Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.4910 - Landfill engineering plans; design plans and engineering reportsRule 910.
(1) Engineering plans for a landfill shall include detailed engineering plans of the proposed design and an engineering report that details all of the following for each disposal unit:(a) Soils underlying each liner system, as specified in subrule (2) of this rule.(b) Compacted soil liners or natural soil that is used in place of a compacted liner, as specified in subrule (3) of this rule.(c) Bentonite geocomposite or flexible membrane liners, as specified in subrule (4) of this rule.(d) Primary leachate collection and removal systems, as specified in subrule (5) of this rule.(e) Secondary leachate collection systems, as specified in subrule (6) of this rule.(f) Dewatering systems, as specified in subrule (7) of this rule.(g) Other control systems, as specified in subrule (8) of this rule.(h) The final cover, as specified in a closure plan that is in compliance with R 299.4446.(i) Postclosure maintenance and monitoring, as specified in a plan that is in compliance with R 299.4447.(2) An engineering report on the characteristics of soils underlying any liner shall include all of the following information:(a) A settlement analysis that estimates total and differential settlement, including immediate settlement, primary consolidation, and secondary consolidation based on maximum loading.(b) A slope stability analysis.(c) A performance analysis under varying groundwater conditions.(d) Calculations that show the potential for bottom heave or blowout.(3) An engineering report on the soils that are likely to be used for any compacted or natural soil liner shall include all of the following information:(a) The location and thickness of soils to be used for the compacted or natural soil liner.(b) Copies of well or boring logs that document the soil deposit.(c) Data documenting that the soil source is in compliance with the soil classifications specified in R 299.4913.(d) For compacted soil liners, calculations which show that the volume of the source is sufficient for liner construction.(4) An engineering report on any bentonite geocomposite or flexible membrane liner to be used shall include all of the following information: (a) The methods of storage, handling, and installation, including any written instructions from the manufacturer, and procedures for complying with the quality control requirements of R 299.4914 and R 299.4915.(b) The physical specifications of the liner material.(c) The ability of liner material and scrim material, where applicable, to maintain physical properties under varying conditions of temperature, pH, ultraviolet radiation, biological attack, and prolonged leachate contact throughout the operating and postclosure life of the landfill.(5) The engineering plans for a landfill shall contain an engineering report on the design of the leachate collection and removal system. The report shall include all of the following information:(a) Specifications for the material to be used for the leachate collection system.(b) The design of the collection pipe, including all of the following information: (v) Leachate compatibility.(vi) Structural integrity under static and dynamic loadings.(c) Design features that allow cleaning of drainage pipes within the system.(d) Procedures to prevent clogging during construction and operation.(e) Calculations to show that the leachate head will be 1 foot or less above the liner at any point in the system, except the sump.(f) Provisions to remove obstructions from the system.(g) Calculations to determine the anticipated volume of leachate to be generated.(h) Information on the proposed method of disposal for the leachate collected.(6) An engineering report on a secondary collection or leak detection system shall include the information specified in both of the following provisions:(a) The information required under subrule (5) of this rule.(b) The method of detecting, removing, and analyzing any leaks that are detected in the system.(7) The engineering plans for a landfill shall contain an engineering report for any dewatering systems to be used. The report shall include all of the following information: (a) Design calculations for the drain pipe diameter, slope, and spacing.(b) Design features that allow cleaning.(c) Procedures to prevent clogging during construction and operation.(d) An evaluation of the structural suitability of underdrain pipe under both static and dynamic loadings.(8) The engineering plans shall contain information on systems to control all of the following: (c) Wind dispersal of particulate matter, where applicable.(d) Gas that is generated within the landfill.(9) Engineering plans for a landfill shall be prepared and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Michigan.Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.4910