Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 7:25-4.1 - Definitions
- Section 7:25-4.2 - Permit required
- Section 7:25-4.3 - Exotic species and nongame species requiring a permit for possession
- Section 7:25-4.4 - Exempted species
- Section 7:25-4.5 - Additional species
- Section 7:25-4.6 - Categories of permits, expiration, fees, sales receipts required, records and reports required
- Section 7:25-4.7 - General possession criteria
- Section 7:25-4.8 - Potentially dangerous species
- Section 7:25-4.9 - Criteria for the possession of potentially dangerous species
- Section 7:25-4.10 - Endangered species prohibited
- Section 7:25-4.11 - Miscellaneous provisions
- Section 7:25-4.12 - Notice of denial of permit, procedure, review, time limitations, hearing
- Section 7:25-4.13 - List of endangered species
- Section 7:25-4.14 - Requirements for possession of endangered wildlife species
- Section 7:25-4.15 - Protection of animal and welfare of public
- Section 7:25-4.16 - Violations
- Section 7:25-4.17 - List of regulated nongame species
- Section 7:25-4.18 - Endangered and Nongame Species Advisory Committee
- Section 7:25-4.19 - Criteria for possession of wild-caught bird species for breeding, zoological, scientific or educational purposes
- Section 7:25-4.20 - Birds which must be banded; criteria for identifying and marking birds; permitted alterations of appearance; miscellaneous