Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.10604

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 408.10604 - Definitions; H to M

Rule 604.

(1) "Hasp and staple" means a fastening device that consists of a slotted hinge plate and a loop (staple).
(2) "Hazardous area" means an area of a building, or portion thereof, used for purposes that involve highly combustible, highly flammable, or explosive products or materials which are likely to burn with extreme rapidity or which may produce poisonous fumes or gases, including highly toxic or noxious acids, alkalines, or irritant hazards; which cause the division of material into fine particles or dust subject to explosion or spontaneous combustion; or which constitute a high fire hazard because of the form, character, or volume of the material used.
(3) "Hazard of contents" means the relative danger of the start and spread of fire, the danger of smoke or gases generated, and the danger of explosion or other occurrence potentially endangering the lives and safety of employees in a building. Where certain features of a building are such as to involve a hazard greater than the hazard of the contents, the greater degree of hazard shall govern.
(4) "High hazard area" means an area inside a workplace in which operations include high hazard materials, processes, or contents.
(5) "High hazard contents" means combustibles of a character or quantity that burn with extreme rapidity or from which extremely poisonous fumes or explosions are to be expected in the case of fire.
(6) "Horizontal exit" means a way of passage from a building to an area of refuge in another building on approximately the same level or a way of passage through or around a fire-resistant wall or fire-resistant partition to an area of refuge on approximately the same level in the same building which affords safety from fire or smoke in the area of escape and areas communicating therewith.
(7) "Listed" means equipment that is listed if it is of a kind mentioned in a list that is published by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that makes periodic inspections of the production of such equipment and that states that such equipment meets nationally recognized standards or has been tested and found safe for use in a specified manner.
(8) "Low hazard contents" means combustibles of such low combustibility that self-propagating fire cannot occur and that consequently the only probable danger will be from panic, fumes, smoke, or fire from some external source.
(9) "Means of egress" also known as an "exit route" means a continuous and unobstructed path of exit travel from any point within a workplace to a place of safety, including refuge areas. A means of egress includes both vertical and horizontal areas along the route of travel. A means of egress or an exit route consists of 3 separate parts and are defined as follows:
(a) "Exit access" means that portion of a means of egress or an exit route which leads to an exit. An example of an exit access is a corridor on the 5th floor of an office building that leads to a 2-hour fire resistance-rated enclosed stairway.
(b) "Exit" means that portion of a means of egress or an exit route that is separated from the area of a building from which escape is to be made by a wall, floor, door, or other means which provides the protected path necessary to proceed with reasonable safety to the exterior of the building. An example of an exit is a 2-hour fire resistance-rated enclosed stairway that leads from the 5th floor of an office building to the outside of the building.
(c) "Exit discharge" means that portion of an exit route that leads directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside. An example of an exit discharge is a door at the bottom of a 2-hour fire resistance-rated enclosed stairway that discharges to a place of safety outside the building.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.10604

1979 AC; 1990 AACS; 2015 MR 8, Eff. April 29, 2015