18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-2.2 - Family Outreach and Application Process

Lead Agencies must inform parents of eligible children and the general public of the process by which they can apply for and potentially receive child care services. (658D(b)(1)(A), 658E(c)(2)(D) & (3)(B), §§ 98.16(k), 98.30(a)-(e). Note - For any information in questions 2.2.1 through 2.2.10 that differs or will differ for families receiving TANF, please describe in 2.2.11.

2.2.1. By whom and how are parents informed of the availability of child care assistance services under CCDF? (658E(c)(2)(A), § 98.30(a)) Check all agencies and strategies that will be used in your State/Territory.

* CCDF Lead Agency

* TANF offices

[] Other government offices

* Child care resource and referral agencies

[] Contractors

* Community-based organizations

[] Public schools

* Internet (provide website): www.childcareinfo.ms

* Promotional materials

* Community outreach meetings, workshops or other in-person meetings

[] Radio and/or television

* Print media

[] Other. Describe:______

2.2.2. How can parents apply for CCDF services?

Check all application methods that your State/Territory has chosen to implement.

[] In person interview or orientation

* By mail

* By Phone/Fax

* Through the Internet (provide website) www.childcareinfo.ms

* By Email

[] Through a State/Territory Agency

* Through an organization contracted by the State/Territory

[] Other. Describe:______

2.2.3. Describe how the Lead Agency provides consumer education to parents applying for CCDF assistance to promote informed choices. about the quality of care provided by various providers in their communities.

Lead Agencies must certify that the State/Territory will collect and disseminate to parents of eligible children and the general public, consumer education information that will promote informed child care choices(658E (c)(2)(G), § 98.33).

For example, memorandums of understanding with resource and referral agencies to provide consumer education to families applying for CCDF assistance, providing parents with provider lists showing licensing history and/or Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) ratings, or informational brochures that address importance of quality and different care options available.

The Lead Agency provides informational brochures that demonstrate high quality child care. In addition, the Lead Agency funds the MSCCR&R which provides parent education and referral services for selecting child care options. The Lead Agency provides parents a way to search for providers on their website. This information display's a provider's quality rating.

2.2.4. Describe how the Lead Agency will support child care programs to increase the likelihood that CCDF-served children receive higher quality care as defined in your State/Territory.

For example, methods used to promote upward movement in quality rating and improvement system, methods used to encourage high quality programs to participate in the subsidy program such as tiered reimbursement, or incentives used to support high quality programs in rural, suburban, urban, and low-income communities.

The Lead Agency works to increase the likelihood that children receiving child care subsidies have access to higher quality care by providing quality bonuses for every child receiving subsidy to child care providers participating in the Mississippi Child Care Quality Step System (QRIS). The QRIS is a five star system providing 7% (two star), 17% (three star), 22% (four star) and 25% (five star) increases in total monthly subsidies. In an effort to support the provider's success in the QRIS, the Lead Agency conducts an annual Child Care Facility Needs Assessment and responds with resources, identified by providers and designed to increase star ratings. In addition, the Lead Agency funds professional development and training and technical assistance programs at no cost to participants.

2.2.5. Describe how the Lead Agency promotes access to the CCDF subsidy program? Check the strategies implemented by your State/Territory.

* Provide access to program office/workers such as:

[] Providing extended office hours

[] Accepting applications at multiple office locations

* Providing a toll-free number for clients

[] Email/online communication

[] Other. Describe:______

* Using a simplified eligibility determination process such as:

* Simplifying the application form (such as eliminating unnecessary questions, lowering the reading level)

* Developing a single application for multiple programs

* Developing web-based and/or phone-based application procedures

[] Coordinating eligibility policies across programs. List the program names______

[] Streamlining verification procedures, such as linking to other program data systems

* Providing information multi-lingually

* Including temporary periods of unemployment in eligibility criteria (job search, seasonal unemployment). Length of time 60 days_(Note: this period of unemployment should be included in the Lead Agency's definition of working, or job training/educational program at 2.3.3).

[] Other. Describe:______

[] Other. Describe:______

[] None

2.2.6. Describe the Lead Agency's policies to promote continuity of care for children and stability for families.

Check the strategies, if any, that your State/Territory has chosen to implement.

* Provide CCDF assistance during periods of job search. Length of time 60 days

[] Establish two-tiered income eligibility to allow families to continue to receive child care subsidies if they experience an increase in income but still remain below 85% of State median income (SMI)

[] Synchronize review date across programs. List programs:______

* Longer eligibility re-determination periods (e.g., 1 year). Describe Eligibilty periods are one year in length for working parents.

[] Extend periods of eligibility for families who are also enrolled in either Early Head Start or Head Start and pre-k programs. Describe______

[] Extend periods of eligibility for school-age children under age 13 to cover the school year. Describe______

[] Minimize reporting requirements for changes in family's circumstances that do not impact families' eligibility, such as changes in income below a certain threshold or change in employment

[] Individualized case management to help families find and keep stable child care arrangements. Describe______

[] Using non-CCDF Funds to continue subsidy for families who no longer meet eligibility, such as for children who turn 13 years of age during the middle of a program year

[] Other. Describe______

[] None

2.2.7. How will the Lead Agency provide outreach and services to eligible families with limited English proficiency?

Check the strategies, if any, that your State/Territory has chosen to implement.

[] Application in other languages (application document, brochures, provider notices)

[] Informational materials in non-English languages

[] Training and technical assistance in non-English languages

[] Website in non-English languages

[] Lead Agency accepts applications at local community-based locations

[] Bilingual caseworkers or translators available

[] Outreach Worker

* Other:

The Lead Agency has requested translation assistance from an internal agency division for applications. This process is not complete at this time.

Additionally, the Lead Agency has developed brochures for non-English and low-literacy individuals to assist them with identifying quality child care environments. These can be viewed at:



Educational materials regarding the QRIS are printed in Spanish. Training materials for MS Childcare are available in Spanish and Vietnamese. Lead Agency staff contains Spanish speakers that can assist on calls to the office when needed.

[] None

If the Lead Agency checked any option above related to providing information or services in other non-English languages, please list the languages offered_______

2.2.8. How will the Lead Agency overcome language barriers with providers?

Check the strategies, if any, that your State/Territory has chosen to implement.

* Informational materials in non-English languages

[] Training and technical assistance in non-English languages

[] CCDF health and safety requirements in non-English languages

* Provider contracts or agreements in non-English languages

* Website in non-English languages

[] Bilingual caseworkers or translators available

[] Collect information to evaluate on-going need, recruit, or train a culturally or linguistically diverse workforce

[] Other:______

[] None

If the Lead Agency checked any option above related to providing information or services in other non-English languages, please list the languages offered

The Lead Agency has some information available in Vietnamese and Spanish. Addition materials such as Provider Agreements and website information are currently being translated into Spanish.

2.2.9. Describe how the Lead Agency documents and verifies applicant information using the table below. (§ 98.20(a))

Check the strategies that will be implemented by your State/Territory. Attach a copy of your parent application for the child care subsidy program(s) as Attachment 2.2.9 or provide a web address, if available______





http://www.mdhs.state.ms.us/pdfs/eccd_E_ElectronicChildSupportVerificationForm. pdf,


Reminder - Lead Agencies are reminded that, for purposes of implementing the citizenship verification requirements mandated by title IV of Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, only the citizenship and immigration status of the child, who is the primary beneficiary of the child care benefit, is relevant for eligibility purposes. (ACYF-PI-CC-98-08) States may not deny child care benefits to an eligible child because the parent(s), legal guardians, persons standing in loco

parentis, or other household members have not provided information regarding their immigration status.

The Lead Agency requires documentation of:Describe how the Lead Agency documents and verifies applicant information:
* Applicant identity Current driver's license or state issued ID, birth certificate
[] Household composition
* Applicant's relationship to the child Birth certificate, open child support case
* Child's information for determining eligibility (e.g., identity, age, etc.) Birth certificate
*Work, Job Training or Educational Program Employment: check stubs, or letter from employer if newly hired or paid in cash Education: verification of full-time enrollment from educational institution.
* Income Pay check stubs, and verification of receipt of other income such as child support.
* Other. Describe Verification of cooperation with Child Support. Verification from the MDHS, Division of Child Support Enforcement that client is cooperating.

2.2.10. Which strategies, if any, will the Lead Agency use to assure the timeliness of eligibility determinations upon receipt of applications?

[] Time limit for making eligibility determinations. Describe length of time______

* Track and monitor the eligibility determination process

[] Other. Describe______

[] None

2.2.11. Are the policies, strategies or processes provided in questions 2.2.1. through 2.2.10 different for families receiving TANF? (658E(c)(2)(H) & (3)(D), §§ 98.16(g)(4), 98.33(b), 98.50(e))

[] Yes. If yes, describe:______

* No.

2.2.12. Informing parents who receive TANF benefits about the exception to the individual penalties associated with the TANF work requirement

The regulations at § 98.33(b) require the Lead Agency to inform parents who receive TANF benefits about the exception to the individual penalties associated with the work requirement for any single custodial parent who has a demonstrated inability to obtain needed child care for a child under 6 years of age. Lead Agencies must coordinate with TANF programs to ensure, pursuant that TANF families with young children will be informed of their right not to be sanctioned if they meet the criteria set forth by the State TANF agency in accordance with section 407(e)(2) of the Social Security Act.

In fulfilling this requirement, the following criteria or definitions are applied by the TANF agency to determine whether the parent has a demonstrated inability to obtain needed child care. NOTE: The TANF agency, not the CCDF Lead Agency, is responsible for establishing the following criteria or definitions. These criteria or definitions are offered in this Plan as a matter of public record.

a) Identify the TANF agency that established these criteria or definitions: State/Territory TANF Agency Mississippi Department of Human Services, Division of Field Operations.
b) Provide the following definitions established by the TANF agency. "appropriate child care":

Appropriate child care is defined as a licensed child care center or a family day care (home or an individual) chosen by the parent/caretaker relative to care for the child. The child care provider must be 18 years old or older.

"reasonable distance":

Appropriate child care must be within a reasonable distance (within a 20-mile radius) of the parent/caretaker relative's home or worksite.

"unsuitability of informal child care":

Unavailable or unsuitable child care shall be defined as a situation involving child abuse, neglect or an unsafe environment. If the parent/caretaker relative refuses to take the child to a particular day care center, he/she must inform the case manager of the reason for the refusal. The case manager must investigate to verify and substantiate the parent's claim of unsuitable child care. Complaints involving child abuse, neglect or an unsafe environment will be reported to the MS State Health Department, Division of Child Care Facilities Licensure. The case manager must contact the Office of Children and Youth's Designated Agent (now the Division of Early Childhood Care and Development) to discuss the problem and determine what other child care services are available in the area. The case manager will determine good cause for non-participation based on the investigation and information gathered.

"affordable child care arrangements":

Affordable formal child care is child care that is equal to or less than the established rates for the type of care according to the OCY Child Care Policy Manual (now Mississippi Child Care Payment Program Policy Manual).

c) How are parents who receive TANF benefits informed about the exception to individual penalties associated with the TANF work requirements?

* In writing

[] Verbally

[] Other:______

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.2