Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6007

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.6007 - Manitou Passage Great Lakes state bottomland preserve; establishment

Rule 7. The following described area is established as the Manitou Passage Great Lakes state bottomland preserve: An area of Lake Michigan bottomlands extending upward and including the water surface described as: Beginning at a point where the west line of township 27 north, range 15 west, Benzie County, intersects the ordinary high waterline (elevation 579.8 I.G.L.D.) of Lake Michigan (approximate latitude 44 degrees 43 minutes 09 seconds and longitude 86 degrees 10 minutes 54 seconds); thence northwesterly to a point having latitude 45 degrees 00 minutes and longitude 86 degrees 15 minutes; thence northeasterly to a point having latitude 45 degrees 11 minutes and longitude 86 degrees 05 minutes; thence due east to a point having latitude 45 degrees 11 minutes and longitude 86 degrees 00 minutes; thence southeasterly to a point having a latitude of 45 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds and longitude 85 degrees 57 minutes; thence southerly to the North Manitou Shoal Light Horn (approximate latitude 45 degrees 01 minutes 15 seconds and longitude 85 degrees 57 minutes 25 seconds); thence southeasterly to where the north line of township 29 north, range 12 west, Leelanau County, intersects the ordinary high waterline of Lake Michigan (approximate latitude 44 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds and longitude 85 degrees 48 minutes 14 seconds); thence westerly and southerly along the ordinary high waterline of Lake Michigan to the point of beginning, excluding the areas of North and South Manitou Islands above the ordinary high waterline of Lake Michigan, containing 282 square miles, more or less.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6007

1988 AACS