Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.770

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 445A.770 - Documents required; agreements for financial assistance; subsequent design reviews
1. To obtain financial assistance from the fund, the following documents must be submitted:
(a) An application for assistance in the form prescribed by the Division.
(b) Final plans and specifications and an estimate by an engineer of the costs of construction for the project.
(c) A preliminary project schedule which provides a timetable for advertising and for opening bids, hiring and training operators, submission of an operation and maintenance manual, adoption of a system of user charges and a sewer use ordinance, completion of construction and initiation of operation. As used in this paragraph, initiation of operation means the date specified by the recipient on which use of the project begins for the purposes that it was planned, designed and built.
2. An agreement for financial assistance must not be offered until the applicant:
(a) Receives initial approval of assistance; and
(b) Anticipates bid solicitation in the near future.
3. The agreement for financial assistance must be prepared and transmitted to the applicant for his or her signature no later than the time of the approval to award the construction contract.
4. A determination of project eligibility must be made during the preparation of the facility plan. After the initial approval of financial assistance, subsequent design reviews must be for the purpose of ensuring that the proposed design is conceptually the same as that approved by the Division.

Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.770

Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n, eff. 9-19-90; A by R115-10, 1-13-2011-Substituted in revision for NAC 445.4214

NRS 445A.135