180 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 4, § 039

Current through September 17, 2024
039.01 DISPOSAL. A licensee must dispose of licensed material only:
(A) By transfer to an authorized recipient as provided in 180 NAC 4-044 or in 180 NAC 3, 12 or 19, or to the U.S. Department of Energy; or
(B) By decay in storage in accordance with 180 NAC 4-039.03; or
(C) By release in effluents within the limits in 180 NAC 4-013; or
(D) As authorized according to 180 NAC 4-040 through 4-043 or 4-039.05 and 4-039.06.
039.02RECEIVING WASTE. A person must be specifically licensed to receive waste containing licensed material from other persons for:
(A) Treatment prior to disposal; or
(B) Treatment or disposal by incineration; or
(C) Decay in storage; or
(D) Management at a facility licensed according to 180 NAC 12; or
(E) Storage until transferred to a storage or disposal facility authorized to receive the waste.
039.03DECAY IN STORAGE. A licensee may hold radioactive material with a physical halflife of less than or equal to 120 days for decay-in-storage before disposal without regard to its radioactivity if the licensee:
(A) Holds radioactive material for decay a minimum of ten half-lives;
(B) Monitors radioactive material at the container surface before disposal and determines that its radioactivity cannot be distinguished from the background radiation level with an appropriate radiation detection survey instrument set on its most sensitive scale and with no interposed shielding;
(C) Removes or obliterates all radiation labels; except for materials that will be handled as biomedical waste after released; and
(D) Separates and monitors each generator column individually with all radiation shielding removed to ensure that its contents have decayed to background radiation level before disposal.
039.04DECAY IN STORAGE RECORDS. For radioactive material disposed in accordance with 180 NAC 4-039.03, the licensee must retain a record of each disposal in accordance with 180 NAC 4-054.03.
039.05DISPOSAL AT A LICENSED LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE FACILITY. Discrete sources of radium-226 and discrete sources of naturally occurring radioactive material may be disposed of at a facility licensed for land disposal of low-level radioactive waste, even though it is not defined as low-level radioactive waste. Therefore, any licensed radioactive material being disposed of at a facility, or transferred for ultimate disposal at a facility licensed for land disposal of low-level radioactive waste must meet the requirements of 180 NAC 4-044.02.
039.06DISPOSAL AT SOLID OR HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY. A licensee may dispose of discrete sources of radium-226 and discrete sources of naturally occurring radioactive material, at a disposal facility authorized to dispose of such material in accordance with any Federal or State solid or hazardous waste law.

180 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 4, § 039

Amended effective 6/7/2021