N.H. Admin. Code § Cdfa 310.19

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Cdfa 310.19 - Public Benefit Indicators
(a) Applications shall be awarded a maximum of 435 points for public benefit indicators on the basis of the point values described in (b) through (f).
(b) Up to 200 points shall be awarded for direct benefit to low and moderate income persons based on the criteria which follows:
(1) Up to 50 points for provision of services to special needs groups or for other targeted low and moderate individuals as follows:
a. A score of 50 points if services are provided to 76 or more individuals on an annualized basis;
b. A score of 35 points if services are provided to 60-75 individuals on an annualized basis;
c. A score of 20 points if services are provided to 40-59 individuals on an annualized basis;
d. A score of 10 points if services are provided to 25-39 individuals on an annualized basis; or
e. A score of 0 points if services are provided to fewer than 25 individuals on an annualized basis;
(2) For provision of services to other low and moderate income persons:
a. A score of 50 points if services are provided to 76 or more persons on an annualized basis;
b. A score of 35 points if services are provided to 60-75 persons on an annualized basis;
c. A score of 20 points if services are provided to 40-59 persons on an annualized basis;
d. A score of 10 points if services are provided to 25-39 persons on an annualized basis; or
e. A score of 0 points if services are provided to fewer than 25 persons on an annualized basis;
(3) For provision of loans to microenterprises whose owners qualify as low and moderate income, or whose current employees are predominantly low and moderate income, or whose future hires will be low and moderate income:
a. A score of 50 points if 76 or more loans will be made on an annualized basis;
b. A score of 35 points if 51-75 loans will be made on an annualized basis;
c. A score of 20 points if 26-50 loans will be made on an annualized basis;
d. A score of 10 points if 10-25 loans will be made on an annualized basis; or
e. A score of 0 points if fewer than 10 loans will be made on an annualized basis;
(4) For the creation/retention of jobs:
a. A score of 25 points if 41 or more jobs will be created/retained on an annualized basis;
b. A score of 15 points if 31-40 jobs will be created/retained on an annualized basis;
c. A score of 10 points if 21-30 jobs will be created/retained on an annualized basis;
d. A score of 5 points if 10-20 jobs will be created/retained on an annualized basis; or
e. A score of 0 points if fewer than 10 jobs will be created/retained on an annualized basis; and
(5) For the percent of jobs created/retained filled by low and moderate income persons:
a. A score of 25 points if 91-100% of the jobs created/retained will be filled by low and moderate income persons;
b. A score of 15 points if 81-90% of the jobs created/retained will be filled by low and moderate income persons;
c. A score of 10 points if 71-80% of the jobs created/retained will be filled by low and moderate income persons;
d. A score of 5 points if 61-70% of the jobs created/retained will be filled by low and moderate income persons; or
e. A score of 0 points if 60% or fewer of the jobs created/retained will be filled by low and moderate income persons.
(c) Up to 115 points shall be awarded for area need, as follows:
(1) The applicant's percent of households receiving human services assistance points as described in Cdfa 310.04;
(2) The applicant's AMHHI points as described in Cdfa 310.05;
(3) The applicant's unemployment rate points as described in Cdfa 310.09;
(4) The applicant's median family income points as described in Cdfa 310.11(p); and
(5) The applicant's per capita taxable valuation as described in Cdfa 310.10.
(d) Up to 30 points shall be awarded for demonstrated user demand, as evidenced by a listing of microenterprises and potential microentrepreneurs waiting for services or historical statistical data of service usage, and need for services to microenterprises, including training, technical assistance and credit, as follows:
(1) A score of 30 points if none of the above services are available in the project area and there is a documented user demand;
(2) A score of 15 points if any of training, technical assistance or credit are not available in the project area and there is a documented user demand; or
(3) A score of 0 points if all of the above services are available in the project area or there is no documented user demand.
(e) Up to 30 points shall be awarded for local area benefit to the extent that the project shall reduce the local demand for social service assistance, as follows:
(1) A score of 30 points if the project shall substantially reduce the local demand for social services by:
a.Reducing the need for local welfare assistance; and
b.Reducing the need for human services listed in Cdfa 310.04(b);
(2) A score of 15 points if the project shall significantly reduce the local demand for social services;
(3) A score of 5 points if the project shall minimally reduce the local demand for social services; or
(4) A score of 0 points if the project shall have no effect in reducing the local demand for social services.
(f) A maximum of 50 points shall be awarded for support of management capacity of the subrecipient organization to provide microenterprise development assistance, as follows:
(1) Up to 30 points for the management capacity of the subrecipient organization for each of the criteria as follows:
a. A score of 5 points if the job descriptions and resumes of both the current subrecipient staff and the anticipated project staff demonstrates microenterprise development experience;
b. A score of 5 points for one year or more of experience in providing business skills training;
c. A score of 5 points for one year or more of experience in providing technical assistance to owners of microenterprises;
d. A score of 5 points for one year or more of experience in providing support services to owners of microenterprises;
e. A score of 5 points for one year or more of experience in providing loans to owners of microenterprises; and
f. A score of 5 points for one year or more of experience in loan processing, tracking and collection; and
(2) Up to 20 points as follows:
a. A score of 20 points if the subrecipient organization is a community development finance institution as defined at 24 CFR 570.482(f)(3)(v)(H);
b. A score of 10 points if the subrecipient organization is a non-profit organization with a revolving loan fund but is not a regional development corporation;
c. A score of 5 points if the subrecipient organization is a regional development corporation; or
d. A score of 0 points if the subrecipient organization is a for-profit organization.
(g) The other targeted low and moderate income individuals described in (b)(1) shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Public assistance recipients;
(2) Department of education, vocational rehabilitation participants;
(3)20 U.S.C. 9201, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, enrollees;
(4) Public housing residents; and
(5) Homeless individuals.

N.H. Admin. Code § Cdfa 310.19

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Cdfa 300) #8387, eff 6-29-05 (renumbered by #8515, from Cdfa 310.13 )