28 Miss. Code. R. 307-1.7

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 28-307-1.7 - Article VII - Duties of the Secretary and Treasurer
A. Duties of the Secretary:
1. In the absence or disability for any cause of the President and of the Vice President, the Secretary shall act as President and shall discharge the duties of that office.
2. The Secretary shall be responsible for the Authority's records maintenance and shall, when required, attest to any official document of the Authority with the Secretary's signature and with the impress of the Authority's official seal, and shall sign such documents relating to the business of the Authority as may be directed by the Authority, and shall, in addition, perform such other duties that are usually incumbent upon such officer.
3. The Secretary shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee.
B. Duties of the Treasurer:
1. In the absence or disability for any cause of the Secretary, the Treasurer shall act as Secretary and shall discharge the duties of that office.
2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the monitoring of Authority financial management information and shall attest to the Authority's Treasurer Report prepared and presented to the Board of Port Commissioners at the direction of the Treasurer, and shall serve as Chairperson of the Authority's Finance Committee.

28 Miss. Code. R. 307-1.7

Mississippi Code §§ 59-1-1, 59-1-9 and 59-5-21