Current through December 31, 2024
Section 706.5555 - Procedure for approval of lease agreement; duties of Administrator; appeal of disapproval by certificate holder1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a certificate holder seeking to lease a taxicab to an independent contractor must submit a copy of the lease agreement to the Administrator. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, such a lease is not deemed executed until it has been approved or preapproved by the Administrator pursuant to this section.2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 of section 5, the Administrator shall approve a lease agreement submitted pursuant to subsection 1 if: (a) The lease agreement meets the requirements of section 5 ;(b) The certificate holder and the independent contractor who are parties to the lease agreement meet the requirements of section 2 ; and(c) All other applicable requirements of sections 2 to 12, inclusive are met.3. A certificate holder may submit a lease agreement template to the Administrator for preapproval. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 of section 5, the Administrator shall preapprove a lease agreement template submitted pursuant to this subsection if the lease agreement template meets the requirements of section 5. A lease agreement template that has been preapproved pursuant to this subsection is deemed to be preapproved for not more than 2 years after the date on which the Administrator issues the preapproval.4. Upon receiving a lease agreement or lease agreement template from a certificate holder for approval or preapproval pursuant to this section, the Administrator will, within 10 working days, approve or preapprove the lease agreement or lease agreement template, disapprove the lease agreement or lease agreement template or request more information from the certificate holder. A lease agreement or lease agreement template which has not been acted on by the Administrator within 10 working days after receipt of the lease agreement or lease agreement template is deemed approved or preapproved, as applicable.5. A certificate holder may appeal the disapproval of a lease agreement or lease agreement template by the Administrator pursuant to this section. Such an appeal: (a) Must be filed not more than 10 working days after the date of the disapproval; and(b) Will be heard pursuant to the requirements of NAC 706.876 to 706.990, inclusive, by the Authority at the next available meeting of the Authority.Nev. Admin. Code § 706.5555
Added to NAC by Taxicab Auth. by R003-16A, eff. 12/21/2016Section 1.7 of Senate Bill No. 376, chapter 447, Statutes of Nevada 2015, at page 2596 (NRS 706.88181).