Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 21, ch. 1, r. 18-21-1-21.1, FISCAL OPERATION

Current through January 14, 2025

* Social Services eligible for funding are divided into three categories.

* All state agency contractors will be required to comply with administrative and fiscal procedures as established by the Mississippi Department of Human Services.

* The Mississippi Department of Human Services will maintain a uniform, coordinated management system, including uniform reporting procedures, fiscal management procedures, evaluation process, and an administrative cap for all contractors.

* A 25 percent (25¢) match will be required of all Social Services Block Grant state agency contractors, unless waived by the Executive Director.


Section 404(d) (3) (B) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 requires that all TANF amounts that are used to carry out state programs pursuant to Title XX shall be used only for programs and services to children or their families whose income is less than 200 percent of the income official poverty line, applicable to a family of the size involved.


Funds transferred into SSBG from TANF pursuant to Section 404 (d) (3) (A) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) shall not be subject to the requirements of TANF [except as required under 404(d) (3) (B)], but are subject to the rules and regulations pertaining to the SSBG program corresponding to the fiscal year when the funds are transferred. The transferred funds and regular SSBG funds granted the state during a fiscal year are subject to the two-year timely filling provisions contained in 45 CFR Part 95.1.


* Proposals for FFY 2016 were accepted for revisions until July 31, 2015. Proposed Awards will be set no later than August 31, 2015.

* Proposals will adhere to the uniform format as revised by Social Services Block Grant.

* All proposals will be evaluated based on merit and past expenditures.

* Carryover dollars will be used to maintain services currently funded through MDHS.

* The amount of administrative costs charged to the Social Services Block Grant will not exceed 10 percent (10¢) of a state agency's program costs. Administrative expenditures will be reported by source.

The definition of actual administrative costs will be:

All costs necessary for general administration of and associated with program activity. Only those administrative and planning expenditures expected to be incurred for overall program management, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation may be included. Administrative and planning costs associated with the personnel devoting effort to a specific work activity may not be included. Such costs will be budgeted within that specific program activity. Administrative and planning costs are limited to ten percent (10¢) of the award, without flexibility. Grantor approval is required for any increase in administrative costs.

The more prevalent administrative and planning costs include, but are not limited to, those described below:

a. Salary and fringe benefits of personnel involved in overall program management, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation. It does not include the salary and fringe benefits of personnel devoting efforts to a specific activity.
b. Consumable supplies necessary to support general administrative activities such as paper, file folders, accounting work papers, etc.
c. Travel of staff conducted for the benefit of the program, including local mileage to be reimbursed at the rate not to exceed the amount set at the federal level. All other travel costs will be eligible in accordance with existing regulations of the grantor.
d. Rentals, such as office space and office furniture. Equipment rental is not included in this cost category.
e. Equipment purchase, lease, and/or rental. An allocation plan should be developed for equipment shared with other activities. Equipment service agreements are to be listed in the 'contractual services' cost category.
f. Contractual services such as postage, telephone, printing, consultants, and equipment service contracts, etc.
g. Allocation of cost is charged in accordance with contracting agency's approved cost allocation plan or indirect cost rate, as applicable.

* State agency contractors will employ such reporting and evaluation tools as necessary to assure accountability of subcontractors.

* Performance criteria and indicators will be established by the state agency contractors for the selection and evaluation of subcontractors.

* At the final closeout of the grant, unexpended funds will be returned to MDHS for reallocation. However, a state agency contractor may petition to retain these funds if it can be shown to be cost effective.

* The MDHS requires an audit for all of its subcontractors, in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1996.

Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 21, ch. 1, r. 18-21-1-21.1, FISCAL OPERATION

Adopted 10/1/2015