Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-3.2.8 - Water Supply1.General:a. In all recreational vehicle campgrounds, a pressurized water system, adequate to serve all anticipated needs, shall be provided. b. Water supplies shall meet all current requirements of the Department. They shall be properly located, constructed, and protected to exclude surface contamination and to minimize the potential of contamination from sanitary hazards. All portions of the water system located in the campground shall be easily accessible for maintenance. The ownership of all portions of the water system serving the campground shall be made a matter of record to the Department. 2.Plan Review:a. For all proposed new recreational vehicle campgrounds with 15 or more campsites, the water systems shall comply with the Mississippi State Board of Health Regulation Governing Public Water Systems. Plans and specifications for such water systems must be submitted to and approved by the Bureau of Water Supply, Mississippi State Department of Health prior to the beginning of construction of the campground. b. Water systems serving recreational vehicle campgrounds with no more than 14 campsites must meet all of the requirements of the health authority. Plans and specifications for such water systems must be submitted to, and approved by the local county health department. 3.Public Water Supplies: If a proposed recreational vehicle campground is to be located in a municipality which has a public water system or in the certificated area of an existing community water system or sanitary district, the campground must be served by the existing public system if, in the opinion of the Department, the existing public system can provide an adequate supply of water. 4.Construction Proceduresa. The water system of the campground shall be connected to all comfort stations and service buildings and will include a method of protection against the hazards of backflow and back-siphonage. b. All water piping shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local codes and regulations. The water piping system shall not be connected with nonpotable or questionable water supplies, and shall be protected against the hazards of backflow or back-siphonage by an approved device or method. All plastic pipe used must bear the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal of approval. c. Where drinking fountains are provided for public use, they shall be of a type and in locations approved by the health authority. d. Individual water service connections which are provided for direct use by recreational vehicles shall be so constructed that they will not be damaged by the parking of vehicles. The individual water supply connections shall be so designed and constructed as to prevent backflow or back-siphonage. A minimum of 30 inches of cover shall be maintained over all underground water lines. The campground water system shall be adequate to provide a minimum of 20 pounds per square inch of pressure at all outlets under peak flow conditions. e. Underground stop-and-waste cocks shall not be installed on any connection. f. Individual service connections shall be constructed so as to protect the line from contamination by ground water. 5.Outlets: Water outlets shall be convenient of access and when not piped to individual campsites, shall not be located farther than 500 feet from any site. Each sewered site must have a water outlet located within 15 feet. Provisions shall be made to prevent accumulations of standing water or the creation of muddy conditions at each water outlet. 6.Recreational Vehicle Watering Stationsa. A watering station, if provided, for filling recreational vehicle water tanks shall be located at least 50 feet from a waste disposal station. When such is provided, adjacent to the potable water outlet, there shall be posted a sign of durable material, not less than 2 feet by 2 feet in size, and inscribed thereon in clearly legible letters shall be: "POTABLE WATER, NOT TO BE USED FOR FLUSHING WASTE TANKS."b. The potable water supply station shall be protected from backflow and backsiphonage. by means of an approved device located downstream from the last shutoff valve. 15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-3.2.8