18 Miss. Code. R. 15-1-1-6

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-15-1-1-6 - Organizational Standards for Eligible Entities

Note: Reference IM 138, State Establishment of Organizational Standards for CSBG Eligible Entities, for more information on Organizational Standards. Click HERE for IM 138.

6.1.Choice of Standards: Confirm whether the state will implement the CSBG Organizational Standards Center of Excellence (COE) organizational standards (as described in IM 138) or an alternative set during the federal fiscal year(s) of this planning period. [Select one]

[]COE CSBG Organizational Standards

[x]Modified version of COE CSBG Organizational Standards

[]Alternative set of organizational standards

Note: Item 6.1. pre-populates the Annual Report, Module 1, Item D.1.

6.1a.Modified Organizational Standards: In the case that the state is requesting to use modified COE-developed organizational standards, provide the proposed modification for the FFY of this planning period including the rationale.

The State will use a modified version of the COE-developed organizational standards to comply with state policies already in place. Mississippi uses a "Community Strengths and Needs Assessment" instead of the term "community assessment". The modified COE-developed organizational standards are:

Standard 3.1- The organization will conduct a community needs assessment yearly.

Standard 5.5- The board fills vacancies as set out in its bylaws and state board policy.

Standard 9.4- The organization submits the Annual report to MDHS-DCS.

6.1b.Alternative Organizational Standards: If using an alternative set of organizational standards, attach the complete list of alternative organizational standards.
6.1c.Alternative Organizational Standards: If using an alternative set of organizational standards:
1) provide any changes from the last set provided during the previous State Plan submission;
2) describe the reasons for using alternative standards; and
3) describe how they are at least as rigorous as the COE- developed standards.

[x]There were no changes from the previous State Plan submission

Provide reason for using alternative standards Click or tap here to enter text.

Describe rigor compared to COE-developed Click or tap here to enter text.


Check the box that best describes how the state officially adopted organizational standards for eligible entities in the state in a manner consistent with the state's administrative procedures act. If "Other" is selected, provide a timeline and additional information, as necessary. [Check all that applies and narrative (as applicable)]



[x]Contracts with eligible entities

[]Other, describe:

6.3.Organizational Standards Assessment: Describe how the state will assess eligible entities against organizational standards this federal fiscal year(s). [Check all that apply]

[]Peer-to-peer review (with validation by the state or state-authorized third party)

[]Self-assessment (with validation by the state or state-authorized third party)

[]Self-assessment/peer review with state risk analysis

[]State-authorized Third-Party validation

[]Regular, on-site CSBG monitoring

[x]Other - Web Form

6.3a.Assessment Process: Describe the planned assessment process.

The State implemented a web based Smartsheet application. Standards were input into Smartsheet. Eligible entities are required to attach documents to verify standards are met. A review of the Smartsheet is conducted by the State. A letter is sent by the State to entity to list the standards not met, and a date given for the entity to respond with documentation to meet standards. If the entity has not met standards after second review, additional T&TA will be provided. A TAP will be issued after 90 days, if entity has not met standards following T&TA.

GUIDANCE: Descriptions should also include improvements to the process made since the previous year including any new processes to increase efficiency or consistency of assessments.

6.4.Eligible Entity Exemptions: Will the state make exceptions in applying the organizational standards for certain eligible entities due to special circumstances or organizational characteristics (as described in IM 138)? []Yes [x]No

GUIDANCE: You will only need to respond to the following question if you responded "yes" to 6.4.

6.4a. Provide the specific eligible entities the state will exempt from meeting organizational standards and provide a description and a justification for each exemption. Total Number of Exempt Entities: 0

CSBG Eligible Entity


Click or tap here to enter text.

NOTE: ADD-A-ROW FUNCTION - states can add rows for each additional exception. To add a row within this form: highlight the row and then select the plus sign (+) at the end of the row. The Description/Justification allows for 2500 characters.

6.5.Performance Target: Provide the percentage of eligible entities that the state expects to meet all the state-adopted organizational standards for the FFY(s) of this planning period. Year One: 95% Year Two: Click or tap here to enter text.

Note: Item 6.5. is associated with State Accountability Measures 6Sa and pre-populates the Annual Report, Module 1, Table D.2.

GUIDANCE: Prior to setting the target, states should review IM 138, review previous performance, and collaborate with the eligible entities and the state association to identify targets

18 Miss. Code. R. 15-1-1-6

Adopted 9/3/2015
Amended 10/15/2016
Amended 12/13/2017
Amended 12/20/2018
Amended 2/14/2020
Amended 4/12/2021
Amended 1/9/2022
Amended 2/23/2024
Amended 11/18/2024