N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-4.19

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:25-4.19 - Criteria for possession of wild-caught bird species for breeding, zoological, scientific or educational purposes
(a) No permit shall be issued for the purpose of selling any wild-caught bird. Except as provided in this subchapter, a person issued a permit to possess wild bird species shall possess only birds bred from captive parent birds and eggs produced from captive parent birds. To preserve the genetic integrity of species of regulated birds, distinct species of birds shall not be cross-bred with other different species of birds to produce hybrid birds.
(b) In addition to meeting the general criteria in N.J.A.C. 7:25-4.7, every person applying for a permit to possess individuals of a species of wild-caught bird shall meet each and every of the following criteria:
1. Education and background, as follows:
i. A person applying for a permit to possess individuals of species of birds which have been wild-caught, or their eggs, primarily for breeding purpose, including those persons designated by institutions or businesses as those responsible for breeding birds, shall affirmatively demonstrate that he or she possesses extensive and thorough experience in breeding the species which is the subject of the application, or of a closely related species.
ii. A person applying for a permit to possess individuals of species of birds which have been wild-caught or their eggs primarily for zoological, scientific or educational purposes which include breeding only as a secondary purpose, including those persons designated by institutions or businesses as those responsible for breeding and handling birds, shall demonstrate that he or she possesses a thorough knowledge of the handling, care and breeding of the species which is the subject of the application, or of a related bird species. As a condition for the issuance of the permit the Division may require that the applicant be supervised by an aviculturalist approved by the Department. In the case of scientific or educational projects of limited duration, the applicant shall identify the final disposition of the bird(s);
2. Any person applying to possess individuals of species of birds which have been wild-caught, or their eggs, shall obtain, in addition to a New Jersey Exotic Species or Nongame Species Permit, all other permits applicable to the possession of such species. Any permit issued for the possession of birds by the Department shall not exempt an applicant from compliance with any other relevant Federal, state, county or municipal law;
3. Any person applying to possess individuals of species of birds which have been wild-caught, or their eggs, shall state in writing the purpose and intent of keeping the birds, the species of birds, and the number of individuals of each species the applicant intends to possess under the permit. In the case of multiple purposes and intents, the applicant shall rank his or her intentions in order of decreasing importance to the applicant;
4. Any person applying to possess individuals of species of birds which have been wild-caught, or their eggs, shall describe in written detail the caging facilities for each bird species, including those aspects of the facilities designed to prevent escape. For each building in which birds are to be housed, its street address and on which floors the birds are to be housed shall be stated. For each room in which birds are to be housed, that room's dimensions, the nearest source of natural and artificial light available for each bird, the type of heating, cooling and ventilation in each room and its source in each room relative to each bird's caging facilities and the location of each room within the building shall be described. Acceptance of any permit authorized under this subchapter shall entitle and authorize Department personnel to inspect the housing and caging of the licensed birds from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, in order to determine if the housing and caging is suitable for the species and will ensure accomplishment of the applicant's stated purposes;
5. Any person applying to possess individuals of species of birds which have been wild-caught, or their eggs, shall describe in written detail a reliable, continuous source of food for each bird species, including adult, nestling and hatchling diets for each bird species to be kept; and
6. Except as stated in this section, no person or organization shall possess for any purpose any wild-caught bird or egg produced from such a bird unless that person or organization produces credible documentary evidence that the bird (or egg) was legally possessed pursuant to this subchapter before December 10, 1991, the effective date of the Wild Bird Act.
i. All wild-caught birds possessed before December 10, 1991 by persons or organizations with a permit or other written approval from the Department are exempt from this proof requirement. The Department may consider, among other things, the following as proof of a wild-caught bird's pre-Act status: affidavits from persons with relevant knowledge and sworn-true copies of such documents as bills of lading, contracts of sale, pet shop records and veterinary records.
ii. No person or institution shall sell or otherwise transfer possession of any wild-caught bird or its egg which is possessed pursuant to a Department permit, or purchase or otherwise receive any new wild-caught birds without first obtaining written permission from the Department.
iii. Sellers or transferors of both pre-Act and post-Act birds shall maintain written documentation as per (b)6i above showing that all birds are either captive-bred or were legally possessed pursuant to these regulations before December 10, 1991. Copies of such documents for each regulated bird sold or otherwise transferred must be provided to the purchaser or receiver of each bird and to the Department.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-4.19

New Rule, R.1995 d.48, effective 1/17/1995.
See: 26 New Jersey Register 1040(a), 27 New Jersey Register 329(a).