N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-4.17

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:25-4.17 - List of regulated nongame species

The following table sets forth the list and conservation status of the State's nongame wildlife species in their respective taxonomic classes. For the vertebrate classes of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, the list is intended to include all indigenous nongame species. The list does not include marine or diadromous fish. For freshwater fish and all invertebrate classes, the list includes only those species for which the Department has determined that their conservation status is "special concern" (SC). The list is ordered alphabetically by species' common names within each taxonomic class.

SpeciesScientific Name Conservation Status*
CreeperStrophitus undulatusSC
Eastern Fairy ShrimpEubranchipus holmaniiSC
Allegheny River CruiserMacromia alleghaniensisSC
Arrowhead SpiketailCordulegaster obliquaSC
Baltimore CheckerspotEuphydryas phaetonSC
Brook SnaketailOphiogomphus aspersesT
Brush-tipped EmeraldSomatochlora walshiiSC
Cobra ClubtailGomphurus vastusSC
Compton TortoiseshellNymphalis I-albumSC
Coppery EmeraldSomatochlora georgianaSC
Crimson-ringed WhitefaceLeucorrhinia glacialisSC
Dusted SkipperAtrytonopsis hiannaSC
Extra-striped SnaketailOphiogomphus anomalusSC
Eyed BrownLethe EurydiceSC
Forcipate EmeraldSomatochlora forcipataSC
Golden-winged SkimmerLibellula auripennisSC
Green-faced ClubtailHylogomphus viridifronsSC
Harris's CheckerspotChlosyne harrisiiSC
Hessel's HairstreakCallophrys hesseliSC
Hickory HairstreakSatyrium caryaevorusSC
Hudsonian WhitefaceLeucorrhinia hudsonicaSC
Maine SnaketailOphiogomphus mainensisSC
Midland ClubtailGomphurus fraternusSC
MonarchDanaus plexippusSC
New England BluetEnallagma lateraleSC
Northern Oak HairstreakSatyrium favonius ontarioSC
Pine Barrens BluetEnallagma recurvatumSC
Rapids ClubtailPhanogomphus quadricolorSC
Rare SkipperProblema bulentaSC
Sable ClubtailStenogomphurus rogersiSC
Scarlet BluetEnallagma pictumSC
Septima's ClubtailGomphurus septimaSC
Ski-tipped EmeraldSomatochlora elongataSC
Sleepy DuskywingErynnis brizoSC
Spatterdock DarnerRhionaeschna mutataSC
Subarctic DarnerAeshna subarcticaSC
Tiger SpiketailCordulegaster erroneaSC
Williamson's EmeraldSomatochlora williamsoniSC
Zebra ClubtailStylurus scudderiSC
American Brook LampreyLethenteron appendixSC
Blackbanded SunfishEnneacanthus chaetodonSC
Comely ShinerNotropis amoenusSC
Mud SunfishAcantharchus pomotisSC
Northern Hog SuckerHypentelium nigricansSC
Shield DarterPercina peltataSC
Allegheny Mountain Dusky SalamanderDesmognathus ochrophaeusU
American ToadAnaxyrus americanusS
Barking TreefrogDryophytes gratiosusU
Carpenter FrogLithobates virgatipesSC
Eastern Cricket FrogAcris crepitansSC
Eastern NewtNotophthalmus viridescensS
Eastern Red-backedPlethodon cinereusS
Eastern SpadefootScaphiopus holbrookiiSC
Four-toed SalamanderHemidactylium scutatumS
Fowler's ToadAnaxyrus fowleriS
Gray TreefrogDryophytes versicolorS
Green TreefrogDryophytes cinereusU
Jefferson SalamanderAmbystoma jeffersonianumSC
Marbled SalamanderAmbystoma opacumSC
Mid-Atlantic Coast Leopard FrogLithobates kauffeldiU
New Jersey Chorus FrogPseudacris kalmiU
Northern Dusky SalamanderDesmognathus fuscusS
Northern Leopard FrogLithobates pipiensU
Northern Red SalamanderPseudotriton r. ruberS
Northern Slimy SalamanderPlethodon glutinosusS
Northern Spring SalamanderGyrinophilus p.SC
Northern Two-linedEurycea bislineataS
Pickerel FrogLithobates palustrisS
Southern Leopard FrogLithobates spenocephalaS
Spotted SalamanderAmbystoma maculatumSC
Spring PeeperPseudacris cruciferS
Wood FrogLithobates sylvaticusS
Common Five-lined SkinkPlestiodon fasciatusS
Common RibbonsnakeThamnophis s. sauritaS
Dekay's BrownsnakeStoreria d. dekayiS
Eastern Fence LizardSceloporus undulatusS
Eastern GartersnakeThamnophis s. sirtalisS
Eastern Hog-nose SnakeHeterodon platirhinosSC
Eastern KingsnakeLampropeltis g. getulaSC
Eastern MilksnakeLampropeltis t. triangulumS
Eastern Mud TurtleKinosternon s. subrubrumU
Eastern Musk TurtleSternotherus odoratusS
Eastern Painted TurtleChrysemys p. pictaS
Eastern RatsnakePantherophis alleghaniensisS
Eastern Smooth EarthsnakeVirginia v. valeriaeSC
Eastern Worm SnakeCarphophis a. amoenusU
Little Brown SkinkScincella lateralisSC
Midland Painted TurtleChrysemys picta marginataU
Northern Black RacerColuber c. constrictorS
Northern Diamond-backed TerrapinMalaclemys t. terrapinSC
Northern Map TurtleGraptemys geographicaU
Northern Red-bellied CooterPseudemys rubriventrisS
Northern Ring-necked SnakeDiadophis punctatus edwardsiiS
Northern WatersnakeNerodia s. sipedonS
Red-bellied SnakeStoreria occipitomaculataS
Rough GreensnakeOpheodrys aestivusSC
Smooth GreensnakeOpheodrys vernalisSC
Southern Ring-necked SnakeDiadophis p.punctatusS
Spotted TurtleClemmys guttataSC
Woodland Box TurtleTerrapene c. carolinaSC

SpeciesScientific NameConservation Status* BreedingConservation Status* Non - Breeding
Acadian FlycatcherEmpidonax virescensSS
Alder FlycatcherEmpidonax alnorumSS
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaS
American BitternBotaurus lentiginosus(E)SC
American Golden-PloverPluvialis dominicaS
American GoldfinchSpinus tristisSS
American OystercatcherHaematopus palliatusSCSC
American PipitAnthus rubescensS
American RedstartSetophaga ruticillaSS
American RobinTurdus migratoriusSS
American Tree SparrowSpizelloides arboreaS
Audubon's ShearwaterPuffinus lherminieriS
Baird's SandpiperCalidris bairdiiS
Bald EagleHaliaeetus leucocephalus ET
Bald EagleHaliaeetus leucocephalusSCS
Baltimore OrioleIcterus galbulaSS
Bank SwallowRiparia ripariaSCS
Barn OwlTyto alba(T)SC
Barn SwallowHirundo rusticaSS
Bay-breasted WarblerSetophaga castaneaS
Belted KingfisherMegaceryle alcyonSS
Bicknell's ThrushCatharus bicknelliSC
Black-and-white WarblerMniotilta variaSS
Black RailLaterallus jamaicensisET
Black TernChlidonias nigerS
Black VultureCoragyps atratusSS
Black-bellied PloverPluvialis squatarolaS
Black-billed CuckooCoccyzus erythropthalmusSCSC
Blackburnian WarblerSetophaga fuscaSCS
Black-capped ChickadeePoecile atricapillusSS
Black-crowned Night-HeronNycticorax nycticoraxTSC
Black-headed GullChroicocephalus ridibundusS
Black-legged KittiwakeRissa tridactylaS
Blackpoll WarblerSetophaga striataS
Black-throated BlueSetophaga caerulescensSCS
Black-throated GreenSetophaga virensSCS
Blue GrosbeakPasserina caeruleaSS
Blue JayCyanocitta cristataSS
Blue-gray GnatcatcherPolioptila caeruleaSS
Blue-headed VireoVireo solitariusSS
Blue-winged WarblerVermivora cyanopteraSCS
Boat-tailed GrackleQuiscalus majorSS
BobolinkDolichonyx oryzivorusTSC
Bonaparte's GullChroicocephalus philadelphiaS
Boreal ChickadeePoecile hudsonicusS
Broad-winged HawkButeo platypterusSCS
Brown CreeperCerthia americanaSS
Brown PelicanPelecanus occidentalisS
Brown ThrasherToxostoma rufumSCS
Brown-headed CowbirdMolothrus aterSS
Buff-breasted SandpiperCalidris subruficollisS
Canada WarblerCardellina canadensisSCSC
Cape May WarblerSetophaga tigrinaSC
Carolina ChickadeePoecile carolinensisSS
Carolina WrenThryothorus ludovicianusSS
Caspian TernHydroprogne caspiaSCS
Cattle EgretBubulcus ibisSCS
Cedar WaxwingBombycilla cedrorumSS
Cerulean WarblerSetophaga ceruleaSCSC
Chestnut-sided WarblerSetophaga pensylvanicaSS
Chimney SwiftChaetura pelagicaSCS
Chipping SparrowSpizella passerinaSCS
Chuck-will's-widowAntrostomus carolinensisSS
Cliff SwallowPetrochelidon pyrrhonotaSCS
Common GrackleQuiscalus quisculaSS
Common LoonGavia immerS
Common NighthawkChordeiles minorSCS
Common RavenCorvus coraxSS
Common RedpollAcanthis flammeaU
Common TernSterna hirundoSCS
Common YellowthroatGeothlypis trichasSS
Connecticut WarblerOporornis agilisS
Cooper's HawkAccipiter cooperiiSS
Cory's ShearwaterCalonectris diomedeaS
Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferrugineaS
Dark-eyed JuncoJunco hyemalisUS
DickcisselSpiza americanaS
Double-crested CormorantNannopterum auritumSS
DovekieAlle alleU
Downy WoodpeckerDryobates pubescensSS
DunlinCalidris alpinaS
Eastern BluebirdSialia sialisSS
Eastern KingbirdTyrannus tyrannusSS
Eastern MeadowlarkSturnella magna(T)SC
Eastern PhoebeSayornis phoebeSS
Eastern Screech-OwlMegascops asioSS
Eastern TowheePipilo erythrophthalmusSS
Eastern Whip-poor-willAntrostomus vociferusSCSC
Eastern Wood-PeweeContopus virensSS
Evening GrosbeakCoccothraustes vespertinusS
Field SparrowSpizella pusillaSCS
Forster's TernSterna forsteriSS
Fox SparrowPasserella iliacaS
Glaucous GullLarus hyperboreusS
Glossy IbisPlegadis falcinellusSCS
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosS
Golden-crowned KingletRegulus satrapaSS
Grasshopper SparrowAmmodramus savannarum(T)SC
Gray CatbirdDumetella carolinensisSS
Gray-cheeked ThrushCatharus minimusS
Great Black-backed GullLarus marinusSS
Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasSCS
Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carboS
Great Crested FlycatcherMyiarchus crinitusSS
Great EgretArdea albaSS
Great Horned OwlBubo virginianusSS
Great ShearwaterArdenna gravisS
Greater YellowlegsTringa melanoleucaS
Green HeronButorides virescensSCS
Gull-billed TernGelochelidon niloticaSCSC
Hairy WoodpeckerDryobates villosusSS
Hermit ThrushCatharus guttatusSS
Herring GullLarus argentatusSS
Hooded WarblerSetophaga citrinaSS
Horned GrebePodiceps auritusS
Horned LarkEremophila alpestris(T)SC
House FinchHaemorhous mexicanusSS
House WrenTroglodytes aedonSS
Hudsonian GodwitLimosa haemasticaS
Iceland GullLarus glaucoidesS
Indigo BuntingPasserina cyaneaSS
Ipswich SparrowPasserculus sandwichensisSC
Kentucky WarblerGeothlypis formosa(T)SC
KilldeerCharadrius vociferusSS
King RailRallus elegans(E)U
Lapland LongspurCalcarius lapponicusS
Lark SparrowChondestes grammacusS
Laughing GullLeucophaeus atricillaSS
Leach's Storm-petrelHydrobates leucorhousU
Least BitternIxobrychus exilisSCSC
Least FlycatcherEmpidonax minimusSCS
Least SandpiperCalidris minutillaS
Lesser Black-backed GullLarus fuscusS
Lesser YellowlegsTringa flavipesS
Lincoln's SparrowMelospiza lincolniiS
Little Blue HeronEgretta caeruleaSCSC
Little GullHydrocoloeus minutusS
Long-billed DowitcherLimnodromus scolopaceusS
Long-tailed JaegerStercorarius longicaudusU
Louisiana WaterthrushParkesia motacillaSS
Magnolia WarblerSetophaga magnoliaSS
Marbled GodwitLimosa fedoaS
Marsh WrenCistothorus palustrisSS
MerlinFalco columbariusS
Mississippi KiteIctinia mississippiensisSS
Mourning WarblerGeothlypis philadelphiaS
Nashville WarblerLeiothlypis ruficapillaSCS
Nelson's SparrowAmmospiza nelsoniS
Northern CardinalCardinalis cardinalisSS
Northern FlickerColaptes auratusSS
Northern GannetMorus bassanusS
Northern GoshawkAccipiter gentilis(E)S
Northern HarrierCircus hudsonius(E)SC
Northern MockingbirdMimus polyglottosSS
Northern ParulaSetophaga americanaSS
Northern Rough-wingedStelgidopteryx serripennisSS
Northern Saw-whet OwlAegolius acadicusUS
Northern ShrikeLanius borealisS
Northern WaterthrushParkesia noveboracensisSS

SpeciesScientific NameConservationConservation Status *
Status *BreedingNon - Breeding
Olive-sided FlycatcherContopus cooperiSC
Orange-crowned WarblerLeiothlypis celataS
Orchard OrioleIcterus spuriusSS
OspreyPandion haliaetusSS
OvenbirdSeiurus aurocapillaSS
Palm WarblerSetophaga palmarumS
Parasitic JaegerStercorarius parasiticusS
Pectoral SandpiperCalidris melanotosS
Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus(T)S
Philadelphia VireoVireo philadelphicusS
Pied-billed GrebePodilymbus podiceps(E)SC
Pileated WoodpeckerDryocopus pileatusSS
Pine GrosbeakPinicola enucleatorS
Pine SiskinSpinus pinusS
Pine WarblerSetophaga pinusSS
Pomarine JaegerStercorarius pomarinusS
Prairie WarblerSetophaga discolorSCS
Prothonotary WarblerProtonotaria citreaSS
Purple FinchHaemorhous purpureusSS
Purple MartinProgne subisSCS
Purple SandpiperCalidris maritimaS
RazorbillAlca tordaS
Red CrossbillLoxia curvirostraUU
Red PhalaropePhalaropus fulicariusS
Red-bellied WoodpeckerMelanerpes carolinusSS
Red-breasted NuthatchSitta canadensisSS
Red-eyed VireoVireo olivaceusSS
Red-headed WoodpeckerMelanerpes erythrocephalus(T)SC
Red-necked GrebePodiceps grisegenaS
Red-necked PhalaropePhalaropus lobatusS
Red-shouldered HawkButeo lineatus(E)SC
Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensisSS
Red-throated LoonGavia stellataS
Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceusSS
Ring-billed GullLarus delawarensisS
Rose-breasted GrosbeakPheucticus ludovicianusSCS
Rough-legged HawkButeo lagopusS
Royal TernThalasseus maximusSS
Ruby-crowned KingletCorthylio calendulaS
Ruby-throated HummingbirdArchilochus colubrisSS
Ruddy TurnstoneArenaria interpresSC
RuffCalidris pugnaxS
Rusty BlackbirdEuphagus carolinusSC
Saltmarsh SparrowAmmospiza caudacuta(T)SC
SanderlingCalidris albaSC
Sandwich TernThalasseus sandvicensisS
Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensis(T)S
Scarlet TanagerPiranga olivaceaSS
Seaside SparrowAmmospiza maritimaSS
Semipalmated PloverCharadrius semipalmatusS
Semipalmated SandpiperCalidris pusillaSC
Sharp-shinned HawkAccipiter striatusSCS
Short-billed DowitcherLimnodromus griseusS
Short-eared OwlAsio flammeus(E)SC
Snow BuntingPlectophenax nivalisS
Snowy EgretEgretta thulaSCS
Snowy OwlBubo scandiacusS
Solitary SandpiperTringa solitariaS
Song SparrowMelospiza melodiaSS
Sooty ShearwaterArdenna griseaS
Spotted SandpiperActitis maculariusSCS
Stilt SandpiperCalidris himantopusS
Summer TanagerPiranga rubraSS
Swainson's ThrushCatharus ustulatusS
Swallow-tailed KiteElanoides forficatusU
Swamp SparrowMelospiza georgianaSS
Tennessee WarblerLeiothlypis peregrinaS
Thick-billed MurreUria lomviaU
Tree SwallowTachycineta bicolorSS
Tricolored HeronEgretta tricolorSCSC
Tufted TitmouseBaeolophus bicolorSS
Tundra SwanCygnus columbianusS
Turkey VultureCathartes auraSS
VeeryCatharus fuscescensSCS
Vesper SparrowPooecetes gramineus(E)SC
Warbling VireoVireo gilvusSS
Western KingbirdTyrannus verticalisS
Western SandpiperCalidris mauriS
WhimbrelNumenius phaeopusS
White-breasted NuthatchSitta carolinensisSS
White-crowned SparrowZonotrichia leucophrysS
White-eyed VireoVireo griseusSS
White-rumped SandpiperCalidris fuscicollisS
White-throated SparrowZonotrichia albicollisUS
White-winged CrossbillLoxia leucopteraU
WilletTringa semipalmataSS
Willow FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliiSS
Wilson's Storm-petrelOceanites oceanicusS
Wilson's WarblerCardellina pusillaS
Winter WrenTroglodytes hiemalisSCS
Wood ThrushHylocichla mustelinaSCS
Worm-eating WarblerHelmitheros vermivorumSS
Yellow RailCoturnicops noveboracensisU
Yellow WarblerSetophaga petechiaSS
Yellow-bellied FlycatcherEmpidonax flaviventrisS
Yellow-bellied SapsuckerSphyrapicus variusSS
Yellow-billed CuckooCoccyzus americanusSS
Yellow-breasted ChatIcteria virensSCS
Yellow-crowned Night-HeronNyctanassa violaceaSC
Yellow-rumped WarblerSetophaga coronateUS
Yellow-throated VireoVireo flavifronsSS
Yellow-throated WarblerDendroica dominicaSS

SpeciesScientific NameConservation Status*
Atlantic Spotted DolphinStenella frontalisU
Big Brown BatEptesicus fuscusSC
Bottlenose DolphinTursiops truncatusSC
Cinereus ShrewSorex cinereusS
Common Minke WhaleBalaenoptera acutorostrataU
Clymene DolphinStenella clymeneU
Eastern ChipmunkTamias striatusS
Eastern MoleScalopus aquaticusS
Eastern Pygmy ShrewSorex hoyiU
Eastern Red BatLasiurus borealisSC
Eastern Water ShrewSorex albibarbisU
Gray SealHalichoerus grypusS
Hairy-tailed MoleParascalops breweriU
Harbor PorpoisePhocoena phocoenaSC
Harbor SealPhoca vitulinaS
Harp SealPagophilus groenlandicusS
Hooded SealCystophora cristataS
Long-finned Pilot WhaleGlobicephala melasU
Long-tailed ShrewSorex disparU
Marsh Rice RatOryzomys palustrisU
Meadow Jumping MouseZapus hudsoniusSC
Meadow VoleMicrotus pennsylvanicusS
Melon-headed WhalePeponocephala electraU
New England CottontailSylvilagus transitionalisU
North American Least ShrewCrytotis parvaU
North American PorcupineErethizon dorsatumS
North American Red SquirrelTamiasciurus hudsonicusS
Northern Flying SquirrelGlaucomys sabrinusU
Northern Hoary BatLasiurus cinereusSC
Northern Short-tailed ShrewBlarina brevicaudaS
Northern Yellow BatLasiurus intermediusU
Risso's DolphinGrampus griseusU
Short-beaked Common DolphinDelphinus delphisU
Short-finned Pilot WhaleGlobicephala macrorhyncusU
Silver-haired BatLasionycteris noctivagansSC
Smoky ShrewSorex fumeusU
Southern Bog LemmingSynaptomys cooperiU
Southern Flying SquirrelGlaucomys volansS
Southern Red-backed VoleClethrionomys gapperiS
Star-nosed MoleCondylura cristataS
Striped DolphinStenella coeruleoalbaU
Tuckahoe Masked ShrewSorex cinereus nigriculusU
White-footed DeermousePeromyscus leucopusS
Woodland Jumping MouseNapaeozapus isignisU
Woodland VoleMicrotus pinetorumS

*E means "Endangered," S means "Secure-stable," SC means "Special concern," T means "Threatened," and U means "Undetermined-unknown." These terms are defined at N.J.A.C. 7:25-4.1

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-4.17

As amended, R.1983 d.638, effective 1/17/1984.
See: 15 N.J.R. 1623(a), 16 N.J.R. 131(b).
As amended, R.1984 d.132, eff. 4/16/1984.
See: 16 N.J.R. 97(b), 16 N.J.R. 889(a).
Section recodified from 7:25-20.2.
Amended by R.1985 d.215, effective 5/6/1985.
See: 17 N.J.R. 350(a), 17 N.J.R. 1091(a).
Amended by R.1985 d.251, effective 5/20/1985.
See: 17 N.J.R. 516(a), 17 N.J.R. 1289(a).
(a): Added text "and endangered".
Amended by R.1986 d.230, effective 6/16/1986.
See: 18 N.J.R. 601(a), 18 N.J.R. 1280(b).
"S" substituted for "T".
Amended by R.1987 d.308, effective 7/20/1987.
See: 19 N.J.R. 491(a), 19 N.J.R. 1293(a).
Substantially amended.
Repeal and New Rule, R.1991 d.277, effective 6/3/1991.
See: 22 N.J.R. 1308(a), 23 N.J.R. 1788(a).
Repealed section--"Defining status of indigenous nongame and endangered wildlife species of New Jersey."
Amended by R.1999 d.235, effective 7/19/1999.
See: 31 N.J.R. 580(a), 31 N.J.R. 1923(b).
In REPTILES, deleted references to Common Snapping Turtles, Red-eared Turtles and Eastern Spiny Softshells; in AMPHIBIANS, deleted references to Bullfrogs and Green Frogs; in MAMMALS, deleted references to European Hares, Black-tailed Jackrabbits, Black Rats, Brown Rats, and House Mice; and in BIRDS, changed Breeding Status for American Bitterns, Great Blue Herons, Little Blue Herons, Black-crowned Night Herons, Cliff Swallows, and Ipswich Sparrows, changed Non-Breeding Status for Red Knots, Ipswich Sparrows and Grasshopper Sparrows, deleted references to Mute Swans, Northern Goshawks, Rock Doves, European Starlings and House Sparrows, and inserted a reference to Copper's Hawks.
Amended by R.2002 d.92, effective 3/18/2002.
See: 33 N.J.R. 2380(a), 34 N.J.R. 1265(b).
Inserted list of INVERTEBRATES, and added footnote 1 to Species Status column head.
Amended by R.2003 d.156, effective 4/21/2003.
See: 34 N.J.R. 2405(a), 35 N.J.R. 1669(a).
Deleted "Queen Snake" and added "Pine Barrens Tree Frog".
Petition for Rulemaking.
See: 41 N.J.R. 3320(a), 3965(a).
Petition for Rulemaking.
See: 42 N.J.R. 524(a).
Repeal and New Rule, R.2012 d.037, effective 2/21/2012.
See: 43 N.J.R. 87(a), 44 N.J.R. 451(a).
Section was "Defining status of indigenous wildlife species of New Jersey".
Amended by 57 N.J.R. 19(b), effective 1/6/2025