Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-11-55-1.4.1 - Parental Information Before a child's enrollment, the parent shall be provided with the following:
1. Operating information: a. The child care facility's purpose, scope of service provided, philosophy, and any religious affiliation.b. Name(s), business phone number, business address, and home phone number of the operator, director or an individual in authority who can be reached after the facility's normal hours of operation.c. The phone number of the child care facility.d. Organization chart or other description of established lines of authority of persons responsible for the child care facility's management within the organization.e. The program and services provided and the ages of children accepted.f. The hours and days of operation and holidays or other times closed.g. The procedures for admission and registration of children.h. Tuition, plans for payment, and policies regarding delinquent payments.i. Types of insurance coverage for children, or a statement that accident insurance is not provided or available.j. If a facility does not provide liability insurance there shall be a statement in the child's record, signed by the parent indicating that the parent is aware that the facility does not carry liability insurance.k. Reasons/circumstances and procedures for removal of children from rolls when parents are requested by facility staff to remove a child.l. Procedures to include the amount of notice a parent is required to give the facility before removing a child.m. Policy governing the maximum hours per day or week that a child can be left at the child care facility.2. Arrival and departure procedures for children: a. Procedure, approved by the licensing authority, for assuring a child's safe arrival and departure (All children shall be signed in and out of the facility by an authorized individual.).b. Procedures for protecting children from traffic and other hazards during arrival and departure and when crossing streets.c. Policy for release of children from the child care facility only to responsible persons for whom the child care facility has written authorization.d. Policy governing a parent picking up a child after closing hours and procedures if a child is not picked up.3. Program and activities information:a. Policies and procedures about accepting and storing a child's personal belongings.b. Discipline policies including acceptable and unacceptable discipline measures.c. Transportation and safety policies and procedures.d. Policies prohibiting the photographing of a child without parental consent.e. Policies regarding a child's participation in extracurricular activities not sponsored by the child care facility, including but not limited to baseball, softball, soccer, ballet, or gymnastics.f. Policies regarding water activities and safety procedures. These policies shall include those water activities that take place away from the child care facility property, e.g., taking children to a public swimming pool.g. Policies encouraging sun safety practices and activities.4. Health and emergency procedures: a. Procedures for storing and giving a child medication.b. Policy for reporting suspected child abuse.c. Provision for emergency medical care, treatment of illnesses and accidents, which include: i. A plan to handle a child in a medical crisis.ii. A plan to obtain prompt services of physician and hospitalization, if needed.iii. A plan for immediately notifying the parent of any illness, accident or injury to the child.iv. A plan to acquire the services of a certified practitioner for a child exempt from medical care on religious grounds.d. Evacuation plan including procedures for notifying the parents of the relocation site.e. Policy and procedures for handling dangerous situations, including but not limited to, dealing with violent individuals, individuals entering facility with weapons, bomb threats, or conditions posing an immediate threat to children.5. State regulations: a. A summary of the licensing regulations and any appendices thereto, provided by the licensing agency.b. Each child's record shall contain a statement signed by the child's parent, indicating that they have received a summary of licensing standards and other materials designated by the licensing agency for such distribution.c. The name and phone number of the MSDH licensing official responsible for the inspection of the facility.d. The toll free phone number (1-866-489-8734) of the Child Care Facility Complaint Hot Line.15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-1.4.1
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-8.