15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-3.2.9

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-3.2.9 - Sewage Disposal
1.General Provisions: All sewage and other liquid wastes generated within a campground shall be disposed of in accordance with the Mississippi State Board of Health Regulations Governing Individual Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems and/or Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Pollution Control regulations. The proposed method of sewage disposal shall have the approval of the appropriate authority prior to the commencement of any construction and shall comply with all appropriate state laws and regulations.
2.Recreational Vehicle Waste Disposal Stations
a. In all recreational vehicle campgrounds, a minimum of one recreational vehicle waste disposal station shall be provided for each 50 recreational vehicle stands, or part thereof, which are not equipped with individual sewer connections.
b. Each station shall be level, convenient of access from the service road, and shall provide easy ingress and egress for recreational vehicles.
c. Construction of Waste Disposal Stations
i. Unless other approved means are used, each station shall have a concrete slab with drain inlet located so as to be on the road (left) side of the recreational vehicle.
ii. The slab shall be not less than 3 feet by 3 feet, at least 5 inches thick and properly reinforced, the surface of which is troweled to a smooth finish and sloped from each side inward to a sewer inlet.
iii. The sewer inlet shall consist of a 4-inch, self-closing foot-operated hatch of approved material with cover milled to fit tight [Figure I]. The hatch body shall be set in the concrete of the slab with the lip of the opening flush with its surface to facilitate the cleansing of the slab with water. The hatch shall be properly connected to a sewer inlet which shall discharge to an approved sanitary sewage disposal facility.
d. Flushing Facilities
i. At all waste disposal stations a means for flushing the recreational vehicle holding tank and the slab shall be provided. It shall consist of a piped supply of water under pressure, terminating in a valved outlet located and installed as to minimize damage by automobiles or recreational vehicles. The flushing device shall consist of a properly supported riser terminating at least 2 feet above the ground surface, with a 3/4-inch valved outlet to which is screwed a flexible hose [Figure II].
ii. The water supply to the flushing device shall be protected from backflow and back-siphonage, and be equipped with a retractable, spring coiled water delivery device.
iii. Adjacent to the flushing arrangement there shall be posted a sign of durable material, not less than 2 feet by 2 feet in size, and inscribed thereon in clearly legible letters shall be: "DANGER -NOT TO BE USED FOR DRINKING OR DOMESTIC PURPOSES."

15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-3.2.9

Miss Code Ann § 41-67-3