Nev. Admin. Code § 587.3393

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 587.3393 - Definitions
1. If only a portion of a particular harvested seed lot is to be labeled, the sample submitted pursuant to subsection 2 of NAC 587.3392 must represent only that portion of seed and must be clearly marked with a new lot number.
2. Seed lots submitted pursuant to NAC 587.3392 for labeling as "Nevada Sod Quality Seed" must be analyzed by a laboratory approved by the Department for compliance with the provisions of subsection 3.
3. Seed lots submitted for analysis pursuant to subsection 2 must be free from noxious weed seed and the kinds of seed set forth in subsection 5, as applicable, and comply with the following requirements:

Kind Minimum PurityMinimum GerminationMaximum Other CropMaximum Weed Seed
Perennial Ryegrass98%90%0.1 %10.02 %
Merion Kentucky Bluegrass95%80%0.1 %20.02 %
Other varieties of Kentucky Bluegrass97%80%0.1 %20.02 %
Red Fescue98%90%0.1 %0.02 %
Chewings Fescue98%90%0.1 %0.02 %
Bentgrass 98%85%0.1 %30.10 %
Tall Fescue98.5 %85%0.1 %0.02 %

1 Certification fluorescence levels and appropriate calculations will be applied when determining levels of other crop.

2 Maximum other varieties of Kentucky bluegrass allowed is 2%; maximum allowed Canada bluegrass is .02%.

3 A 500 seed count will be used to determine other species of Agrostis.

4. The analysis for noxious weed seed, other crop seed and weed seed must be:
(a) Discontinued if the limits set forth in subsection 3 are exceeded; and
(b) Based on the following quantities of samples:
(1) Bluegrass, 25 grams, except a sample of 10 grams may be used to analyze for the presence of Poa annua.
(2) Fine Fescue, 30 grams.
(3) Ryegrass and Tall Fescue, 50 grams.
(4) Bentgrass, 2.5 grams.
5. Each kind of seed set forth in subsection 3 must be free from the following other kinds of seed, as applicable:
(a) Ryegrass;
(b) Orchardgrass;
(c) Timothy;
(d) Bentgrass;
(e) Big bluegrass;
(f)Poa trivialis;
(g) Smooth bromegrass;
(h) Reed canarygrass;
(i) Tall fescue; and
(j) Clover.
6. As used in this section, "noxious weed seed" includes dock (Rumex spp.), chickweed (Cerastium spp.) and Stellaria media, crabgrass (Digitaria spp.), plantain (Plantago spp.), black medic (Medicago lupulina), annual bluegrass (Poa annua), velvetgrass (Holcus spp.) and any other weed seed that is designated noxious in any other state except Hawaii.

Nev. Admin. Code § 587.3393

Supplied in codification; A by Dep't of Agriculture, 12-3-90

NRS 587.077, 587.083