18 Miss. Code. R. 15-1-1-7

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-15-1-1-7 - State Use of Funds

Eligible Entity Allocation (90 Percent Funds) [Section 675C(a) of the CSBG Act]

7.1.Formula: Select the method (formula) that best describes the current practice for allocating CSBG funds to eligible entities. [Check one and narrative where applicable]


[]Base + Formula

[x] Formula Alone

[]Formula with Variables

[]Hold Harmless + Formula


7.1a.Formula Description: Describe the current practice for allocating CSBG funds to eligible entities.

The State allocates CSBG funds by the following formula: Using the latest Census data, the number of persons in poverty by county is divided by the state total of persons in poverty to get a percentage for each county. The percentage is multiplied by the "90 percent of the total state allocation" to determine the amount of funds for each county. Each eligible entity receives the amount of funds for the counties it serves.

7.1b.Statute: Does a state statutory or regulatory authority specify the formula for allocating "not less than 90 percent" funds among eligible entities?

[]Yes [x]No

7.2.Planned Allocation: Specify the percentage of your CSBG planned allocation that will be funded to eligible entities and "not less than 90 percent funds" as described under Section 675C(a) of the CSBG Act. In the table, provide the planned allocation for each eligible entity receiving funds for the fiscal year(s) covered by this plan.

Year One: 90% Year Two: Click or tap here to enter text.

Planned CSBG 90 Percent Funds - Year One

CSBG Eligible Entity

Funding Amount $


Please see Tentative Allocation attachment.

NOTE: WITHIN OLDC,the add-a-row function will not be available on this table and the first column is read-only. To add a row within this form: highlight the row and then select the plus sign (+) at the end of the row. To auto-calculate, select the "$0.00", right-click, and then select "Update Field".

Planned CSBG 90 Percent Funds - Year Two

CSBG Eligible Entity

Funding Amount $


NOTE: WITHIN OLDC,the add-a-row function will not be available on this table and the first column is read-only. To add a row within this form: highlight the row and then select the plus sign (+) at the end of the row. To auto-calculate, select the "$0.00", right-click, and then select "Update Field".

Note: This information pre-populates the state's Annual Report, Module 1, Table E.2.

7.3.Distribution Process: Describe the specific steps in the state's process for distributing 90 percent funds to the eligible entities and include the number of days each step is expected to take; include information about state legislative approval or other types of administrative approval (such as approval by a board or commission).

The Division of Community Services sends NOFAs to the eligible entities, usually the first week of July. The eligible entities submit subgrants to DCS within 60 days after the date of the NOFA. The fiscal and program staff review the subgrants for errors/additional information. After the reviews, the subgrants are passed through the Administrative Review Memorandum process to the Division Counsel and Division Director for their review and signature approval. The subgrants are then submitted to the Executive Director's Office (EDO) for final approval. The EDO requires all subgrants be submitted 30 days prior to the effective dates. Immediately after EDO approval, DCS staff packages and distributes the subgrants to eligible entities. The program year is from January through December. Entities have current year funds until the start of the new program year.

7.3a.Distribution Method: Select the option below that best describes the distribution method that the state uses to issue CSBG funds to eligible entities:



[x]Hybrid - Initial 2 months advance, then they are placed on cost reimbursement.


7.4.Distribution Timeframe: Does the state plan to make funds available to eligible entities no later than 30 calendar days after OCS distributes the federal award? []Yes [x]No
7.4a.Distribution Consistency: If no, describe state procedures to ensure funds are made available to eligible entities consistently and without interruption.

The Division of Community Services sends NOFAs to the eligible entities, usually the first week of July. The eligible entities submit subgrants to DCS within 60 days after the date of the NOFA. The fiscal and program staff review the subgrants for errors/additional information. After the reviews, the subgrants are passed through the Administrative Review Memorandum process to the Division Counsel and Division Director for their review and signature approval. The subgrants are then submitted to the Executive Director's Office (EDO) for final approval. The EDO requires all subgrants be submitted 30 days prior to the effective dates. Immediately after EDO approval, DCS staff packages and distributes the subgrants to eligible entities. Subgrantees are now able to request funds to operate their programs. The subgrants have an effective date of January 1-December 31 of each year, so funds from prior year are available.

Note: Item 7.4 is associated with State Accountability Measure 2Sa and may pre-populate the state's annual report form.

7.5.Distribution of Funds Performance Management Adjustment: Describe the state's strategy for improving grant and/or contract administration procedures under this State Plan as compared to past plans. Any improvements should be based on analysis of past performance and should consider feedback from eligible entities, OCS, and other sources, such as the public hearing. If the state is not making any improvements, provide further detail.

The state continues to upgrade Virtual ROMA system which captures intake, determines client eligibility, and provides information on client progress. Eligible entities will be trained on new system functions. The state is revising the drawdown and cost reporting process to allow for better administration of funds.

Note: This information is associated with State Accountability Measure 2Sb and may pre-populate the state's annual report form.

Administrative Funds [Section 675C(b)(2) of the CSBG Act]

7.6.Allocated Funds: Specify the percentage of your CSBG planned allocation for administrative activities for the FFY(s) covered by this State Plan.

Year One: 5%Year Two: Click or tap here to enter text.

7.7.State Staff: Provide the number of state staff positions to be funded in whole or in part with CSBG funds for the FFY(s) covered by this State Plan.

Year One: 4 Year Two: Click or tap here to enter text.

7.8.State FTEs: Provide the number of state Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) to be funded with CSBG funds for the FFY(s) covered by this State Plan?

Year One: 4 Year Two: Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9.Remainder/Discretionary Funds Use: Does the state have remainder/discretionary funds, as described in Section 675C(b) of the CSBG Act? [x]Yes []No

GUIDANCE: " No" should only be selected if the percentages provided under 7.2. and 7.6. equal 100%.

If yes, provide the allocated percentage and describe the use of the remainder/discretionary funds in the table below. Year One: 5% Year Two: Click or tap here to enter text.

Note: This response will link to the corresponding assurance, Item 14.2.

INSTRUCTIONAL NOTE: The assurance under 676(b)(2) of the Act (Item 14.2 of this State Plan) specifically requires a description of how the state intends to use remainder/discretionary funds to "support innovative community and neighborhood-based initiatives related to the purposes of [the CSBG Act]." Include this description in Item 7.9f of the table below and/or attach the information.

If a funded activity fits under more than one category in the table, allocate the funds among the categories. For example, if the state provides funds under a contract with the State Community Action association to provide training and technical assistance to eligible entities and to create a statewide data system, the funds for that contract should be allocated appropriately between Items 7.9a. - 7.9c. If allocation is not possible, the state may allocate the funds to the primary category with which the activity is associated.

Note: This information is associated with State Accountability Measures 3Sa and pre-populates the Annual Report, Module 1, Table E.7.

Use of Remainder/Discretionary Funds - Year One

Remainder/Discretionary Fund Uses

(See 675C(b)(1) of the CSBG Act)

Planned $

Brief Description of Services and/or Activities

7.9a. Training/Technical Assistance to eligible entities

$100,000 (17%)

These planned services/activities will be described in State Plan Item 8.1

7.9b. Coordination of state-operated programs and/or local programs

$30,000 (5%)

These planned services/activities will be described in State Plan Section 9, State Linkages and Communication

7.9c. Statewide coordination and communication among eligible entities

$250,00 (41%)

These planned services/activities will be described in State Plan Section 9, State Linkages and Communication

7.9d. Analysis of distribution of CSBG funds to determine if targeting greatest need (Briefly describe under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9e. Asset-building programs (Briefly describe under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9f. Innovation programs/activities by eligible entities or other neighborhood groups (Briefly describe under Column 4)

$165,000 (27%)

Funds will be used for innovative projects/activities to include senior and youth projects.

7.9g. State Charity tax credits (Briefly describe under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9h. Other activities (Specify these other activities under Column 4)

$58,796 (10%)

Funds will be used to serve additional clients.



To auto-calculate, select the "$0.00", right-click, and then select "Update Field". Each description allows for 4000 characters.

Use of Remainder/Discretionary Funds - Year Two

Remainder/Discretionary Fund Uses

(See 675C(b)(1) of the CSBG Act)

Planned $

Brief Description of Services and/or Activities

7.9a. Training/Technical Assistance to eligible entities

Click or tap here to enter text.

These planned services/activities will be described in State Plan Item 8.1

7.9b. Coordination of state-operated programs and/or local programs

Click or tap here to enter text.

These planned services/activities will be described in State Plan Section 9, State Linkages and Communication

7.9c. Statewide coordination and communication among eligible entities

Click or tap here to enter text.

These planned services/activities will be described in State Plan Section 9, State Linkages and Communication

7.9d. Analysis of distribution of CSBG funds to determine if targeting greatest need (Briefly describe under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9e. Asset-building programs (Briefly describe under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9f. Innovation programs/activities by eligible entities or other neighborhood groups (Briefly describe under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9g. State Charity tax credits (Briefly describe under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.

7.9h. Other activities (Specify these other activities under Column 4)

Click or tap here to enter text.


$ 0.00

GUIDANCE: If the percentages provided under 7.2. and 7.6. do not equal 100%, the remaining percentage should be reported under 7.9. If the state does not have any remainder/discretionary fund activities (as listed in 7.9a. 7.9g.), the remainder should be described in 7.9h.

7.10. Remainder/Discretionary Funds Partnerships: Select the types of organizations, if any, the state plans to work with (by grant or contract using remainder/discretionary funds) to carry out some or all the activities in Table 7.9. [Check all that apply and narrative where applicable]

[]The state directly carries out all activities (No Partnerships)

[x]The state partially carries out some activities

[x]CSBG eligible entities (if checked, include the expected number of CSBG eligible entities to receive funds) 16

[]Other community-based organizations

[x]State Community Action association

[]Regional CSBG technical assistance provider(s)

[x]National technical assistance provider(s)

[x]Individual consultant(s)

[]Tribes and Tribal Organizations

[]Other Click or tap here to enter text.

Note: This response will link to the corresponding CSBG assurance in Item 14.2.

7.11.Performance Management Adjustment: Describe any adjustments the state will ake to the use of remainder/discretionary funds under this State Plan as compared to past plans? Any adjustment should be based on the state's analysis of past performance, and should consider feedback from eligible entities, OCS, and other sources, such as the public hearing. If the state is not making any adjustments, provide further detail.

The State will partner with the State Association to provide technology training and regional workshops/trainings for our licensed social workers and training on Organizational Standards and Needs Assessment.

The State will also assess eligible entities and provide T&TA through individual consultants in areas such as finance, marketing, fund-raising, etc.

18 Miss. Code. R. 15-1-1-7

Adopted 9/3/2015
Amended 10/15/2016
Amended 12/13/2017
Amended 12/20/2018
Amended 2/14/2020
Amended 4/12/2021
Amended 1/9/2022
Amended 2/23/2024
Amended 11/18/2024