Current through December 31, 2024
Section 467.012 - General licensing requirements: Application; conditions and agreements; false statements; proof of identity; appearance before Commission; fee for issuance or renewal; period of validity1. An application for a license as a:(b) Professional mixed martial artist;(c) Professional kickboxer;(d) Any other professional unarmed combatant;(h) Second, including a trainer;(m) Physician, must be made in writing on a form supplied by the Commission and signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury. The Commission, in its discretion, may act on an applicant's request for a license before the form is submitted, but a license must not be issued to the applicant until the applicant complies with the requirements of this subsection.2. Beginning on the date established by the Commission pursuant to this subsection, an applicant for a license must submit to the Commission a signed copy of the Commission's Code of Ethics and Conduct for the type of license being sought, acknowledging that the applicant has read and understands the Code, and agrees to comply with its terms. Upon a determination by the Commission that a Code of Ethics and Conduct has been established for each licensing category, the Commission will issue a directive setting forth the date on which the requirement set forth in this subsection becomes effective for that type of license.3. Each license issued is subject to the conditions and agreements set forth in the application.4. Any false statement of a material matter in such an application is a ground: (a) For denial of the application; or(b) If the license has already been issued, for revocation of the license.5. Before issuing a license, the Commission or its staff may, when deemed appropriate, require an applicant to provide independent proof of his or her identity such as a photographic identification provided by a governmental authority.6. Beginning on the date determined by the Commission pursuant to this subsection, before issuing a license, the applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission an understanding of the Commission's drug testing program, including, without limitation, an understanding of anti-doping violations and the penalties for those violations set forth in sections 25 to 40, inclusive, of this regulation. Upon the determination by the Commission that all educational materials, examinations, forms and other materials necessary for successful implementation of the requirement set forth in this subsection have been developed, the Commission will issue a directive setting forth the date on which the requirement set forth in this subsection becomes effective.7. The Commission may require an applicant to appear before the Commission to answer questions or provide documents in conjunction with an application for a license.8. The fee for issuance or renewal of a license:(a) For a professional boxer is $50.(b) For a professional mixed martial artist is $50.(c) For a professional kickboxer is $50.(d) For any other professional unarmed combatant is $50.(e) For a matchmaker is $100.(f) For a manager is $100.(h) For an announcer is $100.9. Unless the Commission limits the license to a shorter period, a license is valid for the remainder of the calendar year for which it is granted.10. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a licensee must pay the full renewal fee for a license, regardless of whether the license is limited or conditioned by the Commission. If the Commission later removes the limitation or grants the licensee the same type of license for another period in the same calendar year, the licensee is not required to pay an additional renewal fee for a license within that same calendar year.Nev. Admin. Code § 467.012
[Athletic Comm'n § 64, eff. 4-25-78]-(NAC A 12-13-82; 11-2-94; 12-2-97; R083-00, 9-22-2000; R070-01, 8-31-2001; R076-03, 12-3-2003; R090-07, 12-4-2007); A by R062-16A, eff. 9/9/2016