18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-II-VI

Current through January 14, 2025
A.Direct Service Workers/Clerical Staff

All newly employed direct service staff and supervisors shall receive a minimum of 270 hours of pre-service training, including instructional training and supervised field training, prior to assuming responsibility for cases.

The Worker's immediate supervisor is responsible for the initial orientation, field training, and assisting the Worker in the transfer of learning to the job. On the date the new employee reports to work, the supervisor shall ensure the new Worker is provided with the following items:

1. The State Personnel Board Employee Handbook
2. The New Hire Field Instruction Training Manual
3. A complete and current DFCS policy manual.


1) If the new employee is being re-hired with DFCS, previously completed the pre-service training, and is returning to the DFCS within 12 months of leaving, the pre-service training can be waived.
2) If the new employee is being re-hired with DFCS, but has been gone for more than 12 months, the pre-service training must be completed unless an exception is granted by DFCS Deputy Director, based on education and experience.
3) All clerical staff shall complete two days of Finance/Clerical training.

All requests for waivers/exceptions shall be directed to the Director of the Professional Development Unit.

B.Pre-Service Training

Pre-Service training is competency based and trainees are tested at the end of each week of instructional training. Trainees must receive a score of 70 or above on each of the four tests in order to continue eligibility for the position. If the trainee does not pass with a score of 70 or above, they are required to retake the test the following week. If the trainee does not pass the exam after the retake, the ASWS and Regional Director will be notified and a plan will be made for dismissal or a repeat of the training.

C.Pre-Service Eligibility/Attendance Requirements

To be eligible to attend the Pre-Service training, the following criteria shall be met:

* New Hire completes on-the-job training or meets the criteria for an exception.

* New Hire has an assigned and active Mississippi Automated Child Welfare System (MACWIS) number.

These forms are located on DFCS Connection, http://dfcsmacweb/DFCSWEB/Professional.htm with instructions. The completed forms must be received in the DFCS PDU no later than one week prior to the 1st day of training in order for the new employee to be considered for the specific training group. If special accommodations are required for a new employee, the PDU should be notified immediately.

D.Additional Training Required for New Employees

All newly hired Direct Service Workers and supervisors are required to complete the following training within the first twelve months of employment.

The ASWS shall submit verification of the Worker completing each training directly to the PDU.

* Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (offered by Division of Human Resources)

* Age Appropriate Passenger Restraints System Training (must be delivered by a technician certified by SAFEKIDS US)

* Blood and airborne.pathogens (DVD)

18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-II-VI

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016