Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6006

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.6006 - Sanilac Shores Great Lakes state bottomland preserve; establishment

Rule 6. The following described area is established as the Sanilac Shores Great Lakes state bottomland preserve: An area of Lake Huron bottomlands extending upward and including the water surface described as:Beginning at the point where the east and west 1/4 line of section 29, township 14 north, range 16 east, Sanilac County, Michigan, intersects the ordinary high watermark of Lake Huron, thence easterly to Loran-C coordinates 8970-X-30760, 8970-Y-49400; thence southerly to Loran-C coordinates 8970-X-30760, 8970-Y-49480; thence southerly to Loran-C coordinates 8970-X-30780, 8970-Y-49540; thence southwesterly to Loran-C coordinates 8970-X-30830, 8970-Y-49576; thence westerly to where the south line of section 31, township 10 north, range 17 east, Sanilac County, Michigan, intersects the ordinary high watermark of Lake Huron, thence northerly along the ordinary high watermark of Lake Huron to the point of beginning at the east and west 1/4 line of section 29, township 14 north, range 16 east, containing 163 square miles, more or less.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6006

1988 AACS