Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:25-4.14 - Requirements for possession of endangered wildlife species(a) Individuals wishing to apply for a permit to possess endangered wildlife must meet all criteria for a Federal endangered species permit (issued by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service), when applicable, and for the New Jersey nongame and exotic species permit pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:25-4.7 (issued by the Division). The Department will require and review the Federal permit before issuing a State permit.(b) The Division shall issue a permit for possession of specific individual animals classified as endangered wildlife to an applicant who fulfills the criteria in (a) above, and who: 1. Has obtained a sponsoring organization and designated professional who have submitted to the Division all information required in (a)2 and 3 below;2. Has submitted to the Division a detailed written proposal for scientific research to be completed by the applicant within the time stated by the applicant which, in the judgment of the Division, requires use of the species in question, will not jeopardize the animal's health and has a reasonable probability of yielding, when performed by the applicant under the supervision of the Division and the sponsor pursuant to scientific protocol approved in writing by the Division, scientifically-reliable, new information of use to researchers or zoologists specializing in the study or conservation of the species in question; i. All proposals shall stipulate the intervals at which the applicant shall submit periodic reports to the Division stating the applicant's progress with the research and improvements in the applicant's expertise in handling and caring for the animals; and3. Has submitted to the Division written records of the applicant's relevant education, past and current research, publications, funding, equipment and any other information (including personal demonstration as may be required by the Division) which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Division that the applicant has working knowledge and expertise in handling and caring for the species in question, and that it is reasonably probable that the applicant will accept guidance from both the sponsor and the Division to improve that expertise and that the applicant will accomplish the research within the time stated to the Division in accordance with the scientific protocol approved by the Division.(c) Amateur attempts or intent to propagate an endangered species will not be considered as sufficient purpose for an individual to be issued a permit to keep an endangered species.(d) Applicants for a permit to possess endangered wildlife species in New Jersey must be sponsored by a scientific institution, zoological society or similar organization accredited by its professional peers. The goal of sponsorship is to improve the applicant's expertise in the handling, care and breeding of the animal in question, to ensure that the applicant's research requires use of the species in question and has a reasonable probability of producing scientifically-reliable, new data useful to other researchers or zoologists specializing in the study and conservation of the species in question. All research proposals, scientific protocols (including the frequency of reports to the Division by the applicant), and supervisory procedures must be described in writing to the Division by the applicant and receive written approval from both the Division, the sponsor, and the monitoring professional for a permit to be issued. Any permit issued pursuant to this section is conditioned upon the applicant's consistent compliance with instruction from the Division and the professional monitoring the applicant's research as well as the diligent pursuit and timely completion of the Division-approved research project by the applicant pursuant to the scientific protocols approved by the Division. Applicants shall produce their research and exhibit their animals to Division personnel on 24 hours notice. Should the Division determine that the applicant has failed to meet these conditions, the Division shall suspend or revoke the applicant's permit and place the animals possessed pursuant to that permit under immediate constructive seizure, pending permanent removal of the animals by the Division from the possession of the applicant at the applicant's own expense. All research by the applicant shall cease immediately upon receipt of a notice of suspension or revocation, except as approved in writing by the Division.(e) An offer of sponsorship must contain the following:1. An agreement to commit the organization to the responsibilities of sponsorship as defined in this section, executed by the president, director or other employee of the organization with authority to so bind the organization;2. Confirmation that the organization is acquainted with the relevant training and experience of the applicant, has reviewed the applicant's proposed research and has determined that it is reasonably probable that the proposed research, as performed by the applicant pursuant to the supervision and scientific protocol described by the sponsor shall yield scientifically-reliable, new information which will be useful to other researchers or zoologists specializing in the study or conservation of the species in question. All scientific protocol and supervisory practices proposed are subject to approval by the Division. Any Division modification of the proposed protocol or practices shall be resubmitted to the sponsoring organization for its comment;3. The name and address of a professional with well-established, recently-practiced expertise in the handling, care and breeding of the species at issue (or a species closely related) who has agreed to monitor all aspects of the applicant's research on behalf of the organization in accordance with the procedures approved in advance of commencement of the work by the Division and fulfill all the obligations set forth in (e)4 below. The sponsoring organization shall acknowledge its responsibility to locate another professional with credentials acceptable to the Division who shall monitor the applicant's work, report to the Division, and fulfill all the obligations set forth in (e)4 below in the event the professional initially chosen and approved by the Division is unable, for reasons unrelated to the performance of the applicant, to continue in assisting the Division in monitoring the applicant's work;4. A letter from the professional identified in (e)3 above which lists his or her professional qualifications, verifies that he or she has personally met the applicant, reviewed the applicant's relevant training and experience as well as the proposed research, finds the research meritorious and believes, based upon his or her experience, that it is reasonably probable that the proposed research, as performed by the applicant within the time stated by the applicant pursuant to the supervision and scientific protocol described by the professional, shall yield scientifically-reliable, new information which will be useful to the other researchers or zoologists specializing in the study or conservation of the species in question. All scientific protocol and supervisory practices proposed are subject to approval by the Division. Any Division modification of the proposed protocol or practices shall be resubmitted for the professional's comment. The professional shall agree in writing to guide the applicant in the proper handling, care and breeding of the animals in question and review the applicant's research protocol and data as frequently as needed to ensure the applicant's research meets the criteria for the issuance of this permit. The professional shall agree to personally meet with the applicant and review the applicant's work no less than once every three months and to submit a written report to the Division on the applicant's progress every three months. The applicant may prepare and submit this report as long as the report is approved in writing by the professional in advance of its submission to the Division. Reports must be submitted to the Division no later than the 15th day following the end of each three month reporting period;5. A written statement that the professional agrees to notify the Division and the sponsoring organization in writing if the applicant fails to follow the professional's or the Division's guidance or the scientific protocol approved by the Division and the professional believes that such failure is jeopardizing the probability that scientifically-reliable, useful, new information shall be produced as a result of the applicant's research or that the research cannot be accomplished within the time stated by the applicant; and6. The applicant shall execute a written acknowledgement releasing the Department, the sponsoring organization and any professionals monitoring the applicant's work from liability for any damages of whatsoever nature arising from the suspension of revocation of any permit issued by the Division. The applicant shall be solely responsible for all costs of maintaining and relocating at the direction of the Division all the animals possessed under this permit when a permit is suspended, revoked or expires.N.J. Admin. Code § 7:25-4.14
R.1977 d.39, effective 2/22/1977.
See: 8 New Jersey Register 175(a), 9 New Jersey Register 118(c).
Amended by R.1984 d.132, effective 4/16/1984.
See: 16 New Jersey Register 97(b), 16 New Jersey Register 889(a).
Section recodified from 7:25-11.2.
Amended by R.1985 d.251, effective 5/20/1985.
See: 17 New Jersey Register 516(a), 17 New Jersey Register 1289(a).
(f) added.
Administrative correction and change in (f) and (f)1.
See: 23 New Jersey Register 3325(b).
Amended by R.1995 d.48, effective 1/17/1995.
See: 26 New Jersey Register 1040(a), 27 New Jersey Register 329(a).
Amended by R.2001 d.73, effective 3/5/2001.
See: 32 New Jersey Register 4435(a), 33 New Jersey Register 874(a).