OVR/OVRB/OBD shall maintain in its records only such information about a client as is relevant and necessary to accomplish any purpose of the agency required by state or federal law, regulation, or policy.
The service record is a legal record and should be treated as such by all OVR/OVRB/OBD personnel. All service records are subject to legal subpoena and may be used as evidence in fair hearings or court proceedings. Therefore, opinionbased (non-factual) observations should not be entered into the record. Any information relating to the agency's evaluation of factual information should be labeled as such and should be stated as objectively as possible.
Records are to be maintained in an orderly, formal manner. All documentation must be legible and written in ink or typed and fastened in the folder in a timely fashion.
Records are to be secured to prevent any unauthorized access. Information is not to be given out indiscriminately, but must follow guidelines as set forth in the Confidentiality section of this manual (Section 3.0)
No information in the service record shall be removed, destroyed, or altered for purposes of avoiding compliance with these regulations.
32 Miss. Code. R. 10-2-2.2