18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-3.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-3.1 - Activities to Ensure the Health and Safety of Children in Child Care (Component #1)

This section is intended to collect information on how Lead Agencies meet the statutory and regulatory provisions related to licensing and health and safety requirements. The CCDBG statute and the CCDF regulations address health and safety primarily in two ways.

First, Lead Agencies shall certify that they have in effect licensing requirements applicable to child care services provided within the area served by the Lead Agency (§ 98.40(a)(1)). These licensing requirements need not be applied to specific types of providers of child care services (658(E)(c)(2)(E)(i). Lead Agencies must describe those licensing requirements and how they are effectively enforced. Questions related to licensing requirements are in sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. Second, Each Lead Agency shall certify that there are in effect, within the State or local law, requirements designed to protect the health and safety of children that are applicable to child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under CCDF. Questions related to CCDF Health and Safety requirements are in sections 3.1.3 and 3.1.4.

3.1.1. Compliance with Applicable State/Territory and Local Regulatory Requirements on Licensing

Lead Agencies shall certify that they have in effect licensing requirements applicable to child care services provided within the area served by the Lead Agency (§ 98.40(a)(1)). These licensing requirements need not be applied to specific types of providers of child care services (658(E)(c)(2)(E)(i). Lead Agencies must describe those licensing requirements and how they are effectively enforced.

Definition: Licensing requirements are defined as regulatory requirements, including registration or certification requirements established under State, local, or tribal law, necessary for a provider to legally operate and provide child care services in a State or locality (§ 98.2). This does not include registration or certification requirements solely for child care providers to be eligible to participate in the CCDF program. Those requirements will be addressed in 3.1.2.

The relationship between licensing requirements and health and safety requirements varies by State/Territory depending on how comprehensive the licensing system is. In some States and Territories, licensing may apply to the majority of CCDF-eligible providers and the licensing standards cover the three CCDF health and safety requirements so the State/Territory has few, if any, providers for whom they need to establish additional CCDF health and safety requirements. In other cases, States and Territories have elected to exempt large numbers of providers from licensing which means that those exempted providers who care for children receiving assistance from CCDF will have to meet to the CCDF health and safety requirements through an alternative process outside of licensing as defined by the State/Territory. The State/Territory may also elect to impose more stringent standards and licensing or regulatory requirements on child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under the CCDF than the standards or requirements imposed on other child care providers. (§ 98.40(b)(1)) (658E(c)(2)(F), § 98.41).

a) Is the Lead Agency responsible for child care licensing? (§ 98.11(a))

[] Yes.

* No. Please identify the State or local (if applicable) entity/agency responsible for licensing The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure

b) Provide a brief overview of the relationship between the licensing requirements and CCDF health and safety requirements in your State/Territory.

Licensed Centers participating in the CCDF program must remain in compliance at all times with the Mississippi State Department of Health's "Regulations Governing Licensure of Child Care Facilities." Unlicensed child care providers are required to sign a statement of agreement to comply with policy conditions related to: Basic Health, Safety, and Nutrition Assurances for Unlicensed Child Care Providers.

c) Do the State/Territory's licensing requirements serve as the CCDF health and safety requirements?

Center-Based Child Care Group Home Child Care N/A. Check if your State/Territory does not have group home child care. Family Child Care In-Home Care N/A. Check if in-home care is not subject to licensing in your State/Territory.
Yes, for all providers in this category * [] [] []
Yes, for some providers in this category Describe ______ Describe Describe The licensing authority requires that Group Home Providers caring for 6 or fewer than 12 children be licensed. Licensing regulations surrounding health and safety apply to those providers. These providers received a minimum of 2 unannounced visits per year by the licensing agency. The Lead Agency's regulations regarding health and safety apply to providers who are unregulated and are caring for fewer than 6 children not related to the provider by the third degree. These providers are subject to regular unannounced visits by the Lead Agency. Describe _______
No [] * [] []
Other Describe Describe Describe Describe

d) CCDF identifies and defines four categories of care: child care centers, family child care homes, group child care homes and in-home child care providers (§ 98.2). The CCDF definition for each category is listed below. For each CCDF category of care, please identify which types of providers are subject to licensing and which providers are exempt from licensing in your State/Territory in the chart below. Note: OCC recognizes that each State/Territory identifies and defines its own categories of care. OCC does not expect States/Territories to change their definitions to fit the CCDF-defined categories of care. For these questions, provide responses that closely match the CCDF categories of care but consistent with your reported 801 data.

CCDF Category of Care CCDF Definition (§ 98.2) Which providers in your State/Territory are subject to licensing under this CCDF category? Are any providers in your State/Territory which fall under this CCDF category exempt from licensing?
Center-Based Child Care Center-based child care providers are defined as a provider licensed or otherwise authorized to provide child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child in a non-residential setting, unless care in excess of 24 hours is due to the nature of the parent(s)' work. Describe which types of center-based settings are subject to licensing in your State/Territory Center-based child care providers are defined as a provider licensed or otherwise authorized to provide child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child in a nonresidential setting, unless care in excess of 24 hours is due to the nature of the parent(s)' work.

Describe which types of center-based settings are exempt from licensing in your State/Territory The Licensing authority exempts the following providers from licensure:

A. Child Care facilities which operate for no more than two (2) days a week and whose primary purpose is to provide respite for the caregiver or temporary care during other scheduled or related activities.

B. Organized programs that operate for three (3) or less weeks per year such as but not limited to vacation bible schools and scout day camps.

C. Any child residential home as defined in and in compliance with the provisions of Section 43-16-3(b) et seq., Mississippi Code of 1972.

D. Any program in an elementary (including kindergarten) and/or secondary school system accredited by the Mississippi State Department of Education, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, The Mississippi Private School Association, the American Association of Christian Schools, the Association of Christian Schools International, or a school affiliated with Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. This includes accredited pre-K3 and pre-K4 Programs. Programs serving children less than three (3) years of age must be licensed.

E. Any Head Start program operating in conjunction with an elementary school system, whether it is public, private, or parochial, whose primary purpose is a structured school or school readiness program. This includes Head Start pre-K3 and pre-K4 programs. Head Start programs serving children less than three (3) years of age must be licensed.

F. Any family child care home defined in Mississippi Code Section 43-20-53(a) et seq. To wit: An occupied residence in which shelter and personal care is regularly provided for five (5) or fewer children who are not related within the third degree computed according to the civil law to the provider and who are under 13 years of age and are provided care for any part of the twenty-four hour day. These homes may be voluntarily registered with the Mississippi State Department of Health.

G. Any membership organization affiliated with a national organization which charges only a nominal annual membership fee, does not receive monthly, weekly, or daily payments for services, and is certified by its national association as complying with the association's minimum standards and procedures, including, but not limited to, the Boys and Girls Club of America, and the YMCA. A nominal fee is defined as $300 or less per calendar year. For example, some jurisdictions exempt school-based centers, centers operated by religious organizations, summer camps, or Head Start programs.

Group Home Child Care

* N/A. Check if your State/Terri tory does not have group home child care.

Group home child care provider is defined as two or more individuals who provide child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child, in a private residence other than the child's residence, unless care in excess of 24 hours is due to the nature of the parent(s)' work. Describe which types of group homes are subject to licensing____ Describe which types of group homes are exempt from licensing ____
Family Child Care Family child care provider is defined as one individual who provides child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child, as the sole caregiver, in a private residence other than the child's residence, unless care in excess of 24 hours is due to the nature of the parent(s)'s work. Reminder - Do not respond if family child care home providers simply must register or be certified to participate in the CCDF program separate from the State/Territory regulatory requirements. Describe which types of family child care home providers are subject to licensing Providers caring for 6 or fewer than 12 or fewer children in the provider's home are subject to licensing requirements. Describe which types of family child care home providers are exempt from licensing Providers caring for fewer than 6 children in their home are exempt from licensing requirements.
In-Home Care In-home child care provider is defined as an individual who provides child care services in the child's own home. Reminder - Do not respond if in-home child care providers simply must register or be certified to participate in the CCDF program separate from the State/Territory regulatory requirements.

* N/A. Check if in-home care is not subject to licensing in your State/Territory.

Describe which in-home providers are subject to licensing

Describe which types of in-home child care providers are exempt from licensing ______

Note: In lieu of submitting or attaching licensing regulations to certify the requirements of § 98.40(a)(1), Lead Agencies may provide their licensing regulations to the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. Please check the NRCKid's website to verify the accuracy of your licensing regulations and provide any updates to the National Resource Center. Check this box to indicate that the licensing requirements were submitted and verified at NRCKid's. *

e)Indicate whether your State/Territory licensing requirements include any of the following four indicators for each category of care*.

* American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2011) Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs. 3rd Edition. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Available online at the NCRKid's website.

Indicator For each indicator, check all requirements for licensing that apply, if any.
Center-Based Child Care

Group Home Child Care

* N/A. Check if your State/Territory does not have group home child care.

Family Child Care

In-Home Care

* N/A if the State/Territory does not license in-home care (i.e., care in the child's own home)

Do the licensing requirements include child: * Yes, Child: staff ratio requirement [] Yes, Child: staff ratio requirement * Yes, Child: staff ratio requirement. List ratio requirement [] Yes, Child: staff ratio requirement. List ratio requirement by

staff ratios and group sizes?

If yes, provide the ratio for age specified.

Infant ratio (11 months): 5:1

Toddler ratio (35 months): 14:1

Preschool ratio (59 months): 16:1

[] No ratio requirements.

* Yes, Group size requirement Infant group size (11 months): 10 w/ 2 caregivers

Toddler group size (35 months): 14

Preschool group size (59 months): 20 w 2 caregivers

* No group size requirements.

Infant ratio (11 months):

Toddler ratio (35 months):

Preschool ratio (59 months):

* No ratio requirements.

[] Yes, Group size requirement Infant group size (11 months):

Toddler group size (35 months):

Preschool group size (59 months):

* No group size requirements.

by age group:

<1 yr=4:1

1 yr =8:1

2 yr =12:1

3 yr =12:1

4 yr =12:1

5-9 yrs = 12:1

10-12 yrs = 12:1

[] No ratio requirements.

* Yes, Group size requirement. List ratio requirement by age group See above information, not to exceed 12.

[] No group size requirements.

age group:

[] No ratio requirements.

[] Yes, Group size requirement. List ratio requirement by age group

[] No group size requirements.

Do the licensing requirements identify specific educational credentials for child care directors?

[] High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

* Associate's degree

[] Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing

[] Other:

[] High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

[] Associate's degree

[] Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing

[] Other:

[] High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

* Associate's degree

[] Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing


[] High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

[] Associate's degree

[] Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing

[] Other:

Do the licensing requirements identify specific educational credentials for child care teachers?

* High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

[] Associate's degree

[] Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing

[] Other:

[] High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

[] Associate's degree

[] Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing

[] Other:

* High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

[] Associate's degree

[]Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing

[] Other:

[] High school/GED

[] Child Development Associate (CDA)

[] State/ Territory Credential

[]Associate's degree

[] Bachelor's degree

[] No credential required for licensing

[] Other:

Do the licensing requirements specify that directors and caregivers must attain a specific number of

[] At least 30 training hours required in first year

[] At least 24 training hours per year after first year

[] At least 30 training hours required in first year

[] At least 24 training hours per year after first year

[] At least 30 training hours required in first year

[] At least 24 training hours per year after first year

[] At least 30 training hours required in first year

[] At least 24 training hours per year after first year

training hours per year?

[] No training requirement

* Other: 15 Hours annually

[] No training requirement

[] Other:

[] No training requirement

* Other: 15 hours annually

[] No training requirement

[] Other:

f) Do you expect the licensing requirements for child care providers to change in FY2014-2015?

[] Yes. Describe______

* No

3.1.2 Enforcement of Licensing Requirements

Each Lead Agency is required to provide a detailed description of the State/Territory's licensing requirements and how its licensing requirements are effectively enforced. (658E(c)(2)(E), § 98.40(a)(2)) The Lead Agency is also required to certify that procedures are in effect to ensure that child care providers caring for children receiving CCDF services comply with the applicable health and safety requirements. (658E(c)(2)(G), § 98.41(d))

Describe the State/Territory's policies for effective enforcement of the licensing requirements using questions 3.1.2a through 3.1.2e below. This description includes whether and how the State/Territory uses visits (announced and unannounced), background checks, and any other enforcement policies and practices for the licensing requirements.

a) Does your State/Territory include announced and/or unannounced visits in its policies as a way to effectively enforce the licensing requirements?

* Yes. If "Yes" please refer to the chart below and check all that apply.

[] No

CCDF Categories of CareFrequency of Routine Announced VisitsFrequency of Routine Unannounced Visits
* Center-Based Child Care

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

[] Other. Describe

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

* Other. Describe Twice a year, or as needed to investigate complaints.

[] Group Home Child Care

* N/A. Check if your State/Territory does not have group home child care.

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

[] Other. Describe

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

[] Other. Describe

* Family Child Care Home

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

[] Other. Describe

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

* Other. Describe Twice a year, or as needed to investigate complaints.

[] In-Home Child Care

* N/A. Check if In-Home Child Care is not subject to licensing in your State/Territory (skip to 3.1.2b)

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

[] Other. Describe

[] Once a Year

[] More than Once a Year

[] Once Every Two Years

[] Other. Describe

b) Does your State/Territory have any of the following procedures in place for effective enforcement of the licensing requirements? If procedures differ based on the category of care, please indicate how in the "Describe" box.

[] Yes. If "Yes" please refer to the chart below and check all that apply.

[] No

Licensing ProceduresDescribe which procedures are used by the State/Territory for enforcement of the licensing requirements.
The State/Territory requires providers to attend or participate in training relating to opening a child care facility prior to issuing a license. * Yes. Describe Mandatory trainings include: Playground Safety New Director Orientation Rules and Regulations Governing Child Care
[] No.
[] Other. Describe______
The State/Territory has procedures in place for licensing staff to inspect centers and family child care homes prior to issuing a license. * An on-site inspection is conducted.
[] Programs self-certify. Describe_____
[] No procedures in place.
[] Other. Describe _______
Licensing staff has procedures in place to address violations found in an inspection. * Providers are required to submit plans to correct violations cited during inspections.
* Licensing staff approve the plans of correction submitted by providers.
* Licensing staff verify correction of violation.
* Licensing staff provide technical assistance regarding how to comply with a regulation.
[] No procedures in place.
[] Other. Describe ____
Licensing staff has procedures in place to issue a sanction to a noncompliant facility. * Provisional or probationary license
* License revocation or non-renewal
[] Injunctions through court
* Emergency or immediate closure not through court action
* Fines for regulatory violations
[] No procedures in place.
[] Other. Describe
The State/Territory has procedures in place to respond to illegally operating child care facilities. * Cease and desist action
[] Injunction
* Emergency or immediate closure not through court action
[] Fines
[] No procedures in place.
[] Other. Describe
The State/Territory has procedures in place for providers to appeal licensing enforcement actions.

* Yes.

Describe Any operator who disagrees with or is aggrieved by a decision of the licensing agency concerning the suspension, revocation, or restriction of a license may appeal to the Chancery Court of the county in which the child care facility is located. The appeal shall be filed no later than 30 calendar days after the operator receives written notice of the final administrative action by the licensing agency as to the suspension, revocation, or restriction of the license. The operator shall have the burden of proving that the decision of the licensing agency was not in accordance with applicable law and these regulations. If a facility is allowed to continue to operate during the appeal process, it will remain under the regulation of the licensing agency and will be subject to all current licensure regulations to include, but not limited to, inspection of the facility, review of facility and children's records, submission of all required or requested documents, and payment of all applicable fees and/or monetary penalties.

[] No.
* Other. Describe Per the licensing authority, there is also an internal appeal process for provider which contains two levels. One is at the Public Health District level and the other is at the State Level.

c) Does your State/Territory use background checks as a way to effectively enforce the licensing requirements?

* Yes. If "Yes" please refer to the chart below to identify who is required to have background checks, what types of checks, and with what frequency.

[] No

CCDF Categories of CareTypes ofBackgroundCheckFrequencyWho is Subject to Background Checks?
* Center-Based Child Care * Child Abuse Registry

* Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years

* Director

* Teaching staff

* Non-teaching staff

[] Volunteers

* Other

Volunteers with over 120 hours on site.

* State/Territory Criminal Background

* Check if State/Territory background check includes fingerprints

* Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years.

* Director

* Teaching staff

[] Non-teaching staff

[] Volunteers

* Other Volunteers with over 120 hours on site.

* FBI Criminal Background (e.g., fingerprint)

* Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years.

* Director

* Teaching staff

[] Non-teaching staff

[] Volunteers

* Other Volunteers with over 120 hours on site.

* Sex Offender Registry

* Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years.

* Director

* Teaching staff

[] Non-teaching staff

[] Volunteers

* Other Volunteers with over 120 hours on site.

[] Group ChildCare Homes

* N/A. Check if your State/Territory does not have group home child care.

[] Child Abuse Registry

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe


[] Non-provider residents of the home_______

[] State/Territory Criminal Background

[] Check if the State/Territory background check includes fingerprints

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe _____

[] Provider

[] Non-provider residents of the home

[] FBI Criminal Background (e.g., fingerprint)

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe_____


[] Non-provider residents of the home____

[] Sex Offender Registry

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe ____


[] Non-provider residents of the home _____

* Family Child Care Homes * Child Abuse Registry

* Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years, except for those providers who do not move, relocate, or have any gaps in service.

* Provider

* Non-provider residents of the home All adults over the age of 18 years. _____

* State/Territory Criminal Background

* Check if the State/Territory background check includes fingerprints

* Initial Entrance into the System

* Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years, except for those providers who do not move, relocate, or have any gaps in service.

* Provider

* Non-provider residents of the home All adults over the age of 18 years.______

* FBI Criminal Background (e.g., fingerprint)

* Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years, except for those providers who do not move, relocate, or have any gaps in service.

* Provider

* Non-provider residents of the home All adults over the age of 18 years._____

* Sex Offender Registry

* Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

* Other. Describe Repeated every 5 years, except for those providers who do not move, relocate, or have any gaps in service.

* Provider

* Non-provider residents of the home All adults over the age of 18 years. _____

[] In-Home ChildCare Providers * N/A. Check if In-Home Child Care is not subject to licensing in your State/Territory (skip to 3.1.2e)

[] Child Abuse Registry

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe

[] Provider

[] Non-provider residents of the home___

[] State/Territory Criminal Background

[] Check if the State/Territory background check includes fingerprints

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe

[] Provider

[] Non-provider residents of the home____

[] FBI Criminal Background (e.g., fingerprint)

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe

[] Provider

[] Non-provider residents of the home_______

[] Sex Offender Registry

[] Initial Entrance into the System

[] Checks Conducted Annually

[] Other. Describe


[] Non-provider residents of the home___

d) Please provide a brief overview of the State/Territory's process for conducting background checks for child care. In this brief overview, include the following:
d-1) The cost associated with each type of background check conductedThe licensing authority charges a fee of $50 for each individual, for each background check.
d-2) Who pays for background checks Providers
d-3) What types of violations would make providers ineligible for CCDF? DescribeViolations concerning child abuse and/or neglect.
d-4) The process for providers to appeal the Lead Agency's decision based on the background check findings. Those unlicensed providers excluded from CCDF participation due to information found on the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry can appeal by mailing a letter requesting a Fair Hearing. The provider will remain excluded or allowed to participate in CCDF pending the results of that hearing.
e) If not performing visits (announced or unannounced) or background checks, describe how the State/Territory will ensure that its licensing requirements are effectively enforced per the CCDF regulations? Describe The Lead Agency performs announced and unannounced visits with programs covered under the licensing authority to ensure proper compliance with program policies and requirements. (658E(c)(2)(E), § 98.40(a)(2))
f) Does the State/Territory disseminate information to parents and the public, including the use of on-line tools or other "search tools," about child care program licensing status and compliance records?

[] Yes. Describe______

* No

3.1.3. Compliance with Applicable State/Territory and Local Regulatory Requirements on Health and Safety

Each Lead Agency shall certify that there are in effect, within the State or local law, requirements designed to protect the health and safety of children that are applicable to child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under CCDF. Such requirements shall include the prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization), building and physical premises safety, and minimum health and safety training appropriate to the provider setting. These health and safety requirements apply to all providers caring for children receiving CCDF services and which also may be covered by the licensing requirements. (658E(c)(2)(F), § 98.41)

* Check if the Lead Agency certifies that there are in effect within the State (or other area served by the Lead Agency), under State or local law, requirements designed to protect the health and safety of children; these requirements are applicable to child care providers that provide services for which assistance is made available under the Child Care and Development Fund. (658E(c)(2)(E))

a)Describe the Lead Agency's health and safety requirements for prevention and control of infectious disease in effect for child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under CCDF using the table below. (658E(c)(2)(F)(i), § 98.41(a)(1))

The Lead Agency requires:For each health and safety requirement checked, identify which providers under the CCDF category must meet the requirement. Check all that apply.
Center-based child care providers Family child care home providers Group home child care providers In-home child care providers
[] Physical exam or health statement for providers [] [] [] []
[] Physical exam or health statement for children [] [] [] []
* Tuberculosis check for providers * [] [] []
[] Tuberculosis check for children [] [] [] []
* Provider immunizations * * [] *
* Child immunizations * * []*
* Hand-washing policy for providers and children * * [] *
* Diapering policy and procedures * [] [] []
* Providers to submit a self-certification or complete health and safety checklist [] * [] *
* Providers to meet the requirements of another oversight entity that fulfill the CCDF health and safety requirements * [] [] []
[] Other. Describe [] [] [] []

b)Describe the Lead Agency's health and safety requirements for building and physical premises safety, including policies and practices to protect from environmental hazards, in effect for child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under CCDF using the table below. (658E(c)(2)(F)(ii), § 98.41(a)(2))

The Lead Agency requires:For each health and safety requirement checked, identify which providers under the CCDF category must meet the requirement. Check all that apply.
Center-based child care providersFamily child care home providersGroup home child care providersIn-home child care providers
* Fire inspection * [] [] []
* Building inspection * [] [] []
* Health inspection * * [] []
* Inaccessibility of toxic substances policy * * [] *
* Safe sleep policy * [] [] []
* Tobacco exposure reduction * * [] *
* Transportation policy * * [] *
* Providers to submit a self-certification or complete health and safety checklist [] * [] *
* Providers to meet the requirements of another oversight entity that fulfill the CCDF health and safety requirements * [] [] []
[] Other. Describe [] [] [] []

c)Describe the Lead Agency's health and safety requirements for health and safety training in effect for child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under CCDF using the table below. (658E(c)(2)(F)(iii), § 98.41(a)(3)). Note: While Lead Agencies have the flexibility to define these terms, for this question, pre-service refers to any training that happens prior to a person starting or shortly thereafter (first week, etc). "On-going" would be some type of routine occurrence (e.g., maintain qualifications each year).

CCDF Categories of CareHealth and safety training requirementsPre-ServiceOn-Going
Child Care Centers First Aid Per the licensing authority, a minimum of one adult who is First Aid certified must be present on or off site where children are presents at all times. Per the licensing authority, a minimum of one adult who is First Aid certified must be present on or off site where children are present at all times.
CPR Per the licensing authority, a minimum of one adult who is CPR certified must be present on or off site where children are present at all times. Per the licensing authority, a minimum of one adult who is CPR certified must be present on or off site where children are present at all times.
Medication Administration Policies and Practices The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Poison Prevention and Safety The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Safe Sleep Practices including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Shaken Baby Syndrome and abusive head trauma prevention The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Age appropriate nutrition, feeding, including support for breastfeeding The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Physical Activities The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Procedures for preventing the spread of infectious disease, including sanitary methods and safe handling of foods The licensing authority requires that personnel who prepare food be ServeSafe/TummySafe certified. The licensing authority requires that personnel who prepare food maintain ServeSafe/TummySafe certified.
Recognition and mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Emergency preparedness and planning response procedures The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Management of common childhood illnesses, including food intolerances and allergies The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Transportation and child passenger safety (if applicable) The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Caring for children with special health care needs, mental health needs, and developmental disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Child development including knowledge of developmental stages and milestones appropriate for the ages of children receiving services. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Supervision of children The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Behavior management The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the Licensing Authority.
Other. Describe___
GroupHome Child Care First Aid The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
CPR The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Medication Administration Policies and Practices The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Poison Prevention and Safety The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Safe Sleep Practices including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Shaken Baby Syndrome and abusive head trauma prevention The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Age appropriate nutrition, feeding, including support for breastfeeding The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Physical Activities The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Procedures for preventing the spread of infectious disease, including sanitary methods and safe handling of foods The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Recognition and mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Emergency preparedness and planning response procedures The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Management of common childhood illnesses, including food intolerances and allergies The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Transportation and child passenger safety (if applicable) The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Caring for children with special health care needs, mental health needs, and developmental disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Child development including knowledge of developmental stages and milestones appropriate for the ages of children receiving services. The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Supervision of children The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Behavior management The State does not have Group Home Child Care. The State does not have Group Home Child Care.
Other. Describe
Family Child Care Providers First Aid All licensed facilities, homes and unregulated providers are required to have at least one adult who is First Aid certified in each classroom/home at all times. All licensed facilities/homes are monitored for compliance by the licensing authority. All unregulated care providres are monitored for compliance by the Lead Agency. Teachers/care providers in licensed facilities/homes and unregulated providers are required to maintain First Aid certification at all times. All licensed families/homes are monitored for compliance by the licensing authority. All unregulated care providres are monitored for compliance by the Lead Agency.
CPR All licensed facilities, homes and unregulated providers are required to have at least one adult who is CPR certified in each classroom/home at all times. All licensed facilities/homes are monitored for compliance by the licensing authority. All unregulated care providres are monitored for compliance by the Lead Agency. Teachers/care providers in licensed facilities/homes and unregulated providers are required to maintain CPR certification at all times. All licensed families/homes are monitored for compliance by the licensing authority. All unregulated care providres are monitored for compliance by the Lead Agency.
Medication Administration Policies and Practices The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Poison Prevention and Safety The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Safe Sleep Practices including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Shaken Baby Syndrome and abusive head trauma prevention The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Age appropriate nutrition, feeding, including support for breastfeeding The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Physical Activities The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Procedures for preventing the spread of infectious disease, including sanitary methods and safe handling of foods The licensing authority requires licensed facilities/homes ensure personnel preparing food are ServeSafe/TummySafe certified. The licensing authority requires licensed facilities/homes ensure personnel preparing food maintain ServeSafe/TummySafe certification at all times.
Recognition and mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Emergency preparedness and planning response procedures The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Management of common childhood illnesses, including food intolerances and allergies The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Transportation and child passenger safety (if applicable) The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Caring for children with special health care needs, mental health needs, and developmental disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Child development including knowledge of developmental stages and milestones appropriate for the ages of children receiving services. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Supervision of children The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Behavior management The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority. The Lead Agency has no requirements in addition to those issued by the licensing authority.
Other. Describe
In-Home Child Care Providers First Aid Per the Lead Agency, all unregulated care providers are required to be First Aid certified. Per the Lead Agency, all unregulated care providers are required to maintain First Aid certification.
CPR Per the Lead Agency, all unregulated care providers are required to be First Aid certified. Per the Lead Agency, all unregulated care providers are required to maintain First Aid certification.
Medication Administration Policies and Practices The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Poison Prevention and Safety The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Safe Sleep Practices including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Shaken Baby Syndrome and abusive head trauma prevention The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Age appropriate nutrition, feeding, including support for breastfeeding The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Physical Activities The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Procedures for preventing the spread of infectious disease, including sanitary methods and safe handling of foods The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Recognition and mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Emergency preparedness and planning response procedures The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Management of common childhood illnesses, including food intolerances and allergies The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Transportation and child passenger safety (if applicable) The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Caring for children with special health care needs, mental health needs, and developmental disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Child development including knowledge of developmental stages and milestones appropriate for the ages of children receiving services. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Supervision of children The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Behavior management The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time. The Lead Agency has no training requirements for In-Home Providers on this topic at this time.
Other. Describe_______

d) CCDF allows Lead Agencies to exempt relative providers (grandparents, great-grandparents, siblings if living in a separate residence, aunts, and uncles) from these health and safety requirements. What are the Lead Agency's requirements for relative providers? (§ 98.41(A)(ii))(A))

[] All relative providers are subject to the same health and safety requirements as described in 3.1.2a-c, as appropriate; there are no exceptions for relatives.

[] Relative providers are NOT required to meet any health and safety requirements as described in 3.1.2a-c, as appropriate.

* Relative providers are subject to certain requirements. Describe the different requirements Relative providers are exempt from obtaining Immunization Forms when they only care for their relatives.

e) Provide a web address for the State/Territory's health and safety requirements, if available: Please refer to the Mississippi Child Care Payment Program Policy Manual link found at, http://www.mdhs.state.ms.us/eccd_mschildcare.html
3.1.4 Effective enforcement of the CCDF health and safety requirements.

For providers who care for children receiving CCDF assistance and who are NOT subject to the enforcement procedures described in 3.1.2 for licensed providers, please describe how the Lead Agency enforces the CCDF health and safety enforcement requirements.

The Lead Agency makes unnannounced visits to monitor compliance with all program requirements throughout the program year. These visits may be conducted by Lead Agency subisdy staff, or by the MDHS Division of Program Integrity staff. During these visits, staff monitor the presence of all elements related to payment claims, operation, enrollment of children, and health and safety practices as required upon initial provider approval.

a) Describe whether and how the Lead Agency uses on-site visits (announced and unannounced)

The Lead Agency makes annual unannounced visits to unlicensed providers to ensure compliance with required elements.

b)Describe whether the Lead Agency uses background checks

The Lead Agency requires that providers and anyone in the home over the age of 18 submit to a Child Abuse and Neglect Criminal Background Check.

c)Does the Lead Agency permit providers to self-certify compliance with applicable health and safety standards?

* Yes. If yes, what documentation, if any, is required? Describe The Lead Agency requires that all unlicensed providers submit a checklist containing various statements related to health and safety issues related to caring for children.

[] No

d) Describe whether the Lead Agency uses any other enforcement policies and practices for the health and safety requirements NA

* Check if the Lead Agency certifies that procedures are in effect to ensure that child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under the Child Care and Development Fund comply with all applicable State or local health and safety requirements. (658E(c)(2)(G))

3.1.5. Does the State/Territory encourage or require child care programs to conduct developmental screening and referral for children participating in child care programs?

Lead Agencies are not required to conduct developmental screenings of children, but are encouraged to work with child care providers to promote screening in the areas of physical health (including vision and hearing), mental health, oral health, and developmental disabilities.

[] Yes. Describe______

* No

a) If yes, are training, resources and supports offered to programs to assist them in ensuring that children receive appropriate developmental screenings?

[] Yes. Describe_______

[] No

[] Other. Describe______

b) If yes, are resources and supports provided to programs to help them understand how families are referred to indicated services and how to work with the health, mental health, and developmental disabilities agencies to support children when follow-up to screening is needed?

[] Yes. Describe_____

[] No

[] Other. Describe______

c) Does.the State/Territory use developmental screening and referral tools?

[] Yes. If Yes, provide the name of the tool(s)______

* No

[] Other. Describe ___

3.1.6 Data & Performance Measures on Licensing and Health and Safety Compliance-

What data elements, if any, does the State/Territory currently have access to related to licensing compliance? What, if any, performance measures does the Lead Agency use for ensuring health and safety? The purpose of these questions is for Lead Agencies to provide a description of their capacity to provide information, not to require Lead Agencies to collect or report this information. For any data elements checked in (a) below, Lead Agencies may provide an optional description about the data they have access to (e.g., the Lead Agency may have data for only licensed programs, only programs caring for children receiving CCDF subsidies, only providers participating in quality improvement systems, or only for certain age groups (e.g., infants and toddlers or school-age children).

a) Data on licensing and health and safety. Indicate if the Lead Agency or another agency has access to data on:

* Number of licensed programs. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure manages this data. They report the number of licensed programs as 1,636.

[] Numbers of programs operating that are legally exempt from licensing. Describe (optional)

* Number of programs whose licenses were suspended or revoked due to non-compliance. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure manages this data. They reported that 0 program licenses were suspended/revoked during the last fiscal year.

* Number of injuries in child care as defined by the State/Territory. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure manages this data. They report 6 incidences of injuries during the last fiscal year.

* Number of fatalities in child care as defined by the State/Territory. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure manages this data.

* Number of monitoring visits received by programs. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure manages this data. They report at least two visits to all programs that were licensed during the last fiscal year.

* Caseload of licensing staff. Describe (optional) The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure manages this dat Number of programs revoked from CCDF due to non-compliance with health and safety requirements. Describe (optional) The Lead Agency would manage this data. Zero (0) programs were revoked during the las fiscal year due to non-comliance with health and safety requirements.

[] Other. Describe______

[] None

b)Performance measurement. What, if any, performance measures does the State/Territory use in its licensing system to monitor compliance with CCDF health and safety requirements? The licensing authority does not check for provider compliance with CCDF health and safety requirements.
c)Evaluation. What, if any, are the State/Territory's plans for evaluation related to licensing and health and safety? Evaluation can include efforts related to monitoring implementation of an initiative, validation of standards or assessment tools, or looking at outcomes in programs or the system and may be ongoing or conducted periodically. The Lead Agency would like to evaluate the health and safety requirements of both the subsidy program and the licensing authority to compare to national health and safety standards. This comparison would be used to evaluate those changes that are needed to increase health and safety of care environments and inform policy/regulation changes.
3.1.7 Goals for the next Biennium-

In this section, Lead Agencies are asked to identify at least one goal for the upcoming biennium and are encouraged to identify no more than five priority goals total. ACF will target technical assistance efforts to help Lead Agencies achieve their goal(s). Lead Agencies may include existing goals (e.g., already identified in a State strategic plan or established by the Governor for a Lead Agency). Lead Agencies are not required to establish a goal for each sub-section of 3.1. Lead Agencies will report progress and updates on these goals in the annual Quality Performance Report (Appendix 1), including any barriers encountered.

What are the Lead Agency's goals for the licensing and health and safety system in the coming biennium? What progress does the State/Territory expect to make on core areas (e.g. licensing standards, monitoring visits or other effective enforcement, improved technical assistance, or fewer serious non-compliances?)

Note - When identifying your goals below, Lead Agencies are encouraged to begin with an action verb reflecting the desired result over the two year period (e.g., Increase, Improve, Build, Align, Implement, Review, Revise, Streamline, Expand, etc.)

Goal 1 - Increase health and safety requirements for unlicensed providers participating in CCDF to align with proposed ACF requirements.

Goal 2 - Increase public knowledge of licensed providers including license effective dates and any infractions.

Goal 3 - Build an interface between licensing and subsidy data systems to ensure consistency of data.

Goal 4 -

Goal 5 -

CCDF has a number of performance measures that are used to track progress for key aspects of the program at the national level. These performance measures are included in budget materials submitted to Congress and other documents. Please see the CCDF performance measures. A number of these performance measures rely on information reported in the State and Territorial Plans as a data source. We have added a ruler icon in Section 3.2 through 3.4 in order to identify the specific questions used in the performance measures. When answering these questions, Lead Agencies should ensure that their answers are accurate and complete in order to promote the usefulness and integrity of the performance measures.

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-3.1