Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.734

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 445A.734 - Proposed wastewater treatment works: Cost-effect analysis
1. A cost-effect analysis prepared pursuant to NAC 445A.733 must include:
(a) A description of the relationship between the capacity of alternatives and the needs to be served, including capacity or future growth expected after the treatment works become operational. The description must include estimates from significant industrial and commercial users documenting the need for capacity and the characteristics of existing or projected flows.
(b) An evaluation of improved effluent quality attainable by upgrading the operation and maintenance and efficiency of existing facilities as an alternative or supplement to the construction of new facilities.
(c) An evaluation of the alternative methods for the reuse or ultimate disposal of treated wastewater and sludge resulting from the treatment process.
(d) An evaluation of systems with revenue-generating applications.
(e) An evaluation of opportunities to reduce the use of energy or to recover energy.
(f) Information concerning total capital costs and annual operation and maintenance costs, as well as estimated annual or monthly costs to residential, commercial and industrial users.
2. The planning period used in the analysis must be 20 years.
3. The monetary costs to be considered in the analysis must include the present worth or equivalent annual value of all capital costs and operation and maintenance costs.
4. The forecasts of population contained in the analysis must be consistent with those prepared by the Department of Taxation.
5. As used in this section, "industrial user" means any nongovernmental, nonresidential user of a publicly owned treatment works who is identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972 edition, of the Office of Management and Budget under one of the following divisions:
(a) Division B - Mining.
(b) Division D - Manufacturing.

A copy of the Manual may be obtained by mail from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, Missouri 63197-9000, or by toll-free telephone at (866) 512-1800, for the price of $24.

Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.734

Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n, eff. 9-19-90-Substituted in revision for NAC 445.42101

NRS 445A.135