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile west of P 508 (Ginger Pond). | 10 | C | C |
301 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-3-P 510 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 3 of Wolf Creek 0.1 mile upstream from P 508 (Ginger Pond) and 0.9 mile north of P 505 (Hidden Lake or Hanks Pond). | 11 | C | C |
302 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-3-P 511 | Soda Pond | Pond located at source of trib. 3 of Wolf Creek and 0.5 mile northwest of P 508 (Ginger Pond). | 10 | C | C |
303 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-4 including P 512 | Trib. of Wolf Creek | Enters Wolf Creek from northeast 1.2 miles north of P 505 (Hidden Lake or Hanks Pond). P 512 is at source of this trib. 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile south of P 515 (Dismal Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
304 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-5 portion as described | Trib. of Wolf Creek | Enters Wolf Creek from northwest 0.8 mile downstream from P 515 (Dismal Pond). Mouth to P 513 which is on this trib. 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles southwest of P 515. | 11 | C | C(T) |
305 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-5 portion as described including P 513 and P 514 | Trib. of Wolf Creek | From P 513 to source at P 514. P 514 is at source of trib. 5 of Wolf Creek and 0.8 mile southwest of P 515 (Dismal Pond). | 11, 10 | C | C |
306 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-P 515 and trib. | Dismal Pond | Pond located on Wolf Creek 4.9 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
307 | 0-19-40-P 493-6-P 516 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source Wolf Creek 0.5 mile upstream from, and west of, P 515 (Dismal Pond). | 11 | C | C |
308 | 0-19-40-P 493-7 | Red Horse Creek | Enters northerly side of P 493 (Stillwater Reservoir) from north 2.4 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
309 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-1 | Trib. of Red Horse Creek | Enters Red Horse Creek from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
310 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-1-1, 2 | Subtribs. of Red Horse Creek | Enter trib. 1 of Red Horse Creek from north and southeast 0.4 and 0.6 mile upstream from mouth, respectively. | 11 | C | C |
311 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 517 | Salmon Lake | On Red Horse Creek, 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 2.9 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
312 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-2 including P 519 and P 520 | Trib. of Red Horse Creek | Enters Red Horse Creek from east at P 517 (Salmon Lake) 3.2 miles northwesterly of hamlet of Beaver River. P 519 and P 520 are on this trib., 1.4 and 1.7 miles upstream from mouth and 1.0 and 1.2 miles east of P 517 (Salmon Lake), respectively. | 11 | C | C(T) |
313 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-2-1 | Subtrib. of Red Horse Creek | Enters trib. 2 of Red Horse Creek from east 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 0.1 mile east of P 517 (Salmon Lake). | 11 | C | C |
314 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-2-2 including P 518, 3 | Subtribs. of Red Horse Creek | Enter trib. 2 of Red Horse Creek from east and northwest 0.8 and 1.1 miles upstream from mouth and 3.0 and 3.3 miles north of hamlet of Beaver River, respectively. P 518 is located on trib. 2 of trib. 2 of Red Horse Creek, 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 3.0 miles north of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
315 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-3, 4 and trib. | Tribs. of Red Horse Creek | Enter Red Horse Creek from northeast and northwest at P 517 (Salmon Lake) 3.3 and 3.6 miles, respectively, northwesterly of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
316 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-5 including P 521 | Trib. of Red Horse Creek | Enters Red Horse Creek from east 0.3 mile upstream from P 517 (Salmon Lake). P 521 is located on this trib. 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 3.7 miles north of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
317 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-6 | Trib. of Red Horse Creek | Enters Red Horse Creek from east 0.6 mile upstream from P 517 (Salmon Lake). | 11 | C | C |
318 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-7 | Trib. of Red Horse Creek | Enters Red Horse Creek from southwest 0.9 mile upstream from P 517 (Salmon Lake) and 0.1 mile downstream from P 528 (Witchhopple Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
319 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-7-P 522, P 523 | Higby Twins | Ponds located on trib. 7 of Red Horse Creek, 0.4 and 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.6 mile to north of P 517 (Salmon Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
320 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-8 | Trib. of Red Horse Creek | Enters Red Horse Creek from northwest immediately downstream from P 528 (Witchhopple Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
321 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-8-P 524 | Mud Pond | Located on trib. 8 of Red Horse Creek 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles northeasterly of P 517 (Salmon Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
322 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-8-P 525 | Clear Lake | At source of trib. 8 of Red Horse Creek 1.2 miles north of P 528 (Witchhopple Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
323 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-8-P 525-1 including P 526 | Trib. of Clear Lake | Enters westerly side of P 525 (Clear Lake) from west. P 526 is located on this trib. 0.5 mile upstream from mouth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
324 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-8-P 525-2 | Trib. of Clear Lake | Enters westerly side of P 525 (Clear Lake) from northwest. | 11 | C | C(T) |
325 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-8-P 525-2-P 527 | Summit Pond | At source of trib. 2 of P 525 (Clear Lake) 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
326 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-8-P 525-3 | Trib. of Clear Lake | Enters easterly side of P 525 (Clear Lake) from east 1.7 miles north of P 528 (Witchhopple Lake). | 11 | C | C |
327 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528 | Witchhopple Lake | At source of Red Horse Creek 4.2 miles north of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
328 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1 | Trib. of Witchhopple Lake | Enters Witchhopple Lake from north 1.0 mile south of P 524 (Mud Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
329 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-1 | Subtrib. of Witchhopple Lake | Enters trib. 1 of Witchhopple Lake from north 0.6 mile upstream from mouth. | 11 | C | C |
330 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-2 | Subtrib. of Witchhopple Lake | Enters trib. 1 of Witchhopple Lake from northwest 1.1 miles upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile east of P 524 (Mud Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
331 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-3 | Subtrib. of Witchhopple Lake | Enters trib. 1 of Witchhopple Lake from east 0.9 mile east of P 524 (Mud Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
332 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-3-1 | Subtrib. of Witchhopple Lake | Enters trib. 3 of trib. 1 of Witchhopple Lake from south 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles east of P 524 (Mud Pond). | 11 | C | C |
333 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-4, 5 and trib. | Subtribs. of Witchhopple lake | Enter trib. 1 of Witchhopple Lake from northwest and north 0.9 and 0.1 mile, respectively, downstream from P 529 (Negro Lake) and 1.0 and 1.7 miles, respectively, northwesterly of P 524 (Mud Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
334 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-P 529 | Negro Lake | At source of trib. 1 of Witchhopple Lake, and 2.7 miles northwest of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
335 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-P 529-1 | Trib. of Negro Lake | Enters northerly side of Negro Lake from north 1.8 miles east of P 525 (Clear Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
336 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-P 529-1-1 | Subtrib. of Negro Lake | Enters trib. 1 of Negro Lake from north 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles east of P 525 (Clear Lake). | 11 | C | C |
337 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-1-P 529-2 | Trib. of Negro Lake | Enters Negro Lake from south 1.5 miles east of P 525 (Clear Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
338 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-2 | Trib. of Witchhopple Lake | Enters easterly end of Witchhopple Lake from northeast 1.1 miles southeast of P 524 (Mud Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
339 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-2-P 530 | Beaverdam Pond | At source of trib. 2 of Witchhopple Lake, 0.5 mile upstream from mouth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
340 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-2-P 530-1 | Trib. of Beaverdam Pond | Enters Beaverdam Pond from north 1.3 miles southeast of P 524 (Mud Pond). | 11 | C | C |
341 | 0-19-40-P 493-7-P 528-2-P 530-2 and trib. including P 531 | Trib. of Beaverdam Pond | Enters east end of Beaverdam Pond from east 1.6 miles southeasterly of P 524 (Mud Pond). P 531 is on this trib. 0.9 mile west of Hamilton-Herkimer county line. | 11 | C | C(T) |
342 | 0-19-40-P 493-8 including P 532 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters northerly side of stillwater Reservoir from southwest 1.7 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. P 532 is at source of this trib. 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
343 | 0-19-40-P 493-9 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters northerly side of Stillwater Reservoir from north 2.2 miles south of P 528 (Witchhopple Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
344 | 0-19-40-P 493-10 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters northerly side of Stillwater Reservoir from the northwest 1.8 miles southeasterly of P 517 (Salmon Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
345 | 0-19-40-P 493-10-1 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 10 of Stillwater Reservoir from the west 0.2 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.7 miles southeasterly of P 517 (Salmon Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
346 | 0-19-40-P 493-10-2 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 10 of Stillwater Reservoir from the northwest 0.3 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.5 miles south of P 534 (Little Rock Pond). | 11 | C | C |
347 | 0-19-40-P 493-11 and trib. | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters the northerly side of Stillwater Reservoir from the northwest 0.7 mile west of P 537 (Falls Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
348 | 0-19-40-P 493-12 including P 533 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters the northerly side of Stillwater Reservoir from the north 1.9 miles south of P 530 (Beaverdam Pond). P 533 is located on this trib. 0.3 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.6 miles south of P 530 (Beaverdam Pond.) | 11 | C | C(T) |
349 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-1 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir from the northwest 0.1 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.8 miles south of P 530 (Beaverdam Pond). | 11 | C | C |
350 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-2, 3, 4 and tribs. | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir from the southwest, northeast and west, 0.6, 0.6 and 0.9 mile, respectively, upstream from the mouth in a section of the stream from 1.3 to 1.2 miles south of P 530 (Beaverdam Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
351 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-5 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir from the northwest 1.2 miles upstream from the mouth and 0.9 mile south of P 530 (Beaverdam Pond). | 11 | C | C |
352 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-6 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir from the east 1.3 miles upstream from the mouth and 0.9 mile south of P 530 (Beaverdam Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
353 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-6-1 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 6 of trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir from the south 0.3 mile upstream from the mouth and 0.6 mile west of P 538 (Rock Lake). | 11 | C | C |
354 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-7 and trib. | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir from the northeast 0.4 mile south of P 530 (Beaverdam Pond). | 11 | C | C |
355 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-P 534 | Little Rock Pond | On trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.4 mile southeast of P 528 (Witchhopple Lake) and 3.9 miles north of the hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
356 | 0-19-40-P 493-12-P 535 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 12 of Stillwater Reservoir, 0.2 mile upstream from P 534 (Little Rock Pond) and 3.7 miles north of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
357 | 0-19-40-P 493-13 and trib. including P 536 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters northerly side of Stillwater Reservoir from the northeast 1.1 miles southwest of P 538 (Rock Lake). P 536 is located on the stream 0.3 mile upstream from the mouth and 0.9 mile southwest of P 538 (Rock Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
358 | 0-19-40-P 493-14 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters the easterly end of Stillwater Reservoir from the west 3.1 miles northeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
359 | 0-19-40-P 493-14 P 537 | Falls Lake | On trib. 14 of Stillwater Reservoir, 0.1 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.2 miles south of P 538 (Rock Lake). | 11 | C | C(T) |
360 | 0-19-40-P 493-15 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters easterly end of Stillwater Reservoir from the northwest 1.3 miles northwest of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
361 | 0-19-40-P 493-15-1 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 15 of Stillwater Reservoir from the southwest 0.1 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.4 miles northwest of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C |
362 | 0-19-40-P 493-15-2 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 15 of Stillwater Reservoir from the west 0.4 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.5 miles northwest of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
363 | 0-19-40-P 493-15-P 538 and tribs. | Rock Lake | At source of trib. 15 of Stillwater Reservoir, 2.2 miles northwest of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
364 | 0-19-40-P 493-15-P 538 and tribs. | Tribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter easterly end of Stillwater Reservoir from the north, northeast and north, respectively, 0.9 mile northwest, 0.8 mile northwest and 0.3 mile north of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
365 | 0-19-40-P 493-19 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters easterly end of Stillwater Reservoir from the east 0.3 mile north of Brandreth and 0.7 mile west of the Hamilton-Herkimer county line. | 11 | C | C(T) |
366 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539 | Nehasane Lake | At the source of trib. 19 of P 493 (Stillwater Reservoir) and 0.5 mile northeast of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
367 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-1 | Trib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from the north at southwesterly part of lake and 1.4 miles northeast of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
368 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-1-1 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 1 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from the north 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile northeast of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C |
369 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-1-2 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 1 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from the northwest 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 1 of trib. 1 and 1.1 miles north of Brandreth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
370 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2 | Trib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from the north at southwest portion of lake 1.5 miles southwest of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
371 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-1 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from the northeast 0.2 mile upstream from the mouth and 1.3 miles southwest of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
372 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-2 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from west 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.2 miles southwest of Partlow. | 11 | C | C |
373 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-3 including P 540 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from the northwest 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 0.8 mile southwest of Partlow. P 540 is located 0.3 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 3 and 0.9 mile southwest of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
374 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-3-1 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 3 of trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from north at P 540 and 1.0 mile southwest of Partlow. | 11 | C | C |
375 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-4, 5, 6 and trib. 7 and trib. | Subtribs. of Nehasane Lake | Enter trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from northwest, northeast, southwest and west in a section of the stream beginning 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 3 and ending 1.2 miles north of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
376 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-8 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | In forest preserve. Enters trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from east 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 1.2 miles north of Partlow. | 11 | ||
377 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-9 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 1.4 miles north of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
378 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-2-9-1 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 9 of trib. 2 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from the north 0.2 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 9 and 1.6 miles north of Partlow. | 11 | C | C |
379 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-3, 4 | Tribs. of Nehasane Lake | Enter P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from northwest and northeast at north central and northeasterly part of lake, respectively, and 1.1 miles south and 1.6 miles east of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
380 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5 | Trib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from northeast at northeast part of lake and 1.7 miles east of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
381 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-1 and tribs., 2 and tribs. | Subtribs. of Nehasane Lake | Enter trib. 5 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from west 1.3 and 1.6 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth and 2.6 and 2.8 miles northeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
382 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541 | Lake Lila | At source of trib. 5 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) and 3.0 miles northeast of Partlow. | 11, 4, 5, 12 | C | C |
383 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-1 | Trib. of Lake Lila | Enters P 541 (Lake Lila) at southwest portion of lake and 3.1 miles northeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
384 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-2 | Trib. of Lake Lila | Enters P 541 (Lake Lila) from west 0.1 mile south of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4, 11 | C | C(T) |
385 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3 | Trib. of Lake Lila | Enters P 541 (Lake Lila) from north central portion of lake 1.0 mile northeast of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
386 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3-P 542 | Harrington Pond | At source of trib. 3 of P 541 (Lake Lila) and 1.5 miles northeast of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
387 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3-P 542-1 | Trib. of Harrington Pond | Enters westerly side of P 542 (Harrington Pond) from west 1.5 miles northeast of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
388 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3-P 542-1-1 | Subtrib. of Harrington Pond | Enters trib. 1 of P 542 (Harrington Pond) from northwest 1.1 miles upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile northwest of the hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
389 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3-P 542-1-1-1 | Subtrib. of Harrington Pond | Enters trib. 1 of trib 1 of P 542 (Harrington Pond) from west 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles northwest of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
390 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3-P 542-1-1-P 543 | Schley Pond | Located on trib. 1 of trib. 1 of P 542 (Harrington Pond) and 1.7 miles northwest of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
391 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3-P 542-1-P 544 | Rainer Pond | At source of trib. 1 of P 542 (Harrington Pond) 1.4 miles northwest of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
392 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-3-P 542-2 | Trib. of Harrington Pond | Enters P 542 (Harrington Pond) from northeast and 1.7 miles northeast of hamlet of Nehasane. | 4 | C | C(T) |
393 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-4 and trib., P 545, P 546 | Trib. of Lake Lila | Enters P 541 (Lake Lila) from northwest at northeast portion of lake and 2.2 miles southeast of Robinwood. P 545 is located 1.6 miles upstream from mouth of trib. 4 and 1.2 miles southeast of Robinwood. P 546 is at source of trib. 4 and 1.4 miles southeast of Robinwood. | 5 | C | C(T) |
394 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-5, 6 | Tribs. of Lake Lila | Enter northeast portion of P 541 (Lake Lila) from north and east, respectively, 2.2 and 2.4 miles southeast of Robinwood. | 5 | C | C(T) |
395 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7 | Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters east end of P 541 (Lake Lila) from east 5.4 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12, 11 | C | C(T) |
396 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-1, 2 and tribs. | Tribs. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enter Shingle Shanty Brook from northeast 0.4 and 0.9 mile upstream from mouth, respectively, and 5.0 and 4.5 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12, 5 | C | C(T) |
397 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3 | Trib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters Shingle Shanty Brook from southwest 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 4.5 miles north-west of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
398 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 547 | Lilypad Pond | On trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook beginning 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 4.5 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
399 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 548 | Mud Pond | Located on trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook immediately upstream from P 547 (Lilypad Pond) and 3.9 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
400 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-1 | Subtrib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook from north at P 548 (Mud Pond) and 3.7 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
401 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 549 | Little Salmon Lake | On trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook 0.4 mile upstream from P 548 (Mud Pond) and 3.1 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
402 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-2 | Subtrib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook from northeast of P 549 (Little Salmon Lake) and 2.9 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
403 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-2-P 550 | Frank Pond | At source of trib. 2 of trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook, 2.8 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
404 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-3, 4, 5 | Subtribs. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enter trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook from southwest, southeast and southeast 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 mile upstream, respectively, from P 549 (Little Salmon Lake) and 2.7, 2.6 and 2.5 miles west of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
405 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-6 | Subtrib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook from northeast 1.0 mile upstream from P 549 (Little Salmon Lake) and 2.1 miles west of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
406 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-6-P 551 | Hardigan Pond | At source of trib. 6 of trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
407 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552 | Salmon Lake | At source of trib. 3 of Shingle Shanty Brook 1.5 miles west of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | A | A(T) |
408 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1 | Trib. of Salmon Lake | Enters P 552 (Salmon Lake) from southeast 0.8 mile southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
409 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-1 | Subtrib. of Salmon Lake | Enters trib. 1 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C |
410 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-P 553 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 1 of Salmon Lake 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
411 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-2 and tribs. | Subtrib. of Salmon Lake | Enters trib. 1 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from northeast at P 553 and 0.9 mile southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
412 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-3 including P 554 | Subtrib. of Salmon Lake | Enters trib. 1 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from east 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 0.9 mile southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. P 554 is at source of trib. 3 and 0.8 mile south of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
413 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-4, 5, 6 | Subtribs. of Salmon Lake | Enter trib. 1 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from southeast, south and southeast 0.4, 0.7 and 0.8 mile, respectively, upstream from trib. 3 and 1.1 miles southwest and 1.0 mile south of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
414 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-7 including P 555 | Subtrib. of Salmon Lake | Enters trib. 1 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from northeast 0.6 mile downstream from P 556 (Rob Pond) and 0.8 mile southeast of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. P 555 is at source of trib. 7, 0.8 mile southeast of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
415 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-P 556 | Rob Pond | At source of trib. 1 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) and 2.0 miles west of peak of Moose Pond. | 12 | C | C(T) |
416 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-1-P 554a and trib. | New Pond | Isolated pond south of P 556 (Rob Pond) 2.2 miles southwest of peak of Moose Pond Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
417 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-2 | Trib. of Salmon Lake | Enters P 552 (Salmon Lake) from southwest at southwest portion of lake 2.4 miles southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
418 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-2-1 | Subtrib. of Salmon Lake | Enters trib. 2 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from south 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
419 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-2-1-1, 2 including P 557 | Subtribs. of Salmon Lake | Enter trib. 1 of trib. 2 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from northeast and east 0.7 and 1.1 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth and 2.3 and 2.1 miles southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. P 557 is at source of trib. 2, 1.8 miles southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
420 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-2-1-P 558, P 559 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located on trib. 1 of trib. 2 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) 1.7 and 1.6 miles southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
421 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-2-2 | Subtrib. of Salmon Lake | Enters trib. 2 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) from west 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 3.1 miles southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
422 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-3-P 552-2-P 560 and tribs. | East Pond | At source of trib. 2 of P 552 (Salmon Lake) and 3.1 miles southwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
423 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-4 and trib. | Trib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters Shingle Shanty Brook from northwest 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 4.9 miles northwest of peak of Salmon Lake Mountain. | 12, 11 | C | C(T) |
424 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-5 and trib. | North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters Shingle Shanty Brook from southwest 2.5 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 3.5 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
425 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-5-1 and tribs., 2, 3 and trib. | Tribs. of North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook | Enter North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook from southeast, south and northeast 0.7, 1.0 and 1.1 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 3.1 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
426 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-5-4 | Trib. of North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook from southeast 0.7 mile and upstream from trib. 3 and 2.9 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
427 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-5-4-1 | Subtrib. of North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters trib. 4 of North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook from southeast 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
428 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-5-4-P 561 | Deer Pond | On trib. 4 of North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 3.7 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
429 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-6 and trib. | Trib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters Shingle Shanty Brook from south 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 5 (North Branch Shingle Shanty Brook) 3.8 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
430 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7 | Trib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters Shingle Shanty Brook from east 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 6 and 5.6 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
431 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-1 | Subtrib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters trib. 7 of Shingle Shanty Brook from south 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 5.4 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
432 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-1-P 562 | West Pond | At source of trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Shingle Shanty Brook and 4.8 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
433 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-1-P 562-1 | Trib. of West Pond | Enters P 562 (West Pond) from southwest at southwest end of pond and 5.3 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C |
434 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-2 | Subtrib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters trib. 7 of Shingle Shanty Brook from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 5.6 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
435 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-2-1 | Subtrib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Shingle Shanty Brook from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 5.2 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
436 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-2-P 563 | North Pond | At source of trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Shingle Shanty Pond 4.4 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
437 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-3, 4 | Subtribs. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enter trib. 7 of Shingle Shanty Brook from north and southeast 0.2 and 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 2, respectively, and 5.6 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
438 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-7-P 564 | Panther Pond | On trib. 7 of Shingle Shanty Brook 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 5.2 miles northwest of peak of Pilgrim Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
439 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-8 | Trib. of Shingle Shanty Brook | Enters Shingle Shanty Brook from southeast 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 7 and 4.5 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11, 12 | C | C(T) |
440 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-P 565 | Shingle Shanty Pond | At source of Shingle Shanty Brook 4.8 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
441 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-7-P 565-1 including P 565a | Trib. of Single Shanty Pond | Enters P 565 (Shingle Shanty Pond) from southeast at eastern part of pond and 4.9 miles southeast of Partlow. P 565a is at source of trib. 1 of P 565 (Shingle Shanty Pond) and 5.1 miles southeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
442 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-5-P 541-8 and trib., 9 | Tribs. of Lake Lila | Enters P 541 (Lake Lila) from southwest at southern portion of lake and 3.9 and 3.5 miles, respectively, northeast of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
443 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-6 and trib., 7 and tribs., 8 and tribs., 9 and tribs. | Tribs. of Nehasane Lake | Enter P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from northeast, east, southwest and southwest at northeast portion of lake and 2.3, 2.6, 1.9 and 1.5 miles, respectively, easterly and southeasterly of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
444 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-10 | Trib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from southeast at southwest portion of lake and 1.8 miles south of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
445 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-10-1 | Subtrib. of Nehasane Lake | Enters trib. 10 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from southwest 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 2.5 miles south of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
446 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-10-1-P 567 | Thayer Lake | At source of trib. 1 of trib. 10 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) and 3.0 miles southwest of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
447 | 0-19-40-P 493-19-P 539-10-2, 3 | Subtribs. of Nehasane Lake | Enter trib. 10 of P 539 (Nehasane Lake) from east 0.3 and 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 1, respectively, and 2.7 and 3.0 miles south of Partlow. | 11 | C | C(T) |
448 | 0-19-40-P 493-20 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southerly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from east 1.7 miles northeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
449 | 0-19-40-P 493-21 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southerly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southeast 1.5 miles northeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
450 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-1 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 21 (Stillwater Reservoir) from northeast 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 1.9 miles east of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
451 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-1-1 and trib., 2 | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 1 of trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir from south and southwest 1.2 and 2.4 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 3.0 and 3.9 miles northeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
452 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-1-P 568 | Rose Pond | Located on trib. 1 of trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 4.1 miles east of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
453 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-1-3, 4 and tribs. including P 569 | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 1 of trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir from northeast and southwest 0.1 mile upstream from P 568 (Rose Pond) and 4.6 miles east of hamlet of Beaver River. P 569 is located at source of trib. 4. | 11 | C | C(T) |
454 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-1-P 570 | Terror Lake | Located on trib. 1 of trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir 2.0 miles south of P 568 (Rose Pond) and 4.7 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
455 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-1-5 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest 0.1 mile upstream from P 570 (Terror Lake) and 4.0 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
456 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-2, 3, 4, 5 and trib. | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest, east, southeast and northwest in a section beginning 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.1 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River and extending to trib. 5 which is 2.9 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
457 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-6 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir from northeast 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 5 and 3.1 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
458 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-7, 8 and trib. | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest and east 0.2 and 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 6, respectively, and 3.1 and 3.3 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
459 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-P 571 | East Pond | On trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 3.6 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
460 | 0-19-40-P 493-21-9 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 21 of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest 0.3 mile upstream from P 571 (East Pond) and 4.1 miles southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
460.1 | 0-19-40-P 493-21a | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southerly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southeast approximately 1.1 miles northeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
461 | 0-19-40-P 493-22 and tribs., 23 | Tribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southerly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southeast 0.8 and 0.4 mile easterly of hamlet of Beaver River, respectively. | 11 | C | C(T) |
462 | 0-19-40-P 493-24 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southerly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest 0.3 mile southeast of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
463 | 0-19-40-P 493-24-1, 2, 3 and trib. | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 24 of Stillwater Reservoir from southeast, east and southeast 0.7, 1.3 and 1.6 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth and 0.8, 1.3 and 1.6 miles southwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C |
464 | 0-19-40-P 493-24-4, 5 and tribs. | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 24 of Stillwater Reservoir from southeast and west 1.2 and 1.3 miles, respectively, upstream from trib. 3 and 1.8 and 1.9 miles west of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
465 | 0-19-40-P 493-24-6 and tribs., including P 572 | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 24 of Stillwater Reservoir from east 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 3.3 miles southwest of hamlet of Beaver River. P 572 is at source of trib. 3 which enters from northeast 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles southwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
466 | 0-19-40-P 493-24-7 and trib., 8, 9 | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 24 (Stillwater Reservoir) from east, southwest and south 0.7, 1.2 and 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 6, respectively, and 2.3, 2.5 and 2.4 miles southwest of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
467 | 0-19-40-P 493-24-P 573 | Razorback Pond | Located at source of trib. 24 of Stillwater Reservoir 1.3 miles southwest of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
468 | 0-19-40-P 493-25, 26 and tribs. | Tribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southerly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southeast 1.0 and 1.2 miles, respectively, northwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
469 | 0-19-40-P 493-27 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southerly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest 2.2 miles west of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
470 | 0-19-40-P 493-27-1 and tribs. | Subtrib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters trib. 27 of Stillwater Reservoir from south 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 2.2 miles west of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
471 | 0-19-40-P 493-27-P 574 | Mud Lake | At source of trib. 27 of Stillwater Reservoir 3.1 miles southwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
472 | 0-19-40-P 493-28 | Camp Creek | Enters southwesterly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from northeast 5.0 miles northwest of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
473 | 0-19-40-P 493-29 | Big Creek | Enters southwesterly portion of Stillwater Reservoir south of trib. 28, 5.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
474 | 0-19-40-P 493-30 | Devil's Hole Creek | Enters southwesterly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from northeast 4.3 miles northwest of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
475 | 0-19-40-P 493-31 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southwesterly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southeast 5.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11 | C | C(T) |
476 | 0-19-40-P 493-31-P 575 | Cranberry Pond | Located on trib. 31 of Stillwater Reservoir 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 3.8 miles west of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
477 | 0-19-40-P 493-31-1, 2, 3 | Subtribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter trib. 31 of Stillwater Reservoir from northwest, southeast and northeast 0.6, 0.7 and 0.7 mile upstream from P 575 (Cranberry Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
478 | 0-19-40-P 493-32 | Twitchell Creek | Enters southwesterly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from south 5.1 miles west of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 10, 11 | C | C(T) |
479 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-1 portion as described | Birch Creek | Enters Twitchell Creek from southwest 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 5.0 miles west of peak of Twitchell Mountain. From mouth to 1.5 miles upstream. | 11, 10 | C | C |
479.1 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-1 portion as described | Birch Creek | From 1.5 miles upstream of mouth to source. | 11, 10 | C | C(TS) |
480 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-2 portion as described | Trib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters Twitchell Creek from northeast 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 1.5 miles south of P 575 (Cranberry Pond). Mouth to P 576 (Woods Lake) located 2.3 miles upstream from mouth and 2.7 miles west of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
481 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-2 portion as described | Trib. of Twitchell Creek | From P 576 (Woods Lake) to source. | 11 | C | C |
482 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-2-1 | Subtrib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters trib. 2 of Twitchell Creek from northeast 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles south of P 575 (Cranberry Pond). | 11 | C | C(T) |
483 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-2-P 576 | Woods Lake | Located on trib. 2 of Twitchell Creek 1.9 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.7 miles northwest of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
484 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-2-2, 3 | Subtribs. of Twitchell Creek | Enter trib. 2 of Twitchell Creek from northeast and north 0.2 and 0.3 mile, respectively, upstream from P 576 (Woods Lake) and 2.7 and 2.8 miles northwest of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
485 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-3, 4 and trib., 5, 6 and trib., 7, 8 | Tribs. of Twitchell Creek | Enter Twitchell Creek from southeast, southeast, northeast, south, south and southeast in a section of a stream beginning 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 2 and extending to trib. 8 which is 2.1 miles northwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
486 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-9 and tribs., including P 577 | Trib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters Twitchell Creek from north 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 1.5 miles northwest of hamlet of Big Moose. P 577 is located on trib. 9, 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles northwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
487 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-10, 11 | Tribs. of Twitchell Creek | Enters Twitchell Creek from south 0.1 and 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 9, respectively, and 1.5 and 1.4 miles northwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
488 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-12 | Trib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters Twitchell Creek from southeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 11 and 1.4 miles northwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
490 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-12-P 578 | Buck Pond | Located on trib. 12 of Twitchell Creek 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile northwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
491 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-13, 14 | Tribs. of Twitchell Creek | Enter Twitchell Creek from southeast and northwest 0.7 and 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 12, respectively, and 1.1 miles northwest and 1.2 miles north of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
492 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 579 | Snake Pond | Located on Twitchell Creek 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 14 and 1.2 miles north of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
493 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-15 including P 579a | Trib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters Twitchell Creek from northeast 0.6 mile upstream from P 579 (Snake Pond) and 1.5 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. P 579a is located on trib. 15 between mouth and P 580 (Silver Lake). | 11 | C | C |
494 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-15-P 580 and trib. | Silver Lake | At source of trib. 15 of Twitchell Creek 1.7 miles north of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
495 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16 | Trib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters Twitchell Creek from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 15 and 1.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
496 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-1 | Subtrib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek from east 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
497 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-1-1 | Subtrib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
498 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-1-2 | Subtrib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek from south 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.6 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
499 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-1-2-P 581 | Pocket Ponds | At source of trib. 2 of trib. 1 of trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek and 2.2 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
500 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-1-3, 4 | Subtribs. of Twitchell Creek | Enter trib. 1 of trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek from the northeast and north 0.7 mile and 1.1 miles upstream from the mouth, respectively, and 2.6 and 2.9 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
501 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-P 582 | South Pond | On trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 2.7 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
502 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-2 | Subtrib. of Twitchell Creek | Enters trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from P 582 (South Pond) and 3.2 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
503 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-16-P 583 | Jock Pond | At source of trib. 16 of Twitchell Creek and 2.3 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
504 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584 | Twitchell Lake | At source of Twitchell Creek 2.0 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | A | A(T) |
505 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584-1 | Trib. of Twitchell Lake | Enters westerly side of P 584 (Twitchell Lake) from northwest 1.2 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
506 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584-1-1 | Subtrib. Twitchell Lake | Enters trib. 1 of P 584 (Twitchell Lake) from southwest 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile south of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
507 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584-1-P 585 | Oswego Pond | Located on trib. 1 of P 584 (Twitchell Lake) 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile south of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
508 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584-1-2 and tribs., 3 | Subtribs. of Twitchell Lake | Enter trib. 1 of P 584 (Twitchell Lake) from northeast and northwest of P 585 (Oswego Pond) and 0.2 mile upstream from pond, respectively, and 0.5 and 0.6 mile south of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
509 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584-2 and trib. | Trib. of Twitchell Lake | Enters north end of P 584 (Twitchell Lake) from northwest 1.1 mile southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
510 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584-3 | Trib. of Twitchell Lake | Enters easterly side of P 584 (Twitchell Lake) from southeast and 1.2 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
511 | 0-19-40-P 493-32-P 584-3-P 586, P 587, P 588 and tribs. | Lily Pad Ponds | Series of ponds on trib. 3 of P 584 (Twitchell Lake) beginning 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain and extending to source. | 11 | C | C |
512 | 0-19-40-P 493-33 and trib., 34 | Tribs. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enter southwesterly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest 1.3 and 1.2 miles east of peak of Stillwater Mountain. | 10 | C | C |
513 | 0-19-40-P 493-35 | Trib. of Stillwater Reservoir | Enters southwesterly portion of Stillwater Reservoir from southwest 1.0 mile east of peak of Stillwater Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
514 | 0-19-41 | Capidon Creek | Enters Black River from northeast 2.5 miles northwest of hamlet of New Bremen and 3.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Beaver Falls. | 9 | C | C(T) |
515 | 0-19-42, 43, 43a, 44 and tribs. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from southwest, east, west and south in section of stream beginning 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 41 (Capidon Creek) and 2.4 miles northwest of hamlet of New Bremen and extending to trib. 44 which is 2.0 miles west of hamlet of New Bremen. | 9, 8 | C | C |
516 | 0-19-45 portion as described | Crystal Creek | Enters Black River from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 44 and 1.6 miles west of hamlet of New Bremen. From mouth to a point 0.5 mile downstream of P 590 at New Bremen. | 9 | C | C(T) |
516.1 | 0-19-45 portion as described | Crystal Creek | From a point 0.5 mile downstream of P 590 to P 590 at New Bremen. | 9 | A | A(T) |
516.2 | 0-19-45 portion as described | Crystal Creek | From P 590 to source. | 9 | C | C(T) |
517 | 0-19-45-P 589 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Crystal Creek 0.5 mile west of hamlet of New Bremen. | 9 | C | C(T) |
517.1 | 0-19-45-P 590 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Crystal Creek at hamlet of New Bremen. | 9 | A | A(T) |
518 | 0-19-45-1 | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from south 0.6 mile east of hamlet of New Bremen. | 9 | C | C |
519 | 0-19-45-2 | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from northeast 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 1.5 miles east of hamlet of New Bremen. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
519.1 | 0-19-45-3 | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from southeast, 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 1.5 miles east of hamlet of New Bremen. | 9 | C | C |
520 | 0-19-45-4 including P 591 | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from southeast 1.2 miles upstream from tribs. 2 and 3 and 2.6 miles east of hamlet of New Bremen. | 9 | C | C |
521 | 0-19-45-5 and tribs. including P 592 and P 593 | South Branch Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from southeast 1.3 miles upstream and trib. 4 and 1.4 miles north of Petries Corners. P 592 is located on trib. 5 (South Branch Crystal Creek) 0.1 mile east of Petries Corners; P 593 is located on trib. 5 (South Branch Crystal Creek) 0.6 mile southeast of Petries Corners. | 9 | C | C(T) |
522 | 0-19-45-6 and tribs., 7 | Tribs. of Crystal Creek | Enter Crystal Creek from south and southeast 0.5 and 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 5 (South Branch Crystal Creek) and 1.4 and 1.1 miles west of Crystal Dale, respectively. | 9 | C | C(T) |
523 | 0-19-45-8 and trib. | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 1.0 mile west of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C(T) |
524 | 0-19-45-9 | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from northeast 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 8 and 0.5 mile east of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C(T) |
525 | 0-19-45-10 portion as described | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 9 and 0.6 mile east of Crystal Dale. Mouth to Lowville water supply dam which is located 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 9 | C | C(T) |
526 | 0-19-45-10 portion as described | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Lowville water supply dam to source. | 9 | AA | AA(T) |
527 | 0-19-45-10-1 including P 594 | Subtrib. of Crystal Creek | Enters trib. 10 of Crystal Creek from southwest 0.2 mile upstream from mouth. P 594 is located on trib. 1, 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 9 | AA | AA(T) |
528 | 0-19-45-11 portion as described | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 10 and 0.7 mile east of Crystal Dale. Mouth to Lowville water supply dam which is located 0.9 mile upstream from mouth. | 9 | C | C |
529 | 0-19-45-11 portion as described | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Lowville water supply dam to source. | 9 | AA | AA |
530 | 0-19-45-11-1 portion as described | Subtrib. of Crystal Creek | Enters trib. 11 of Crystal Creek from southeast 1.3 miles southeast of Crystal Dale. Mouth to Lowville water supply dam which is located 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 9 | C | C |
531 | 0-19-45-11-1 portion as described | Subtrib. of Crystal Creek | Lowville water supply dam to source. | 9 | AA | AA |
532 | 0-19-45-12 | Trib. of Crystal Creek | Enters Crystal Creek from southeast 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 11 and 1.3 miles east of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C(T) |
533 | 0-19-45-P 595 | Crystal Lake | Located near the source of Crystal Creek and 3.0 miles northeasterly of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C |
534 | 0-19-46 and trib. | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 0.9 mile upstream from Crystal Creek and 1.7 miles southwest of hamlet of New Bremen. | 9 | C | C |
535 | 0-19-47 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from northwest 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 46 and 0.4 mile north of Dadville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
536 | 0-19-48 including P 595a, P 595b | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 47 and 0.3 mile northeast of Dadville. P 595a is located on trib. 48 approximately 1.0 mile upstream from mouth. P 595b is located southeast of P 595a and just west of Snell Road. | 9 | C | C |
537 | 0-19-49 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southwest 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 48 and east of Lowville. | 9 | C | C |
538 | 0-19-50 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southeast 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 49 and 1.4 miles north of hamlet of Watson. | 9 | C | C |
538.1 | 0-19-51 portion | Mill Creek | From mouth to N.Y.S. Routes 12 and 26 in Village of Lowville. | 9 | D | D |
539 | 0-19-51 portion and tribs. including P 595c, P 595d, P 595e and excluding trib. 4 | Mill Creek | Enters Black River from west 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 50 and 1.0 mile northeast of hamlet of Watson. Ponds are located in area near mouth of trib. 51. P 595c lies north of trib. 51 (Mill Creek) while P 595d and P 595e lie south of trib. 51. From N.Y.S. Routes 12 and 26 in Village of Lowville to source. | 9, 8 14 | C | C |
539.1 | 0-19-51-4 portion as described | Gulf Stream | From mouth to 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 5. | 9, 8 | C | C |
539.2 | 0-19-51-4 portion as described | Gulf Stream | From 0.5 mile downstream of trib. 5 to 0.5 mile upstream of trib. 5. | 8 | C | C(T) |
539.3 | 0-19-51-4 portion as described | Gulf Stream | From 0.5 mile upstream of trib. 5 to source. | 8, 14 | C | C |
540 | 0-19-52 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from northwest 0.6 mile upstream from Mill Creek and 0.7 mile west of hamlet of Watson. | 9 | C | C |
540.1 | 0-19-53 portion as described | Rainbow Creek | Enters Black River from northwest 1.4 miles upstream from Mill Creek and 0.4 mile south of hamlet of Watson. From mouth to 1.0 mile upstream. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
540.2 | 0-19-53 portion as described | Rainbow Creek | From 1.0 mile upstream of mouth to source. | 9 | C | C(T) |
541 | 0-19-54 and trib. | Hodge Creek | Enters Black River from north 2.7 miles upstream from trib. 53 between the hamlet of Watson and Bushes Landing. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
542 | 0-19-55 | Harvey Creek | Enters Black River from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from Hodge Creek and at Bushes Landing. | 9 | C | C(T) |
543 | 0-19-55-1 | Trib. of Harvey Creek | Enters Harvey Creek from northeast 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 0.2 mile northeast of Bushes Landing. | 9 | C | C(T) |
544 | 0-19-55-2 | Trib. of Harvey Creek | Enters Harvey Creek from southeast 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.9 mile northeast of Bushes Landing. | 9 | C | C |
545 | 0-19-55-3 | Trib. of Harvey Creek | Enters Harvey Creek from south 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.6 miles southwest of Petries Corners. | 9 | C | C(T) |
546 | 0-19-56 and tribs. | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 2.0 miles upstream from Harvey Creek and 0.9 mile northwest of Pine Grove. | 9 | C | C(T) |
547 | 0-19-57 portion as described | Independence River | Enters Black River from east 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 56 and 0.9 mile west of Pine Grove. From mouth to source except from Donnettburg Road Bridge downstream 0.5 mile. | 9, 15 10, 11 | C | C(T) |
548 | 0-19-57 portion as described | Independence River | From 0.5 mile downstream of Donnettburg Road Bridge upstream to Donnettburgh Road Bridge. | 15 | B | B(T) |
549 | 0-19-57-1 portion as described | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from northeast 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 2.4 miles east of East Martinsburg. From mouth to P 596, 0.4 mile upstream from mouth. | 15, 9 | C | C(T) |
549.1 | 0-19-57-1 portion as described | Trib. of Independence River | From P 596 to trib. 1. | 9 | C | C(TS) |
549.2 | 0-19-57-1 portion as described | Trib. of Independence River | From trib. 1 to source. | 9 | C | C(T) |
550 | 0-19-57-1-1 and trib., 2 and trib | Tribs. of trib. of Independence River | Enter trib. 1 of Independence River from northeast 1.4 miles west of hamlet of Chase Lake. | 9 | C | C(T) |
551 | 0-19-57-2 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from east 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.5 miles east of East Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C |
552 | 0-19-57-3 and trib. | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from east 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 2.4 miles east of East Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C(T) |
553 | 0-19-57-4 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence from northeast 0.7 mile southwest of hamlet of Chase Lake. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
554 | 0-19-57-4-P 597 | Chase Lake | Located on trib. 4 of Independence River 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 0.6 mile south of Sperryville. | 9 | A | A |
555 | 0-19-57-4-P 598 | Unnamed pond | Small pond located near P 597 (Chase Lake) and 0.3 mile east of hamlet of Chase Lake. | 9 | C | C |
556 | 0-19-57-4-P 599 | Little Parsons Pond | Located 0.3 mile east of P 597 (Chase Lake) and 1.0 mile southeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
557 | 0-19-57-4-P 600 | Parsons Pond | Located 0.5 mile east of P 597 (Chase Lake) and 1.2 miles southeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
558 | 0-19-57-4-P 601 | Calf Head Pond | Located 0.1 mile south of trib. 4 of Independence River and 1.1 miles southeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
559 | 0-19-57-4-P 602 | Chase Upper Lake | Located on trib. 4 of Independence River 1.3 miles southeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
560 | 0-19-57-4-1 | Subtrib. of Independence River | Enters trib. 4 of Independence River from north at P 602 (Chase Upper Lake) 1.4 miles southeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
561 | 0-19-57-4-1-P 603 | Inlet | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 4 of Independence River and 1.3 miles east of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
562 | 0-19-57-4-P 604 | Little Punky Pond | Located near trib. 4 of Independence River 1.6 miles southeasterly of Sperryville and 0.3 mile south of P 602 (Chase Upper Lake). | 9 | C | C |
563 | 0-19-57-4-P 605 | Hinchings Pond | Located near trib. 4 of Independence River 0.6 mile south of P 602 (Chase Upper Lake) and 1.9 miles southeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
564 | 0-19-57-P 606 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Independence River 0.5 mile northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
565 | 0-19-57-5 | Beaver Meadow Creek | Enter Independence River from northeast 1.2 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
565.1 | 0-19-57-5-P 614 | Fish Pond | Pond located on trib. 5 (Beaver Meadow Creek) approximately 1.7 miles upstream from mouth. | 9 | C | C |
566 | 0-19-57-5-P 607 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.1 mile south of Beaver Meadow Creek and 2.2 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
567 | 0-19-57-5-P 608 | Evies Pond | Located 0.4 mile north of Beaver Meadow Creek and 1.9 miles northeasterly of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
568 | 0-19-57-5-P 609 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.2 mile southwest of Beaver Meadow Creek and 2.3 miles northeasterly of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
569 | 0-19-57-5-P 610 | Long Lake | Located 0.4 mile southwest of Beaver Meadow Creek and 2.0 miles easterly of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
570 | 0-19-57-5-P 611 | West Spectacle Pond | Located 0.6 mile southwest of Beaver Meadow Creek and 1.9 miles easterly of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
571 | 0-19-57-5-P 612 | East Spectacle Pond | Located 0.5 mile southwest of Beaver Meadow Creek and 2.0 miles easterly of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
572 | 0-19-57-5-P 613 | Mehan Pond | Located 0.7 mile southwest of Beaver Meadow Creek and 2.0 miles east of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
573 | 0-19-57-5-1 | Trib. of Beaver Meadow Creek | Enters Beaver Meadow Creek from northeast 2.2 miles southwest of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
574 | 0-19-57-5-1-P 615 | North Pond | Located on trib. 1 of Beaver Meadow Creek 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles southwest of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
575 | 0-19-57-5-P 616 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Beaver Meadow Creek 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.8 miles southwest of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
576 | 0-19-57-5-P 617 | Stony Lake | At source of Beaver Meadow Creek 1.2 miles southwest of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
577 | 0-19-57-P 618 | Hopsicker Pond | Located 0.1 mile east of Independence River and 2.0 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
578 | 0-19-57-P 619 | Cleveland Lake | Located 0.2 mile northwest of Independence River and 2.0 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
579 | 0-19-57-P 620 | Payne Lake | Located 0.4 mile west of Independence River and 1.7 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
580 | 0-19-57-6, including P 620a, P 620b, P 620c, P 620d, P 620e, P 620f, P 620g, P 620h, P 620i | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from southwest 1.9 miles upstream from Beaver Meadow Creek and 2.6 miles northeast of Sperryville. Nine ponds located on trib. 6 of Independence River between mouth and P 622 (Huckleberry Lake). | 9 | C | C |
581 | 0-19-57-6-P 621 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.2 mile south of trib. 6 of Independence River and 2.7 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
582 | 0-19-57-6-P 622 | Huckleberry Lake | Located at source of trib. 6 of Independence River and 3.2 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9, 10 | C | C |
583 | 0-19-57-7 | Burnt Creek | Enters Independence River from north 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 2.8 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
584 | 0-19-57-7-1 and trib. | Trib. of Burnt Creek | Enters Burnt Creek from east 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 2.8 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9, 10 | C | C(T) |
585 | 0-19-57-7-P 623 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.3 mile west of Burnt Creek, 0.3 mile north of Cleveland Lake and 2.5 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
586 | 0-19-57-7-P 624 | Beach Millpond | Located on Burnt Creek 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 3.0 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C(T) |
587 | 0-19-57-7-P 625 | Halfmoon Lake | Located near Burnt Creek 0.3 mile east of P 624 (Beach Millpond) and 4.0 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9 | C | C |
588 | 0-19-57-7-2 and trib. | Trib. of Burnt Creek | Enters Burnt Creek from northeast at north end of P 624 (Beach Millpond) 4.0 miles northeast of Sperryville. | 9, 10 | C | C |
589 | 0-19-57-7-3 | Trib. of Burnt Creek | Enters Burnt Creek from northwest 0.7 mile upstream from P 624 (Beach Millpond) and 3.5 miles east of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C(T) |
590 | 0-19-57-7-3-1 | Subtrib. of Burnt Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Burnt Creek from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 3.4 miles east of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C(T) |
591 | 0-19-57-7-3-1-P 626 | Gourd Lake | At source of trib. 1 of trib. 3 of Burnt Creek 3.7 miles northeasterly of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C |
592 | 0-19-57-7-3-P 627 | Stewart Pond | At source of trib. 3 of Burnt Creek 3.3 miles easterly of Crystal Dale. | 9 | C | C |
593 | 0-19-57-7-4 | Trib. of Burnt Creek | Enters Burnt Creek from north 3.0 miles upstream from trib. 3 and 2.3 miles southwest of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(TS) |
594 | 0-19-57-7-5, 6 and trib. | Tribs. of Burnt Creek | Enter Burnt Creek from northeast 0.9 and 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 1.9 and 2.0 miles south of hamlet of Number Four, respectively. | 10 | C | C(T) |
595 | 0-19-57-7-7 | Trib. of Burnt Creek | Enters Burnt Creek from south 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 2.1 miles south of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
596 | 0-19-57-7-7-P 628 | Trout Pond | Located at source of trib. 7 of Burnt Creek and 2.4 miles south of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C(T) |
597 | 0-19-57-7-8 including P 629 | Trib. of Burnt Creek | Enters Burnt Creek from south 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 2.0 miles south of hamlet of Number Four. P 629 is located at source of trib. 8. | 10 | C | C(T) |
598 | 0-19-57-7-P 630 and trib. | Bills Pond | Pond located at source of Burnt Creek 2.3 miles southeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C |
599 | 0-19-57-8 and trib. | Second Creek | Enters Independence River from north 1.7 miles upstream from Burnt Creek and 2.2 miles west of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
600 | 0-19-57-9 | Third Creek | Enters Independence River from north 1.2 miles upstream from Second Creek and 1.1 miles northwest of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
601 | 0-19-57-9-1 portion as described | Pine Creek | Enters Third Creek from northwest 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles northwest of peak of Mt. Tom. Mouth to source. | 10 | C | C |
602 | 0-19-57-9-1-P 630a, P 630b, P 630c, P 630d, P 630e, P 630f, P 630g, P 630h, P 630i, P 630j, P 630k, P 630l, P 630m, P 630n, P 630o, P 630p | Unnamed ponds | Sixteen ponds located on Pine Creek. | 10 | C | C |
603 | 0-19-57-9-1-1, 2,3,4,5 | Tribs. of Pine Creek | Enter Pine Creek in a section from 1.2 miles to 5.7 miles upstream from mouth which extends from 1.2 miles northwest of peak of Mt. Tom to 3.2 miles southeast of hamlet of Number Four. | 10 | C | C |
604 | 0-19-57-9-P 631 | Mikes Pond | Located 0.5 mile northwest of Third Creek and 2.0 miles northerly of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
605 | 0-19-57-9-2 | Trib. of Third Creek | Enters Third Creek from north 2.3 miles upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
606 | 0-19-57-9-2-P 632 | Panther Pond | Located on trib. 2 of Third Creek 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
607 | 0-19-57-9-3 | Trib. of Third Creek | Enters Third Creek from northeast 1.7 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 3.3 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
608 | 0-19-57-10 portion as described | Fourth Creek | Enters Independence River from northeast 1.3 miles upstream from Third Creek and 0.4 mile northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. Mouth to trib. 3 (Fifth Creek) which enters from mouth and 2.4 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
609 | 0-19-57-10 portion as described | Fourth Creek | From trib. 3 (Fifth Creek) to source. | 10 | C | C(T) |
610 | 0-19-57-10-1 including P 633,2 | Tribs. of Fourth Creek | Enter Fourth Creek from north and northeast 0.7 and 1.5 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 1.1 and 1.8 miles northeast at peak of Mt. Tom. P 633 is at source of trib. 1 and 1.7 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
611 | 0-19-57-10-3 | Fifth Creek | Enters Fourth Creek from northeast 0.7 mile above trib. 2 and 2.4 miles northeasterly of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
612 | 0-19-57-10-3-1 including P 634,2 | Tribs. of Fifth Creek | Enter Fifth Creek from northeast 1.0 and 1.9 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 3.2 and 4.0 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. P 634 is located at source of trib. 1 and 3.6 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
613 | 0-19-57-10-3-P 635, P 635a, P 635b, P 635c, P 635d, P 635e, P 635f | Fifth Creek Pond and unnamed ponds | Fifth Creek Pond (P 635) located at source of Fifth Creek 5.4 miles southeast of hamlet of Number Four. Six unnamed ponds (P 635a through P 635f) are all located on Fifth Creek between mouth and Fifth Creek Pond (P 635). | 10 | C | C |
614 | 0-19-57-10-4 | Trib. of Fourth Creek | Enters Fourth Creek from southeast 0.7 mile upstream from Fifth Creek and 3.0 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
615 | 0-19-57-10-5 including P 636, P 637 and P 638 | Trib. of Fourth Creek | Enters Fourth Creek from northwest 1.7 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 4.6 miles northeast of peak of Mt. Tom. P 636, P 637 and P 638 are located on this trib. 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 mile upstream from mouth, respectively. | 10 | C | C(T) |
616 | 0-19-57-10-6 | Hitchcock Creek | Enters Fourth Creek from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 4.7 miles southwest of peak of Stillwater Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
617 | 0-19-57-10-6-1 | Trib. of Hitchcock Creek | Enters Hitchcock Creek from east 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles southwest of peak of Stillwater Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
618 | 0-19-57-10-6-P 639 | Hitchcock Lake | Located at source of Hitchcock Creek 1.0 mile southwest of peak of Stillwater Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
619 | 0-19-57-10-P 640 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.5 mile southeast of mouth of Hitchcock Creek and 0.1 mile north of Fourth Creek. | 10 | C | C |
620 | 0-19-57-10-7,8 | Tribs. of Fourth Creek | Enter Fourth Creek from northeast 1.4 and 2.8 miles upstream from Hitchcock Creek and 4.8 and 3.1 miles southwest of peak of Stillwater Mountain, respectively. | 10 | C | C(T) |
621 | 0-19-57-11, 12,13,14 | Tribs. of Independence River | Enter Independence River in a section beginning 1.5 miles upstream from Fourth Creek and 1.7 miles easterly of peak of Mt. Tom and ending 4.4 miles southeasterly of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
622 | 0-19-57-15 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 14 and 4.6 miles southeasterly of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
623 | 0-19-57-15-P 641 | Hitchcock Pond | Located at source of trib. 15 and 5.5 miles east of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C |
624 | 0-19-57-16 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from southwest 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 15 and 5.3 miles southeasterly of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
625 | 0-19-57-17 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from north 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 16 and 5.4 miles southeasterly of peak of Mt. Tom. | 10 | C | C(T) |
626 | 0-19-57-17-1 | Subtrib. of Independence River | Enters trib. 17 of Independence River from east 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile south of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
627 | 0-19-57-17-P 642 | Grass Pond | Located at source of trib. 17 and 0.4 mile east of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
628 | 0-19-57-18 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from northeast 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 17 and 1.6 miles southeast of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
629 | 0-19-57-18-1 | Subtrib. of Independence River | Enters trib. 18 of Independence River from northeast 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles east of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
630 | 0-19-57-18-2 | Subtrib. of Independence River | Enters trib. 18 of Independence River from northwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.6 miles east of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
631 | 0-19-57-18-2-P 643 | Moose Pond | Located at source of trib. 2 of trib. 18 of Independence River and 1.3 miles east of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
632 | 0-19-57-18-P 644 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 18 of Independence River 1.7 miles upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles northeast of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond). | 10 | C | C(T) |
633 | 0-19-57-19, 20,21 and trib. | Tribs. of Independence River | Enter Independence River from southeast, southeast and northeast 0.1, 1.0 and 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 18 and 1.6 miles southeast and 2.4 and 2.5 miles east of P 641 (Hitchcock Pond), respectively. | 10 | C | C(T) |
634 | 0-19-57-22 and tribs. including P 645 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from north 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 21 and 2.6 miles east of P 643 (Moose Pond). P 645 is located at source of trib. 22 and 4.3 miles south of hamlet of Big Moose. | 10, 11 | C | C(T) |
635 | 0-19-57-23 and trib., including P 646 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from south 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 22 and 5.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. P 646 is located at source of trib. 23 and 2.6 miles southeast of P 643 (Moose Pond). | 10, 11 | C | C(T) |
636 | 0-19-57-24 | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 23 and 4.9 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
637 | 0-19-57-25 portion as described | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 24 and 4.7 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. Mouth to P 647 (Independence Lake) located 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 4.6 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
638 | 0-19-57-25 portion as described | Trib. of Independence River | From P 647 (Independence Lake) to source. | 11 | AA | AA(T) |
639 | 0-19-57-25-P 647 | Independence Lake | Located on trib. 25 of Independence River and 4.4 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | AA | AA(T) |
640 | 0-19-57-26 and trib. 27,28 and trib. including P 648 and P 649 | Tribs. of Independence River | Enter Independence River from southeast, east and north in a section extending from 4.3 to 3.6 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. P 648 and P 649 are located on trib. 28, 1.1 and 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 3.1 and 3.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose, respectively. | 11 | C | C(T) |
641 | 0-19-57-29 including P 649a | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from east 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 29 and 3.3 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. P 649a (Doe Pond) is located at source of trib. 29. | 11 | C | C |
642 | 0-19-57-P 650 | Little Independence Pond | Located on Independence River 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 29 and 2.5 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
643 | 0-19-57-30, 31 | Tribs. of Independence River | Enter Independence River from southeast and northwest immediately upstream and 0.5 mile upstream from P 650 (Independence Pond), respectively, and 2.3 and 2.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C |
644 | 0-19-57-32 portion as described | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 31 and 1.8 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. Mouth to trib. 2 which enters from northeast 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
645 | 0-19-57-32 portion as described | Trib. of Independence River | From trib. 2 to source. | 11 | C | C |
646 | 0-19-57-32-1 | Subtrib. of Independence River | Enters trib. 32 of Independence River from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C |
647 | 0-19-57-32-2 | Subtrib. of Independence River | Enters trib. 32 of Independence River from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.2 miles southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
648 | 0-19-57-32-3 | Subtrib. of Independence River | Enters trib. 32 of Independence River from northwest 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.4 miles west of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C |
649 | 0-19-57-33 and tribs. | Trib. of Independence River | Enters Independence River from northeast 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 32 and 1.5 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
650 | 0-19-57-P 651 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of Independence River 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 33 and 1.5 miles southwest of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
651 | 0-19-58 portion as described | Roaring Brook | Enters Black River from west 1.2 miles east of East Martinsburg. Mouth to 1.0 mile upstream of trib. 3. | 15 | C | C |
651.1 | 0-19-58 portion as described | Roaring Brook | From 1.0 mile upstream of trib. 3 to P 655 (Alexander Pond) which is on Roaring Brook 1.3 miles north of Wetmore. | 15, 14 | C | C(T) |
652 | 0-19-58 portion as described | Roaring Brook | From P 655 (Alexander Pond) to source. | 14 | C | C(T) |
653 | 0-19-58-1,2 and tribs., 3 and trib. | Tribs. of Roaring Brook | Enter Roaring Brook from southwest, southwest and northwest 0.3, 0.6 and 1.3 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth and in a section of stream from 0.8 to 0.2 mile east of East Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C |
654 | 0-19-58-4 and tribs. 5 including P 652 | Tribs. of Roaring Brook | Enter Roaring Brook from south and northwest, 0.9 and 0.8 mile, respectively, southeast of hamlet of Martinsburg and 2.0 to 2.1 miles upstream from trib. 3. P 652 is located on trib. 5, 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.5 mile east of hamlet of Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C |
655 | 0-19-58-5-P 653 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.4 mile north of source of trib. 5 (Roaring Brook) and 0.6 mile north of hamlet of Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C |
656 | 0-19-58-6 portion as described | Atwater Creek | Enters Roaring Brook from south 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 0.2 mile southwest of Martinsburg. Mouth to trib. 1 | 15 | C | C(T) |
656.1 | 0-19-58-6 portion as described | Atwater Creek | From trib. 1 to Martinsburg water supply dam which is 1.6 miles upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles southwest of hamlet of Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C |
657 | 0-19-58-6 portion as described | Atwater Creek | From Martinsburg water supply dam to source. | 15, 14 | AA | AA |
658 | 0-19-58-6-1 | Trib. of Atwater Creek | Enters Atwater Creek from west just upstream from mouth in a section 0.2 mile southwest of hamlet of Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C(TS) |
658.1 | 0-19-58-6-2 | Trib. of Atwater Creek | Enters Atwater Creek from southwest 1.0 mile upstream from mouth in a section 1.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C |
659 | 0-19-58-6-3 portion as described | Trib. of Atwater Creek | Enters Atwater Creek from southwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.4 miles southwest of hamlet of Martinsburg. Mouth to Martinsburg water supply dam which is 0.3 mile upstream from mouth. | 15 | C | C |
660 | 0-19-58-6-3 portion as described | Trib. of Atwater Creek | From Martinsburg water supply dam to source. | 15, 14 | AA | AA |
661 | 0-19-58-6-4, 5 | Tribs. of Atwater Creek | Enter Atwater Creek from southeast 2.2 miles east of Wetmore. | 14 | AA | AA |
662 | 0-19-58-7, P 654, 9, 9a, 9b and trib., P 654a, P 654b, and tribs. 10, 10a, 10b, 11 and tribs., 11a | Tribs. of Roaring Brook | Enter Roaring Brook from west, northwest, south, north, southwest, south, northwest, southeast and north, respectively, in section of stream from 0.3 mile upstream from Atwater Creek to 0.2 mile downstream from P 655 (Alexander Pond) and extending from 0.2 mile northwest of Martinsburg to 1.6 miles northeast of Wetmore. P 654 is on Roaring Brook just northwest of hamlet of Martinsburg. | 15, 14 | C | C |
662.1 | 0-19-58-8 and trib. | Trib. of Roaring Brook | Enters Roaring Brook from west approximately 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 7. | 15 | D | D |
663 | 0-19-58-P 655 | Alexander Pond | Located on Roaring Brook 1.4 miles north of Wetmore. | 14 | C | C(T) |
664 | 0-19-58-12 | Trib. of Roaring Brook | Enters Roaring Brook at P 655 (Alexander Pond) from south 1.3 miles north of Wetmore. | 14 | C | C(T) |
665 | 0-19-58-13 | Trib. of Roaring Brook | Enters Roaring Brook from northwest just upstream from P 655 (Alexander Pond) and 1.5 miles north of Wetmore. | 14 | C | C(T) |
666 | 0-19-58-13-2 | Trib. of Roaring Brook | Enters trib. 13 of Roaring Brook from southwest 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 12, 0.7 mile northwest of Wetmore. | 14 | C | C(T) |
667 | 0-19-58-13a, P 655a, P 655b | Trib. of Roaring Brook | Enters Roaring Brook from south approximately 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 13. P 655a (Haber Pond) and P 655b are located on Roaring Brook in section between trib. 13a and trib. 15. | 14 | C | C |
668 | 0-19-58-14, 15,16,17 | Tribs. of Roaring Brook | Enter Roaring Brook from north, west, south and south, respectively, in a section of stream from 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 13 to source. This section extends from 1.8 miles northwest of Wetmore to 2.3 miles southeast of Parkers. | 14 | C | C(T) |
668.1 | 0-19-58a including P 655c, 58b, P 655d, P 655e, P 655f, P 655g, P 655h, P 655i, P 655j, P 655k, P 655l, P 655m, P 655n, P 655o, P 655p, P 655q | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from southwest and south approximately 0.1 mile and 0.2 mile, respectively, upstream from Roaring Brook and 2.0 miles north of Glendale. P 655c is located at source of trib. 58a. Fourteen unnamed ponds, P 655d through P 655q, are located in an area east of the mouth of Roaring Brook and north of the mouth of Whetstone Creek. | 15 | C | C |
669 | 0-19-59 portion as described | Whetstone Creek | Enters Black River from south 0.3 mile upstream from Roaring Brook and 2.1 miles north of Glenfield. Mouth to Route 12, which crosses Whetstone Creek at Glendale. | 15 | C | C |
670 | 0-19-59 portion as described | Whetstone Creek | Route 12 to Route 26 which crosses Whetstone Creek 2.2 miles south of hamlet of Martinsburg. | 15 | C | C(T) |
671 | 0-19-59 portion as described | Whetstone Creek | Route 26 to trib. 3 which enters from south 2.5 miles northeast of Page and 2.7 miles southeast of Wetmore. | 15, 14 | B | B(T) |
672 | 0-19-59 portion as described | Whetstone Creek | From trib. 3 to source. | 14 | C | C(T) |
673 | 0-19-59-1 and trib., 2 and trib. | Tribs. of Whetstone Creek | Enter Whetstone Creek from south and southeast, 1.8 miles north of Houseville and 2.9 miles southeast of Wetmore, respectively. | 15, 14 | C | C |
674 | 0-19-59-3,4 and tribs., 5,6 | Tribs. of Whetstone Creek | Enter Whetstone Creek from south, south, north and northwest, respectively, in a section of stream from 2.5 to 1.6 miles northeast of Page and 2.8 to 2.0 miles southeast of Wetmore. | 14 | C | C(T) |
674.1 | 0-19-59a | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southeast approximately 0.1 mile upstream from Whetstone Creek and 2.0 miles north of Glendale. | 15 | C | C |
675 | 0-19-60 | Otter Creek | Enters Black River from east 2.1 miles upstream from Whetstone Creek and 1.3 miles northeast of Glenfield. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
676 | 0-19-60-1, 2 | Tribs. of Otter Creek | Enter Otter Creek from southeast and east, 0.5 and 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 and 1.8 miles, respectively, east of Glenfield. | 15 | C | C(T) |
677 | 0-19-60-P 657 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.1 mile north of mouth of trib. 2 of Otter Creek and 1.9 miles east of Glenfield. | 15 | C | C |
678 | 0-19-60-3 and tribs. | Trib. of Otter Creek | Enter Otter Creek from northeast 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.7 miles southwest of Donnattsburg. | 15 | C | C(T) |
679 | 0-19-60-P 661 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Otter Creek 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.2 miles south of Donnattsburg. | 15 | C | C(T) |
680 | 0-19-60-P 658, P 659 | Wormwood Ponds | Located 1.6 and 1.5 miles north of Otter Creek and 1.2 and 1.3 miles, respectively, southeast of Donnattsburg. | 15 | C | C(T) |
681 | 0-19-60-P 660 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 2.2 miles north of Otter Creek and 1.1 miles east of Donnattsburg. | 15 | C | C |
682 | 0-19-60-4 including P 662a | Trib. of Otter Creek | Enters Otter Creek from southeast 2.4 miles upstream from P 661 and 1.7 miles north of Brantingham, P 662a (Pitcher Pond). | 15 | C | C(T) |
683 | 0-19-60-4-P 662 | Catspaw Lake | At source of trib. 4 of Otter Creek, 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles north of Brantingham. | 15 | C | C |
684 | 0-19-60-5 | Little Otter Creek | Enters Otter Creek from north 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 1.4 miles west of Partridgeville. | 15, 9 10 | C | C(T) |
685 | 0-19-60-5-P 663 | Sand Pond | Located 1.0 mile north of Little Otter Creek and 2.2 miles east of Donnattsburg. | 15 | B | B(T) |
686 | 0-19-60-5-1, 2 | Tribs. of Little Otter Creek | Enter Little Otter Creek from east and northeast 2.3 and 2.8 miles upstream from mouth and 3.6 and 3.8 miles, respectively, east of Donnattsburg. | 15, 16 10 | C | C(T) |
687 | 0-19-60-5-P 664 | Little Otter Lake | Located on Little Otter Creek 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 3.3 miles east of Donnattsburg. | 15 | C | C(T) |
688 | 0-19-60-5-P 664-P 664a | Florence Pond | Located near P 664 (Little Otter Lake). The exact location of this pond is not known. | 15 | C | C(T) |
689 | 0-19-60-6 including P 666 and P 668 | Crooked Creek | Enters Otter Creek from northeast 1.0 mile upstream from Little Otter Creek and 0.8 mile northwest of Partridgeville. P 666 is on Crooked Creek 0.5 mile west of peak of Buck Mountain. P 668 is on Crooked Creek 0.4 mile northeast of peak of Buck Mountain. | 15, 16 10 | C | C(T) |
690 | 0-19-60-6-1 | Little Pine Creek | Enters Crooked Creek from east 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile north of Partridgeville. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
691 | 0-19-60-6-1-1 including P 665, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | Tribs. of Little Pine Creek | Enter Little Pine Creek in section from 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles west of Hubbards to 0.9 mile north of Hubbards. P 665 is located at source of trib. 1 of Little Pine Creek 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 3.0 miles west of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
692 | 0-19-60-6-2 | Trib. of Crooked Creek | Enters Crooked Creek from northeast 1.4 miles upstream from Little Pine Creek and 3.4 miles northwest of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
693 | 0-19-60-6-3 | Trib. of Crooked Creek | Enters Crooked Creek from north 2.2 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 0.6 mile north of peak of Buck Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
694 | 0-19-60-6-3-P 667 and tribs. | East Pond | Located at source of trib. 3 of Crooked Creek 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile north of peak of Buck Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
695 | 0-19-60-6-4 | Trib. of Crooked Creek | Enters Crooked Creek from south 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 3 and immediately east of peak of Buck Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
696 | 0-19-60-6-4-1 | Subtrib. of Crooked Creek | Enters trib. 4 of Crooked Creek from east 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile southeast of peak of Buck Mountain. | 10 | C | C(T) |
697 | 0-19-60-6-4-P 669 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of trib. 4 of Crooked Creek 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile southeast of peak of Buck Mountain. | 10 | C | C |
698 | 0-19-60-6-4-P 670 | Unnamed pond | Pond located immediately south of P 669, source of trib. 4 of Crooked Creek, and 1.0 mile southeast of peak of Buck Mountain. | 10 | C | C |
699 | 0-19-60-6-5 including P 671, 6 and trib., 7,8 | Tribs. of Crooked Creek | Enter Crooked Creek in section beginning 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 1.1 miles east of peak of Buck Mountain and extending to 3.5 miles east of peak of Buck Mountain and 0.7 mile west of Lewis-Herkimer county line. P 671 is located at source of trib. 5, 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles northwest of Hubbards. | 10, 16 | C | C(T) |
700 | 0-19-60-7,8,9 | Tribs. of Otter Creek | Enter Otter Creek in a section beginning 0.6 mile upstream from Crooked Creek and 0.2 mile north of Partridgeville and extending to 1.2 miles upstream from Crooked Creek and 3.6 miles west of Hubbards. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
701 | 0-19-60-P 672, P 672a, P 672b, P 672c | Unnamed ponds | Pond P 672 located 0.3 mile north of Otter Creek and 2.9 miles west of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C |
702 | 0-19-60-10 and trib., 11 | Tribs. of Otter Creek | Enter Otter Creek from northeast and south 0.9 and 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 9, respectively, and 2.8 and 2.5 miles west of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
703 | 0-19-60-P 673 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Otter Creek 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 11 and 0.6 mile west of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
704 | 0-19-60-12 and tribs. | Tommy Roaring Creek | Enters Otter Creek from northeast 0.9 mile upstream from P 673 and 0.5 mile east of Hubbards. | 16, 10 | C | C(T) |
705 | 0-19-60-13 and trib. | Trib. of Otter Creek | Enters Otter Creek from north 0.8 mile upstream from Tommy Roaring Creek and 1.3 miles southeast of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
706 | 0-19-60-14 | Trib. of Otter Creek | Enters Otter Creek from north 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 1.9 miles east of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
707 | 0-19-60-14-P 674 | Goose Pond | Located on trib. 14 of Otter Creek 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles east of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
708 | 0-19-60-15 | Trib. of Otter Creek | Enters Otter Creek from north 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 14 and 2.3 miles east of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
709 | 0-19-60-15-P 675 | West Pond | Located at source of trib. 15 of Otter Creek 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles east of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
710 | 0-19-60-P 676 | Big Otter Lake | Located at source of Otter Creek beginning of Lewis-Herkimer county line and 2.5 miles east of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
711 | 0-19-60-P 676-1 | North Inlet | Enters Big Otter Lake from north 1.0 mile east of Lewis-Herkimer county line and 3.7 miles east of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
712 | 0-19-60-P 676-1-P 677 and tribs. | North Pond | Located at source of North Inlet which is trib. 1 of Big Otter Lake. Located 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles east of Lewis-Herkimer county line. | 16, 10 | C | C(T) |
713 | 0-19-60-P 676-2 including P 679 | Lost Creek | Enters Big Otter Lake from northeast 0.5 mile southeast of mouth of North Inlet and 4.0 miles east of Hubbards. P 679 is at source of Lost Creek and 2.6 miles southeast of P 643 (Moose Pond). | 16, 10 | C | C(T) |
714 | 0-19-60-P 676-2-1 and trib. | Trib. of Lost Creek | Enters Lost Creek from northwest 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 4.9 miles northeast of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16, 10 | C | C(T) |
715 | 0-19-60-P 676-2-2 | Trib. of Lost Creek | Enters Lost Creek from east 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 4.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
716 | 0-19-60-P 676-2-2-P 678 and tribs. | East Pond | Located at source of trib. 2 of Lost Creek 1.9 miles upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
717 | 0-19-60-P 676-3 | Trib. of Big Otter Lake | Enters Big Otter Lake from east 0.7 mile southwest of mouth of Lost Creek and 4.7 miles northwest of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
718 | 0-19-60-P 676-4 | South Inlet | Enters Big Otter Lake from south immediately southwest of mouth of trib. 3 and 4.8 miles northwest of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
719 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-1 and tribs., 2 and trib. | Tribs. of South Inlet | Enter South Inlet from south and northeast, 1.0 and 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 4.1 miles northwest of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
720 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-3 | Trib. of South Inlet | Enters South Inlet from north 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 2.7 miles north of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
721 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-3-1, 2 and trib. | Subtribs. of South Inlet | Enter trib. 3 of South Inlet from northeast and east 1.0 and 2.4 miles upstream from mouth and 3.5 miles north of Bare Mountain and 2.8 miles northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara), respectively. | 16 | C | C(T) |
722 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-3-P 630 | Little Simon Pond | Located on trib. 3 of South Inlet 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 3.0 miles northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
723 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-3-P 681 | Blackfoot Pond | Located at source of trib. 3 of South Inlet 1.4 miles upstream from Little Simon Pond and 3.2 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
724 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-3-P 681-1, including P 682, 2, 3 | Tribs. of Blackfoot Pond | Enter Blackfoot Pond from west, north and northeast 3.5, 3.5, and 3.4 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). P 682 is at source of trib. 1, 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 0.1 mile west of northern end of Blackfoot Pond. | 16, 10 | C | C(T) |
725 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-4 and trib., 5, 6, 7 and trib., 8, 9 and tribs., 10 | Tribs. of South Inlet | Enter South Inlet in section from 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.6 miles north of Bare Mountain to 2.1 miles northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
726 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-11 and trib. including P 683 | Trib. of South Inlet | Enters South Inlet from east 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 10 and 2.5 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). P 683 is on trib. 11 of South Inlet immediately upstream from mouth and 2.5 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
727 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-11-P 684 | Gibbs Lake | Located 0.2 mile southeast of trib. 11 of South Inlet 2.4 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara), and 2.0 miles northwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 16, 17 | C | C(T) |
728 | 0-19-60-P 676-4-12 | Trib. of South Inlet | Enters South Inlet from east 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 11 and 2.8 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
729 | 0-19-61 | Glenfield Spring Brook | Enters Black River from west 1.3 miles upstream from Otter Creek and 0.3 mile northeast of Glenfield. | 15 | C | C(T) |
729.1 | 0-19-62 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 2.7 miles upstream from Otter Creek and 1.2 miles southeast of Glenfield. | 15 | C | C |
730 | 0-19-63 portion as described | House Creek | Enters Black River from northwest immediately upstream from trib. 62 and 1.1 miles southeast of Glenfield. Mouth to trib. 1. | 15 | C | C(T) |
730.1 | 0-19-63 portion as described | House Creek | From trib. 1 to trib. 2. | 15 | C | C(TS) |
730.2 | 0-19-63 portion as described | House Creek | From trib. 2 to source. | 15 | C | C(T) |
731 | 0-19-63-1 and trib. | Trib. of House Creek | Enters House Creek from west 3.8 miles upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile southeast of Houseville. | 15 | C | C |
732 | 0-19-63-1a | Trib. of House Creek | Enters House Creek from west 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.6 mile southwest of Houseville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
733 | 0-19-63-2, 3, 5 | Tribs. of House Creek | Enter House Creek 0.4, 1.2 and 1.6 miles, respectively, upstream from trib. 1a in section from 0.7 to 1.7 miles west of Houseville. | 15 | C | C |
733.1 | 0-19-63-4 | Trib. of House Creek | Enters House Creek 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 1a in section approximately 1.6 miles west of Houseville. | 15 | D | D |
734 | 0-19-64 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 0.2 mile upstream from House Creek and 1.2 miles southeast of Glenfield. | 15 | C | C(T) |
735 | 0-19-65 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from south 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 64 and 1.6 miles southeast of Glenfield. | 15 | C | C(T) |
736 | 0-19-66 portion as described | Douglass Creek | Enters Black River from southwest 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 65 and 3.6 miles east of Houseville. Mouth to 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles west of Greig. | 15 | C | C(T) |
737 | 0-19-66 portion as described | Douglass Creek | From 1.5 miles upstream from mouth to source. | 15 | C | C |
738 | 0-19-66-1 | Trib. of Douglass Creek | Enters Douglass Creek from southwest 3.3 miles upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles southeast of Houseville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
738.1 | 0-19-66-2 | Trib. of Douglass Creek | Enters Douglass Creek from south 4.2 miles upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile south of Houseville. | 15 | C | C |
739 | 0-19-67 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 0.6 mile upstream from Douglass Creek and 2.7 miles southeast of Glenfield. | 15 | C | C(T) |
740 | 0-19-68 portion as described | Tannery Creek | Enters Black River from east 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 67 and 3.1 miles southeast of Glenfield. Mouth to Greig water supply dam which is located 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile east of Greig. | 15 | C | C(TS) |
741 | 0-19-68 portion as described | Tannery Creek | Greig water supply dam to source. | 15 | AA | AA(T) |
742 | 0-19-68-1 | Trib. of Tannery Creek | Enters Tannery Creek from southeast 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile east of Greig. | 15 | C | C(T) |
743 | 0-19-68-2, 3 | Tribs. of Tannery Creek | Enter Tannery Creek from northeast and east 0.7 and 0.9 mile upstream from Greig water supply dam and 1.0 and 1.1 miles east of Greig, respectively. | 15 | AA | AA(T) |
744 | 0-19-69 portion as described | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from northwest 0.7 mile upstream from Tannery Creek and 3.8 miles northeast of Village of Turin. Mouth to trib. 1 which enters from west 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles northeast of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C |
745 | 0-19-69 portion as described | Trib. of Black River | From trib. 1 to source. | 15 | C | C(T) |
746 | 0-19-69-1 | Subtrib. of Black River | Enters trib. 69 of Black River from west 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles northeast of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C |
747 | 0-19-70 portion as described | Fish Creek | Enters Black River from east 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 69 and 1.2 miles southwest of Greig. Mouth to 0.75 mile upstream of trib. 6. | 15, 16 | C | C(TS) |
747.1 | 0-19-70 portion as described | Fish Creek | From 0.75 mile upstream of trib. 6 to trib. 12 which enters from north 1.5 miles south of Hubbards and 3.2 miles west of Lewis-Herkimer county line. | 16 | C | C(T) |
748 | 0-19-70 portion as described | Fish Creek | From trib. 12 to source at P 694 (West Pine Pond) which is 1.3 miles south of Hubbards and 2.2 miles west of Lewis-Herkimer county line. | 16 | C | C |
749 | 0-19-70-1 and trib., 1a, 2 | Tribs. of Fish Creek | Enter Fish Creek from southeast, northeast, and northeast 0.9, 1.6, and 1.9 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth in section from 0.9 mile south to 1.7 miles southeast of Greig. | 15 | C | C(T) |
750 | 0-19-70-P 685 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.3 mile southeast of Fish Creek and 2.9 miles north of Fowlersville near mouth of trib. 3 of Fish Creek. | 15 | C | C(T) |
751 | 0-19-70 | Trib. of Fish Creek | Enters Fish Creek from east 3.0 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 1.3 miles southeast of Brantingham. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
752 | 0-19-70-3-1 and trib. | Subtrib. of Fish Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Fish Creek from east 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles southeast of Brantingham. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
753 | 0-19-70-3-P 686 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.4 mile southwest of trib. 3 of Fish Creek and 1.5 miles north of Fowlersville. | 15 | C | C |
754 | 0-19-70-3-2, 3 | Subtribs. of Fish Creek | Enter trib. 3 of Fish Creek from east and northeast 2.2 and 4.8 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 0.1 and 1.7 miles north of Lyonsdale-Greig town line in Lewis County. | 16 | C | C(T) |
755 | 0-19-70-4 portion as described | Trib. of Fish Creek | Enters Fish Creek from west 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 1.3 miles southeast of Brantingham. From mouth to 0.3 mile upstream of mouth. | 15 | C | C(T) |
755.1 | 0-19-70-4 portion as described | Trib. of Fish Creek | From 0.3 mile upstream of mouth to source. | 15 | C | C |
756 | 0-19-70-4-P 688 | Payne Pond | Located 0.2 mile west of trib. 4 of Fish Creek and 0.6 mile southeast of Brantingham. | 15 | C | C |
757 | 0-19-70-4-P 689 | Brantingham Lake | At source of trib. 4 of Fish Creek located 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile east of Brantingham. | 15 | A | A |
758 | 0-19-70-4-P 689-1, 2 | Tribs. of Brantingham Lake | Enter east side of Brantingham Lake from east and northeast 1.4 miles northeast and 1.4 miles east of Brantingham, respectively. | 15, 16 | A | A |
759 | 0-19-70-4-P 689-P 690 | Pleasant Lake | Located 0.5 mile west of outlet of Brantingham Lake and 0.2 mile east of Brantingham. | 15 | C | C |
760 | 0-19-70-4-P 689-P 691 | Burr Pond | Located 0.2 mile west of westernmost part of Brantingham Lake and 0.3 mile northeast of Brantingham. | 15 | C | C |
761 | 0-19-70-4-P 689-P 692 | Long Pond | Located 0.1 mile west of Brantingham Lake 0.5 mile northeast of Brantingham and 2.1 miles southwest of Partridgeville. | 15 | C | C |
762 | 0-19-70-4-P 689-P 693 | Dyer Pond | Located 0.5 mile west of northernmost part of Brantingham Lake and 1.4 miles southwest of Partridgeville. | 15 | C | C |
763 | 0-19-70-5 and trib., 6, 7 and trib., 8, 9, 10 and tribs., 11, 12, 13 and trib. | Tribs. of Fish Creek | Enter Fish Creek in section from 0.2 to 6.0 miles upstream from trib. 4 which section extends from 1.3 miles southeast of Brantingham to 1.5 miles south of Hubbards. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
764 | 0-19-70-P 694 | West Pine Pond | At source of Fish Creek 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 1.4 miles south of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C |
765 | 0-19-71 and tribs., 72 and trib. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from southeast and west 0.4 and 0.9 mile upstream from Fish Creek and 3.2 and 2.7 miles northeast of Village of Turin, respectively. | 15 | C | C(T) |
766 | 0-19-73 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 72 and 2.6 miles north of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C |
767 | 0-19-74 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from west 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 73 and 2.1 miles north of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C(T) |
768 | 0-19-75 portion as described | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southeast immediately upstream from and approximately opposite trib. 75 and 2.1 miles north of Lyons Falls. Mouth to trib. 2 which enters from southeast 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles north of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C(T) |
769 | 0-19-75 portion as described | Trib. of Black River | From trib. 2 to source. | 15 | C | C(T) |
770 | 0-19-75-1 | Subtrib. of Black River | Enters trib. 75 of Black River from east 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.9 miles north of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C |
771 | 0-19-75-2 and trib., 3, 4 | Subtribs. of Black River | Enter trib. 75 of Black River from southeast 0.6, 1.2 and 1.5 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 1.4 miles north, 1.6 miles north and 1.7 miles northeast, respectively, of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C(T) |
772 | 0-19-76 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from west 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 75 and 1.9 miles north of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C(T) |
773 | 0-19-77 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from west 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 76 and 1.6 miles north of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C |
774 | 0-19-78 | Mill Creek | Enters Black River from west 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 77 and 2.1 miles east of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C(T) |
775 | 0-19-78-a | Trib. of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek from west 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles east of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C(T) |
776 | 0-19-78-2 portion as described | Trib. of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek from northwest 2.0 miles upstream from trib. a of Mill Creek and 0.1 mile west of Village of Turin. Mouth to Turin water supply dam which is 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles northwest of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C |
777 | 0-19-78-2 portion as described | Trib. of Mill Creek | Turin water supply dam to source. | 15 | AA | AA |
778 | 0-19-78-2-1 | Subtrib. of Mill Creek | Enters trib. 2 of Mill Creek from northwest 0.5 mile upstream from Turin water supply dam and 2.0 miles northwest of Village of Turin. | 15 | AA | AA |
779 | 0-19-78-3 | Trib. of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek from west 1.5 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 1.2 miles west of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C |
780 | 0-19-78-4 and trib. | Trib. of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek from southwest 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 3 and 2.2 miles northwest of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C |
781 | 0-19-79 | First Creek | Enters Black River from west 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 78 (Mill Creek) and 1.5 miles northeast of Collinsville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
782 | 0-19-80 including P 695 | Trib. of Black River | Enters westerly diversion channel of Black River at Lyons Falls from west 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 79 (First Creek). P 695 is at mouth of trib. 80. | 15 | C | C |
783 | 0-19-81 portion as described | Moose River | Enters Black River from east at Lyons Falls. Mouth to 1.8 miles upstream from mouth. | 15 | C | C(T) |
783.1 | 0-19-81 portion as described | Moose River | From 1.8 miles upstream of mouth to bridge at Lyonsdale 2.8 miles upstream from mouth. | 15 | C | C |
784 | 0-19-81 portion as described | Moose River | From bridge at Lyonsdale to trib. 15 which enters Moose River from northeast 0.1 mile east of hamlet of Moose River. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
785 | 0-19-81 portion as described | Moose River (Upper section known as South Branch Moose River) | From trib. 15 to source at outlet of P 890 (Little Moose Lake) located 1.3 miles northeast of peak of Manbury Mountain. | 16, 17 18 | C | C(T) |
786 | 0-19-81-1 and tribs. | Trib. of Moose River | Enters Moose River from north 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.5 mile northwest of Goulds Mill. | 15 | C | C |
787 | 0-19-81-2 portion as described including P 696 | Beauty Creek | Enters Moose River from south 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.3 mile northwest of Goulds Mill. Mouth to dam of Lyons falls water supply which is located 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles southeast of Goulds Mill. P 696 is on Beauty Creek 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile southeast of Goulds Mill. | 15 | C | C(T) |
788 | 0-19-81-2 portion as described | Beauty Creek | From dam of Lyons Falls water supply of source. | 15 | AA | AA(T) |
789 | 0-19-81-2-1 | Trib. of Beauty Creek | Enters Beauty Creek from northeast 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 0.5 mile southeast of Goulds Mill. | 15 | C | C(T) |
790 | 0-19-81-3 and tribs. | Paint Creek | Enters Moose River from north 1.4 miles upstream from Beauty Creek and 0.5 mile northeast of Shuetown. | 15 | C | C(T) |
791 | 0-19-81-4 | Deer Creek | Flows northerly towards Moose River and terminates at a point 0.7 mile southeast of Lyonsdale and 1.5 miles southwest of Fowlersville. | 15 | AA | AA |
792 | 0-19-81-5 including P 697 | Trib. of Moose River | Enters Moose River from north 2.5 miles upstream from Paint Creek and 0.5 mile east of Fowlersville. P 697 is at source of trib. 5 and 1.3 miles northeast of Fowlersville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
793 | 0-19-81-6 and trib. | Trib. of Moose River | Enters Moose River from south 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 0.6 mile southeast of Fowlersville. | 15 | C | C |
794 | 0-19-81-7 | Copper Creek | Enters Moose River from north 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 0.8 mile southeast of Fowlersville. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
795 | 0-19-81-7-1 | Pine Creek | Enters Copper Creek from north 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles northeast of Fowlersville. | 15, 16 | C | C(TS) |
796 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 698, a including P 698a, P 698b, P 698c | Trib. of Pine Creek | Pond (P 698) located 0.2 mile north of Pine Creek 1.4 miles south of Abbey Road. | 16 | C | C |
797 | 0-19-81-7-1-1, 2, 3 | Tribs. of Pine Creek | Enter Pine Creek from northeast, northeast, and southeast 0.6 mile, 1.3 miles and 1.7 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth and 3.2, 2.9 and 2.8 miles northwest of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
798 | 0-19-81-7-1-4 and trib. | Drunkard Creek | Enters Pine Creek from the northeast 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.7 miles northwest of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
799 | 0-19-81-7-1-5, 6 and trib., 7 and trib., 8, 9 and trib. | Tribs. of Pine Creek | Enter Pine Creek in section beginning 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 4 (Drunkard Creek) and 2.6 miles northwest of Millard's Camp and extending to trib. 9 which enters from southeast 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 4 and is 2.2 miles northwest of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
800 | 0-19-81-7-1-10 | Trib. of Pine Creek | Enters Pine Creek from north 2.4 miles upstream from trib. 9 and 1.6 miles northwest of Becks Camp at P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
801 | 0-19-81-7-1-10-1, 2 | Subtribs. of Pine Creek | Enter trib. 10 of Pine Creek from east and northwest 0.6 and 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 2.2 and 2.3 miles northwest of Becks Camp at P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
802 | 0-19-81-7-1-10-P 699 | Pine Lake | On trib. 10 of Pine Creek 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 2.2 miles southeast of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
803 | 0-19-81-7-1-10-3 | Subtrib. of Pine Creek | Enters trib. 10 of Pine Creek from northeast at P 699 (Pine Lake) and 2.2 miles southeast of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
804 | 0-19-81-7-1-10-P 700 | East Pine Pond | On trib. 10 of Pine Creek 0.5 mile upstream from P 699 (Pine Lake) and 2.4 miles southeast of Hubbards. | 16 | C | C(T) |
805 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701 | Mudhole Pond | At source of Pine Creek 1.5 miles northwest of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
806 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1 | Middle Branch | Enters Mudhold Pond from northeast 1.5 miles northwest of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
807 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-1 and tribs. | Trib. of Middle Branch | Enters the Middle Branch from northeast 1.3 miles upstream from Mudhole Pond and 2.3 miles northeast of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
808 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-2 | Trib. of Middle Branch | Enters Middle Branch from south 0.1 mile west of Herkimer-Lewis county line and 2.3 miles northeast of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
809 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-2-1 | Subtrib. of Middle Branch | Enters trib. 2 of Middle Branch from west 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles northeast of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
810 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-2-P 702 | Lost Lake | At source of trib. 2 of Middle Branch 1.5 miles northeast of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
811 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-3 | Trib. of Middle Branch | Enters Middle Branch from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.3 miles northeast of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
812 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-P 703 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Middle Branch 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.5 miles northeast of Becks Camp on P 710 (Copper Lake). | 16 | C | C(T) |
813 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-4 portion as described | Trib. of Middle Branch | Enters Middle Branch from south 0.6 mile upstream from P 703 and 2.0 miles northwest of Bare Mountain. Mouth to P 705 (Cedar Lake) which is 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles northwest of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C |
814 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-4 portion as described | Trib. of Middle Branch | From P 705 (Cedar Lake) to P 706 (Grass Pond) which is 1.0 mile upstream from P 705 and 1.1 miles northeast of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
815 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-4-1 | Subtrib. of Middle Branch | Enters trib. 4 of Middle Branch from the south 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles northwest of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C |
816 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-4-1-P 704 | Middle Settlement Lake | At source of trib. 1 of trib. 4 of Middle Branch 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles northwest of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
817 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-4-P 705 | Cedar Lake | Located on trib. 4 of Middle Branch 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.2 miles northerly of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
818 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-4-2, 3 | Subtribs. of Middle Branch | Trib. 2 enters trib. 4 of Middle Branch from east at P 705 (Cedar Lake) and 1.3 miles northerly of peak of Bare Mountain. Trib. 3 enters trib. 4 of Middle Branch from southeast 0.5 mile upstream from P 705 (Cedar Lake) and 0.7 mile north of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
819 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-4-P 706 and tribs. | Grass Pond | Located at source of trib. 4 of Middle Branch 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 1.1 miles northeast of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
820 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-5 | Trib. of Middle Branch | Enters Middle Branch from southeast immediately upstream from trib. 4 and 2.0 miles northwest of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
821 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-1-P 707 and trib. | Middle Branch Lake | At source of Middle Branch 0.1 mile upstream from mouths of tribs. 4 and 5 and 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
822 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-2 | Trib. of Mud Hole Pond | Enters P 701 (Mud Hole Pond) from south 1.1 miles north of Becks Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
823 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-2-P 708 | Little Pine Lake | On trib. 2 of Mud Hole Pond 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles north of Becks Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
824 | 0-19-81-7-1-P 701-2-1,2, 3,4, 5 and trib. including P 709, 6,7 | Subtribs. of Mud Hole Pond | Enter trib. 2 of Mud Hole Pond in section from P 708 (Little Pine Lake) and 1.0 mile north of Becks Camp to trib. 7 which enters from north 1.5 miles west of peak of Bare Mountain. P 709 is on trib. 5, 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 2.2 miles westerly of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
825 | 0-19-81-7-2 | Trib. of Copper Creek | Enters Copper Creek from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from Pine Creek and 3.1 miles west of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C |
826 | 0-19-81-7-3, 4,5,6 and trib. | Tribs. of Copper Creek | Enter Copper Creek from northeast, northeast, southeast and northeast in section beginning 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.5 miles northeast of Millard's Camp and extending to 2.9 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 1.1 miles north of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
827 | 0-19-81-7-7 | Stony Creek | Enters Copper Creek from east 2.5 miles upstream from trib. 6 and 1.1 miles southeast of Becks Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
828 | 0-19-81-7-7-1 | Trib. of Stony Creek | Enters Stony Creek from south just upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles southeast of Becks Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
829 | 0-19-81-7-7-2 including P 709a, P 709b, P 709c, P 709d | Trib. of Stony Creek | Enters Stony Creek from northeast 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 2.0 miles southwest of peak of Bare Mountain. P 709a, P 709b, P 709c are located on trib. 2. | 16 | C | C |
830 | 0-19-81-7-P 710 | Copper Lake | At source of Copper Creek 0.5 mile upstream from Stony Creek and just east of Becks Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
831 | 0-19-81-P 711, P 712 | Unnamed ponds | Located 0.2 mile north of Moose River and 0.3 mile south of Copper Creek and 3.2 miles southwest of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C |
832 | 0-19-81-8 and trib. | Black Creek | Enters Moose River from east 0.8 mile upstream from Copper Creek and 3.2 miles southwest of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
833 | 0-19-81-9 and trib. 10,11,12,13 and tribs. | Tribs. of Moose River | Enter the Moose River from south, northeast, northeast, south and northwest in section beginning 0.7 mile upstream from Black Creek and 2.3 miles northwest of Porters Corners, and extending to Froth Hole 1.7 miles southwest of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
834 | 0-19-81-14 | Twin Sister Creek | Enters Moose River from northeast at Froth Hole 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 2.0 miles west of hamlet of Moose River. | 16 | C | C(T) |
835 | 0-19-81-14-1 | Trib. of Twin Sister Creek | Enters Twin Sister Creek from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles southwest of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C |
836 | 0-19-81-14-2 | Trib. of Twin Sister Creek | Enters Twin Sister Creek from northeast 1.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.6 mile southeast of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C(T) |
837 | 0-19-81-14-2-P 713 | Twin Sister Lake | At source of trib. 2 of Twin Sister Creek 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 miles southeast of Millard's Camp. | 16 | C | C |
838 | 0-19-81-14-2-P 713-1 and tribs. 2 and tribs. including P 714 | Tribs. of Twin Sister Lake | Enter Twin Sister Lake from north and northeast, respectively, 0.2 and 0.3 mile southeast of Millard's Camp. P 714 is at source of trib. 2 of Twin Sister Lake 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile northwest of hamlet of Moose River. | 16 | C | C |
839 | 0-19-81-14-3 including P 715 | Trib. of Twin Sister Creek | Enters Twin Sister Creek from south 1.9 miles northeast of Brooks Camp. P 715 is at source of trib. 3 of Twin Sister Creek and 0.2 mile east of Browns Tract Road. | 16 | C | C |
840 | 0-19-81-15, 16 and trib. | Tribs. of Moose River | Enter Moose River from northeast and north 0.1 and 1.8 miles upstream from bridge at hamlet of Moose River and 3.0 and 1.9 miles southwest of McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
841 | 0-19-81-P 716 | Unnamed pond | Located on Moose River 1.8 miles upstream from trib. 16 and at McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
842 | 0-19-81-17 and tribs. | Trib. of Moose River | Enters Moose River from east at P 716 and 0.5 mile northeast of McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
843 | 0-19-81-18 portion as described | Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Moose River from north 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 17 and 1.3 miles northeast of McKeever. Mouth to trib. 14 which enters Middle Branch Moose River from northeast 0.9 mile southwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C |
844 | 0-19-81-18 portion as described | Middle Branch Moose River | From trib. 14 to outlet of P 782 (Old Forge Pond) in north section of hamlet of Old Forge. | 16, 17 | C | C(T) |
845 | 0-19-81-18-1 including P 716a | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from east 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles northeast of McKeever. P 716a lies on trib. 1 just upstream from mouth. | 16 | C | C |
846 | 0-19-81-18-2 and tribs. | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from west 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.3 miles northeast of McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
847 | 0-19-81-18-3 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from northwest 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.5 miles northeast of McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
848 | 0-19-81-18-3-1 | Subtrib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 3 of Middle Branch Moose River from north 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles southwest of Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C(T) |
849 | 0-19-81-18-3-P 717 | Gull Lake | At source of trib. 3 of Middle Branch Moose River 0.7 mile west of hamlet of Nelson Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
850 | 0-19-81-18-P 718 | Nelson Lake | On Middle Branch Moose River 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 3 and just east of hamlet of Nelson Lake. | 16 | C | C |
851 | 0-19-81-18-P 718-1 and tribs. 2,3 | Tribs. of Nelson Lake | Enters P 718 (Nelson Lake) from northeast, east and southeast, respectively, and 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 miles southeast of Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C(T) |
852 | 0-19-81-18-4 and trib. | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from Nelson Lake and 0.9 mile southwest of Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C |
853 | 0-19-81-18-5 and trib. including P 719 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from west 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 0.8 mile northwest of hamlet of Nelson Lake. P 719 is located on this trib. Immediately upstream from mouth. | 16 | C | C |
854 | 0-19-81-18-6 and trib. | Middle Settlement Creek | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from west 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 0.5 mile southwest of Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C(T) |
855 | 0-19-81-18-7 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from north 0.4 mile upstream from Middle Settlement Creek at Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C(T) |
856 | 0-19-81-18-7-1 | Subtrib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 7 of Middle Branch Moose River from north 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.4 mile southeast of peak of Bare Mountain. | 16 | C | C(T) |
857 | 0-19-81-18-7-2 | Subtrib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 7 of Middle Branch Moose River 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.6 mile northwest of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
858 | 0-19-81-18-7-2-P 720 | (East) Hellgate Pond | Located on trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Middle Branch Moose River 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile northeast of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
859 | 0-19-81-18-7-P 721 | (West) Hellgate Pond | Located on trib. 7 of Middle Branch Moose River 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 0.8 mile northwest of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
860 | 0-19-81-18-7-P 722 | Rock Pond | At source of trib. 7 of Middle Branch Moose River north of Hellgate Ponds and 1.7 miles west of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
861 | 0-19-81-18-P 723 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Middle Branch Moose River 0.2 mile south of Onekio. | 16 | C | C |
862 | 0-19-81-18-8,9 and trib. 10 | Tribs. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enter Middle Branch Moose River from north, southeast and east in a section beginning 1.7 miles upstream from trib. 7 and 0.2 mile east of Onekio and extending to 0.9 mile northwest of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
862.1 | 0-19-81-18-P 723a, P 723b, P 723c, P 723d, P 722e, P 723f, P 723g, P 723h, P 723i, P 723j, P 723k, P 723l, P 723m, P 723n, P 723o, P 723p | Unnamed ponds | Ponds lie near Middle Branch Moose River in area just below trib. 8 and extending upstream to trib. 13. | 16 | C | C |
863 | 0-19-81-18-11 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from north 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 10 and 1.0 mile northeast of Onekio. | 16 | C | C |
864 | 0-19-81-18 -P 724 | Wheeler Pond | Located 0.2 mile north of Middle Branch Moose River and 1.0 mile northeast of Onekio. | 16 | C | C |
865 | 0-19-81-18-12 including P 725 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from southeast 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 11 and 1.4 miles southwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). P 725 is on trib. 12, 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles southwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
866 | 0-19-81-18-13 including P 726 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from northwest 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 12 and 1.3 miles southwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). P 726 is on trib. 13, 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
867 | 0-19-81-18-14 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from east 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 0.9 mile southwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C |
868 | 0-19-81-18-P 728 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Middle Branch Moose River 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 14 and 0.7 mile southwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | B | B |
869 | 0-19-81-18-P 727 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Middle Branch Moose River near southeasterly part of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C |
870 | 0-19-81-18-15 and trib. | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from west at P 727 in southern part of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
871 | 0-19-81-18-16 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from northeast 0.6 mile southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
872 | 0-19-81-18-17 | North Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from northwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 16 and 0.6 mile southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17, 16, 11 | C | C(T) |
873 | 0-19-81-18-17-1 | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters North Branch Moose River from west 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile northeast of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C |
874 | 0-19-81-18-17-2 portion as described | Indian Brook | Enters North Branch Moose River from west 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.1 miles northeast of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). Mouth to P 728a (Moulin Reservoir) which is 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | C | C(T) |
875 | 0-19-81-18-17-2 portion as described | Indian Brook | From P 728a (Moulin Reservoir) to source. | 16 | AA | AA(T) |
876 | 0-19-81-18-17-2-P 728a | Moulin Reservoir | Located on Indian Brook 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | AA | AA(T) |
877 | 0-19-81-18-17- 2-1,2,3 and trib. | Tribs. of Indian Brook | Enter Indian Brook from west, south and north in a section beginning 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles north of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara) and extending to trib. 3 which is 1.0 mile northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | AA | AA(T) |
878 | 0-19-81-18-17-2-P 729 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Indian Brook 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 1.2 miles northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | AA | AA(T) |
879 | 0-19-81-18-17-2-P 730 | Beaver pond | Located on Indian Brook 0.1 mile upstream from P 729 and 1.2 miles northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | AA | AA(T) |
880 | 0-19-81-18-17-2-4 | Trib. of Indian Brook | Enters Indian Brook from southeast 0.1 mile upstream from P 730 (Beaver Pond) and 1.3 miles northwest of hamlet of Fulton Chain (Thendara). | 16 | AA | AA(T) |
881 | 0-19-81-18-17-3,4 | Tribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter North Branch Moose River from west 0.7 and 1.2 miles upstream from Indian Brook and 1.5 and 1.3 miles northwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
882 | 0-19-81-18-17-5 | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters North Branch Moose River from northwest 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 1.6 miles north of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
883 | 0-19-81-18-17-5-1 | Subtrib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 5 of North Branch Moose River from north 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles northerly of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
884 | 0-19-81-18-17-5 -2,3 | Subtribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 5 of North Branch Moose River from northwest and west 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.3 miles northwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
885 | 0-19-81-18-17-6 including P 731 | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters North Branch Moose River from northwest 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 5 and 2.0 miles north of hamlet of Old Forge. P 731 is at source of trib. 6, 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles north of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
886 | 0-19-81-18-17-7 and trib. 8,9 and trib. 10,11,12 and trib. | Tribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter North Branch Moose River from northwest, southeast, east, northwest, southeast and east in a section from 0.8 to 1.9 miles upstream from trib. 6 and 2.0 to 1.6 miles westerly of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17, 11 | C | C(T) |
887 | 0-19-81-18-17-13 portion as described | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters North Branch Moose River from northwest 1.4 miles southeast of Clearwater and 1.3 miles southwest of Rondaxe. Mouth to P 735 (Little Safford Lake) which is 1.4 miles upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles southwest of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
888 | 0-19-81-18-17-13 portion as described | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | From P 735 (Little Safford Lake) to source. | 11, 17 | C | C |
889 | 0-19-81-18-17-13- 1,2 and trib. | Subtribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 13 of North Branch Moose River northeast and north 0.8 and 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 and 0.6 mile southeast of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
890 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-P 732 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.5 mile north of trib. 13 of North Branch Moose River and 0.3 mile east of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C |
891 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-3 | Subtrib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 13 of North Branch Moose River from northwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 0.5 mile southeast of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
892 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-3-1,2,3,4 and trib. | Subtribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 3 from northeast, west, northeast and north in a section beginning 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile northeast of Clearwater, respectively, and ending 1.6 miles north of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
893 | 0-19-81-18-17-13- 3-P 733 | Diamond Pond | At source of trib. 3, 1.3 miles north of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
894 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-4 | Subtrib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 13 from north 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 0.5 mile southwest of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
895 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-4-P 734 | Clear Pond | At source of trib. 4, 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.1 mile west of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
896 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-P 735 | Little Safford Lake | Located on trib. 13, 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 0.9 mile southwest of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
897 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-5 and trib. | Subtrib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 13 at P 735 (Little Safford Lake) from northwest 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 1.0 mile southwest of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C |
898 | 0-19-81-18- 17-13-6,7 | Subtribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 13 from northwest and west 0.2 and 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 5, respectively, and 1.2 and 1.3 miles southwest of Clearwater. | 11, 10 | C | C(T) |
899 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-8 and trib. 9 | Subtribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 13 from west 0.4 and 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 7, respectively. Trib. 8 is 1.7 miles southwest of Clearwater and trib. 9 is 2.6 miles northwest of Old Forge. | 11, 17 | C | C |
899.1 | 0-19-81-18-17- 13-P 735a, P 735b | Unnamed ponds | Pond P 735a lies at source of trib. 13. P 735b lies just southeast of P 735a. | 17 | C | C |
900 | 0-19-81-18- 17-14 | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters North Branch Moose River from northwest 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 13, 0.8 mile west of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
901 | 0-19-81-18- 17-14-1, 2 and trib. | Subtribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 14 from northwest 1.1 and 2.0 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 0.9 mile southeast and 1.5 miles northeast of Clearwater. | 11 | C | C(T) |
902 | 0-19-81-18- 17-14-P 736 | Safford Pond | Located at source of trib. 14, 2.6 miles upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles north of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
903 | 0-19-81-18-17- 14-P 736-1 and tribs. | Trib. of Safford Pond | Enters P 736 (Safford Pond) from west 1.7 miles southeasterly of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
904 | 0-19-81-18-17- 14-P 736-2 | Trib. of Safford Pond | Enters P 736 (Safford Pond) from north 1.7 miles southeasterly of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
905 | 0-19-81-18-17- 14-P 736-2-1,2 and trib. 3 and tribs. | Subtribs. of Safford Pond | Enter trib. 2 of Safford Pond from northwest, northeast and northeast 0.3, 0.6 and 1.0 mile above mouth, respectively, and 1.4, 1.3 and 1.1 miles southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
906 | 0-19-81-18-17- 14-P 736-2-4 and tribs. including P 737 | Subtrib. of Safford Pond | Enters trib. 2 of Safford Pond from north 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 0.8 mile southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. P 737 is located 0.4 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 4 and 0.8 mile east of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
907 | 0-19-81-18-17- 14-P 736-5 and trib. | Subtrib. of Safford Pond | Enters trib. 2 of Safford Pond from west 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 0.6 mile southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
908 | 0-19-81-18-17- 14-P 736-2-P 738 and tribs. | Thirsty Pond | Located at source of trib. 2 of Safford Pond 0.6 mile northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | A | A(T) |
909 | 0-19-81-18-17- 14-P 736-3 and tribs. | Trib. of Safford Pond | Enters Safford Pond from northeast 2.0 miles northeast of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
910 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739 | Lake Rondaxe | Located on North Branch Moose River 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 14 at Rondaxe. | 11 | A | A |
911 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-1 | Trib. of Lake Rondaxe | Enters P 739 (Lake Rondaxe) from northwest 1.3 miles northeast of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
912 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-1-1 and trib. | Subtrib. of Lake Rondaxe | Enters trib. 1 of Lake Rondaxe from west 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 1.2 miles northeast of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
913 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-1-P 740 | Goose Pond | Located on trib. 1 of Lake Rondaxe 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles northeast of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
914 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-2 | Trib. of Lake Rondaxe | Enters P 739 (Lake Rondaxe) from east 0.9 mile northeast of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
915 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-2-1 and trib. | Subtribs. of Lake Rondaxe | Enters trib. 2 of Lake Rondaxe from east immediately upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile northeast of Rondaxe. | 11 | C | C(T) |
916 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-2-P 741 | Mountain Pond | Located at source of trib. 2 of Lake Rondaxe 0.6 mile northwest of hamlet of Bald Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
917 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-3 | Trib. of Lake Rondaxe | Enters P 739 (Lake Rondaxe) from southwest at south end of lake 0.5 mile southwest of Rondaxe. | 11 | A | A |
918 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-3-P 743 | West Lake | Located at source of trib. 3 of Lake Rondaxe 0.1 mile southwest of Lake Rondaxe and 0.5 mile southwesterly of Rondaxe. | 11 | A | A |
919 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-3-P 743-1 | Trib. of West Lake | Enters P 743 (West Lake) from southeast at eastern portion of lake 0.5 mile southwest of Rondaxe. | 11, 17 | C | C(T) |
920 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-3-P 743-1-1 and trib. | Subtrib. of West Lake | Enters trib. 1 of West Lake from southeast 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile southeast of Rondaxe. | 11, 17 | C | C(T) |
921 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-3-P 743-1-P 742 | Fly Pond | Located on trib. 1 of P 743 (West Lake) 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.0 mile northeast of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
922 | 0-19-81-18-17 P 739-3-P 743-P 744 | Kanacto Pond | Located 0.2 mile southwesterly of P 743 (West Lake) and 0.9 mile southwest of Rondaxe. | 11 | A | A |
923 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 739-3-P 743-P 744-P 745 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.1 mile south of P 744 (Kanacto Pond) and 1.0 mile southwest of Rondaxe. | 11, 17 | A | A |
924 | 0-19-81-18-17-15 | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters north Branch Moose River from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from P 739 (Lake Rondaxe) and 1.7 miles northwest of hamlet of Bald Mountain. | 11 | A | A(T) |
925 | 0-19-81-18- 17-15-P 746 | Moss Lake | Located at source of trib. 15, 2.0 miles northwest of hamlet of Eagle Bay. | 11 | A | A(T) |
926 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-1, 2 | Tribs. of Moss Lake | Enter P 746 (Moss Lake) from west 2.5 and 2.6 miles northwest of hamlet of Eagle Bay, respectively. | 11 | A | A |
927 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-3 and tribs. | Trib. of Moss Lake | Enters P 746 (Moss Lake) from northeast 2.3 miles northwest of hamlet of Eagle Bay. | 11 | C | C(T) |
928 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-4 | Trib. of Moss Lake | Enters P 746 (Moss Lake) from southeast 2.0 miles northwest of hamlet of Eagle Bay. | 11 | A | A(T) |
929 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-4-P 747 | Cascade Lake | Located on trib. 4 of (Moss Lake) 2.1 miles upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles northeast of hamlet of Eagle Bay. | 11 | AA | AA(T) |
930 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-4-1 | Subtrib. of Moss Lake | Enters trib. 4 of P 746 (Moss Lake) 0.3 mile upstream from P 747 (Cascade Lake) and 2.3 miles northeast of hamlet of Eagle Bay. | 11 | AA | AA(T) |
931 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-5 | Trib. of Moss Lake | Enters P 746 (Moss Lake) from south 2.1 miles northwest of hamlet of Eagle Bay. | 11 | C | C(T) |
932 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-5-P 748 | Bubb Lake | Located on trib. 5 of P 746 (Moss Lake) 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles northwest of hamlet of Eagle Bay. | 11 | C | C(T) |
933 | 0-19-81-18-17- 15-P 746-5-P 749 | West Pond | Located at source of trib. 5 of P 746 (Moss Lake) 1.5 miles northeast of hamlet of Bald Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
933.1 | 0-19-81-18-17- 16, 17 and trib. | Tribs. of North Branch Moose River | Enter North Branch Moose River from northwest and north 1.9 and 2.1 miles upstream from trib. 5, respectively, and 2.5 and 2.8 miles northeast of P 739 (Lake Rondaxe). | 11 | C | C |
933.2 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 750 and tribs. | Dart Lake | Located on North Branch Moose River beginning 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 17 and 3.0 miles northeast of P 739 (Lake Rondaxe). | 11 | A | A |
933.3 | 0-19-81-18-17-18 and tribs. | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters North Branch Moose River from east 0.2 mile upstream from P 750 (Dart Lake) and 3.5 miles southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
933.4 | 0-19-81-18-17-19 including P 751 | Trib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters North Branch Moose River from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 18 and 3.4 miles southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. P 751 is located on this trib., 0.6 mile upstream from mouth. | 11 | C | C(T) |
933.5 | 0-19-81-18-17- 19-1 | Subtrib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 19 of North Branch Moose River from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 3.5 miles southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
933.6 | 0-19-81-18- 17-19-2 | Subtrib. of North Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 19 of North Branch Moose river from east 0.1 mile upstream from P 751 and 0.8 mile upstream from mouth. | 11 | C | C |
933.7 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752 portion as described | Big Moose Lake | Located at source of North Branch Moose River beginning 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 19 and in general area 2.0 miles east of hamlet of Big Moose. This portion includes all of Big Moose Lake except Inlet. | 11 | A | A(T) |
934 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752 portion as described | Big Moose Lake | Inlet, which begins immediately south of trib. 5 of P 752 (Big Moose Lake) and is an arm of lake proper. | 11 | C | C(T) |
935 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-1 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters southwesterly portion of Big Moose Lake from southwest 1.8 miles east of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
936 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-1-P 753 | West Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of Big Moose Lake 1.8 miles southeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C |
937 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-2 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters southwesterly portion of Big Moose Lake from northwest 1.9 miles easterly of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C |
938 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-2-P 754 | Squash Pond | Located at source of trib. 2 of Big Moose Lake 1.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | AA | AA |
939 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-2-P 754-1 including P 755 | Trib. of Squash Pond | Enters Squash Pond from northwest 1.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. P 755 is located at source of trib. 1 and 1.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | AA | AA |
940 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-2-P 754-2 and trib. | Trib. of Squash Pond | Enters Squash Pond from northeast 1.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | AA | AA |
941 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-3 and tribs. | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters Big Moose Lake from north 0.7 mile southwesterly of North Bay and 2.7 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
942 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-4 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters Big Moose Lake from northwest at North Bay and 3.9 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C |
943 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-4-1,2 | Subtribs. of Big Moose Lake | Enter trib. 4 of Big Moose Lake from west and northeast 0.5 and 1.1 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 3.6 and 4.2 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C |
944 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-4-P 756 | Merriam Lake | Located at source of trib. 4 of Big Moose Lake 2.8 miles easterly of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
945 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-5 and tribs., including P 757 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters northeast portion of Big Moose Lake from northwest 4.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. P 757 is located on trib. 5 of Big Moose Lake 0.2 mile upstream from mouth. | 11 | C | C |
946 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-6 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters northeast portion of Big Moose Lake known as Inlet from northwest 3.9 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
947 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-6-1 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 6 of Big Moose Lake from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 3.9 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
948 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-6-P 758 | (South) Gull Lake | Located at source of trib. 6 of Big Moose Lake 4.1 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
949 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters northeast portion of Big Moose Lake known as Inlet from northeast 6.0 miles northeast of hamlet of Big Moose. | 11 | C | C(T) |
950 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-1 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 4.9 miles southeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11, 12 | C | C(T) |
951 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-1-1 and tribs., excluding P 759 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from southeast 2.5 miles upstream from mouth and 6.0 miles north of Uncas. | 11, 12 | C | C(T) |
952 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-1-1-P 759 | Otter Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake 0.9 mile southwest of peak of West Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
953 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-1-2 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from east 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 1 of trib. 1 of trib. 7 and 6.1 miles north of Uncas. | 11, 12 | C | C(T) |
954 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-1-3 including P 760 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from north 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 6.3 miles north of Uncas. P 760 is located at source of trib. 3 and 6.7 miles north of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
955 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-1-4, 5, 6, 7 | Subtribs. of Big Moose Lake | Enter trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from northeast, east, southwest and northeast in a section beginning 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 3 and 2.4 miles northwest of peak of West Mountain and extending upstream 2.9 miles to a point 1.0 mile northwest of peak of West Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
956 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-2 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from north 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 5.1 miles southeasterly of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
957 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 872-7-2-P 761 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 4.9 miles east of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
958 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-2-1 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from southwest 0.2 mile upstream from P 761 and 4.5 miles east of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
959 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-2-1-P 762 | (North) Gull Lake | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake and 4.0 miles east of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
960 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-2-P 763, P 764, 2 and tribs., 3, 4, P 765, P 766, 5 | Subtribs. of Big Moose Lake | Streams enter trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from west, north, northeast and northeast in a section of stream beginning 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 4.5 miles east of peak of Twitchell Mountain and extending to a point 6.3 miles northeast of peak of Twitchell Mountain. P 763, P 764, P 765 and P 766 are located on trib. 2, 0.2, 0.4, 2.7 and 3.0 miles upstream from trib. 1, respectively. | 11 | C | C(T) |
961 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 767 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake and 5.9 miles east of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
962 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-3 | Subtribs. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake from the northeast 0.2 mile upstream from P 767 and 6.1 miles easterly of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11 | C | C |
963 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 768 | Lower Sister Lake | Located on trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 6.4 miles northwesterly of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
964 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 769 | Upper Sister Lake | Located at source of trib. 7 of Big Moose Lake 6.9 miles northwesterly of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
965 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 769-1 | Trib. of Upper Sister Lake | Enters northern portion of Upper Sister Lake from northeast 7.3 miles northwest of peak of Twitchell Mountain. | 11, 12 | C | C(T) |
966 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 769-1-1 and trib. | Subtribs. of Upper Sister Lake | Enters trib. 1 of Upper Sister Lake from north 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 7.9 miles southeasterly of hamlet of Beaver River. | 11, 12 | C | C(T) |
967 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 769-1-2, 3 including P 770 | Subtribs. of Upper Sister Lake | Enter trib. 1 of Upper Sister Lake from north 1.5 and 1.7 miles upstream from trib. 1, respectively, and 3.1 and 3.0 miles northwest of peak of West Mountain. P 770 is located at source of trib. 3, 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 12 | C | C |
968 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 769-1-4, 5 including P 771 | Subtribs. of Upper Sister Lake | Enter trib. 1 of Upper Sister Lake from northeast and southeast 0.3 and 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 3, respectively, and 2.8 and 2.4 miles northwest of peak of West Mountain. P 771 is located at source of trib. 5, 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 12 | C | C(T) |
969 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 769-1-P 772 | South Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of Upper Sister Lake 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 2.5 miles northwest of peak of West Mountain. | 12 | C | C(T) |
970 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-7-P 769-2 including P 773 | Trib. of Upper Sister Lake | Enters northeast portion of Upper Sister Lake from northeast 7.3 miles north of Uncas. P 773 is located at source of trib. 2 and 2.7 miles northwest of peak of West Mountain. | 11, 12 | C | C(T) |
971 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-8 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters Big Moose Lake at East Bay from northeast 5.0 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C |
972 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-8-P 774 and tribs. | Russian Lake | Located at source of trib. 8 of Big Moose Lake 4.9 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C |
973 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9 | Trib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters Big Moose Lake at South Bay from east 5.2 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
974 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9-1 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 9 of Big Moose Lake from southeast 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 4.6 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
975 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9-1-P 775 | Mays Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 9 of Big Moose Lake 4.2 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
976 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9-P 776 | Big Chief Pond | Pond located between trib. 9 and Big Moose Lake and 4.9 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C |
977 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9-P 777 | Constable Pond | Located on trib. 9 of Big Moose Lake 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 4.1 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
978 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9-3 | Subtrib. of Big Moose Lake | Enters trib. 9 of Big Moose Lake from southeast of upstream end of P 777 (Constable Pond) and 4.1 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
979 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9-3-P 778 | Chub Pond | Located at source of trib. 3 of trib. 9 of Big Moose Lake and 3.7 miles northwest of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
980 | 0-19-81-18-17-P 752-9-P 777 | Pigeon Lake | Located at source of trib. 9 of Big Moose Lake 1.6 miles upstream from P 777 (Constable Pond) and 4.5 miles northerly of Uncas. | 11 | C | C(T) |
981 | 0-19-81-18-18 portion as described | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enters Middle Branch Moose River from northeast 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 17 (North Branch Moose River) and 0.5 mile northwest of hamlet of Old Forge. From mouth to trib. 3 which enters from northeast 1.8 miles upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles southwest of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
982 | 0-19-81-18-18 portion as described including P 780 and P 781 | Trib. of Middle Branch Moose River | From trib. 3 to source. P 780 is located near mouth of trib. 3 and P 781 is immediately upstream from P 780 and both are located 1.6 miles northeast of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
983 | 0-19-81-18-18-1, 1a including P 780a | Subtribs. of Middle Branch Moose River | Trib. 1 enters trib. 18 of Middle Branch Moose River from east 0.5 mile northwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
984 | 0-19-81-18-18-2, 3 | Subtribs. of Middle Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 18 of Middle Branch Moose River from east and northeast 0.9 and 1.8 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 0.9 and 1.7 miles northeast of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
985 | 0-19-81-18-P 782 | Old Forge Pond | Located on Middle Branch Moose River beginning immediately east of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | A | A |
986 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a | First Lake | Located on Middle Branch Moose River beginning 1.5 miles east of hamlet of Old Forge and immediately upstream from P 782 (Old Forge Pond). | 17 | A | A |
987 | 0-19-81-18-P 782b | Second Lake | Located on Middle Branch Moose River beginning 2.7 miles east of hamlet of Old Forge and immediately upstream from P 782a (First Lake). | 17 | A | A |
988 | 0-19-81-18-P 782c | Third Lake | Located on Middle Branch Moose River beginning immediately upstream from P 782b (Second Lake) and 1.0 mile southeast of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17 | A | A |
989 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d | Fourth Lake | Located on Middle Branch Moose River beginning immediately upstream from P 782c (Third Lake) and 0.9 mile easterly of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17, 11 | A | A |
990 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-1 and tribs. | Trib. of Old Forge Pond | Enters P 782 (Old Forge Pond) from north 0.5 mile east of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
991 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a-2 | Trib. of First Lake | Enters north side of P 782a (First Lake) from northwest 1.4 miles southwest of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
992 | 0-19-81-18-P 782b-3 | Trib. of Second Lake | Enters north side of P 782b (Second Lake) from northwest 1.0 mile south of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
993 | 0-19-81-18-P 782b-3-P 783 | Bald Mountain Pond | Located at source of trib. 3 of P 782b (Second Lake) 0.6 mile southwest of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
994 | 0-19-81-18-P 782c-4, 5 | Tribs. of Third Lake | Enter P 782c (Third Lake) from north in a section 0.7 mile southeast of peak of Bald Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
995 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-6 including P 784 | Trib. of Fourth Lake | Enters north center portion of P 782d (Fourth Lake) from north 1.9 miles northeast of hamelt of Bald Mountain. P 784 is located at source of trib. 6 and 1.8 miles northeast of hamlet of Bald Mountain. | 11 | C | C(T) |
996 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-7 and tribs., including P 785 | Eagle Creek | Enters P 782d (Fourth Lake) from north 0.5 mile southwest of hamlet of Eagle Bay. P 785 is located on Eagle Creek 4.7 miles upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles southwest of peak of Wadsworth Mountain. | 11, 12 | B | B(T) |
997 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-8 and tribs., 9 and tribs. | Tribs. of Fourth Lake | Enter eastern portion of P 782d (Fourth Lake) from northeast and east 0.1 mile north and 0.4 mile southeast, respectively, of Rocky Point. | 11 | C | C(T) |
998 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10 | Trib. of Fourth Lake | Enters southeast portion of P 782d (Fourth Lake) from southeast 0.4 mile southwest of mouth of trib. 9 at Inlet. | 11, 17 | A | A |
999 | 0-19-81-18-P 78d-10-P 876 | Fifth Lake | Located on trib. 10 of Fourth Lake 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 0.2 mile south of Inlet and 5.3 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | A | A(T) |
1000 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 786-1, 2, 3 | Tribs. of Fifth Lake | Enter southwest portion of P 786 (Fifth Lake) from south, west and west, respectively, 0.6, 0.5 and 0.4 mile southeasterly of Inlet and in a section 5.2 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1001 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 878 | Sixth Lake | Located on trib. 10 of Fourth Lake 0.3 mile upstream from P 786 (Fifth Lake), 0.7 mile southeast of Inlet and 5.5 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17, 11 | A | A(T) |
1002 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a | Seventh Lake | Located on trib. 10 of Fourth Lake immediately upstream from P 787 (Sixth Lake), 1.5 miles southeast of Inlet and 6.4 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17, 18 | A | A(T) |
1003 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-1 and trib. | Trib. of Seventh Lake | Enters northwest portion of P 787a (Seventh Lake) from north 2.1 miles easterly of Inlet and 7.0 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17, 11 12 | C | C(T) |
1004 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2 | Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters northeast portion of P 787a (Seventh Lake) from northeast 1.3 miles east of trib. 1 and 2.1 miles northeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18, 12 | C | C(T) |
1005 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-1 | Trib. of Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters Seventh Lake Inlet from northwest 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 4.9 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C |
1006 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-1-1 | Subtrib. of Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters trib. 1 of Seventh Lake Inlet from northwest 0.2 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 1 and 4.9 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1007 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-1-1-1 | Subtrib. of Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 1 of Seventh Lake Inlet from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of Seventh Lake Inlet and 5.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1008 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-1-1-1-P 788 | Eagle Nest Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of Seventh Lake Inlet 4.9 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1009 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-1-1-P 789 | Bug Lake | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of Seventh Lake Inlet 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 5.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | AA | AA(T) |
1010 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-1-P 790 | Eighth Lake | Located at source of trib. 1 of Seventh Lake Inlet 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 4.1 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | A | A(T) |
1011 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-1-P 790-1 and trib. | Tribs. of Eighth Lake | Enter the north portion of P 790 (Eighth Lake) from northeast and east 2.6 and 2.8 miles, respectively, southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1012 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-2 and trib. | Trib. of Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters Seventh Lake Inlet from northeast 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 1, and 3.9 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1013 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-3 | Trib. of Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters Seventh Lake Inlet from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 3.7 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1014 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-3-1 | Subtrib. of Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters trib. 3 from northwest 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 3.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1015 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-3-P 781 | High Rock Pond | Located at source of trib. 3 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 3.1 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1016 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-4 and trib., including P 792 | Trib. of Seventh Lake Inlet | Enters Seventh Lake Inlet from east 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 3.7 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. P 792 is located at source of trib. 4, 4.4 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1017 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-2-P 793 | Trout Pond | Located at source of Seventh Lake Inlet 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 4.5 miles southwest of hamlet of Raquette Lake. | 12 | C | C(T) |
1018 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-3, 4 and trib., 5 and tribs. | Tribs. of Seventh Lake | Enter P 787a (Seventh Lake) from northeast, southeast and southeast at east and southeast sections of lake and 2.0, 1.8 and 1.5 miles northeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain, respectively. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1019 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-6 and tribs. | Wheeler Creek | Enters south central portion of Seventh Lake from southwest 0.5 mile east of trib. 5 and 1.5 miles northwest of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1020 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-7 | Trib. of Seventh Lake | Enters southwestern portion of Seventh Lake from southwest 1.0 mile northwest of trib. 6 and 1.6 miles southeast of Inlet, and 6.2 miles northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | A | A |
1021 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-8 portion as described | Bottle Brook | Enters southwestern portion of Seventh Lake from southwest 0.2 mile north of trib. 7 and 6.2 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. From mouth to 1.2 miles upstream from the mouth at dam of Inlet water supply which is 1.1 miles southeast of Inlet and 5.0 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1022 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-8 portion as described | Bottle Brook | From dam of Inlet water supply to source. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1023 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-8-1 | Trib. of Bottle Brook | Enters Bottle Brook from southeast 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 5.7 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1024 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-P 787a-8-2 | Trib. of Bottle Brook | Enters Bottle Brook from southeast 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 4.8 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | AA | AA(T) |
1025 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-11, 12, 13, 14, 15 | Tribs. of Fourth Lake | Enter southeasterly portion of Fourth Lake from south in section beginning 0.4 mile west of and ending 1.5 miles west of Inlet. | 11, 17 | A | A |
1026 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-16 including P 794 | Trib. of Fourth Lake | Enters south central portion of Fourth Lake from south 2.6 miles west of Inlet. P 794 is located at source of trib. 16, 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles west of Inlet. | 11 | C | C |
1027 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-10-17 an trib. | Indian Brook | Enters southwesterly portion of Fourth Lake from east 0.9 mile southwest of trib. 16 and 3.3 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1028 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-18 | Trib. of Fourth Lake | Enters Fourth Lake from southeast 0.1 mile south of Trib. 17 and 3.2 miles north of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1029 | 0-19-81-18-P 782d-18-P 795 | Quiver Pond | Located at source of trib. 18, 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles northeasterly of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1030 | 0-19-81-18-P 782c-19 and tribs. | Third Lake Creek | Enters the east central portion of Third Lake from east 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1031 | 0-19-81-18-P 782c-20 | Trib. of Third Lake | Enters southeasterly portion of Third Lake from southeast 1.9 mile northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1032 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a-21 | Trib. of First Lake | Enters eastern portion of First Lake from east 1.8 miles northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1033 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a-21-1 | Subtrib. of First Lake | Enters trib. 21 of First Lake from north 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1034 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a-21-P 796 | Mountain Pond | Located near source of trib. 21, 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1035 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a-22 | Trib. of First Lake | Enters eastern portion of First Lake from southeast 0.3 mile east of Dog Island and 1.8 miles northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | A | A |
1036 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a-23 | Trib. of First Lake | Enters southwest portion of First Lake from south 2.0 miles southeasterly of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1037 | 0-19-81-18-P 782a-24 including P 797 | Trib. of First Lake | Enters southwest portion of First Lake from north 1.8 miles easterly of hamlet of Old Forge. P 797 is located at source of trib. 24, 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles easterly of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1038 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-25 portion as described | Trib. of Old Forge Pond | Enters south central portion of Old Forge Pond from southeast 1.0 mile easterly of Old Forge. From mouth to P 798 (Twin Pond) which is 0.5 mile above mouth and 1.3 miles easterly of Old Forge. | 17 | A | A(T) |
1039 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-25 portion as described | Trib. of Old Forge Pond | From P 798 (Twin Pond) to source. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1040 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-25-P 798 | Twin Pond | Located on trib. 25 of Old Forge Pond 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles easterly of Old Forge. | 17 | A | A(T) |
1041 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-25-1, 2, 3 | Subtribs. of Old Forge Pond | Enter trib. 25 of Old Forge Pond from southeast 1.5, 1.8 and 2.0 miles upstream from P 798 (Twin Pond), respectively, and 1.3, 1.6 and 1.7 miles southeast of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1042 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-P 799 | Unnamed pond | Pond located south of P 782 (Old Forge Pond) and 0.2 mile southwest of mouth of trib. 25 and 0.8 mile east of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
1043 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-26 | Trib. of Old Forge Pond | Enters south central portion of Old Forge Pond from south 0.3 mile southeast of trib. 25 and 0.7 mile east of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1044 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-26-P 800, P 801 | Unnamed ponds | Pond (P 800) is located less than 0.1 mile from mouth of trib. 26 and 0.7 mile east of hamlet of Old Forge. P 801 is located immediately upstream from P 800. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1045 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-26-P 802 | Greys Lake | Located on trib. 26 of Old Forge Pond 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile southeast of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1046 | 0-19-81-18-P 782-26-1 | Subtrib. of Old Forge Pond | Enters trib. 26 of Old Forge Pond from southeast 1.4 miles upstream from P 802 (Greys Lake) and 1.8 miles southeast of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1047 | 0-19-81-19 and trib., 20 and trib., 21 and trib., 22, 23 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from north, southeast, north, northeast and north, respectively, in a section beginning 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 18 (Middle Branch Moose River) and extending to point 3.1 miles northeast of McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1048 | 0-19-81-24 | Nicks Creek | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 23 and 3.2 miles northeast of McKeever. | 16, 17 | C | C |
1049 | 0-19-81-24-1 | Trib. of Nicks Creek | Enters Nicks Creek from northeast 0.8 mile above mouth and 3.0 miles southeast of Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C |
1050 | 0-19-81-18-24-1-P 803 | Bloodsucker Pond | Located on trib. 1 of Nicks Creek 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 2.8 miles southeast of Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C |
1051 | 0-19-81-24-1-1 | Subtrib. of Nicks Creek | Enters trib. 1 of Nicks Creek from north 0.7 mile upstream from P 803 (Bloodsucker Pond) and 2.2 miles southeast of Minnehaha. | 16 | C | C |
1052 | 0-19-81-24-2 and trib. | Trib. of Nicks Creek | Enters Nicks Creek from east 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.2 miles southeast of peak of Little Roundtop Mountain. | 16, 17 | C | C |
1053 | 0-19-81-24-3 | Trib. of Nicks Creek | Enters Nicks Creek from east 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.7 miles southeast of Onekio. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1054 | 0-19-81-24-3-1 | Subtrib. of Nicks Creek | Enters trib. 3 of Nicks Creek from north 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 2.7 miles southeast of Onekio. | 16 | C | C |
1055 | 0-19-81-24 P 803a, P 803b, P 803c, P 803d, P 803e, P 803f, P 803g, 4 including P 803h, 5 and trib., P 803i | Tribs. of Nicks Creek | Tribs. 4 and 5 enter Nicks Creek from west and northwest 0.6 and 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 3, respectively, and 2.2 miles southeast of Onekio. | 16 | C | C |
1056 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-1 and trib. | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters northwest portion of Nicks Lake from southwest 2.7 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17, 16 | A | A(T) |
1057 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-1 and trib. | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters northwest portion of Nicks Lake from southwest 2.7 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17, 16 | C | C(T) |
1058 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-2 | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters northerly portion of Nicks Lake from northwest 2.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
1059 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-3 and trib. | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters northeast portion of Nicks Lake from northeast 0.2 mile northeast of mouth of trib. 2 and 2.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1060 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-4 | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters northeast portion of Nicks Lake from northeast 0.2 mile southeasterly of mouth of trib. 3 and 2.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
1061 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-5 | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters northeast portion of Nicks Lake from northeast 0.1 mile southeast of mouth of trib. 4 and 2.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1062 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-6 | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters east central portion of Nicks Lake from northeast 0.5 mile southwest of mouth of trib. 5 and 2.7 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C |
1063 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-7 including P 805 | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters southeasterly portion of Nicks Lake from northeast 0.2 mile southeast of mouth of trib. 6 and 2.9 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1064 | 0-19-81-24-P 804-8 and trib. | Trib. of Nicks Lake | Enters southern portion of Nicks Lake from south 0.2 mile southwest of mouth of trib. 7 and 3.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1065 | 0-19-81-25 and trib. including P 806 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from south 0.5 mile upstream from Nicks Creek and 1.7 miles northwest of Wolf Lake Landing. P 806 is located 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles northwest of Wolf Lake Landing. | 16 | C | C |
1066 | 0-19-81-26, 27 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from southeast and northeast 0.7 and 0.9 mile, respectively, upstream from trib. 25 and 1.6 and 1.7 miles north of Wolf Lake Landing. | 16 | C | C |
1067 | 0-19-81-28 and tribs., 29, 30, 31 and trib., 32, 33 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from southwest, southeast, southeast, northeast, southeast and northwest, respectively, in a section beginning 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 27 and 1.4 miles northwest of peak of Woodhull Mountain and extending to a point 1.4 miles northerly of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17, 16 | C | C(T) |
1068 | 0-19-81-34 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 33 and 1.4 miles northerly of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1069 | 0-19-81-34-1 | Nameless Creek | Enters trib. 34 of South Branch Moose River from northwest 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1070 | 0-19-81-34-1-1 | Trib. of Nameless Creek | Enters Nameless Creek from west 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northeasterly of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1071 | 0-19-81-34-1-1-1 | Subtrib. of Nameless Creek | Enters trib. 1 of Nameless Creek from southwest 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles northwest of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1072 | 0-19-81-34-1-1-P 807 and tribs. | Rock Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of Nameless Creek 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1073 | 0-19-81-34-1-2, 3 trib., 4 and tribs., 5 | Tribs. of Nameless Creek | Enter Nameless Creek from northeast, northeast, east and southwest in a section beginning 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 1 of trib. 1 and 2.1 miles southwest of peak of Panther Mountain and extending to a point 3.0 miles southwest of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1074 | 0-19-81-34-2, 3, 4, 5 | Subtribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 34 of South Branch Moose River from northwest in a section beginning 1.6 miles upstream from mouth and extending 1.0 mile upstream to a point 0.7 mile northwest of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1075 | 0-19-81-34-P 808 | Little Moose Lake | Located at source of trib. 34 of South Branch Moose River 1.0 mile northwest of peak of Panther Mountain and 2.7 miles southeast of hamlet of Old Forge. | 17 | B | B(T) |
1076 | 0-19-81-34-P 808-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Tribs. of Little Moose Lake | Enter Little Moose Lake in a section beginning immediately north of outlet and extending in a clockwise direction along north shore of lake for a distance of 4.5 miles. | 17 | B | B(T) |
1077 | 0-19-81-34-P 808-6 | Trib. of Little Moose Lake | Enter P 808 (Little Moose Lake) from south at East Bay and 1.3 miles northeast of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | B | B(T) |
1078 | 0-19-81-34-P 808-6-P 809 | Panther Lake | Located at source of trib. 6 of Little Moose Lake 1.2 miles northeast of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1079 | 0-19-81-35, 36, 37, 38 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from south, south, south and northwest, respectively, in a section beginning 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 34 and 1.0 mile north of peak of Woodhull Mountain and extending 0.5 mile upstream to a point 1.4 miles northeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1080 | 0-19-81-39 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from north 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 38 and 1.5 miles southwest of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1081 | 0-19-81-40 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from south 1.5 miles south of peak of Panther Mountain and 2.1 miles northeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1082 | 0-19-81-40-P 810, P 810a, 1 and trib., 2, 3, 4 | Subtribs. of South Branch Moose River | Ponds (P 810 and P 810a) are located on trib. 40, 0.3 mile upstream from mouth at Combs Springhole. Tribs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 enter trib. 40 from southwest, south, southeast and south, respectively, in a section beginning 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and extending to a point 1.5 miles northeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1083 | 0-19-81-40-P 811 | Combs Lake | Located on trib. 40 of South Branch Moose River 1.4 miles east of peak of Woodhull Mountain and 1.2 miles north of Bisby Lodge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1084 | 0-19-81-41, 42, 43 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from southeast, northeast and northwest in a section beginning 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 40 and 0.6 mile northeast of Combs Springhole and extending upstream to a point 0.4 mile northeast of Carlin Camp. | 17 | C | C |
1085 | 0-19-81-P 812 | Green Lake | Isolated lake located south of trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) and north of peak of Rose Mountain and 0.5 mile southeast of Carlin Camp. | 17 | C | C |
1086 | 0-19-81-44 | Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from northeast approximately 1.0 mile northwest of peak of Pico Mountain and 1.2 miles southeast of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1087 | 0-19-81-44-1 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from northwest 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile northwest of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1088 | 0-19-81-44-2 and tribs., including P 813 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from northeast 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile northwest of peak of Pico Mountain. P 813 is located at source of trib. 1, 0.4 mile northeast of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1089 | 0-19-81-44-3, 4 | Tribs. of Limekiln Creek | Enter Limekiln Creek from northwest and east 0.4 and 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 2, respectively, and 1.3 and 1.5 miles northwest of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1090 | 0-19-81-44-5 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from north 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 1.5 miles southwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1091 | 0-19-81-44-5-P 814 and tribs. | East Pond | Located at source of trib. 5 of Limekiln Creek 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles southwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1092 | 0-19-81-44-6 including P 815 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from northwest 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 5 and 0.5 mile southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. P 815 is located at source of trib. 6 and 0.5 mile southwest of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1093 | 0-19-81-44-7 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 0.5 mile southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1094 | 0-19-81-44-7-1 including P 816 and P 817 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek from southwest 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 0.6 mile southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. P 816 and P 817 are located 0.2 and 0.6 mile, respectively, upstream from mouth and 0.7 and 0.9 mile southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1095 | 0-19-81-44-7-1-P 818 | Tailor Pond | Located on trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek 0.4 mile upstream from P 817 and 1.3 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1096 | 0-19-81-44-7-1 P 819, P 820 | Unnamed ponds | Pond (P 819) is located on trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek 0.1 mile upstream from P 818 and 1.6 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. P 820 is located 0.1 mile upstream from P 819 and 1.7 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1097 | 0-19-81-44-7-1-1 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek from southeast at P 820. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1098 | 0-19-81-44-7-1-1 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek 0.2 mile upstream from P 820 and 1.8 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1099 | 0-19-81-44-7- 1-1-P 821 | Fox Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek 2.0 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1100 | 0-19-81-44-7-1-2 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from P 820 and 2.0 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1101 | 0-19-81-44-7-1- 2-P 822 | Doe Pond | Located on trib. 2 of trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1102 | 0-19-81-44-7-1- 2-P 822-1 | Trib. of Doe Pond | Enters Doe Pond from southeast 2.2 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1103 | 0-19-81-44-7-1-3 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 2.0 miles northwest of peak of Higley Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1104 | 0-19-81-44-7-P 823 | Mud pond | Located on trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1105 | 0-19-81-44-7-2 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek from northeast 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1106 | 0-19-81-44-7-2-P 824 | Beaverdam Pond | Located on trib. 2 of trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek 0.2 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 2 and 1.1 miles southeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1107 | 0-19-81-44-7-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 | Subtribs. of Limekiln Creek | Enter trib. 7 of Limekiln Creek from southwest, northeast, northeast, southeast, northeast, southeast and northeast, respectively, in a section beginning 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 2 and extending upstream to a point 3.3 miles northeast of peak of Higley Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1108 | 0-19-81-44-8 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from north 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 1.1 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1109 | 0-19-81-44-9 including P 825 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from north 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 1.5 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. P 825 is located 1.6 miles upstream from mouth and 2.9 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1110 | 0-19-81-44-9-1 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters trib. 9 of Limekiln Creek from northeast 0.8 mile upstream from P 825 and 3.7 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1111 | 0-19-81-44-10 | Trib. of Limekiln Creek | Enters Limekiln Creek from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 9 and 1.9 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1112 | 0-19-81-44-P 826 | Limekiln Lake | Located at source of Limekiln Creek 3.4 miles northwest of peak of Fernow Mountain and 2.8 miles southwest of Inlet. | 17 | A | A(T) |
1113 | 0-19-81-44-P 826-1, 2 | Tribs. of Limekiln Lake | Enter Limekiln Lake from north 3.8 miles and 4.5 miles, respectively, northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | A | A |
1114 | 0-19-81-44-P 826-3 and trib. | Trib. of Limekiln Lake | Enters northeast portion of Limekiln Lake from northeast 4.5 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1115 | 0-19-81-44-P 826-4 | Trib. of Limekiln Lake | Enters east central portion of Limekiln Lake from east 4.6 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17, 18 | C | C(T) |
1116 | 0-19-81-44-P 826 4-P 827 | Fawn Lake | Located on trib. 4 of Limekiln Lake 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 5.2 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1117 | 0-19-81-44-P 826-4-1 | Subtrib. of Limekiln Lake | Enters trib. 4 of Limekiln Lake from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from P 827 (Fawn Lake) and 5.7 miles northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1118 | 0-19-81-44-P 826-4-2 | Subtribs. of Limekiln Lake | In forest preserve. | 17 | ||
1119 | 0-19-81-44-P 826-5 and tribs. 6, 7, 8 | Tribs. of Limekiln Lake | Enter southwest portion of Limekiln Lake from east, south, southwest and southwest 3.9, 3.5, 3.2 and 3.2 miles, respectively, northeast of peak of Fernow Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1120 | 0-19-81-45 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from east 1.4 miles upstream from Limekiln Creek and 1.9 miles southeast of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1121 | 0-19-81-45-1 | Subtrib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from northeast 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles southeast of Carlin Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1122 | 0-19-81-45-1-1 | Subtrib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from northeast 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 0.5 mile northeast of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1123 | 0-19-81-45-1-P 828 | Horseshoe Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 45 of trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.4 mile northeast of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1124 | 0-19-81-45-2 | Subtrib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from northeast 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 1.2 miles southeast of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1125 | 0-19-81-45-2-1 including P 829 and P 830 | Subtrib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles east of peak of Pico Mountain. P 829 is located 0.3 mile upstream from mouth of trib. 1 and 1.6 miles northeast of peak of Pico Mountain. P 830 is 0.1 mile upstream from P 829. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1126 | 0-19-81-45-2-P 831 | Hall Pond | Located at source of trib. 2, 2.2 miles east of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1127 | 0-19-81-45-P 832 | Pico Lake | Located at source of trib. 45, 1.2 miles easterly of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1128 | 0-19-81-45-P 832-1, 2 including P 833 and 834 | Tribs. of Pico Lake | Enter northeast portion of Pico Lake from northwest and northeast, respectively, 1.8 miles northeast of peak of Pico Mountain. P 833 is located on trib. 2, 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northeast of peak of Pico Mountain. P 834 is located at source of trib. 2, 2.2 miles northeast of peak of Pico Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1129 | 0-19-81-46 and tribs. | Otter Brook | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from south 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 45 and 2.1 miles southwest of Proctor Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1130 | 0-19-81-47, 48 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from southeast 0.8 and 1.5 miles, respectively, upstream from Otter Brook and 1.6 and 1.0 miles southwest of Proctor Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1131 | 0-19-81-49 | Deadmans Gulch | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 48 and 0.7 mile southeast of Proctor Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1132 | 0-19-81-50 including P 835 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from south 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 49 (Deadmans Gulch) and 0.1 mile south of Finch Camp. P 835 is located on trib. 50, 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1133 | 0-19-81-51 | Canachagala Brook | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 50 and 0.3 mile southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1134 | 0-19-81-51-1 | Trib. of Canachagala Brook | Enters Canachagala Brook from southwest 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1135 | 0-19-81-51-2 | Trib. of Canachagala Brook | Enters Canachagala Brook from east 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.0 mile southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1136 | 0-19-81-51-2-1, 2 | Subtribs. of Canachagala Brook | Enter trib. 2 of Canachagala Brook from east and northeast 0.2 and 1.4 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 1.1 and 2.0 miles southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1137 | 0-19-81-51-2-2-P 836 | Stink Lake | Located at source of trib. 2 of Canachagala Brook 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1138 | 0-19-81-51-2-P 837 | Balsam Lake | Located at source of trib. 2 of Canachagala Brook 2.8 miles southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1139 | 0-19-81-51-3 | Trib. of Canachagala Brook | Enters Canachagala Brook from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.1 miles southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1140 | 0-19-81-51-4 and tribs. | Natural Hatchery Brook | Enters Canachagala Brook from southeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 1.1 miles southeast of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1141 | 0-19-81-51-5 | Trib. of Canachagala Brook | Enters Canachagala Brook from southwest 0.7 mile upstream from Natural Hatchery Brook 1.5 miles southwest of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1142 | 0-19-81-51-P 838 and trib. | Canachagala Lake | Located at source of Canachagala Brook 2.2 miles northeast of Bisby Lodge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1143 | 0-19-81-52 and tribs., including P 839, P 840, P 841, P 842, P 843, P 844, P 845, P 846 | Lost Brook | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from northeast 0.7 mile upstream from Canachagala Brook and 0.7 mile east of Finch Camp. The ponds are located in a general area 1.6 miles north of peak of Higley Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1144 | 0-19-81-53, 54 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from north and south 0.6 and 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 52, respectively, and 1.3 and 1.5 miles east of Finch Camp. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1145 | 0-19-81-55 and tribs. excluding P 847 and P 848 | Red River | Enters South Branch Moose River from northeast 1.6 miles upstream from mouth at Rock Dam and 1.9 miles easterly of peak of Higley Mountain. | 17, 18 | C | C(T) |
1146 | 0-19-81-55-6-P 847, P 848 and tribs. | Mitchell Ponds | Located at source of trib. 6 of Red River. Trib. 6 enters Red River from northeast 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles northwest of Beecher Camp. | 17, 18 | C | C(T) |
1147 | 0-19-81-56 and tribs. 57 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from south 0.2 and 0.5 mile upstream from Red River, respectively, and 2.0 and 2.4 miles southeast of peak of Higley Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1148 | 0-19-81-58 and all tribs., including P 849 through P 875 | Indian River | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from south 1.9 miles upstream from trib. 57 and 0.2 mile southeast of Beecher Camp. | 17, 18 | C | C(T) |
1149 | 0-19-81-59 and trib. | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from north 0.6 mile east of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1150 | 0-19-81-60 | Sumner Stream | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from north 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 59 and 0.3 mile northwest of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1151 | 0-19-81-60-1 | Trib. of Sumner Stream | Enters Sumner Stream from east 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile northwest of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1152 | 0-19-81-60-1-1 | Subtrib. of Sumner Stream | Enters trib. 1 of Sumner Stream from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1153 | 0-19-81-60-1-1-P 876 | Icehouse Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of Sumner Stream 0.6 mile northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1154 | 0-19-81-60-1-P 877 | Helldiver Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of Sumner Stream 0.1 mile northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C |
1155 | 0-19-81-60-2 and trib. | Trib. of Sumner Stream | Enters Sumner Stream from southwest 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.0 mile northwest of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1156 | 0-19-81-60-3 | Benedict Creek | Enters Sumner Stream from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.1 miles north of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1157 | 0-19-81-60-3-1 and trib. | Trib. of Benedict Creek | Enters Benedict Creek from west 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1158 | 0-19-81-60-3-2 | Pine Grove Creek | Enters Benedict Creek from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.9 miles northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1159 | 0-19-81-60-3-2-1 | Trib. of Pine Grove Creek | Enters Pine Grove Creek from northeast 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1160 | 0-19-81-60-3-2- 1-P 878, P 879 and trib. | Lost Ponds | Located at source of trib. 1 of Pine Grove Creek 3.0 miles northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1161 | 0-19-81-60-3-2-2, 3, 4, 5 | Tribs. of Pine Grove Creek | Enter Pine grove Creek from northwest, northwest, north and southeast, respectively, in a section beginning 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 1 and extending to a point 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 3.6 miles northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1162 | 0-19-81-60-3-3 and trib. 4, 5 and trib. 6, 7 | Tribs. of Benedict Creek | Enter Benedict Creek in a section beginning 0.1 mile upstream from Pine Grove Creek and extending 0.8 mile upstream to a point 2.8 miles northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1163 | 0-19-81-60-3-8 | Trib. of Benedict Creek | Enters Benedict Creek from northwest 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 2.8 miles southeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1164 | 0-19-81-60-3-8-1, 2 | Subtribs. of Benedict Creek | Enter trib. 8 of Benedict Creek from west and southwest 0.4 and 0.7 mile upstream from mouth, respectively, and 2.5 and 2.3 miles southeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1165 | 0-19-81-60-3 -8-P 880 and tribs. | Bear Pond | Located at source of trib. 8 of Benedict Creek and 2.2 miles southeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1166 | 0-19-81-60-3-9, 10 and tribs. 11 and tribs. 12, 13, 14 and trib. 15, 16 | Tribs. of Benedict Creek | Enter from north, east, north, southeast, northeast, northeast, southwest and northeast, respectively, in a section of stream beginning 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 8 and extending to a point upstream 4.7 miles northeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1167 | 0-19-81-60-4, 5 and trib., 6, 7 and trib., 8 | Tribs. of Sumner Stream | Enter Sumner Stream from southeast, northeast, southeast, east and northwest, respectively, in a section beginning 1.5 miles upstream from Benedict Creek and 1.9 miles northeast of Kenwells and extending to point upstream 3.9 miles northeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1168 | 0-19-81-60-P 881 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Sumner Stream 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 4.9 miles southeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1169 | 0-19-81-60-9, 10 | Tribs. of Sumner Stream | Enter Sumner Stream from east at north section of P 881 and 0.1 miles upstream from P 881, respectively, and 5.2 and 5.4 miles southeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1170 | 0-19-81-60-P 882 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Sumner Stream 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 10 and 5.5 miles southeast of peak of Seventh Lake Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1171 | 0-19-81-60-11 and tribs. | Trib. of Sumner Stream | Enters Sumner Stream from east at P 882, 4.1 miles northwest of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1172 | 0-19-81-60-12, 13 and trib. | Tribs. of Sumner Stream | Enter Sumner Stream from northwest and northeast 0.5 and 1.7 miles upstream from trib. 11, respectively, and 3.8 and 3.3 miles northwest of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1173 | 0-19-81-60-P 883 | Sumner Lake | Located on Sumner Stream 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 3.6 miles northwest of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1174 | 0-19-81-60-P 884 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of Sumner Stream and 3.2 miles northwest of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1175 | 0-19-81-61 | Otter Brook | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from southeast 0.8 mile upstream from Sumner Stream and 0.3 mile east of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1176 | 0-19-81-61-1, 2 and trib. 3 and tribs. | Tribs. of Otter Brook | Enter Otter Brook from northeast, northeast and southwest 0.7, 0.9 and 1.1 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth and 0.8, 1.0 and 1.1 miles southeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1177 | 0-19-81-61-4 and tribs., excluding P 885 | Trib. of Otter Brook | Enters Otter Brook from southwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 1.5 miles southeast of Kenwells. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1178 | 0-19-81-61-4-P 885 | Falls Pond | Located at source of trib. 4 of Otter Brook 3.0 miles northwesterly of peak of Kitty Cobble Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1179 | 0-19-81-61-5 and trib. 6 and trib. 7, 8, 9, 10 and trib., 11, 12 and trib., 13 and trib. | Tribs. of Otter Brook | Enter Otter Brook in a section beginning 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 1.6 miles southeast of Kenwells and extending upstream to a point 1.7 miles northwest of peak of Kitty Cobble Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1180 | 0-19-81-61-14 and tribs., including P 886 | Trib. of Otter Brook | Enters Otter Brook from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 1.7 miles northwest of peak of Kitty Cobble Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1181 | 0-19-81-61-15, 16 and tribs., 17, 18 and tribs., 19, 20 and tribs. 21, 22 and trib., 23 and trib., 24 and tribs., 25, 26, 27 | Tribs. of Otter Brook | Enter Otter Brook in a section beginning 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 14 and 1.5 miles northwest of peak of Kitty Cobble Mountain and extending upstream to a point 2.6 miles northwest of peak of Goodluck Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1182 | 0-19-81-61-P 887 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Otter Brook 0.3 mile downstream from source and 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Goodluck Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1183 | 0-19-81-61-28 | Trib. of Otter Brook | Enters Otter Brook from southeast immediately upstream from P 887 and 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Goodluck Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1184 | 0-19-81-62-,63 and tribs., 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter in a section beginning 1.9 miles upstream from trib. 61 (Otter Brook) and 2.1 miles northeast of Kenwells and extending upstream to a point 2.7 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1185 | 0-19-81-69 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from southeast 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 68 and 2.3 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1186 | 0-19-81-69-1 | Subtrib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 69 from southwest 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1187 | 0-19-81-69-P 888 | Sly Pond | Located at source of trib. 69, 1.1 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C |
1188 | 0-19-81-70 and trib. | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | In forest preserve. | 18 | ||
1189 | 0-19-81-71 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 70 and 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1190 | 0-19-81-71-1 | Subtrib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters trib. 71 from northwest 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1191 | 0-19-81-71-2 | Silver Run | Enters trib. 71 of trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from east 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 2.8 miles southwest of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1192 | 0-19-81-71-2-1 | Trib. of Silver Run | Enters Silver Run from northeast 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles southwest of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1193 | 0-19-81-71-2-1-1 | Subtrib. of Silver Run | Enters trib. 1 of Silver Run from southeast 1.6 miles north of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1194 | 0-19-81-71-2-1-P 989 | Cellar Pond | Located at source of trib. 1 of Silver Run 0.9 mile northeast of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1195 | 0-19-81-71-2-2 | Trib. of Silver Run | Enters Silver Run from northeast 2.3 miles upstream from trib. 1 and 0.6 mile southeast of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1196 | 0-19-81-71-3 and trib., 4, 5, 6, 7 | Subtribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter trib. 71 from west, north, northeast, northeast and northeast, respectively, in a section beginning 0.6 mile upstream from Silver Run and extending upstream to a point 1.3 miles northwest of peak of Cellar Mountain and 0.8 mile southwest of peak of Bradley Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1197 | 0-19-81-72 | Trib. of South Branch Moose River | Enters from north 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 71 and 1.8 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1198 | 0-19-81-73 and trib. | Butter Brook | Enters trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River) from northeast 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 72 and 1.4 miles northwest of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1199 | 0-19-81-74, 75 and trib. 76 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose River | Enter from southwest, southwest and south 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 mile, respectively, upstream from trib. 73 and 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 miles northerly of peak of Little Moose Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1200 | 0-19-81-P 890 and tribs. | Little Moose Lake | Located at source of trib. 81 (South Branch Moose River 1.3 miles northeast of peak of Manbury Mountain and 2.2 miles southeast of peak of Cellar Mountain. | 18 | C | C(T) |
1201 | 0-19-82 portion as described | Black River Canal | Enters Black River from south 0.7 mile upstream from Moose River and south of Lyons Falls and 1.4 miles east of Collinsville. From mouth to crossing of trib. 86 of Black River 2.6 miles upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile south of center of Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C |
1202 | 0-19-82 portion as described | Black River Canal | From crossing of trib. 86 of Black River to crossing of watershed of Black River drainage basin 8.0 miles upstream from trib. 86 of Black River and 1.7 miles southeast of center of Boonville. | 15, 19 | C | C |
1203 | 0-19-82-1 and tribs. | Trib. of Black River Canal | Enters Black River Canal from southwest 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile south of Lyons Falls. | 15 | C | C |
1204 | 0-19-82-2 including P 891 | Trib. of Black River Canal | Enters Black River Canal from west 1.5 miles upstream from trib. 1 and in Port Leyden. P 891 is located at mouth of trib. 2 in Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C |
1205 | 0-19-82-P 892, P 893, P 894 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located on Black River Canal 2.8, 3.0 and 3.2 miles upstream from trib. 2, respectively, and 0.8, 0.7 and 0.4 mile north of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C |
1206 | 0-19-82-P 895 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black River Canal 1.0 mile south of Leyden Station Post Office and 0.4 mile north of Lewis-Oneida county line. | 15 | C | C |
1207 | 0-19-82-3 | Trib. of Black River Canal | Enters Black River Canal from west at P 895 and 1.0 mile south of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C |
1208 | 0-19-82-4 | Trib. of Black River Canal | Enters Black River Canal from west 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.7 miles southeast of Talcottville. | 15 | C | C |
1209 | 0-19-82-P 896 | Boonville Municipal Pool | Located near northeasterly side of Black River Canal 1.8 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 0.3 mile west of peak at Park Hill at Boonville. | 19 | B | B |
1209.1 | 0-19-82-P 897, P 898 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located near northeasterly side of Black River Canal 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 0.2 mile west of peak of Park Hill at Boonville. | 19 | C | C |
1210 | 0-19-82-5 portion as described | Trib. of Black River Canal | Enters Black River Canal from west 2.5 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 0.6 mile south of peak of Park Hill at Boonville. From mouth to P 899 (Boonville Reservoir) which is 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles south of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C |
1211 | 0-19-82-5 portion as described | Trib. of Black River Canal | From P 899 (Boonville Reservoir) to source. | 19 | AA | AA |
1212 | 0-19-82-5-1 and tribs. | Subtrib. of Black River Canal | Enters trib. 5 of Black River Canal from northwest 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 1.0 mile southeast of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C |
1213 | 0-19-82-5-P 899, P 900 and P 901 | Boonville Reservoirs | Located on trib. 5 of Black River Canal 1.5, 1.8, and 1.9 miles upstream from trib. 1, respectively, and 1.5, 1.8 and 1.9 miles south of center of Boonville. | 19 | AA | AA |
1214 | 0-19-82-5-2,3 | Subtribs. of Black River Canal | Enter trib. 5 of Black River Canal at P 901 and 0.5 mile upstream from P 901, respectively, and 1.7 and 1.3 miles north of peak of Jackson Hill. | 19 | AA | AA |
1214.1 | 0-19-82a | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east approximately 1 mile upstream from trib. 82 and directly upstream from P 902. | 15 | C | C(TS) |
1215 | 0-19-P 902 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black River 1.4 miles upstream from Black River Canal and immediately north of Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C |
1216 | 0-19-83 | Cold Brook | Enters Black River from east immediately upstream from P 902 and at Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1217 | 0-19-83-1 | Trib. of Cold Brook | Enters Cold Brook from north 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and at Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1218 | 0-19-83-2 | Trib. of Cold Brook | Enters Cold Brook from south 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.0 mile east of center of Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C |
1219 | 0-19-83-3 portion as described | Trib. of Cold Brook | Enters Cold Brook from south 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.6 miles east of center of Port Leyden. From mouth to dam of Port Leyden water supply reservoir which is 0.8 mile upstream from mouth. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1220 | 0-19-83-3 portion as described | Trib. of Cold Brook | From dam of Port Leyden water supply reservoir to source. | 15 | AA | AA(T) |
1221 | 0-19-83-3-1 portion as described | Subtrib. of Cold Brook | Enters trib. 3 of Cold Brook from south 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles east of center of Port Leyden. From mouth to dam of Port Leyden water supply reservoir which is 0.6 mile upstream from mouth. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1222 | 0-19-83-3-1 portion as described | Subtrib. of Cold Brook | From dam of Port Leyden water supply reservoir to source. | 15 | AA | AA(T) |
1223 | 0-19-P 903 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black River immediately upstream from Cold Brook and at Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C |
1224 | 0-19-84 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from west immediately upstream from P 903 and at Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C |
1225 | 0-19-85 and tribs. | Miller Brook | Enters Black River from east 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 84 and 0.8 mile southeast of center of Port Leyden. | 15, 16 | C | C(TS) |
1226 | 0-19-86 and trib. | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southwest immediately upstream from Miller Brook and 0.8 mile southeast of center of Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1227 | 0-19-87 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 1.5 miles upstream from Miller Brook and 2.3 miles southeast of center of Port Leyden. | 15 | C | C |
1228 | 0-19-88 portion as described | Fall Brook | Enters Black River from east 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 87 and 0.9 mile north of Leyden Station Post Office. Mouth to trib. 8 which enters from northeast 1.2 miles south of hamlet of Moose River. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
1229 | 0-19-88 portion as described | Fall Brook | From trib. 8 to source at P 907 (Round Pond). P 907 is located 1.2 miles southeast of hamlet of Moose River. | 16 | C | C |
1230 | 0-19-88-P 904 | Unnamed pond | Pone located on Fall Brook 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile northeast of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1231 | 0-19-88-1, 2 | Tribs. of Fall Brook | Enter Fall Brook from east and south 0.4 mile and 2.4 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 0.9 mile and 2.6 miles northeast of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1232 | 0-19-88-P 905 | Barnes Lake | Located 0.3 mile southeast of Fall Brook and 0.5 mile southeast of Porters Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1233 | 0-19-88-3, 4, 5 and tribs., 6, 7, 8 | Tribs. of Fall Brook | Enter Fall Brook in section beginning 0.9 mile east of Porters Corners and extending to a point 1.2 miles south of hamlet of Moose River. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1234 | 0-19-88-P 906 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Fall Brook 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 8 and 1.1 miles southeast of hamlet of Moose River. | 16 | C | C |
1235 | 0-19-88-P 907 | Round Pond | Located at source of Fall Brook 1.1 miles southeast of hamlet of Moose River. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1236 | 0-19-89 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from south 1.0 mile upstream from Fall Brook and 0.7 mile east of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C |
1237 | 0-19-90 including P 908 | Mile Creek | Enter Black River from southeast 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 89 and 1.0 mile east of Leyden Station Post Office. P 908 is located on Mile Creek 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 2.3 miles southeast of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
1238 | 0-19-90-1 including P 908a, P 908b, P 908c, P 908d, P 908e, P 908f, 2, 3 | Tribs. of Mile Creek | Enter Mile Creek from northeast, east and northeast 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mile upstream from mouth, respectively, and 1.2 miles east, 1.5 and 1.8 miles southeast of Leyden Station Post Office. P 908a through 908f are located on trib. 1 of Mile Creek. | 15 | C | C |
1239 | 0-19-90-4 | Trib. of Mile Creek | Enters Mile Creek from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.2 miles southeast of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1240 | 0-19-90-5 and trib. | Trib. of Mile Creek | Enters Mile Creek from east 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 1.2 miles south of Bucks Corners. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
1241 | 0-19-90-5-P 909 | Popular Pond | Located 0.2 mile southeast of source of trib. 5 of Mile Creek and 2.8 miles south of Porters Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1242 | 0-19-90-6 | Trib. of Mile Creek | Enters Mile Creek from north 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 1.0 mile south of Bucks Corners. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1243 | 0-19-90-7 and tribs. | Cropsey Creek | Enters Mile Creek from northeast 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 6 and 2.4 miles south of Porters Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1244 | 0-19-90-8, 9 | Tribs. of Mile Creek | Enter Mile Creek from northeast 1.9 and 2.4 miles upstream from Cropsey Creek, respectively, and 1.2 and 1.6 miles southeast of Porters Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1245 | 0-19-90-P 910 | Buck Pond | Located at source of Mile Creek and 1.7 miles southeast of Porters Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1246 | 0-19-91 | Sugar River | Enters Black River from southwest 1.1 miles upstream from Mile Creek and 1.3 miles south of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15, 14 | C | C(T) |
1247 | 0-19-91-1 | Moose Creek | Enters Sugar River from southwest 1.7 miles upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile southwest of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C |
1248 | 0-19-91-1-1 | Trib. of Moose Creek | Enters Moose Creek from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles southeast of Talcottville. | 15 | C | C |
1249 | 0-19-91-1-2, 3 | Tribs. of Moose Creek | Enter Moose Creek from west and southwest 0.6 and 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 1, respectively, and 1.7 and 1.9 miles southeast of Talcottville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1250 | 0-19-91-1-4 portion as described | North Branch Moose Creek | Enters Moose Creek from west 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 2.3 miles south of Talcottville. From mouth to trib. 3 which enters from northwest 0.3 mile east of Pasadena. | 15, 19 | C | C |
1251 | 0-19-91-1-4 portion as described | North Branch Moose Creek | From trib. 3 to source. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1252 | 0-19-91-1-4-1 and tribs. | Trib. of North Branch Moose Creek | Enters North Branch Moose Creek from northwest 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 2.4 miles south of Talcottville. | 15 | C | C |
1253 | 0-19-91-1-4-1a, 2 | Tribs. of North Branch Moose Creek | Trib. 2 enters North Branch Moose Creek from northwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.8 mile east of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C |
1254 | 0-19-91-1-4-3, 4, 5 and trib. | Tribs. of North Branch Moose Creek | Enter North Branch Moose Creek from northwest in section beginning 0.3 mile east of Pasadena and extending upstream to a point 0.4 mile southwest of Pasadena. | 19, 15 | C | C(T) |
1255 | 0-19-91-1-4-6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Tribs. of North Branch Moose Creek | Enter Moose Creek in section beginning 0.5 mile southwest of Pasadena and extending upstream to a point 1.0 mile southwest of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C |
1256 | 0-19-91-1-5 portion as described | South Branch Moose Creek | Joins trib. 4 (North Branch Moose Creek) from south 2.3 miles south of Talcottville to form Moose Creek. From mouth to trib. 2 which enters from south 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles southeast of Pasadena. | 15, 19 | C | C(TS) |
1257 | 0-19-91-1-5 portion as described | South Branch Moose Creek | From trib. 2 to trib. 10. | 19 | C | C(TS) |
1257.1 | 0-19-91-1-5 portion as described | South Branch Moose Creek | From trib. 10 to source. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1258 | 0-19-91-1-5-1 | Trib. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enters South Branch Moose Creek on west 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles east of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C |
1259 | 0-19-91-1-5-2 and tribs., 3, 4, 5 and trib., 6 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enter South Branch Moose Creek in a section beginning 1.7 miles southeast of Pasadena and extending upstream to a point 1.6 miles south of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1260 | 0-19-91-1-5-7 | Trib. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enters South Branch Moose Creek from west 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 1.6 miles south of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C |
1261 | 0-19-91-1-5-8 | Trib. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enters South Branch Moose Creek from south 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 1.7 miles south of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1262 | 0-19-91-1-5-8-1 | Subtrib. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enters trib. 8 of South Branch Moose Creek from southwest immediately upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles south of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C |
1263 | 0-19-91-1-5-9 | Trib. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enters South Branch Moose Creek from northwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 1.7 miles south of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C |
1264 | 0-19-91-1-5-10 and tribs. | Trib. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enters South Branch Moose Creek from west 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 9 and 1.8 miles south of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1265 | 0-19-91-1-5-11 | Trib. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enters South Branch Moose Creek from southeast 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 10 and 2.1 miles south of Pasadena. | 19 | C | C |
1266 | 0-19-91-1-5-12 and trib., 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 | Tribs. of South Branch Moose Creek | Enter South Branch Moose Creek in a section extending from 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 11 and 2.3 miles south of Pasadena to source. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1267 | 0-19-91-2 and trib., including P 911 | Trib. of Sugar River | Enters Sugar River from west 0.2 mile upstream from Moose Creek and 1.3 miles southeast of Talcottville. P 911 is located on trib. 2 of Sugar River 1.1 miles upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile south of Talcottville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1268 | 0-19-91-3 | Trib. of Sugar River | Enters Sugar River from southwest 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 0.8 mile east of Talcottville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1269 | 0-19-91-4 portion as described | Stucky Creek | Enters Sugar River from west 1.9 miles upstream from trib. 3 and 0.5 mile west of Talcottville. From mouth to trib. 1. Formerly known as Olmstead Brook. | 15 | C | C(TS) |
1269.1 | 0-19-91-4 portion as described | Stucky Creek | From trib. 1 to trib. 2 which enters from southwest 2.0 miles upstream from mouth and 2.3 miles west of Talcottville. Formerly known as Olmstead Brook. | 15 | C | C |
1270 | 0-19-91-4 portion as described | Stucky Creek | From trib. 2 to source. Formerly known as Olmstead Brook. | 15 | A | A(T) |
1271 | 0-19-91-4-1 and tribs., 2 and tribs. including P 911a, P 911b | Tribs. of Stucky Creek | Enter Stucky Creek from southwest 0.1 and 2.0 miles upstream from mouth and 0.5 and 2.3 miles west of Talcottville, respectively. | 15 | C | C |
1272 | 0-19-91-5 | Trib. of Sugar River | Enters Sugar River from northeast 1.5 miles upstream from Stucky Creek and 1.8 miles northwest of Talcottville. | 15 | C | C |
1273 | 0-19-91-6 | Olmstead Brook | Enters Sugar River from southwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 1.9 miles southeast of Constableville. | 15 | C | C |
1274 | 0-19-91-6-1, 2, 3, 4 | Tribs. of Olmstead Brook | Enter 0.5, 1.6, 1.9 and 2.2 miles, respectively, upstream from mouth in a section beginning 1.9 miles southeast of Constableville and extending upstream to a point 1.8 miles south of Constableville. | 15 | C | C |
1275 | 0-19-91-6-5 | Trib. of Olmstead Brook | Enters from west 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 2.1 miles south of Constableville. | 15 | C | C |
1276 | 0-19-91-6-5-1 | Subtrib. of Olmstead Brook | Enters trib. 5 from northwest 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 2.4 miles southwest of Constableville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1277 | 0-19-91-6-5-2 | Subtrib. of Olmstead Brook | Enters trib. 5 of from northwest 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 0.7 mile north of hamlet of Mohawk Hill. | 15 | C | C |
1278 | 0-19-91-6-6 | Trib. of Olmstead Brook | Enters from south 1.3 miles upstream from trib. 5 and 1.1 miles east of hamlet of Mohawk Hill. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1279 | 0-19-91-6-7 | Trib. of Olmstead Brook | Enters from northwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 0.9 mile southeast of hamlet of Mohawk Hill. | 15 | C | C |
1280 | 0-19-91-7 portion as described | White River | Enters Sugar River from north 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 1.6 miles southeast of Constableville. Mouth to trib. 5. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1280.1 | 0-19-91-7 portion as described | White River | From trib. 5 to source. | 15 | C | C(TS) |
1281 | 0-19-91-7-1, 2 and trib., 3 and trib., 4, 5 and trib. | Tribs. of White River | Enter White River in a section beginning 1.5 miles upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles northeast of Constableville and extending upstream to a point 3.0 miles upstream from mouth and 2.2 miles south of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C |
1282 | 0-19-91-7-6 and tribs. | Trib. of White River | Enters White River from north 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 2.1 miles south of Village of Turin. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1283 | 0-19-91-8 | Trib. of Sugar River | Enters Sugar River from west 0.7 mile upstream from White River and 0.9 mile southeast of Constableville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1284 | 0-19-91-9 | Trib. of Sugar River | Enters Sugar River from north 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 0.5 mile east of Constableville. | 15 | C | C |
1285 | 0-19-91-10 portion as described including P 912 | Trib. of Sugar River | Enters Sugar River from west of Constableville 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 9. From mouth to dam of Constableville water supply which is located 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 0.9 mile north of Constableville. P 912 is located 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 0.6 mile northwest of Constableville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1286 | 0-19-91-10 portion as described | Trib. of Sugar River | From dam of Constableville water supply to source. | 15 | AA | AA(T) |
1287 | 0-19-91-11, 11a | Tribs. of Sugar River | Enter Sugar River from north and southwest 0.8 and 0.9 mile upstream from trib. 10, respectively, and 0.6 and 0.7 mile west of Constableville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1288 | 0-19-91-12 and tribs. | Trib. of Sugar River | Enter Sugar River on northwest 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 11a and 1.3 miles west of Constableville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1289 | 0-19-91-13, 14, 15, 16 | Tribs. of Sugar River | Enter Sugar River in section beginning 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 12 and 1.4 miles west of Constableville and extending upstream to a point 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 12 and 2.0 miles west of Constableville. | 15 | C | C |
1290 | 0-19-91-17 and trib. | Trib. of Sugar River | Enters Sugar River from northwest 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 16 and 2.2 miles west of Constableville. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1291 | 0-19-91-18, 19, 20, 21 | Tribs. of Sugar River | Enter Sugar River in a section beginning 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 17 and 2.7 miles west of Constableville and extending upstream to a point 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 17 and 3.4 miles west of Constableville. | 15, 14 | C | C |
1292 | 0-19-91-22, 23 | Tribs. of Sugar River | Enter Sugar River from southwest and south 0.4 and 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 21, respectively, and 0.5 mile southeast and 0.4 mile south of Byron Corners. | 14, 15 | C | C(T) |
1293 | 0-19-92 portion as described | Mill Creek | Enters Black River from southwest 0.2 mile upstream from Sugar River and 1.5 miles south of Leyden Station Post Office. From mouth to west village limit of Boonville. | 15, 19 | C | C |
1294 | 0-19-92 portion as described | Mill Creek | From west village limit of Boonville to source. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1295 | 0-19-92-1 | Trib. of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek from east 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles south of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C |
1296 | 0-19-92-2 including P 912a, 3 and tribs. including P 912b | Tribs. of Mill Creek | Enter Mill Creek from east and west 0.7 and 1.1 miles upstream from trib. 1, respectively, and 1.0 and 0.6 mile northeast of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C |
1297 | 0-19-92-4 including P 913 | Trib. of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek from south 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 0.4 mile northeast of center of Boonville. P 913 is located at source of this trib. 0.2 mile upstream from mouth. | 19 | C | C |
1298 | 0-19-92-P 914 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Mill Creek 0.5 mile upstream from trib. 4 near center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C |
1299 | 0-19-92-5 including P 915 | Trib. of Mill Creek | Enters Mill Creek from south 1.2 miles upstream from P 914 and 1.1 miles southwest of center of Boonville. P 915 is located on this trib. 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 19 | C | C |
1300 | 0-19-92-6, 7, 8 and trib., 9, 10, 11 and trib., 12, 13 and trib., 14 | Tribs. of Mill Creek | Enter Mill Creek in section beginning 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 5 and extending upstream to source. This section extends from 2.1 to 4.3 miles southwest of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1301 | 0-19-92a | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 0.4 mile upstream from Mill Creek and 1.9 miles southeast of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C(T) |
1302 | 0-19-93 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from north 2.0 miles upstream from trib. 92a and 3.4 miles southeast of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15 | C | C |
1303 | 0-19-94 | North Branch | Enters Black River from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 93 and 0.3 mile north of Hawkinsville. | 19, 15 16 | C | C(T) |
1304 | 0-19-94-1 | Long Lake Outlet | Enters North Branch from east 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 3.7 miles southeast of Leyden Station Post Office. | 15, 16 | C | C(T) |
1305 | 0-19-94-1-1 | Cummings Creek | Enters Long Lake Outlet from east 1.4 miles upstream from mouth and 4.5 miles west of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1306 | 0-19-94-1-1-1 | Trib. of Cummings Creek | Enters Cummings Creek from northeast 0.9 miles upstream from mouth and 3.6 miles west of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1307 | 0-19-94-1-1-P 916 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Cummings Creek 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 3.5 miles west of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1308 | 0-19-94-1-1-2, 3 | Tribs. of Cummings Creek | Enter Cummings Creek from southeast and east 0.8 and 1.2 miles upstream from P 916, respectively, and 2.6 and 2.3 miles southwest of White Lake Corners. | 16, 20 | C | C(T) |
1309 | 0-19-94-1-1-4 and trib., 5 | Tribs. of Cummings Creek | Enter Cummings Creek from north and northeast 0.2 and 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 3, respectively, and 2.1 and 1.7 miles southeast of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1310 | 0-19-94-1-P 917 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.3 mile southwest of Long Lake Outlet and 2.4 miles west of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1311 | 0-19-94-1-P 918 | Doe Pond | Located 0.3 mile south of Long Lake Outlet and 2.3 miles west of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1312 | 0-19-94-1-P 919 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.3 mile southeast of Long Lake Outlet and 0.9 mile west of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1313 | 0-19-94-1-2 | Trib. of Long Lake Outlet | Enters Long Lake Outlet from north 4.6 miles upstream from Cummings Creek and 1.2 miles northwest of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1314 | 0-19-94-1-2-P 920 | Round Lake | Located at source of trib. 2 of Long Lake Outlet 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles northwest of White Lake Corners. | 16 | A | A |
1315 | 0-19-94-1-3 | Trib. of Long Lake Outlet | Enters Long Lake Outlet from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 1.1 miles northwest of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1316 | 0-19-94-1-4 | Trib. of Long Lake Outlet | Enters Long Lake Outlet from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 1.2 miles northwest of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1317 | 0-19-94-1-4-P 921 | Deer Pond | Located at source of trib. 4 of Long Lake Outlet 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles northwest of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1318 | 0-19-94-1-P 922 | Long Lake | Located at source of Long Lake Outlet 1.2 miles upstream from trib. 4 and 1.9 miles north of White Lake Corners. | 16 | A | A(T) |
1319 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-1 | Trib. of Long Lake | Enters west side of Long Lake from west 1.5 miles northeast of outlet of Long Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1320 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-1-P 923 | Brandy Lake | Located at source of trib. 1 of Long Lake 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 3.2 miles north of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1321 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-2 | Trib. of Long Lake | Enters west side of Long Lake from west 0.2 mile north of trib. 1 and 2.3 miles southwest of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(TS) |
1322 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-3 and trib. including P 924 and P 925 | Trib. of Long Lake | Enters northerly end of Long Lake from northeast 0.3 mile northeast of trib. 2 and 2.0 miles southwest of hamlet of Otter Lake. P 924 and P 925 are located 0.8 and 1.0 mile upstream from mouth, respectively, and 1.2 miles west of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1323 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-4 portion as described | Otter Lake Outlet | Enters Long Lake from east 0.3 mile south of trib. 3 and 2.2 miles southwest of hamlet of Otter Lake. Mouth to trib. 1 (Purgatory Creek) which enters from northeast 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles southwest of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1324 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-4 portion as described | Otter Lake Outlet | From trib. 1 (Purgatory Creek) to source at P 926 (Otter Lake) which is 0.8 mile upstream from Purgatory Creek and 0.9 mile west of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1325 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-4-1 and tribs. | Purgatory Creek | Enters Otter Lake Outlet from northeast 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles southwest of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1326 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-4-P 926 | Otter Lake | Located at source of Otter Lake Outlet immediately west of hamlet of Otter Lake and 2.0 miles southwest of McKeever. | 16 | A | A |
1327 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-4-P 926-1 | Trib. of Otter Lake | Enters westerly side of Otter Lake from north 0.6 mile west of hamlet of Otter Lake and 1.8 miles southwest of McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1328 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-4-P 926-2 | Trib. of Otter Lake | Enters north end of Otter Lake from north 0.3 mile northeast of trib. 1 and 1.5 miles southwest of McKeever. | 16 | C | C |
1329 | 0-19-94-1-P 922-4-P 926-3 | Trib. of Otter Lake | Enters northerly end of Otter Lake from northeast 0.3 mile east of trib. 2 and 0.2 mile north of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1330 | 0-19-94-2 | Trib. of North Branch | Enters North Branch from east 1.0 mile upstream from Long Lake Outlet and 2.4 miles south of Bucks Corners. | 15 | C | C |
1331 | 0-19-94-3 | Trib. of North Branch | Enters North Branch from east 1.6 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 3.5 miles south of Porters Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1332 | 0-19-94-P 926a, 4 | Trib. of North Branch | Enters North Branch from east 1.4 miles upstream from trib. 3 and 2.9 miles west of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1333 | 0-19-94-4-P 927 | Mudhole | Located at source of trib. 4 of North Branch 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles northwest of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C |
1334 | 0-19-94-5, 6 | Tribs. of North Branch | Enter North Branch from northeast and southeast 2.1 and 2.3 miles upstream from trib. 4, respectively, and 3.1 and 3.3 miles southeast of Porters Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1335 | 0-19-94-P 928 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of North Branch 0.6 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 2.4 miles north of White Lake Corners. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1336 | 0-19-95 and tribs. | Cold Brook | Enters Black River from east 0.4 mile upstream from North Branch and 0.2 mile east of Hawkinsville. | 19, 20 16 | C | C(T) |
1337 | 0-19-96 including P 929 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from south 0.1 mile upstream from Cold Brook and 0.3 mile southeast of Hawkinsville. P 929 is located on stream 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 0.7 mile southwest of Hawkinsville. | 19 | C | C |
1338 | 0-19-97 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southwest 0.6 mile southeast of Hawkinsville. | 19 | C | C |
1339 | 0-19-98 including P 930 | Kents Creek | Enters Black River from southwest 1.0 mile southeast of Hawkinsville. P 930 is located on Kents Creek 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles southeast of Hawkinsville. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1340 | 0-19-98-1 and tribs., including P 931 | Forbes Creek (East Kents Creek) | Enters Kents Creek from south 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles southeast of Hawkinsville. P 931 is located on Forbes Creek 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and immediately south of Black River Canal Feeder. | 19 | C | C(TS) |
1341 | 0-19-98-2 and trib., 3 and trib., 4, 5, 6 | Tribs. of Kents Creek | Enter Kents Creek in section beginning 0.5 mile upstream from Forbes Creek and 1.4 miles south of Hawkinsville and extending upstream to a point 2.8 miles southeast of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1342 | 0-19-98-7 including P 932 | Trib. of Kents Creek | Enters Kents Creek from southeast 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 6 and 3.1 miles southeast of center of Boonville. P 932 is located on this trib. 0.8 mile upstream from mouth and 3.3 miles south of Hawkinsville. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1343 | 0-19-98-8 and trib. | Trib. of Kents Creek | Enters Kents Creek from southwest 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 7 and 3.4 miles southeast of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1344 | 0-19-98-9 including P 933 | Trib. of Kents Creek | Enters Kents Creek from south 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 8 and 3.5 miles southeast of center of Boonville. P 933 is located on this trib. 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 3.7 miles southeast of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C(T) |
1345 | 0-19-99 portion as described | Crystal Creek | Enters Black River from east 1.2 miles upstream from Kents Creek and 2.8 miles northwest of Forestport. Mouth to trib. 1. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1345.1 | 0-19-99 portion as described including P 934 | Crystal Creek | From trib. 1 to dam for Forestport water supply which is 2.6 miles upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles north of Meekerville. P 934 is on Crystal Creek 2.0 miles upstream from mouth and 2.5 miles north of Forestport. | 20 | C | C(TS) |
1346 | 0-19-99 portion as described | Crystal Creek | From dam for Forestport water supply to source. | 20 | AA | AA(TS) |
1347 | 0-19-99-1 and trib., 2 | Tribs. of Crystal Creek | Enter Crystal Creek from southeast and northeast 0.5 and 1.8 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 2.5 miles northwest and 2.5 miles north of Forestport. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1348 | 0-19-100 | Trib. of Black River | Called trib. of Black River. Actually enters Black River Canal Feeder from south 1.9 miles north of hamlet of Alder Creek. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1349 | 0-19-101 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 0.9 mile northwest of Forestport. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1350 | 0-19-102 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east immediately west of Forestport. | 20 | C | C |
1351 | 0-19-103 including P 935 portion as described | Alder Creek | Enters Black River from west 0.2 mile south of Forestport. P 935 is on Alder Creek 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile southwest of Forestport. Mouth to P935. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1351.1 | 0-19-103 portion as described | Alder Creek | From P 935 (0.2 mile upstream of mouth) to trib. 3. | 20 | C | C(TS) |
1351.2 | 0-19-103 portion as described | Alder Creek | From trib. 3 to source. | 20, 19 | C | C(T) |
1352 | 0-19-103-1a | Black River Canal Feeder | Enters Alder Creek at P 935, 0.3 mile southwest of Forestport. This Canal Feeder extends from Alder Creek near Forestport to Black River Canal at Boonville. | 20 | C | C |
1353 | 0-19-103-1a-P 936a, P 936b, P 936, P937 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located on Black River Canal Feeder in a section 0.5 mile west to 2.0 miles northwest of Forestport. | 20 | C | C |
1354 | 0-19-103-1a-P 938, P 939, P 940, P 941 | Unnamed ponds | Ponds located on Black River Canal Feeder 1.5 miles southeast, 1.3 miles south, 1.0 mile south and 0.3 mile south of Hawkinsville, respectively. | 19 | C | C |
1355 | 0-19-103-1a-P 942 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black River Canal Feeder 2.1 miles northeast of center of Boonville. | 19 | C | C |
1356 | 0-19-103-1a-P 943 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black River Canal Feeder immediately east of Black River Canal at Boonville. | 19 | C | C |
1357 | 0-19-103-1, 2, 3 and tribs., 4 | Tribs. of Alder Creek | Enter Alder Creek from west, northwest, south and west in section beginning 0.9 mile southwest of Forestport and extending to source. | 20, 19 | C | C(T) |
1358 | 0-19-P 944 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Black River immediately south of Forestport. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1359 | 0-19-104 portion as described | Big Woodhull or Woodhull Creek | Enters Black River from northeast at P 944 1.0 mile southeast of Forestport. Mouth to trib. 22 which enters from north 2.4 miles southeast of peak of Neejer Hill. | 20, 16 | C | C(T) |
1360 | 0-19-104 portion as described | Woodhull Creek | From trib. 22 to source at P 981 (Sand Lake) | 16, 17 | C | C |
1361 | 0-19-104-1 | Trib. of Big Woodhull Creek | Enters Big Woodhull Creek from southeast 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 0.2 mile north of Forestport Station. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1362 | 0-19-104-2 | Little Woodhull Creek | Enters Big Woodhull Creek from east 0.8 mile upstream from mouth at Meekerville. | 20, 16 17 | C | C(T) |
1363 | 0-19-104-2-P 944a, 1 and trib. including P 944b, 1a | Tribs. of Little Woodhull Creek | Trib. 1 enters Little Woodhull Creek from north 2.7 miles upstream from mouth and 2.5 miles southwest of peak of Myers Hill. | 20 | C | C |
1364 | 0-19-104-2-2 and trib., 3 and tribs. | Tribs. of Little Woodhull Creek | Enters Little Woodhull Creek from northeast 2.1 miles southwest of peak of Myers Hill and 1.5 and 1.9 miles, respectively, east of Anos Siding. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1365 | 0-19-104-2-4 | Trib. of Little Woodhull Creek | Enters Little Woodhull Creek from southeast 2.1 miles southwest of peak of Myers Hill and 1.6 miles west of Oneida-Herkimer county line. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1366 | 0-19-104-2-4-1 | Subtrib. of Little Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 4 of Little Woodhull Creek from south 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 2.2 miles southeast of Anos Siding. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1367 | 0-19-104-2-4-1-P 945 | Lindsey Pond | Located south of source of trib. 1 of trib. 4 of Little Woodhull Creek and 2.3 miles northwest of Enos. | 20 | C | C |
1368 | 0-19-104-2-4-P 946 | Unnamed pond | Pond located at source of trib. 4 of Little Woodhull Creek and 2.2 miles north of Enos. | 20 | C | C |
1369 | 0-19-104-2-P 947 | Little Woodhull Reservoir | Located on Little Woodhull Creek 2.0 miles southeast of peak of Myers Hill and 0.3 mile east of Oneida-Herkimer county line. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1370 | 0-19-104-2-5 | Trib. of Little Woodhull Creek | Enters Little Woodhull Creek from southeast at Little Woodhull Reservoir and 3.2 miles west of North Wilmurt. | 20 | C | C |
1371 | 0-19-104-2-5-P 948 | Dead Lake | Located at source of trib. 5 of Little Woodhull Creek and 2.9 miles west of North Wilmurt. | 20 | C | C |
1372 | 0-19-104-2-6 | Stone Dam Creek | Enters Little Woodhull Creek from north 1.4 miles upstream from Little Woodhull Reservoir and 2.3 miles west of Reeds Mill. | 20, 16 | C | C(T) |
1373 | 0-19-104-2-6-1, 2 | Tribs. of Stone Dam Creek | Enters Stone Dam Creek from northeast and northwest 0.4 and 0.7 mile upstream from mouth, respectively, and 2.6 and 2.5 miles east of peak of Myers Hill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1374 | 0-19-104-2-6-P 949 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Stone Dam Creek 1.4 miles upstream from mouth and 2.3 miles northwest of Reeds Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1375 | 0-19-104-2-6-3 | Trib. of Stone Dam Creek | Enters Stone Dam Creek from northwest of Reeds Mill. | 20, 16 | C | C(T) |
1376 | 0-19-104-2-6-P 950 | Stone Dam Pond | Located on Stone Dam Creek 4.7 miles southeast of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1377 | 0-19-104-2-7, 8, 9 and trib., 10 and trib., 11, 12 | Tribs. of Little Woodhull Creek | Enter Little Woodhull Creek in a section beginning 1.0 mile upstream from Stone Dam Creek and 1.5 miles west of Reeds Mill and extending to a point 2.5 miles west of Atwell. | 20, 16 17 | C | C(T) |
1378 | 0-19-104-2-P 951 | Little Woodhull Lake | Located at source of Little Woodhull Creek 2.6 miles west of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1379 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-1 | Trib. of Little Woodhull Lake | Enters west side of Little Woodhull Lake 2.7 miles west of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1380 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-1-P 952 and tribs. | Lily Lake | Located at source of trib. 1 of Little Woodhull Lake 2.8 miles west of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1381 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-2, 3 | Tribs. of Little Woodhull Lake | Enter easterly side of Little Woodhull Lake from northeast 2.3 and 2.2 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1382 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4 | Nelson Brook | Enters Little Woodhull Lake from east 2.4 miles west of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1383 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4-1 | Trib. of Nelson Brook | Enters Nelson Brook from north 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1384 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4-2 and trib. | Clark Brook | Enters Nelson Brook from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.7 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1385 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4-3 | Trib. of Nelson Brook | Enters Nelson Brook from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from Clark Brook and 1.6 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1386 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4-4 | Hoxie Brook | Enters Nelson Brook from northeast 1.5 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1387 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4-5 | Trib. of Nelson Brook | Enters Nelson Brook from southeast 0.1 mile upstream from Hoxie Brook and 1.4 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1388 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4-6 | Seeley Brook | Enters Nelson Brook from east 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 5 and 1.2 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1389 | 0-19-104-2-P 951-4-7 | Trib. of Nelson Brook | Enters Nelson Brook from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from Seeley Brook and 1.3 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1390 | 0-19-104-3 | Bear Creek | Enters Big Woodhull Creek from north 4.9 miles upstream from Little Woodhull Creek and 2.1 miles west of peak of Myers Hill. | 20, 16 | C | C(T) |
1391 | 0-19-104-3-P 954a, 1 and trib. including P 954, P 954b | Trib. of Bear Creek | Enters Bear Creek from northwest 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles south of hamlet of White Lake. P 954 is located on this stream immediately upstream from mouth. | 16 | C | C |
1392 | 0-19-104-3-2 and trib. including P 954c and P 954d, 3, 4 | Tribs. of Bear Creek | Enter Bear Creek from east, southeast and northeast in a section beginning 0.9 mile south of hamlet of White Lake and extending upstream to a point 0.7 mile east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1393 | 0-19-104-3-5 portion as described including P 955 | White Lake Outlet | Enters Bear Creek from northwest 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 0.6 mile east of hamlet of White Lake. Mouth to trib. 2 which enters from northeast 1.7 miles upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles north of hamlet of White Lake. P 955 is located on White Lake Outlet 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile northeast of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1394 | 0-19-104-3-5 portion as described | White Lake Outlet | From trib. 2 to source. | 16 | C | C |
1395 | 0-19-104-3-5-1 | Trib. of White Lake Outlet. | Enters White Lake Outlet from west 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile northeast of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1396 | 0-19-104-3-5-2 and tribs. including P 956 | Trib. of White Lake Outlet | Enters White Lake Outlet from northeast 1.7 miles upstream from mouth and 1.3 miles north of hamlet of White Lake. P 956 is located on trib. 2 of this trib. and 1.7 miles south of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1397 | 0-19-104-3-5-P 957 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.2 mile west of White Lake Outlet and 1.3 miles north of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1398 | 0-19-104-3-5-P 958 | White Lake | Located at source of White Lake Outlet 1.5 miles north of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | A | A(T) |
1399 | 0-19-104-3-5-P 958-1 | Trib. of White Lake | Enters northern end of White Lake from north 2.4 miles north of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(TS) |
1400 | 0-19-104-3-P 960 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.2 mile northwest of Bear Creek and 1.0 mile northeast of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1401 | 0-19-104-3-P 961 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Bear Creek 2.7 miles south of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1402 | 0-19-104-3-6, 7 and trib. | Tribs. of Bear Creek | Enter Bear Creek from south and west 2.2 miles southwest and 1.9 miles west of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1403 | 0-19-104-3-8 including P 962 | Trib. of Bear Creek | Enters Bear Creek from north 1.8 miles west of peak of Neejer Hill. P 962 is located on stream 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles west of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1404 | 0-19-104-3-8-P 963 and tribs. including P 963a | Granny Marsh Pond | Located at source of trib. 8 of Bear Creek and 1.9 miles west of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C |
1405 | 0-19-104-3-9 | Trib. of Bear Creek | Enters Bear Creek from south 1.6 miles southwest of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1406 | 0-19-104-3-10 and tribs. | Mill Brook | Enters Bear Creek from east 1.3 miles southwest of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1407 | 0-19-104-3-P 964 | Coleman Dam Pond | Located on Bear Creek 0.8 mile upstream from Mill Brook and.08 mile northwest of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1408 | 0-19-104-3-11 and tribs. | Trib. of Bear Creek | Enters Bear Creek from northeast at Coleman Dam Pond and 0.8 mile northwest of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1409 | 0-19-104-3-12 | Trib. of Bear Creek | Enters Bear Creek from west 0.1 mile upstream from Coleman Dam Pond and 2.3 miles southeast of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1410 | 0-19-104-3-13 | Trib. of Bear Creek | Enters Bear Creek from west 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 12 and 2.3 miles east of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1411 | 0-19-104-3-13-1 | Subtrib. of Bear Creek | Enters trib. 13 of Bear Creek from southwest 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 1.7 miles east of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1412 | 0-19-104-3-13-2 | Subtrib. of Bear Creek | Enters trib. 13 of Bear Creek from northeast 1.6 miles east of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1413 | 0-19-104-3-13-2-P 965 | Squirrel Pond | Located on trib. 2 of trib. 13 of Bear Creek 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 1.8 miles east of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1414 | 0-19-104-3-13-2-1 | Subtrib. of Bear Creek | Enters trib. 2 of trib. 13 of Bear Creek from east 1.9 miles east of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1415 | 0-19-104-3- 13-2-1-P 966 | Squirrel Pond | Located on trib. 1 of trib. 2 of trib. 13 of Bear Creek 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles east of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1416 | 0-19-104-3-13-P 967 | Brewer Lake | Located at source of trib. 13 of Bear Creek and 1.3 miles east of hamlet of Otter Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1417 | 0-19-104-3-P 968 | Bear Lake | Located on Bear Creek 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 13 and 2.4 miles southeast of McKeever. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1418 | 0-19-104-3-14, 15 | Tribs. of Bear Creek | Enter Bear Creek from southeast and north 0.4 and 0.8 mile upstream from Bear Lake, respectively, and 1.3 and 1.0 miles west of Wolf Lake Landing. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1419 | 0-19-104-4 and trib., 5, 6 and trib. | Tribs. of Big Woodhull or Woodhull Creek | Enter Big Woodhull or Woodhull Creek from southeast and north in section beginning 0.2 mile upstream from Bear Creek and 1.9 miles northwest of peak of Myers Hill and extending upstream to point 1.9 miles southeast of hamlet of White Lake. | 20, 16 | C | C(T) |
1420 | 0-19-104-7 and tribs., 8 and trib. including P 968a and P 968b | Tribs. of Woodhull Creek | Enter Woodhull Creek from east and northeast 2.0 and 2.5 miles southeast of hamlet of White Lake, respectively. Note trib. 7 has changed course from previously published map 16. It now enters creek below trib. 6. | 16, 20 | C | C |
1421 | 0-19-104-9, 10 | Tribs. of Woodhull Creek | Enter Woodhull Creek from southeast and east 3.0 miles southeast and 3.2 miles east of hamlet of White Lake, respectively. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1422 | 0-19-104-11 portion as described | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters Woodhull Creek from north 3.3 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. From mouth to trib. 1 which enters from north 1.1 miles upstream from mouth and 3.3 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1423 | 0-19-104 -11 portion as described | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | From trib. 1 to source at P 969 (Gull Lake). | 16 | C | C |
1424 | 0-19-104-11 and trib. | Subtrib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 11 of Woodhull Creek from north 1.1 miles upstream from mouth and 3.3 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1425 | 0-19-104-11-P 969 and tribs. | Gull Lake | Located at source of trib. 11 of Woodhull Creek and 1.8 miles south of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1426 | 0-19-104-12 | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters Woodhull Creek from north 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 11 and 3.8 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1427 | 0-19-104-12-1 | Subtrib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 12 of Woodhull Creek from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 3.9 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1428 | 0-19-104-12-P 970 | Buck Pond | Located on trib. 12 of Woodhull Creek 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and 2.9 miles south of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1429 | 0-19-104-13 and trib. including P 970a, P 970b, P 970c, P 970d | Big Brook | Enters Woodhull Creek from southeast 0.1 mile upstream from trib. 12 and 3.9 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C |
1430 | 0-19-104-P 971 | Chub Pond | Located on Woodhull Creek 0.6 mile upstream from Big Brook and 4.4 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1431 | 0-19-104-14 portion as described | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters Woodhull Creek from east at Chub Pond 5.0 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. From mouth to trib. 1 which enters from southeast 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 5.2 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1432 | 0-19-104-14 portion as described | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | From trib. 1 to source. | 16 | C | C |
1433 | 0-19-104-14-1 | Subtrib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 14 of Woodhull Creek from southeast 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 5.2 miles east of hamlet of White Lake. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1434 | 0-19-104-15 and trib. 16, 17 | Tribs. of Woodhull Creek | Enter Woodhull Creek from northwest, south and east in section beginning 0.2 mile upstream from Chub Pond and extending upstream to point 0.8 mile upstream from Chub Pond. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1435 | 0-19-104-P 972 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Woodhull Creek 2.6 miles southeast of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1436 | 0-19-104-18, 19 and tribs. 20 | Tribs. of Woodhull Creek | Enter Woodhull Creek from southeast, northwest and north 2.6, 2.5 and 2.5 miles southeast of peak of Neejer Hill, respectively. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1437 | 0-19-104-21 | Grindstone Creek | Enters Woodhull Creek from southeast 2.6 miles southeast of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16, 17 | C | C(T) |
1438 | 0-19-104-21-1 | Trib. of Grindstone Creek | Enters Grindstone Creek from southeast 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 2.7 miles southeast of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1439 | 0-19-104-21-2, 3 and trib. | Tribs. of Grindstone Creek | Enter Grindstone Creek from northeast and south 3.3 and 3.1 miles northwest of Atwell, respectively. | 17 | C | C |
1440 | 0-19-104-21-4 | Trib. of Grindstone Creek | Enters Grindstone Creek from north 3.0 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1440.1 | 0-19-104-21-P 972a | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Grindstone Creek between tribs. 4 and 5. | 17 | C | C |
1441 | 0-19-104-21-4-1 | Subtrib. of Grindstone Creek | Enters trib. 4 of Grindstone Creek from north 0.3 mile upstream from mouth and 3.1 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1442 | 0-19-104-21-5 and tribs. 6, 7 | Tribs. of Grindstone Creek | Enter Grindstone Creek from north, southeast, and east 2.7 miles northwest and 2.4 and 2.2 miles north of Atwell, respectively. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1443 | 0-19-104-22 | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters Woodhull Creek from north 0.6 mile upstream from Grindstone Creek and 2.4 miles southeast of peak of Neejer Hill. | 16 | C | C(T) |
1444 | 0-19-104-23 | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters Woodhull Creek from southeast 3.7 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1445 | 0-19-104-24 | Trib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters Woodhull Creek from east 3.7 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1446 | 0-19-104-24-1 | Subtrib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 24 of Woodhull Creek from northeast 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 3.7 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1447 | 0-19-104-24-2 | Subtrib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 24 of Woodhull Creek from northeast 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 3.5 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1448 | 0-19-104-24-P 973 | Fourth Bisby Lake | Located on trib. 24 of Woodhull Creek 1.1 miles upstream from mouth and 3.4 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1449 | 0-19-104-24-3 and tribs. | Subtrib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 24 of Woodhull Creek from south at Fourth Bisby Lake and 3.3 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1450 | 0-19-104-24-4 and tribs. including P 974 | Subtrib. of Woodhull Creek | Enters trib. 24 of Woodhull Creek from northeast 0.2 mile upstream from Fourth Bisby Lake and 3.2 miles south of peak of Woodhull Mountain. P 974 is located at source of this trib. and 3.3 miles south of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1451 | 0-19-104-24-P 975 | Third Bisby Lake | Located on trib. 24 of Woodhull Creek 3.0 miles south of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1452 | 0-19-104-24-P 976 | Second Bisby Lake | Located on trib. 24 of Woodhull Creek 2.4 miles south of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1453 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-1 | Trib. of Second Bisby Lake | Enters westerly arm of Second Bisby Lake from southwest 2.0 miles south of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1454 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-2 | Trib. of Second Bisby Lake | Enters northerly end of Second Bisby Lake from northeast 2.0 miles southeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1455 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-2-P 977 | First Bisby Lake | Located at source of trib. 2 of Second Bisby Lake and 2.0 miles southeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | B | B(T) |
1456 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-2-P 977-1 | Trib. of First Bisby Lake | Enters First Bisby Lake from west at Bisby Lodge and 1.7 miles southeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1457 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-2-P 977-1-P 978, P 979 | Sylvan Ponds | Located on trib. 1 of First Bisby Lake 0.4 and 0.8 mile upstream from mouth, respectively, and 1.4 miles southeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | A | A(T) |
1458 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-2-P 977-2 and tribs. | Trib. of First Bisby Lake | Enters northerly end of First Bisby Lake from northeast 1.9 miles east of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1459 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-2-P 977-3 and trib., 4 | Tribs. of First Bisby Lake | Enter First Bisby Lake from east 1.9 and 2.0 miles southeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain, respectively. | 17 | C | C |
1460 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-3 | Trib. of Second Bisby Lake | Enters Second Bisby Lake from east 2.3 miles south of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1461 | 0-19-104-24-P 976-3-P 980 and trib. | Chamber Lake | Located on trib. 3 of Second Bisby Lake 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and immediately east of Second Bisby Lake and 2.3 miles southeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1462 | 0-19-104-P 981 | Sand Lake | Located at source of Woodhull Creek and 3.9 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17, 16 | C | C |
1463 | 0-19-104-P 981-1 | Trib. of Sand Lake | Enters Sand Lake from north 3.4 miles southwest of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1464 | 0-19-104-P 981-1-P 982 | Woodhull Lake | Located at source of trib. 1 of Sand Lake and southwest of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17, 16 | B | B(T) |
1465 | 0-19-104-P 981-1-P 982-1 including P 983 | Trib. of Woodhull Lake | Enters Woodhull Lake from northwest 0.1 mile north of outlet and 2.9 miles southwest of peak of Woodhull Mountain. P 983 is located on this stream 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 17 | C | C |
1466 | 0-19-104-P 981-1-P 982-1a, 2 | Tribs. of Woodhull Lake | Trib. 2 enters westerly end of Woodhull Lake from west 0.2 mile south of Wolf Lake Landing. | 16 | C | C |
1467 | 0-19-104-P 981-1-P 982-2-P 984 | Bloodsucker Pond | Located at source of trib. 2 of Woodhull Lake 0.2 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile southwest of Wolf Lake Landing. | 16 | C | C |
1468 | 0-19-104-P 981-1-P 982-3 and tribs. 4,5,6 and trib. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | Tribs. of Woodhull Lake | Enter northerly and easterly end of Woodhull Lake in area extending from 0.8 mile east of olf Lake Landing to 0.8 mile southeast of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 16, 17 | C | C |
1469 | 0-19-104-P 981-1-P 982-12 and tribs. | Trib. of Woodhull Lake | Enters northeasterly end of Woodhull Lake from east 1.0 mile south of peak of Woodhull Mountain and 0.9 mile west of Bisby Lodge. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1470 | 0-19-104-P 981-1-P 982-13 | Trib. of Woodhull Lake | Enters Woodhull Lake from southeast 2.3 miles south of peak of Woodhull Mountain. | 17 | C | C |
1471 | 0-19-104-P 981-2 and tribs. 3, 4 and trib. | Tribs. of Sand Lake | Enter Sand Lake from northeast 4.7, 4.2 and 3.9 miles northwest of Atwell, respectively. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1472 | 0-19-P 984a | Kayuta Lake | Located on Black River in section extending from 1.2 miles south to 3.4 miles southeast of Forestport. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1473 | 0-19-105, 106, 107a | Tribs. of Black River | Tribs. 105 and 106 enter Black River from west and southwest at Kayuta Lake 0.9 and 1.0 mile southeast of hamlet of Alder Creek. | 20 | C | C |
1474 | 0-19-107 | Gulf Creek | Enters Black River from northeast at Kayuta Lake 1.4 miles south of Woodhull. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1474.1 | 0-19-107-P 984b | Davis Pond | Located on Gulf Creek. | 20 | C | C |
1475 | 0-19-108 | Kents Creek | Enters Black River from south at Kayuta Lake 2.1 miles south of Woodhull. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1476 | 0-19-108-1, 2, 3 | Tribs. of Kents Creek | Enter Kents Creek from northwest, west and south in section beginning 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 1.4 miles northwest of Bardwell Mill and extending upstream to point 1.2 miles upstream from mouth and 1.5 miles west of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C |
1477 | 0-19-108-4 | Trib. of Kents Creek | Enters Kents Creek from southeast at Honnedaga 1.7 miles west of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1478 | 0-19-109 | Pine Creek | Enters Black River from northeast at Kayuta Lake 1.6 miles south of Woodhull. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1479 | 0-19-109-1 | Trib. of Pine Creek | Enters Pine Creek from north 3.3 miles upstream from mouth and 2.6 miles east of Forestport Station. | 20 | C | C |
1480 | 0-19-109-2 | Trib. of Pine Creek | Enters Pine Creek from southeast 1.6 miles northwest of Enos and 1.3 miles west of Herkimer-Oneida county line. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1481 | 0-19-110 including P 985 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from north at Kayuta Lake 1.4 miles northwest of Bardwell Mill. P 985 is located on stream 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles north of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1482 | 0-19-111 portion as described | Baker Brook | Enters Black River from south at Kayuta Lake 0.9 mile northwest of Bardwell Mill. From mouth to Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C(TS) |
1483 | 0-19-111 portion as described | Baker Brook | From Bardwell Mill to trib. 2 which enters from east 1.2 miles southeast of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C(TS) |
1484 | 0-19-111 portion as described | Baker Brook | From trib. 2 to source. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1485 | 0-19-111-1 and trib. including P 986, P 986a, P 986b | Trib. of Baker Brook | Enters Baker Brook from northeast 0.9 mile upstream from Bardwell Mill. P 986 is located at source and 2.6 miles southwest of Enos. | 20 | C | C |
1486 | 0-19-111-2 and tribs. including P 987 and P 988 | Trib. of Baker Brook | Enters Baker Brook from east 1.2 miles upstream from Bardwell Mill. P 987 and P 988 are located 0.5 and 0.9 mile upstream from mouth, respectively, and 1.5 and 1.9 miles southeast of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1487 | 0-19-111-3 | Trib. of Baker Brook | Enters Baker Brook from northwest 1.0 mile south of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C |
1488 | 0-19-111-4, 5, 6 | Tribs. of Baker Brook | Enter Baker Brook from southwest, south and east in section beginning 1.8 miles south and extending upstream to 2.1 miles south of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1489 | 0-19-112 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from northeast at Kayuta Lake 2.1 miles southeast of Woodhull. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1490 | 0-19-112-1, 1a, 2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-2-1 | Subtribs. of Black River | Tribs. 1 and 2 enter trib. 112 of Black River from north and northeast 0.8 and 1.2 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 2.1 and 2.4 miles southeast of Meekerville. | 20 | C | C |
1491 | 0-19-P 989 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.1 mile west of Black River and 0.7 mile northeast of Bardwell Mill. | 20 | C | C |
1492 | 0-19-113 including P 990 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southeast 1.2 miles east of Bardwell Mill. P 990 is located on stream 0.2 mile upstream from mouth. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1493 | 0-19-114 | Little Black Creek | Enters Black River from southeast 0.3 mile upstream from trib. 113 and 1.5 miles northeast of Bardwell Mill. | 20, 21 | C | C(T) |
1494 | 0-19-114-1 | Trib. of Little Black Creek | Enters Little Black Creek from southeast 1.4 miles upstream from mouth and 1.6 miles southeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1495 | 0-19-114-2 | Muskrat Brook | Enters Little Black Creek from northeast 0.7 mile upstream from trib. 1 and 1.8 miles south of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1496 | 0-19-114-2-1 | Trib. of Muskrat Brook | Trib. 1 enters Muskrat Brook from east 1.3 miles upstream from mouth and 1.1 miles south of Enos. | 20 | C | C |
1497 | 0-19-114-2-P 991 | Maple Lake | Located on Muskrat Brook 0.9 mile southeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1498 | 0-19-114-3, 4, 5 | Tribs. of Little Black Creek | Enter Little Black Creek from south, east and north in section beginning from 0.1 mile upstream from Muskrat Brook and extending upstream to point 2.3 miles southeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1499 | 0-19-114-6 | Hare Brook | Enters Little Black Creek from northwest 2.2 miles southeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1500 | 0-19-114-7 and trib. | Big Brook | Enters Little Black Creek from northeast 0.3 mile upstream from Hare Brook and 2.3 miles southeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1501 | 0-19-114-8 and tribs. including P 992 | North Branch Little Black Creek | Enters Little Black Creek from east 0.2 mile upstream from Big Brook and 2.5 miles southeast of Enos. P 992 is located on North Branch Little Black Creek and 5.4 miles northwest of Wilmurt. | 20, 21 | C | C(T) |
1502 | 0-19-114-9 | Bee Meadow Brook | Enters Little Black Creek from east 1.0 mile upstream from North Branch Little Black Creek and 3.5 miles southeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1503 | 0-19-114-10, 11, 12 | Tribs. of Little Black Creek | Enter Little Black Creek from north, southeast, and north 4.3, 4.1 and 4.0 miles northwest of Wilmurt, respectively. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1504 | 0-19-114-P 993 | Unnamed pond | Pond located on Little Black Creek 3.7 miles northwest of Wilmurt. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1505 | 0-19-114-13 including P 994 | Trib. of Little Black Creek | Enters Little Black Creek from north at P 993 and 3.7 miles northwest of Wilmurt. P 994 is located at source of this trib. 1.6 miles upstream from mouth and 4.7 miles northwest of Wilmurt. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1506 | 0-19-114-14 and tribs., 15 | Tribs. of Little Black Creek | Enter Little Black Creek from east at P 993 and from northeast 0.9 mile upstream from P 993 and 4.9 and 4.6 miles west of Nobleboro, respectively. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1507 | 0-19-114-16 | Trib. of Little Black Creek | Enters Little Black Creek from northwest 3.9 miles northwest of Wilmurt. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1508 | 0-19-114-16-1, 2 and tribs., 3 | Subtribs. of Little Black Creek | Enter trib. 16 of Little Black Creek from east, north and east 4.9, 5.0 and 4.6 miles northwest of Nobleboro, respectively. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1509 | 0-19-114-16-4 including P 995 | Subtrib. of Little Black Creek | Enters trib. 16 of Little Black Creek from northeast 5.4 miles north of Wilmurt. P 995 is located at source of this trib. 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 5.8 miles north of Wilmurt. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1510 | 0-19-114-16-5, 6, 7 | Subtribs. of Little Black Creek | Enter trib. 16 of Little Black Creek from west, north and southeast 5.4 miles northwest of Nobleboro. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1511 | 0-19-114-17 and trib., 18 | Tribs. of Little Black Creek | Enter Little Black Creek from east and northwest 4.3 and 4.8 miles north of Wilmurt, respectively. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1512 | 0-19-114-P 996 | Black Creek Lake | Located at source of Little Black Creek 5.1 miles north of Wilmurt. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1513 | 0-19-114-P 996-1, 2 | Tribs. of Black Creek Lake | Enter Black Creek Lake from north 5.4 miles north of Wilmurt. | 21 | C | C |
1514 | 0-19-115, 116 | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from southeast and east 1.8 and 2.7 miles upstream from Little Black Creek, respectively, and 0.8 mile southwest and 0.2 mile south of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1515 | 0-19-117 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southeast 2.0 miles northeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1516 | 0-19-117-P 997 | Buffalo Head | Located at source of trib. 117 of Black River immediately upstream from mouth and 2.0 miles northeast of Enos. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1517 | 0-19-116 including P 998 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from southeast 2.4 miles northeast of Enos. P 998 is located on this trib. 0.2 mile upstream from mouth. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1518 | 0-19-119 including P 999 | Twin Lakes Stream | Enters Black River from east 0.9 miles west of North Wilmurt. P 999 is located on stream 0.9 mile upstream from mouth and immediately northwest of North Wilmurt. | 20, 21 | C | C(T) |
1519 | 0-19-119-1 | Trib. of Twin Lakes Stream | Enters Twin Lakes Stream from east 0.6 mile upstream from mouth and 0.3 mile northwest of North Wilmurt. | 20 | C | C |
1520 | 0-19-119-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | Tribs. of Twin Lakes Stream | Enter Twin Lakes Stream in section beginning 0.1 mile west of North Wilmurt and extending upstream to a point 6.8 miles northwest of Nobleboro. | 20, 21 | C | C(T) |
1521 | 0-19-119-P 1000 | Twin Lakes Reservoir | Located at source of Twin Lakes Stream 7.1 miles northwest of Nobleboro. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1522 | 0-19-119-P 1000-1, 2, 3 | Tribs. of Twin Lakes Reservoir | Enter northerly end of Twin Lakes Reservoir from north, northeast and east 7.6, 7.6 and 7.4 miles northwest of Nobleboro, respectively. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1523 | 0-19-119-P 1000-4 | Trib. of Twin Lakes Reservoir | Enters easterly side of Twin Lakes Reservoir from east 7.2 miles northwest of Nobleboro. | 21 | C | C |
1524 | 0-19-119-P 1000-5 and tribs., 6, 7 | Tribs. of Twin Lakes Reservoir | Enter Twin Lakes Reservoir from southeast, southeast and south 7.2, 7.2 and 7.1 miles northwest of Nobleboro, respectively. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1525 | 0-19-120 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 1.2 miles upstream from Twin Lakes Stream and 1.4 miles north of North Wilmurt. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1526 | 0-19-121 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from north 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 120 and 0.9 mile southwest of Reeds Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1527 | 0-19-121-P 1001 | Mink Lake | Located at source of trib. 121 of Black River 0.4 mile upstream from mouth and 0.8 mile west of Reeds Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1528 | 0-19-122 | Otter Brook | Enters Black River from north 1.0 mile upstream from trib. 121 and at Reeds Mill. | 20, 21 17 | C | C(T) |
1529 | 0-19-122-P 1002 | Reed Pond | Located on Otter Brook 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and immediately north of Reeds Mill. | 20 | C | C(T) |
1530 | 0-19-122-1, 2 | Tribs. of Otter Brook | Enter Otter Brook from southeast and northeast 0.3 and 0.6 mile upstream from mouth. | 20, 21 | C | C(T) |
1531 | 0-19-122-3, 4 | Tribs. of Otter Brook | Enter Otter Brook from northwest and north 2.0 miles northwesterly of P 1000 (Twin Lakes Reservoir). | 21, 17 | C | C |
1532 | 0-19-122-5, 6, 7, 8, 9 | Tribs. of Otter Brook | Enter Otter Brook in section beginning 2.5 miles southwest of Atwell and extending upstream to point 1.8 miles west of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1533 | 0-19-123 and trib., 124, 125, 126, 127 | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River in section beginning 2.2 miles west of and extending upstream to 0.8 mile northwesterly of P 1000 (Twin Lakes Reservoir). | 21 | C | C(T) |
1534 | 0-19-128 | South Branch Black River | Enters Black River from east 1.9 miles southwest of Atwell and 9.0 miles north of Wilmurt. | 21, 17 | C | C(T) |
1535 | 0-19-128-1 and tribs., 2 | Tribs. of South Branch Black River | Enter South Branch Black River from northeast and south 1.0 and 1.7 miles upstream from mouth, respectively, and 1.7 miles south and 1.9 miles southeast of Atwell. | 21, 17 | C | C(T) |
1536 | 0-19-128-3 | Trib. of South Branch Black River | Enters South Branch Black River from north 1.9 miles southeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1537 | 0-19-128-4, 5 | Tribs. of South Branch Black River | Enter South Branch Black River from southwest 2.3 and 2.7 miles southeast of Atwell, respectively. | 17, 21 | C | C(T) |
1538 | 0-19-128-6 | Trib. of South Branch Black River | Enters South Branch Black River from southeast 8.7 miles north of Wilmurt. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1539 | 0-19-128-6-1 and trib., 2 and tribs. | Subtribs. of South Branch Black River | Enter trib. 6 of South Branch Black River from south and northeast 6.2 and 5.7 miles northwest of peak of Baldface Mountain. | 21, 17 | C | C(T) |
1540 | 0-19-128-6-P 1003 | Little Salmon Lake | Located on trib. 6 of South Branch Black River and 5.0 miles northwest of peak of Baldface Mountain. | 21 | C | C(T) |
1541 | 0-19-128-7, 8 | Tribs. of South Branch Black River | Enter South Branch Black River from southeast 3.4 miles southeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1542 | 0-19-128-P 1004 | South Lake | Located at source of South Branch Black River 3.4 miles east of Atwell. | 17 | A | A(T) |
1543 | 0-19-128-P 1004-1 | Trib. of South Lake | Enters southerly side of South Lake from southwest 2.4 miles southeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1544 | 0-19-128 -P 1004-2 and tribs. | Trib. of South Lake | Enters northwesterly part of South Lake from northeast 1.8 miles east of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1545 | 0-19-128-P 1004-3, 4 | Tribs. of South Lake | Enters northerly side of South Lake from northeast and northwest 2.4 and 3.0 miles east of Atwell, respectively. | 17 | C | C |
1546 | 0-19-128-P 1004-5 and tribs. | Trib. of South Lake | Enters northeasterly end of South Lake from northwest 3.7 miles east of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1547 | 0-19-128 -P 1004-6 and tribs. including P 1005 | Trib. of South Lake | Enters northeasterly end of South Lake from north 3.9 miles east of Atwell. P 1005 is at source of this trib. and 0.5 mile upstream from mouth. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1548 | 0-19-128-P 1004-7 and tribs. | Trib. of South Lake | Enters northeasterly end of South Lake from southeast 3.9 miles east of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1549 | 0-19-129 including P 1006 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from northwest 0.4 mile upstream from South Branch Black River and 1.8 miles southwest of Atwell. P 1006 is located on this stream 0.2 mile upstream from mouth. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1550 | 0-19-130 and tribs., 131, 132 and tribs. | Tribs. of Black River | Enter Black River from northwest, east and east in section beginning 1.7 miles southwest of Atwell and extending upstream to point 0.9 mile southwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1551 | 0-19-133 | Trib. of Black River | Enters Black River from east 0.4 mile southwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1552 | 0-19-P 1007 | North Lake | Located at source of Black River beginning 0.2 mile northwest of Atwell. | 17 | A | A(T) |
1553 | 0-19-P 1007-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Tribs. of North Lake | Enter westerly side of North Lake in section from 0.5 mile west to 1.2 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1554 | 0-19-P 1007-7 | Trib. of North Lake | Enters westerly side of North Lake from west 2.5 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1555 | 0-19-P 1007-7-1 and trib., 2 | Subtribs. of North Lake | Enter trib. 7 of North Lake from west and southwest 0.1 and 0.5 mile upstream from mouth, respectively. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1556 | 0-19-P 1007-7-P 1008 | Mud Pond | Located on trib. 7 of North Lake 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 2.1 miles north of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1557 | 0-19-P 1007-8 | Trib. of North Lake | Enters northerly end of North Lake from northwest 2.8 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1558 | 0-19-P 1007-8-1 | Subtrib. of North Lake | Enters trib. 8 of North Lake from southwest 0.7 mile upstream from mouth and 3.2 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1559 | 0-19-P 1007-8-1-1 | Subtrib. of North Lake | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 8 of North Lake from northwest 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 3.0 miles north of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1560 | 0-19-P 1007-8-1- 1-P 1009 | Unnamed pond | Pond located immediately west of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of trib. 8 of North Lake and 3.2 miles north of Atwell. | 17 | C | C |
1561 | 0-19-P 1007-8-1-2 | Subtrib. of North Lake | Enters trib. 1 of trib. 8 of North Lake from northeast 2.7 miles north of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1562 | 0-19-P 1007-8-2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Subtribs. of North Lake | Enter trib. 8 of North Lake in section beginning 3.3 miles northeast of Atwell and extending upstream to point 4.7 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1563 | 0-19-P 1007-9 and trib. | Trib. of North Lake | Enters northerly end of North Lake from northeast 2.9 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1564 | 0-19-P 1007-10 | North Branch Black River | Enters northerly end of North Lake from east 3.0 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1565 | 0-19-P 1007-10-1 and tribs. | Ice Cave Creek | Enters North Branch Black River from northeast immediately upstream from mouth and 2.9 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1566 | 0-19-P 1007-10-2 | Trib. of North Branch Black River | Enters North Branch Black River from northeast 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 3.4 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1567 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3 | Trib. of North Branch Black River | Enters North Branch Black River from southeast 2.2 miles upstream from trib. 2 and 5.5 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1568 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-P 1010 | Gooseneck Lake | Located on trib. 3 of North Branch Black River 0.5 mile upstream from mouth and 5.3 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1569 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-1 | Subtrib. of North Branch Black River | Enters trib. 3 of North Branch Black River from south 0.9 mile upstream from Gooseneck Lake and 6.2 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1570 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-P 1011 | Snyder Lake | Located at source of trib. 3 of North Branch Black River and 4.0 miles southwest of peak of Indian Lake Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1571 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-P 1011-1 | Trib. of Snyder Lake | Enters Snyder Lake from northeast 4.0 miles southwest of peak of Indian Lake Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1572 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-P 1011-1-1 | Subtrib. of Snyder Lake | Enters trib. 1 of Snyder Lake from northwest 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 3.9 miles southwest of peak of Indian Lake Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1573 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-P 1011-1-1-P 1012 | Monument Lake | Located at source of trib. 1 of trib. 1 of Snyder Lake and 3.8 miles southwest of peak of Indian Lake Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1574 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-P 1011-1-1-P 1012-P 1013 | Unnamed pond | Pond located 0.1 mile north of Monument Lake and 3.8 miles southwest of peak of Indian Lake Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1575 | 0-19-P 1007-10-3-P 1011-2 | Trib. of Snyder Lake | Enters easterly end of Snyder Lake from northeast 3.9 miles southwest of peak of Indian Lake Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1576 | 0-19-P 1007-10-4, 5, 6, 7 and trib. | Tribs. of North Branch Black River | Enter North Branch Black River from northwest, east, northwest and north in section beginning 0.4 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 5.7 miles northeast of Atwell and extending upstream to source. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1577 | 0-19-P 1007-11 | Middle Branch Black River | Enters northerly part of North Lake from southeast 2.7 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1578 | 0-19-P 1007-11-1 and tribs., including P 1014 | Trib. of Middle Branch Black River | Enters Middle Branch Black River from northeast 1.0 mile upstream from mouth and 3.2 miles northeast of Atwell. P 1014 is located at source of trib. 1 of Middle Branch Black River and 2.6 miles west of peak of Panther Mountain. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1579 | 0-19-P 1007-11-2 | Trib. of Middle Branch Black River | Enters Middle Branch Black River from southeast immediately upstream from trib. 1 and 3.2 miles northwest of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1580 | 0-19-P 1007-11-2-P 1015 | Hardscrabble Lake | Located at source of trib. 2 of Middle Branch Black River 0.1 mile upstream from mouth and 3.8 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1581 | 0-19-P 1007-11-3 | Trib. of Middle Branch Black River | Enters Middle Branch Black River from southeast 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 2 and 3.8 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1582 | 0-19-P 1007-11-4 including P 1016 | Trib. of Middle Branch Black River | Enters Middle Branch Black River from north 0.8 mile upstream from trib. 3 and 4.3 miles northeast of Atwell. P 1016 is at source of this trib. and 0.1 mile upstream from mouth. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1583 | 0-19-P 1007-11-5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | Tribs. of Middle Branch Black River | Enter Middle Branch Black River in section beginning 0.2 mile upstream from trib. 4 and 4.5 miles northeast of Atwell and extending upstream to source. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1584 | 0-19-P 1007 -12 and trib. including P 1017 | Trib. of North Lake | Enters North Lake from southeast 0.2 mile southwest of mouth of Middle Branch Black River and 2.5 miles northeast of Atwell. P 1017 is at source of trib. 12 of North Lake and 2.5 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1585 | 0-19-P 1007-13 and tribs. | Jacks Brook | Enters North Lake from southeast 2.2 miles northeast of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
1586 | 0-19-P 1007-14, 15, 16 and tribs., 17 and trib. | Tribs. of North Lake | Enter easterly side of North Lake in section from 2.0 miles northeast to 0.3 mile east of Atwell. | 17 | C | C(T) |
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 805.4