400 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 004

Current through June 17, 2024

This section establishes the rules and regulations to petition for a hearing to enforce the legal rights, duties, or privileges of a specific party regarding certain matters under the jurisdiction of the Department.

004.01 The Department, for matters not otherwise covered by regulations governing the Department, adopts and incorporates by reference the Model Rules promulgated by the Attorney General for procedures governing hearings in contested cases found at 53 NAC 4.
004.02 This section shall not create a right of appeal or right to contest an agency action which is not specifically authorized by statute or Department regulations.
004.03 This section does not apply to appeals under this Title relating to applications for the Nebraska Veterans' Aid Fund, or to any appeals under this Title relating to the following:
004.03A Applications for admission to a Home;
004.03B Determination of an individual's member contribution;
004.03C Applications for readmission to a Home after voluntary discharge; or
004.03D Involuntary discharge from a Home.

400 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 004

Adopted effective 9/20/2023