Current through December 31, 2024
Section 453A.Sec. 165 - NEWEach marijuana product manufacturing facility shall ensure that:
1. Pasteurized eggs or egg products are substituted for raw eggs in the preparation of marijuana products.2. Marijuana products and ingredients only have contact with the surfaces of: (a) Equipment and utensils that are cleaned and sanitized; or(b) Single-service and single-use articles that have not previously been used.3. Ingredients such as eggs, meat, poultry and marijuana containing these raw animal ingredients are cooked to heat all parts of the marijuana product to a temperature and for a time that complies with one of the following methods based on the product that is being cooked: (a) At 145°F (63°C) or above for 15 seconds for meat, including, without limitation, commercially raised game animals.(b) At 155°F (68°C) or above for 15 seconds for:(1) Mechanically tenderized and injected meats; and(2) Meat and commercially raised game animals if it is comminuted.(c) At 165°F (74°C) or above for 15 seconds for poultry, stuffed meat, stuffed pasta, stuffed poultry or stuffing containing meat or poultry.4. Except during preparation, cooking or cooling, potentially hazardous marijuana products and ingredients are maintained:(a) At 135°F (57°C) or above; or(b) At 41°F (5°C) or less.5. During the thawing process, potentially hazardous marijuana products and ingredients are: (a) Maintained at 41°F (5°C) or less; and(b) Thawed: (2) Under cool running water;(3) As part of the cooking process; or(4) In a microwave only if the potentially hazardous marijuana products and ingredients will be cooked immediately thereafter.Nev. Admin. Code § 453A.Sec. 165
Added to NAC by Div. of Pub. & Behavioral Health by R092-17AP, eff. 2/27/2018