28 Miss. Code. R. 307-1.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 28-307-1.4 - Article IV - Selection of Officers and Appointments
A. The purpose of this article is to provide for the selection of officers by a pure rotation. Once the rotation is established, each new full-term appointee will be in line to assume the presidency. This rotation is for a one year term and selection of officers is determined by the period of time a Commissioner has remaining on the Authority. Each year the Commissioner with the least amount of time remaining and who has completed service as Vice President, will succeed to the Presidency. At the expiration of the one-year term, the President shall step down, and act as ex-officio President, and for rotation purposes will fall below the newest appointed member.
B. The Vice-President will be that Commissioner with the next least time remaining on the Authority after the President and who has completed service as Secretary, and the Secretary that Commissioner with the next least period of time remaining on the Authority after the Vice-President and who has completed service as Treasurer, and the Treasurer that Commissioner with the next least period of time remaining on the Authority after the Secretary.
C. Any requirements of service set forth in the preceding paragraphs shall not apply in the event of the resignation or withdrawal from office of any officer prior to the expiration of his term.
D. The Executive Director shall be selected by and serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners. The salary of the Executive Director shall be reviewed annually and set by the Board of Commissioners during the first meeting in December.
E. The General Counsel shall be an attorney, licensed to practice law in the State of Mississippi, selected by majority vote of the Authority at the first meeting of the fiscal year.
F. The annual selection and succession of officers will take place at the beginning of the first meeting in December.

28 Miss. Code. R. 307-1.4

Mississippi Code §§ 59-1-1, 59-1-9 and 59-5-21