18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-2.1 - Administration of the Program

The Lead Agency has broad authority to administer (i.e., establish rules) and operate (i.e., implement activities) the CCDF program through other governmental, nongovernmental, or other public or private local agencies as long as it retains overall responsibility for the administration of the program. (658D(b), § 98.11(a))

2.1.1. Which of the following CCDF program rules and policies are set or established at the State/Territory versus the local level?

Identify the level at which the following CCDF program rules and policies are established.

* Eligibility rules and policies (e.g., income limits) are set by the:

* State/Territory

[] Local entity. If checked, identify the type of policies the local entity(ies) can set______

[] Other. Describe:______

* Sliding fee scale is set by the:

* State/Territory

[] Local entity. If checked, identify the type of policies the local entity(ies) can set______

[] Other. Describe:______

* Payment rates are set by the:

* State/Territory

[] Local entity. If checked, identify the type of policies the local entity(ies) can set______

[] Other. Describe:______

2.1.2. How is the CCDF program operated in your State/Territory?

In the table below, identify which agency(ies) performs these CCDF services and activities.

Implementation of CCDF Services/ActivitiesAgency (Check all that apply)

Who determines eligibility?

Note:If different for families receiving TANF benefits and families not receiving TANF benefits, please describe:

* CCDF Lead Agency

[] TANF agency

[] Other State/Territory agency. Describe. __

[] Local government agencies such as county welfare or social services departments

[] Child care resource and referral agencies

[] Community-based organizations

* Other. Describe. Slot contractors use eligibility guidelines established by the Lead Agency to determine the eligibility of families for a child care slot in their program.

Who assists parents in locating child care (consumer education)?

* CCDF Lead Agency

[] TANF agency

* Other State/Territory agency. Describe.

The Mississippi Department of Health, Division of Child Care Licensure

[] Local government agencies such as county welfare or social services departments

* Child care resource and referral agencies

[] Community-based organizations

[] Other. Describe. ____

Who issues payments?

* CCDF Lead Agency

[] TANF agency

[] Other State/Territory agency. Describe.____

[] Local government agencies such as county welfare or social services departments

[] Child care resource and referral agencies

[] Community-based organizations

[] Other. Describe.

Describe to whom is the payment issued (e.g., parent or provider) and how are payments distributed (e.g., electronically, cash, etc) Payments are issued by paper check once per month to providers.
Other. List and describe:______

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.1