18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-3.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-3.2 - Establishing Voluntary Early Learning Guidelines (Component #2)

For purposes of this section, voluntary early learning guidelines (also referred to as early learning and development standards) include the expectations for what children should know (content) and be able to do (skills) at different levels of development. These standards provide guidelines, articulate developmental milestones, and set expectations for the healthy growth and development of young children. The term early learning guidelines (ELGs) refers to age-appropriate developmental learning guidelines for infants and toddlers and school-age children. These early learning guidelines are voluntary because States/Territories are not required to develop such guidelines or implement them in a specified manner.

3.2.1Has the State/Territory developed voluntary early learning guidelines for children? Check any early learning guidelines the State/Territory has developed.

* Birth-to-three

* Three-to-five

[] Five years and older

[] None. Skip to 3.2.6.

If yes, insert web addresses, where possible:

Birth to Three:www.earlychildhood.msstate.edu;

Three to Five: www.mde.k12.ms.us [File Link Not Available]

Which State/Territory agency is the lead for the early learning guidelines?

Birth to Three: Mississippi Office of Head Start Collaboration;

Three to Five: Mississippi Department of Education

3.2.2Do the early learning guidelines cover a range of domains across physical, cognitive, and social and emotional development?

Check all that apply for each age group as applicable in the chart below. Because States vary in their domain names and which domains to include, we have used the domains identified in the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework for reference purposes.

DomainsBirth-to-Three ELGsThree-to-Five ELGsFive and Older ELGs
Physical development and health * * []
Social and emotional development * * []
Approaches to learning [] [] []
Logic and reasoning (e.g., problem- solving) [] * []
Language development * * []
Literacy knowledge and skills * * []
Mathematics knowledge and skills * * []
Science knowledge and skills * * []
Creative arts expression (e.g., music, art, drama) [] [] []
Social studies knowledge and skills [] [] []
English language development (for dual language learners) [] [] []
List any domains not covered in the above___ [] [] []
Other. Describe____ [] [] []

3.2.3 To whom are the early learning guidelines disseminated and in what manner?

Check all audiences and methods that your State/Territory has chosen to use in the chart below.

Information Dissemination Voluntary Training Mandatory Training
Parents in the child care subsidy system * [] []
Parents using child care more broadly * [] []
Practitioners in child care centers * * []
Providers in family child care homes * * []
Practitioners in Head Start * * []
Practitioners in Early Head Start * * []
Practitioners in public Pre-K program * * []
Practitioners in elementary schools * [] []
Other. List _____ [] [] []

3.2.4Are voluntary early learning guidelines incorporated into other parts of the child care system?

Check which ways, if any, the State/Territory incorporates its early learning guidelines into other parts of the child care system.

[] To define the content of training required to meet licensing requirements

* To define the content of training required for program quality improvement standards (e.g., QRIS standards)

[] To define the content of training required for the career lattice or professional credential

[] To require programs in licensing standards to develop curriculum/learning activities based on the voluntary ELGs

[] To require programs in quality improvement standards to develop curriculum/learning activities based on the voluntary ELGs

[] To develop State-/Territory -approved curricula

[] Other. List______

[] None.

3.2.5Are voluntary early learning guidelines and development standards aligned with into other parts of the child care system?

Check the standards, if any, with which the State/Territory aligns its early learning guidelines.

* Cross-walked to align with Head Start Child Development and Early

[] Learning Framework

* Cross-walked to align with K-12 content standards

[] Cross-walked to align with State/Territory pre-k standards

[] Cross-walked with accreditation standards

[] Other. List______

[] None.

3.2.6 Describe how your State/Territory uses ongoing assessments and measures of school readiness assessment using the following series of questions.

In this section, assessment is framed with two distinct purposes/tools - 1) ongoing assessment of children's progress within the classroom to improve and individualize instruction (this corresponds to 3.2.6a) and 2) assessments conducted within pre-kindergarten and/or at kindergarten entry to inform policymakers about the school readiness of children across the State on a broad range of domains, used to guide program initiatives (this corresponds to 3.2.6b).

In the description for each Yes response, please include a) who administers, and b) how often assessments are conducted, and c) what assessment tools are used.

a) Are programs required to conduct ongoing assessments of children's progress of children using valid, reliable and age-appropriate tools aligned with the early learning guidelines or other child standards?

[] Yes. Describe______

a-1) If yes, are programs encouraged to use information from ongoing assessments to improve practice and individual children's needs?

[] Yes. Describe___

[] No

[] Other. Describe______

a-2) If yes, is information on child's progress reported to parents?

[] Yes. Describe______

[] No

[] Other. Describe______

* No

[] Other. Describe_______

b) Does the State/Territory use tools that are valid, reliable and age-appropriate to track the readiness of children within pre-kindergarten and/or as they enter kindergarten?

[] Yes. Describe______

b-1) If yes, do the tools cover the developmental domains identified in 3.2.2?

[] Yes. Describe______

[] No

[] Other. Describe______

b-2) If yes, are the tools used on all children or samples of children?

[] All children. Describe______

[] Samples of children. Describe______

[] Other. Describe______

b-3) If yes, is the information from the school readiness measures used to target program quality improvement activities?

[] Yes. Describe______

[] No

[] Other. Describe______

* No

[] Other. Describe______

c) Is school readiness information linked to the statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS, program of the Department of Education)?

[] Yes. Describe_______

* No

[] Not applicable. State does not have an SLDS.

3.2.7 Data & Performance Measures on Voluntary Early Learning Guidelines-

What data elements, if any, does the State/Territory have access to on the dissemination of, implementation of, or children's attainment of the early learning guidelines? What, if any, performance measures does the State/Territory use for dissemination and implementation of the early learning guidelines? The purpose of these questions is for Lead Agencies to provide a description of their capacity to provide information, not to require Lead Agencies to collect or report this information. For any data elements checked in (a) below, Lead Agencies may provide an optional description about the data they have access to (e.g., the Lead Agency may have data for only licensed programs, only programs caring for children receiving CCDF subsidies, only providers participating in quality improvement systems, or only for certain age groups (e.g., infants and toddlers or school-age children).

a)Data on voluntary early learning guidelines. Indicate if the Lead Agency or another agency has access to data on:

* Number/percentage of child care providers trained on ELG's for preschool aged children. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Child Care Resource & Referral Network reports 2,823 providers were trained on preschool ELGs in the last program year.

* Number/percentage of child care providers trained on ELG's for infants and toddlers. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Child Care Resource & Referral Network reports 3,231 providers were trained on infant/toddler ELGs in the last program year.

* Number of programs using ELG's in planning for their work.

Describe (optional) The Mississippi Child Care Resource & Referral Network reports 564 providers are using the ELGs in their work.

[] Number of parents trained on or served in family support programs that use ELG's. Describe (optional)______

[] Other. Describe______

[] None

b)Performance measurement. What, if any, are the Lead Agency's performance measures related to dissemination and implementation of the early learning guidelines?

The Lead Agency funds the MSCCR&R Network. The scope of services for this contract requires that regular ongoing trainings related to each component of the ELGs are offered across the state in person and through distance learning.

c)Evaluation. What are the State/Territory's plans, if any, for evaluation related to early learning guidelines and the progress of children in child care? Evaluation can include efforts related to monitoring implementation of an initiative validation of standards or program assessment tools, or looking at outcomes in programs or the system and may be ongoing or conducted periodically.

The Lead Agency plans to use the SLDS to determine the number of providers currently working in childcare that have received the ELG trainings. Additionaly, the Lead Agency is working with the MSCCR&R to add advanced trainings on the ELGs for those providers who have mastered the introductory level trainings.

3.2.8 Goals for the next Biennium -

In this section, Lead Agencies are asked to identify at least one goal for the upcoming biennium. Lead Agencies are encouraged to include measurable and achievable goals. Lead Agencies may include existing goals (e.g., already identified in a State strategic plan or established by the Governor for a Lead Agency). ACF will target technical assistance efforts to help Lead Agencies achieve their goal(s). What are the Lead Agency's goals for using voluntary early learning guidelines in the coming biennium? What progress does the Lead Agency expect to make related to early learning guidelines?

Goal 1: Expand provider knowledge of the application of ELG principles by advanced training.

Goal 2: Assess the feasibility of assessing children using the developmental checklists included in the ELGs for all children in programs where they are being implemented.

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-3.2