Current through December 31, 2024
Section 445A.735 - Proposed pollution control projects: Contents of facility planA facility plan for a proposed pollution control project must include:
1. A description of the nonpoint sources of pollution and the areas and waters affected by them.2. A description of the best management practices considered.3. A cost-effect analysis of the feasible conventional, innovative and alternative management practices, processes and techniques capable of meeting the applicable effluent, water quality and public health requirements over the design life of the project while recognizing environmental and other nonmonetary considerations.4. An environmental information document that includes an adequate evaluation of the environmental impacts of alternatives. This evaluation must discuss all significant environmental effects of the proposed project and the implications of the project with respect to:(a) Threatened or endangered species;(g) Environmentally sensitive areas;(j) Consistency with land use plans;(l) Long-term versus short-term trade-offs;(n) Consistency with areawide planning, such as basin plans and plans prepared pursuant to section 208 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1288, and the nonpoint source management program.5. For the selected alternative, a concise description at an appropriate level of detail of: (a) Relevant design parameters.(b) Cost effects on users of the wastewater system.(c) Institutional and management arrangements required for successful implementation of the project.(d) Estimated costs for capital construction, operating and maintenance costs and costs for debt service costs and a description of the manner in which local costs are to be financed, including a preliminary revenue program in the form prescribed by the Division.(e) Estimated costs of future expansion and long-term needs for reconstruction of facilities following their design life.6. A summary of public participation in the development of the facility plan.Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.735
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n, eff. 9-19-90-Substituted in revision for NAC 445.42102