Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 21, ch. 1, r. 18-21-1-21.1, MDHS YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM OVERVIEW

Current through January 14, 2025


Children, ages 7 through 17 and 11 months, whose behavior problems have brought them into Youth Court jurisdiction are eligible for services.




* Adult Protective Services

* Adult Day Care

* Case Management

* Home Delivered Meals

* Homemaker/Home Health Aide

* Information & Assistance (Prescription Assistance Program)

* Ombudsman

* Respite Care

* Transportation

The Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended (OAA), administered by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, under the direction of the Assistant Secretary for Aging, requires the Governor of the State of Mississippi to designate a single state agency to develop and administer a Pre-Expenditure Report on Aging. The Division of Aging and Adult Services under the umbrella of the Mississippi Department of Human Services has been designated by the Governor as that agency and is hereinafter referred to as the DAAS.



The DAAS is the state entity designated by the Governor to receive and administer federal funds received through the Older Americans Act and other resources developed by the DAAS. Working with a network of local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and local service organizations, DAAS plans and administers programs and services to improve the quality of life for all of Mississippi's older citizens. As the official state office on aging, the DAAS works closely with a network of designated agencies within a planning and service area to ensure comprehensive activities, programs and services for older Mississippians are offered statewide. Additionally, the DAAS works with many other state agencies as well as with the private sector, to create recognition of the needs and interests of older adults and to develop new resources.

The DAAS proactively carries out a wide range of functions related to advocacy, planning, coordination, interagency linkages, information sharing, brokering, monitoring, and evaluation. The DAAS pays special attention to those older adults who have the greatest social, economic, and health needs and to low income minority elders.

The DAAS plans, coordinates and administers Aging programs, and provides leadership and guidance to the various agencies and organizations serving the elderly and allocates federal and State funds designated to meet the needs of elderly Mississippians. The ten AAA's are separate units of the private, nonprofit Planning and Development District organizations.



Adult Protective Services (APS)

The APS protects the rights of vulnerable Adults age 18 and older who may be victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation as defined in Mississippi Vulnerable Adults Act. Reports are made from the general public or professionals mandated to report, and are investigated by the dedicated staff to resolve the alleged malfeasance and assist to correct the underlying problem. The APS program staff consists of family protection specialists in the field, social work supervisors, and state office administrators who are responsible for investigators statewide. APS services are targeted to Mississippians age 18 and older who are reported as alleged victims of vulnerability.

Total Recipients: 3000

Method of Delivery: X Direct____Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: One unit of service equates to one client's case including: report intake, review, case staffing, investigation, travel, case documentation, collateral contact, resource development, tech assist, legal assistance: at approximately 11 hours per case.


Adult Day Care

Provide safe, monitored care during the day for persons with serious health problems or impairments. Adult Day Care provides personal care supervision, congregate meals, limited health care, and the opportunity to interact socially with other people. Adult Day Care is essential in maintaining older adults with impairments in their own family setting. Adult Day Care program services are targeted to Mississippians age 60 and older whose socio-economic, functional, and/or geographic isolation places him/her at Level II or above on the screening instrument and who are in need of a sheltered community setting during some portion of the day.

Total Recipients: 53

Method of Delivery: __ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: 10

Unit of Service: Participant's attendance at the center for at least 4 hours but less than 24 hours


Case Management/Adults

Case Management is the method by which services are coordinated and monitored for the frail elderly in an effort to provide continuity of care and avoid costly duplication of services. It is the key service in a complete system of community-based care. Such a system provides an alternative to costly nursing home placement by developing and effectively using support services in the community, both formal and informal, to enhance the independence of the individual. Case management services target Mississippians age 60 and older whose socio-economic, functional, and/or geographic isolation places him/her in a frail, vulnerable target level on the DAAS Client Screening Form. A case manager's client load is limited to 60 clients.

Total Recipients: 200

Method of Delivery: ___ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 hour of service


Home Delivered Meals

Five meals are delivered to the residence of a homebound older person each week. This program is the only statewide service of its kind. A well balanced diet is essential in maintaining overall health; the home delivered meals program is a vital component for seniors to receive the nutritional intake needed to maintain or improve their health status. Meals are planned and prepared to the older person's dietary needs and meet the USD A dietary guidelines. The service is cost-effective due to the use of volunteers to deliver meals, commodity credit meal reimbursement, and the utilization of a statewide contractor. The additional benefits the homebound person receives from a meal delivery are: visitation, informal counseling, and a "gate-keeping" activity (a friendly check to see that the meal recipient is well). Home Delivered Meal services are targeted to Mississippians age 60 and older whose socio-economic, functional, and/or geographic isolation places him/her in frail, vulnerable target level on the DAAS Client Screening Form. Priority is given to persons at risk of institutionalization.

Total Recipients: 4,700

Method of Delivery:___Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 home delivered meal


Homemaker/Health Services:

Homemaker services are supportive services provided in the home of a frail older person by a trained homemaker. Homemakers assist the older person with tasks which facilitate independence and meet the older person's goal of remaining at home as long as possible. Homemakers perform routine household tasks such as cooking, feeding, and monitoring nutritional intake, cleaning, mending, grocery shopping, laundry, and they assist with bathing, dressing; help with bathroom and general hygiene activities, oral hygiene assistance, and safety education. Ongoing Homemaker certification training is provided to enhance the capacity of homemakers to provide the highest quality service to frail elderly individuals. Homemaker program services are targeted to Mississippians age 60 and older whose socio-economic, functional, and/or geographic isolation places him/her in a "dependent/needing assistance with maintenance" target level on the DAAS Client Screening Form.

Total Recipients: 4,600

Method of Delivery: ___ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 hour of service to, for, or on behalf of the client


Information & Assistance (Prescription Assistance Program)

Information, Assistance and Referral is the service that provides valid and necessary current data and facts to senior individuals or those who inquire on their behalf, through a telephone call or personal visit, of available programs, resources, and/or services. Information services identify a senior individual's needs and type of help and assistance required. Information services also include education and training events for workers who provide services for senior individuals and/or workers who provide assistance and referral to senior individuals. Assistance is the service that provides senior individuals or those acting on their behalf, with help obtaining the service or aid that is identified. Assistance is provided to help the senior or those acting on their behalf to realize the service determined to be in the senior's best interest or desired by the senior. Assistance may include filling out forms, explaining instructions, conducting research on behalf of the senior, or other activities to assist the senior obtain the service needed. Referral is the service that provides contact for senior individuals or those who inquire on their behalf, with an agency and/or community resource to obtain help and assistance. After an assessment to ascertain a senior's individual need, communication with the appropriate source of aid is made for the senior individual as needed and follow-up is practiced with the senior or those acting on their behalf, and/or the resource agency/service provider to determine whether the services were received. Information, Assistance, and Referral services are targeted to Mississippians age 60 and older.

Total Recipients: 6,727

Method of Delivery: ___ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 contact with a senior or on behalf of a senior



Ombudsman provides a voice for residents. The Ombudsman serves as an advocate who supports resident's highest possible quality of life and care, and is responsible for investigating and attempting to resolve concerns and complaints made by or on behalf of residents of long term facilities. Additionally, components of the Ombudsman service involve interpretation of resident's rights, laws, policies and regulations, as well as monitoring and responding to local, state and federal legislation impacting LTC. Ombudsman program services are targeted to Mississippians age 60 and older who reside in or are potential residents of a LTC facility.

Total Recipients: 644

Method of Delivery: ___ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 hour of contact for activities related to client services, training, and program management.


Respite Care:

This service provides temporary relief time for the regular or primary caregiver (spouse, child, relative) of an ill, frail, functionally-impaired older individual requiring constant in-home care. Respite care is provided by placing personnel in a client's home. Institutional respite is provided by bringing the client to a day care facility or by short term admission to a licensed board and care home, foster care, nursing home or hospital. Respite care may provide one or more primary activities - dressing, bathing, eating or general supervision. Respite program services are targeted to caregivers of Mississippians age 60 and older who are homebound and have functional impairments. Priority is given to the frail older individual whose caregivers have a need for the service.

Total Recipients: 06

Method of Delivery:___ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 hour of service to relieve the caretaker



This service provides transportation of eligible individuals 60 years of age and older to and from various community resources for the purpose of obtaining needed services. Transportation is provided to eligible older persons for medical and/or dental treatment, social service and other related agencies/functions, personal care needs, adult foster care, adult day care, and other applicable services based on need. Currently, the transportation system is operated at the local level through contracts with public and private service providers, with funds from local sources,

Title III, SSBG, and the Department of Transportation, Division of Public Transit. Transportation program services are targeted to Mississippians age 60 and older whose socio-economic, functional, and/or geographic isolation places him/her in at Level 1 or above on the DAAS Client Screening Form.

Total Recipients: 1,248

Method of Delivery: ___Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 one-way trip




* Adoption

* Case Management

* Interstate Compact Placement

* Placement Services

* Prevention

* Protection Services

* Investigations

* Special Investigations

* Mississippi Central Intake

* Program Support

* Support Services



The Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS), Division of Family and Children's Services (DFCS) is a state-administered child welfare system. This system is administered at the local level by 84 county offices through thirteen Regional Directors. This agency is authorized by state statute to promulgate regulations, policies and procedures necessary to implement the state's child welfare system and to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being for Mississippi's families and children.



ADOPTION - A direct service provided to enable children and youth who cannot remain with their families to be adopted by individuals or families through a formal legal process.

Total Recipients: 1,116

Method of Delivery: X Direct __Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


CASE MANAGEMENT - Supportive casework provided directly by the agency to assist individuals and families in assessing the needs and identifying strengths and weaknesses; to develop a specific plan to address needs, goals, and objectives; to provide and assure connection with needed services, to monitor and evaluate progress toward meeting goals and objectives; and to intercede as necessary to assure quality of life and provision of needed services to individuals and families.

Total Recipients: 3,336

Method of Delivery: X Direct ___Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


INTERSTATE COMPACT PLACEMENT - A direct service by social services staff which encompasses both the Interstate Compact on the Placement of children (ICPC) and the Interstate Compact on juveniles; this includes runaways. The services are mandated by the State of Mississippi. It provides out-of-state placement and supervision of dependent children. Its major purpose is to protect children from being placed in dangerous or inadequate situations across state lines.

Total Recipients: 528

Method of Delivery: X Direct __Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


PLACEMENT - The neglected, abused or exploited children placed by court order or by voluntary consent of the parents necessitate direct service activities on the part of the agency staff to provide placement services. The Mississippi Legislature and United States Congress have mandated this service be provided. No foster child is placed in a foster care setting that has not been licensed or approved as meeting DFCS licensure standards, unless the child is placed pursuant to the relative licensing process which can be either an emergency process that enables a child to be placed with relatives as soon as the child enters placement, following an initial screen of the relative's home or a full licensing process, completed no later than 90 calendar days after the child has entered placement.

Total Recipients: 2,280

Method of Delivery: X Direct __Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


PREVENTION/INTERVENTION - Provided as a direct service by social services staff within DFCS. Prevention and intervention services are those services or activities designed to provide early identification and/or timely intervention to support families and prevent and improve the consequences of abuse, neglect, or family violence, or to assist in making arrangement for alternate placements or living arrangements where necessary. Such services may also be provided to prevent the removal of a child from the home. Component services and activities may include investigation; assessment and/or evaluation of the extent of the problem; counseling, including mental health counseling or therapy as needed; developmental and parenting skills training; respite care; and other services including supervision, case management and transportation.

Total Recipients: 728

Method of Delivery: X Direct __Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


PROTECTION - A direct service provided by DFCS social services staff designed to prevent or remedy abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children who may be harmed through physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, and negligent treatment or maltreatment, including failure to be provided with adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care. Component services or activities may include immediate investigation and intervention; emergency medical services; emergency shelter; developing case plans; initiation of legal action; counseling for the child and the family; assessment/evaluation of family circumstances; arranging alternative living arrangement; preparing for foster placement, if needed; and case management and referral to service providers.

Total Recipients: 1,848

Method of Delivery: X Direct___Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


PROTECTIVE SERVICES/INVESTIGATIONS - A direct service provided by DFCS staff. When the intake supervisor receives an intake and screening from Mississippi Central Intake Program (MCIP) that indicates a child is in imminent danger, the Intake Supervisor will assign a worker for immediate response. Prior to initiating the investigation, the worker should conduct an additional thorough review of any prior DFCS involvement with the family. An investigation is considered initiated when face-to-face or attempted contact is made with the alleged victim(s) and should occur within the timeframes required by the level of the report.

Total Recipients: 24,660

Method of Delivery: X Direct __Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


SPECIAL INVESTIGATION-The standard investigative/assessment protocol applies to all DFCS investigations with additional requirements that apply to special handling DFCS investigations/assessments. Special handlings are reports on resource homes, licensed facilities and DFCS employees.

Total Recipients: 648

Method of Delivery: X Direct__Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL INTAKE PROGRAM - DFCS has contracted with Social Work p.r.n., independent contractor, to provide consistent measurable services for the MDHS Centralized Intake, 24-Hour, seven days per week Hotline and Disaster Preparedness Plan Services by operating a local call center in Jackson, Mississippi. The call center is adequately staffed 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, to include weekends, holidays and any other official office closing. This program is required by the terms of the Olivia Y. Settlement Agreement and Reform Plan. Social Work p.r.n. is required to have social workers answering the calls that are received in the call center.

Calls Received: 29,676

Method of Delivery: ___ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client


PROGRAM SUPPORT - Program support staff is responsible for providing administrative support and coordinating the fiscal, contractual, and regulatory activities of programs. Additionally, Program Support staff assists with long and short range planning, and with fiscal projections and analysis. Also, develop timelines to monitor workflow, maintain accurate records of follow-up procedures and activities for all on-going administrative functions. Program Support staff keeps abreast of all pertinent Federal and State regulations, laws, and policies as they exist, change or are modified.

Method of Delivery: X Indirect __Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide


SUPPORT SERVICES- Support Services are those services needed, in addition to the worker direct service, which will aid the client in removing barriers to attaining their goals, such as support services needed to aid in the prevention of neglect/abuse.

Total Recipients: 10,835

Method of Delivery: ___ Direct X Purchase

Counties Served: Statewide

Unit of Service: 1 provided per client





Special Services for Youth Involved In At Risk Behavior or At Risk of Involvement with Criminal Activity.



The mission of the Department of Human Services is to provide services for people in need by optimizing all available resources to sustain the family unit and to encourage traditional family values thereby promoting self-sufficiency and personal responsibility for all Mississippians.

Area - The Division of Youth Services' Community Services Program has Youth Services Counselors assigned to each youth court in the state, which provide counseling and case management services for troubled children and their families. Additional duties include probation and parole supervision, collection of case information and related casework duties, and data collection. The Social Services Block Grant funds are used in the Youth Services Community Services component of the Division of Youth Services.


The Division of Youth Services provides supervision and evaluation through the implementation of policy and procedures ensuring that federal and state regulations are followed and funds are spent appropriately and effectively.


The Division of Youth Services (DYS) currently provides special services such as counseling, day treatment, etc. for youth involved in or at risk of involvement with criminal activity. Components services or activities are designed to enhance family functioning and/or modify the youth's behavior with the goal of developing socially appropriate behavior. Counseling, intervention therapy, and residential services are an integral but subordinate part of the service.

Total Recipients: 12,000

Method of Delivery: X Direct____Purchase

Counties: Hinds, Rankin, Desoto, Harrison, Lauderdale

Units of Services: Supervision by Division of Youth Services Counselor per recipient


Electronic Monitoring and Supervision Program

The overarching goal of the DYS, Electronic Monitoring and Supervision Services is to offer electronic monitoring and community based supervision to assist in the supervision and rehabilitation of juveniles released back into the community. The Division shall utilize a system that offers different levels of monitoring. The electronic monitoring and community based supervision initiative will assist both the supervision and the rehabilitative process of youthful offenders who are high risk and low risk between the ages of thirteen (13) to seventeen (17) on juvenile probation that require electronic monitoring services. The anticipated number of offenders to be monitored/tracked may range from one (1) to eighteen (18) clients on a continuous basis.

Total Recipients: 720

Method of Delivery: ___Direct X Purchase

Counties: Hinds, Pearl River, DeSoto, Harrison, Jackson, Lafayette, Jasper, Grenada, Coahoma, and Washington

Units of Service: 1 bracelet per recipient for 45 days

PROPOSED AWARD $500,000.00

Individualized Assessment and Comprehensive Community Intervention Initiative (IACCII), Tony Gobar

The IACCII is to provide comprehensive strength-based needs assessments, individualized service plans and community-based services for eligible (low-risk, low-need/high need) youth who would otherwise be committed to training school. The specific target population for this initiative is: youthful offenders ten (10) through seventeen (17) years of age who possess high risk of returning or becoming further involved in the juvenile justice system. The IACCII ensures that youth and their families can access necessary services available in their home community.

Total Recipients: 25

Method of Delivery: ___Direct X Purchase

Counties: Quitman

Units of Service: 2.5 hours a day 5 days a week for 52 weeks for 25 youths

PROPOSED AWARD $100,000.00

Evening Reporting Center

The Adolescent Evening Reporting Center(AERC) shall offer group activities during high risk time periods for adjudicated delinquent and pre-adjudicated youth ages fourteen (14) to eighteen (18) years of age, who are at a high risk of becoming further involved in the Juvenile Justice System by offering rehabilitative theories and practices while ensuring the safety of the community and juvenile. In addition, AERC shall manage and facilitate both the supervision and the rehabilitative process of youthful offenders.

Total Recipients: 135

Method of Delivery: _____Direct X Purchase

Counties: Coahoma, Hinds, Madison

Units of Service: 4 hours a day 5 days a week for 52 weeks for 135 youths

PROPOSED AWARD $750,000.00

Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 21, ch. 1, r. 18-21-1-21.1, MDHS YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM OVERVIEW

Adopted 10/1/2015