28 Miss. Code. R. 307-1.8

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 28-307-1.8 - Article VIII - Duties of the Executive Director
A. The Executive Director shall be the Authority's principal executive officer whose responsibility it shall be to execute the policies and projects of the Authority as a prudent administrator. The Executive Director shall have charge of the overall management and direction of all Port affairs, and shall be responsible directly to the Authority for all managerial, administrative, financial, engineering, operations, traffic, trade development and public relations affairs.
B. Within such guidelines as may be established by the Authority, the Executive Director shall employ and/or authorize the employment of, have control over, and fix the powers, duties and compensation of all of the employees of the Authority. The employment of personnel shall be governed by bona fide need and necessity in the judgment of the Executive Director, for the prompt execution and efficient performance of the work of the Authority.
C. In cases of extreme public emergency requiring the purchase of any supplies or materials or entering any construction or repair contracts required on an emergency basis, necessitating the waiving of public advertising for competitive bids, the Executive Director shall, at the next meeting submit a report to the Authority in writing, of those actions and the reasons therefore, which shall be inscribed in the minutes of the Authority together with the action taken thereon.
D. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director, within ninety days, to have published an annual financial report as of the close of the fiscal year.
E. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to furnish to the Authority, by August 1st of each year, an annual business plan containing proposed goals for the next fiscal year and reporting of results as compared to goals for the preceding fiscal year.
F. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to have provided, and kept in force, a blanket fidelity bond on all Commissioners, and the Executive Director, in an amount of not less than Ten Thousand ($ 10,000) dollars on each.
G. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to keep the Authority apprised of all significant happenings in the areas of international trade, competitor port activities, cargo movements, proposed legislation affecting ports and the business of the ports, port operations and the internal affairs of the agency, and from time to time, the Executive Director shall render more detailed oral or written reports, at Authority meetings, of port activities and of the operations, ad-ministration and status of the port.
H. The President and/or the Executive Director shall be the Authority's official spokesman on all official Authority matters whenever official statements are to be made on behalf of the Authority.

28 Miss. Code. R. 307-1.8

Mississippi Code §§ 59-1-1, 59-1-9 and 59-5-21