15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-4.3.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-11-55-4.3.3 - Supervision of Specialized Activities

When campers participate in specialized activities such as, but not limited to, horseback riding, hiking, scuba diving, rock climbing, firearms, canoeing, aquatic events, and ropes challenge courses, the counselors supervising the activity shall possess evidence of appropriate training and experience in their program specialties. When applicable, camp operators shall assure any special training necessary for camp personnel to protect the health and safety of special needs campers.

1. Aquatics Activities including those events associated with swimming, boating, canoeing, water craft and water skiing shall be directed by individuals currently certified as having passed American National Red Cross Lifeguard Training, Boy Scouts of America Lifeguard Training, Y.M.C.A. Lifeguard Training or the equivalent, as determined by the Advisory Council on Youth Camp Safety. The aquatics director shall be at least 18 years of age.
2. Swimming Activity Supervision
a. There shall be a minimum ratio of one counselor with at least a current Lifeguard Certificate as issued by the American National Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, Y.M.C.A. or its equivalent* per 25 campers in the water. There shall be a minimum of one to 10 total staff to camper ratio maintained at all times.
b. A system shall be devised and on file for checking participants in and out during swimming and boating activities.
3. Water Craft Activities A Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD) must be worn by all campers and counselors when in water craft regardless of swimming ability. All Mississippi Boating Safety Act regulations must be followed in water craft activities. (Refer to current Mississippi regulations, available through Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliaries)
a. There shall be a minimum ratio of one counselor with at least a current Lifeguard Certificate as issued by the American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, YMCA, or equivalent, as determined by the Youth Camp Advisory Council, per 25 campers on the water. All water craft activities shall be supervised by a minimum of one staff on the water to each 10 campers in water craft. Said staff shall have participated in at least 6 hours of the activity for which he is responsible.
b. For Waterskiing, in addition to the above:
i. The skier must wear a vest approved by the Coast Guard for that activity
ii. The driver of the boat must have 6 hours of driving experience and another person on board as an observer.
c. For Salt Water Boating, in addition to the above part (a), the responsible supervisor shall:
i. Have had 6 weeks experience in the salt water activity for which he is responsible
ii. Have had practical instruction in survival & water safety as taught by American Red Cross, Mississippi Boat & Water Safety Commission or the equivalent
iii. Have in operation a motorized rescue vessel when sailboats are being used.
d. For White Water Activities, in addition to the above part (a), the responsible supervisor shall:
i. Have had practical instruction and experience in white water activity
ii. Have had the aforementioned survival and water safety instruction
iii. All white water activities in the state must be carried out on water determined to be no more difficult than Class III as defined by the International Scale of River Difficulty. No trips shall be taken on unclassified white water.
e. Campers participating in White Water Activity must be able to swim. Helmets must be worn by all participants in Class III White Water Activity.
4. Fishing and Shoreline Activities shall be supervised.
5. Scuba Diving Activities shall be supervised by individuals who are currently certified by a national or regional scuba training program acceptable to the Advisory Council on Youth Camp Safety.
6. Firearm Activities
a. Campers and staff may NOT bring their own firearms to a youth camp
b. Supervisors of activities must have certification and/or documented training and experience in that type activity acceptable to the Advisory Council in Youth Camp Safety
c. A ratio of one staff to 10 campers must be maintained on the range at all times
7. Archery Activities shall be supervised by a counselor who:
a. Possesses a working knowledge of rules covering archery safety
b. In addition, a minimum ratio of one staff to 10 campers must be maintained on the range at all times.

15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-4.3.3

Miss. Code Ann. § 75-74-9.