27 Miss. Code. R. 110-6.3.3

Current through October 10, 2024
Section 27-110-6.3.3 - Organizational Planning

The Staffing Management Program of each agency shall incorporate existing and proposed agency and position data into organizational charts indicating each position authorized. All current or proposed organizational charts shall be reviewed by the agency for completeness and accuracy of data to ensure inclusion of actions approved for next fiscal year implementation and conformance to the agency's next fiscal year appropriation act. The following shall be in effect with respect to agency organizational charts:

A. Agencies shall submit an original and one file copy of the organizational chart in the format indicated in the examples at the end of this chapter for approval by the Office of Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment prior to the start of each fiscal year. Upon approval by the Office of Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment, the organizational structure and codes shall become the official organizational structure of the agency for current and/or succeeding fiscal years and the basis for all requested position and organizational changes;
B. Constant internal review of any agency organizational structure is an agency responsibility. Agencies may make minor alterations or movement of individual positions, including county code changes, in their organizational charts for efficiency or to balance staffing workload (generally singular moves below the division level) during the fiscal year. When requesting organizational chart revisions, the Agency shall submit the request for organizational code or county code change online through OSR on the Position Screen. The following information shall be forwarded to MSPB in support of the organizational change:
1. Organizational chart pages signed by the appointing authority, or his or her designee, depicting both current and proposed structures; and
2. Additional documentation as may be specified by the MSPB Executive Director.
C. Agencies shall request MSPB to review major changes or movement of positions within the organizational structure. Major alterations, movements, or changes within the agency organizational structure must be approved by MSPB prior to implementation by the agency. Contact your Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment Consultant to determine the format in which to submit your proposed reorganization for formal presentation before MSPB.

27 Miss. Code. R. 110-6.3.3

Amended 7/1/2015
Amended 7/1/2016
Amended 7/1/2017
Amended 1/18/2018
Amended 7/1/2018
Amended 3/1/2019
Amended 1/5/2020
Amended 7/1/2021
Amended 7/3/2023
Amended 7/12/2024