65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 815, § 9

Current through 2024-25, June 19, 2024
Section 407-815-9 - PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS
A.Payment arrangement required

A utility shall continue to serve a customer who does not pay an account balance in full if the customer agrees to enter a payment arrangement for the account balance and agrees to pay each future bill for service on or before the due date of the bill until the payment arrangement is completed. A payment arrangement may involve a single or multiple payments.

B.Written confirmation of payment arrangement

A utility shall mail or deliver to the customer a written confirmation of a payment arrangement that requires two or more payments within three business days after a payment arrangement is established. The written confirmation shall:

1. inform the customer of the terms of the payment arrangement;
2. include the CASD's address and toll free telephone number; and
3. inform the customer of the utility's right to issue a 3-day disconnection notice for failure to comply with a payment arrangement.
C.Failure to confirm payment arrangement in writing

If a utility does not mail or deliver a written confirmation of a payment arrangement to the customer within three business days after a payment arrangement is agreed to, the utility cannot disconnect the customer for failure to comply with the payment arrangement. A utility may either attempt personal contact to negotiate a new payment arrangement or issue a 14-day disconnection notice for residential customers or a 7-day notice for non-residential customers according to Section 10(D).

D.Basic service payment arrangement to be separate

Any agreement permitting installment payments on an account balance for non-basic service must be separate from a payment arrangement for basic service.

E.Written guidelines

Utilities shall adopt written guidelines which describe the types of payment arrangements offered by that utility by April 16, 2008, and shall modify the guidelines anytime a change is made. Utilities shall submit a copy of the guidelines to the CASD within 30 days of the guideline's completion or modification.

F.Residential customers

Utilities must establish payment arrangements that take into consideration the individual customer's unique circumstances and that are most likely to result in customers becoming current with their bills and retaining their utility service, including, but not limited to, regular payment arrangements, Special Payment Arrangements during the winter period, annualized budget payment plans, and levelized payment arrangements. A levelized payment arrangement may periodically be adjusted to account for changes in the estimated usage. In these situations, an arrangement cannot be adjusted more than four times a year. If a customer and the utility cannot agree on the terms of a payment arrangement, including a customer's claim that the customer cannot afford to pay any amount towards the arrearage, the utility must refer the customer to the CASD for assistance.

1.Criteria for determining a reasonable payment arrangement

In determining if a particular arrangement is reasonable, the utility must take into account:

a. the customer's ability to pay;
b. the size of the overdue amount;
c. the customer's payment history;
d. the amount of time and reason why the overdue amount is outstanding; and
e. any special circumstances creating extreme hardships within the household.

The utility must make every reasonable attempt to negotiate a payment arrangement that is likely to prevent disconnection and reduce the amount overdue to zero. If a utility and a customer cannot agree on the terms of a payment arrangement, the utility must refer the customer to the CASD and the CASD will establish a reasonable payment arrangement.

2.Notification of LIAP and other forms of financial assistance

When a customer informs a utility that the customer cannot pay a bill and the customer is in imminent threat of disconnection, the utility must provide the customer with information regarding its LIAP (if applicable), as well as other sources of financial assistance including, but not limited to, 211, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Community Action Agencies, and local Town or City government.

3.Second payment agreement

The utility may, but is not required to, offer a second payment arrangement to a customer who is in default of a first payment arrangement. If the first payment arrangement is a Special Payment Arrangement, the utility shall offer at least one additional payment arrangement during the non-winter period.

4.Notification of Conservation Measures to Low Income Customers

The utility shall offer any customer eligible to participate in the utility's LIAP any existing no-cost energy conservation measures, including, but not limited to, any energy audit, offered by the utility, as a condition of the second payment arrangement. Customers shall accept the measures to the extent they have the authority to do so.

5.Winter period

Between November 1 and April 1, utilities must offer customers the opportunity to enter into a Special Payment Arrangement, provided that the first payment will be due prior to April 15, when such an arrangement is the best option for keeping the customer's bills affordable during the winter and summer period and ensuring that the customer is not disconnected.

a.Utility contact required for all customers who were on a Special Payment Arrangement the prior winter and who have an amount overdue of at least $100.00. Utilities must attempt to contact each customer that was on a Special Payment Arrangement the prior winter period, that did not meet the requirements of the Special Payment Arrangement, that has not been placed on an alternative payment arrangement, and that has an amount overdue of at least $100.00 as of November 1 and establish a payment arrangement. The contact attempt shall be made after November 1 and before November 15 and can be by letter, telephone call, or other means that is likely to achieve contact with the customer. For customers who the utility is unable to contact, the utility may automatically enroll these customers in an appropriate Special Payment Arrangement for the pending winter period, provided the utility notifies the customer in writing of the terms of the Special Payment Arrangement and offers the option of rejecting the terms or negotiating an alternative payment arrangement. In situations where the customer's circumstances warrant, the utility may also consider Special Payment Arrangements that extend beyond the following November 1, such as a levelized payment arrangement.
b.Customer with whom the utility makes contact. The utility shall in good faith attempt to establish a Special Payment Arrangement or any other payment arrangement that best addresses a particular customer's situation, with any customer with whom it makes contact for the entire amount owed and for amounts expected to be incurred so that the customer's account will not be in arrears as of the subsequent November 1. In situations where the customer's circumstances warrant, the utility may also consider Special Payment Arrangements that extend beyond the following November 1, such as a levelized payment arrangement.
i.Standard payment plan options. The utility shall offer at least one standardized Special Payment Arrangement to all residential customers. This standard payment option shall require level monthly payments based on either:
(a) an annualized budget payment plan; or
(b) a combination of level payments prior to the issuance of the March bill which are not less than the customer's average summer bill, and level payments beginning with the bill issued in March that reflect one-seventh of the total of the following: the arrearage at that time; the March bill; and estimated bills through September.

In any case, the standardized payment plan should be designed to pay any arrearage incurred prior to entering the Special Payment Arrangement or as a result of the level monthly payments required by the Special Payment Arrangement by the following November 1. As noted in Sections 9(F)(5) (A&B) above, a utility may extend a Special Payment Arrangement beyond the following November 1 when individual customer circumstances warrant.

ii.Individualized payment plan. If a customer can demonstrate that the customer cannot maintain a Special Payment Arrangement based on at least one of the Standard Payment Plan options contained in the utility's guidelines, including, but not limited to, the amount or timing of the level payments, a Special Payment Arrangement shall be negotiated based on factors unique to the customer, such as the amount of money owed, the customer's ability to pay, the customer's payment history, the time the debt has been outstanding, the reasons why the debt has been outstanding and other relevant factors. Individualized payment plans shall, where possible, result in levelized payment.
iii.Information required. The utility shall provide the customer with information regarding financial assistance pursuant to Section 9(F)(2). The utility shall not be responsible for determining whether individual customers are eligible for such assistance. The utility shall also inform the customer that, at the customer's request, the utility shall provide to any possible source of financial assistance for the customer the (1) total amount of arrearage; (2) the average monthly bill of the customer under one or more of the standard payment options offered by the utility; and (3) a statement that disconnection may result if the customer fails to enter into a Special Payment Arrangement or fails to make payments under a Special Payment Arrangement.
iv.Conservation Measures. The utility shall offer as a condition of the first Special Payment Arrangement offered to any customer during the current Winter Disconnection Period any no-cost energy conservation measures, including, but not limited to, an energy audit, offered by the utility. Customers shall accept the measures to the extent they have the authority to do so.
c.Failure to Comply with a Payment Arrangement
i. Unless a material deterioration in financial circumstances is demonstrated by the customer, a customer who has failed to complete a regular or special payment arrangement on bills accrued during the previous 12-month period shall not be entitled to a Special Payment Arrangement under this subsection.
ii. If a customer fails to comply with the terms of a Special Payment Arrangement during the same Winter Disconnection Period in which it was made, the utility shall attempt to establish a second Special Payment Arrangement. If the customer fails to comply with the terms of a second or subsequent Special Payment Arrangement, the utility may attempt to establish another Special Payment Arrangement or it may seek permission to disconnect pursuant to Section 10(M)(4).
iii. If the customer fails to comply with terms of a Special Payment Arrangement after April 15 and after the receipt of the written statement required by paragraph e below, the utility may disconnect in accordance with Section 10(D), unless said disconnection would occur on or after November 15, in which case the utility must follow the requirements of Section 10(M).
d.Written Statement Concerning Installment Payments. After March 1 and before May 31, the utility shall provide each customer who made a Special Payment Arrangement with a written statement of the total amount due and the amounts and payment schedule in order to pay the total amount by November 1.
G.Non-residential customers

Utilities must offer non-residential customers payment arrangements that take into consideration the customer's unique circumstances and that are most likely to result in the customer becoming current with their bills and retaining their utility service. In determining if a particular arrangement is reasonable, the utility must take into account:

1. the size of the overdue amount;
2. the customer's payment history; and
3. the amount of time and reason why the overdue amount is outstanding.

The utility must make every reasonable attempt to negotiate a payment arrangement that is likely to prevent disconnection and reduce the amount overdue to zero. If a utility and a customer cannot agree on the terms of a payment arrangement, the utility must refer the customer to the CASD and the CASD will establish a reasonable payment arrangement.

65- 407 C.M.R. ch. 815, § 9