Section 48-8-003 - RENEWAL003.01 Federal covered adviser notice filings automatically expire annually on December 31. Notice filings by federal covered advisers must be renewed on or prior to that date.003.02 The notice filing may be renewed annually by filing the following information with CRD/IARD: 003.02A A copy of all amendments to Form ADV, Part 1A and Part 2, together with all applicable schedules, that have not previously been filed with the Director; and003.02B A fee in the amount of two hundred dollars ($ 200.00) to be paid through CRD/IARD.003.02C A notice filing of a federal covered adviser shall be deemed filed when the filing fee and Form ADV are filed with, and accepted by, CRD/IARD on behalf of Nebraska.48 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 8, § 003