18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-II-VII

Current through January 14, 2025

It is the Direct Service Worker's responsibility to maintain proficiency in the performance of job duties by attending professional trainings and/or workshops. All Direct Service Workers shall obtain a minimum of 40 hours of on-going job-related training annually. Failure on the part of the Direct Service Worker to complete the 40 hours of annual training for any reason will be grounds for termination of employment.

Training offered by DFCS PDU shall be counted toward the 40 hours. The Worker's supervisor may approve professional conferences, seminars and workshops outside of DFCS that are directly related to an employee's present job duties and responsibilities to be outside of DFCS toward the 40 hours. The Worker must submit documentation of completion of the training to the PDU for recording in the database.

DFCS PDU is a Designated Provider for Social Work Continuing Education (CE), but not all training offered by the unit will receive CEs. The training curriculum and the presentation of the curriculum must meet specific criteria in order for CEs to be awarded. The director of PDU will inform staff if CEs are to be given for a particular training.

The following DFCS- sponsored trainings are mandatory for all DFCS Direct Service Workers and supervisors annually:

* Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training

* Age Appropriate Passenger Restraints System Training

A.Staff Development/Training Request

An employee planning to attend training not provided by the DFCS is required to submit a Travel Authorization (Form MDHS-AF-13-20-20) at least two (2) weeks in advance of the training to his/her immediate supervisor. The supervisor will then forward the form to the employee's second line supervisor for approval /disapproval.

The second line supervisor will review the Form MDHS-AF-13-20-20 for accuracy and completeness and, when necessary, will consult with the DFCS Training Director with respect to items in question prior to approval. The second line supervisor is authorized to approve any request for On-going Staff Development/Training for time only. Any staff development/training requiring the expenditure of funds shall be forwarded to the DFCS Office Director II for final approval.

DFCS may pay for all or any part of training costs, depending on the availability of funds, as authorized by the DFCS Office Director II. Requests for reimbursement of approved expenses for staff development/training should be submitted with the proper documentation in a timely manner and in accordance with MDHS AP-19.

B.On-Going Training Waiver

With the exception of job orientation and Pre-Service Training for new employees, the DFCS PDU Director may issue a waiver for any course of study validated (MSW course of study) as meeting DFCS requirements of on-going training. The employee must be enrolled in an accredited college, university, or a school in candidacy for CSWE status and the course must be at the graduate level in order to be considered. An employee must submit his/her request for a waiver in writing to his/her supervisor for review. The request must include:

* The course title

* Name of the college, university, or school

* Course dates

* Certificate of completion with a final grade of "B" or better

* Course description and objectives

* Number of academic semester hours

If the employee's request meets these requirements, the supervisor will sign the request and forward it to the DFCS PDU Director for approval.

C.Supervisory Access

Supervisory personnel are involved in all decisions related to child safety and permanency, and workers shall have access to a supervisor by telephone 24 hours a day.

18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-II-VII

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016