N.H. Admin. Code § Pari 811.05

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Pari 811.05 - Greyhound Injury Report Form
(a) The trainer of any greyhound that suffers an injury on, or is suffering from an injury while present at, a racing premises under the jurisdiction of the commission shall immediately report the injury to the commission veterinarian, either orally or in writing.
(b) Within 72 hours of observing an injury to a greyhound present at racing premises under the jurisdiction of the commission or receiving a report of an injury under paragraph (a) above, the commission veterinarian shall execute and file with the commission a greyhound injury report form.
(c) The commission veterinarian shall provide the following in the spaces provided on the greyhound injury report form:
(1) The registered name of the greyhound that was injured;
(2) The greyhound's right and left ear tattoo numbers;
(3) The name, business address and telephone number of the owner of the greyhound;
(4) The name, business address and telephone number of the trainer of the greyhound;
(5) The name, business address and telephone number of the greyhound's kennel operator;
(6) The color, weight and gender of the greyhound;
(7) The name of the racing premises where the injury was reported or observed;
(8) Whether the injury occurred at the racing premises or in another location;
(9) If the injury occurred while greyhound was racing:
a. The name of race track where injury occurred;
b. The date and number of the race during which the injury occurred;
c. The distance of the race during which the injury occurred;
d. The grade of the race during which the injury occurred; and
e. The greyhound's post position in the race when the injury occurred;
(10) The date when the injury occurred;
(11) A description of the specific type of injury sustained by the greyhound;
(12) The location of the injury on the greyhound's body;
(13) The cause of the injury;
(14) The estimated period of time that it will take for the greyhound to recover from the injury;
(15) The name of the person executing the form;
(16) The signature of the person executing the form , certifying the following:

"I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided on this form is true, correct and complete and acknowledge that knowingly making of a false statement on this form is punishable by law, including by the imposition of those penalties set forth at RSA 284: 14-d, II" and

(17) The date that the form was signed.
(d) The commission veterinarian shall sign the greyhound injury report form in the presence of a representative of the commission, which representative shall sign and date the form as a witness to the signature.
(e) For the purposes of subparagraph (d) above relative to the witnessing of signatures on forms, "representative of the commission" means any employee of the commission other than the person signing the form.
(f) The commission veterinarian shall submit with the greyhound injury report form:
(1) A sketch of a greyhound indicating where on the dog the injury being reported is located; and
(2) If the injury was sustained on a racing premises under the jurisdiction of the commission, a sketch of the racing premises showing, if known, the location at the premises where the dog is believed to have been injured.

N.H. Admin. Code § Pari 811.05

#8238, INTERIM, eff 1-1-05, EXPIRES: 6-30-05; ss by #8320, eff 6-30-05