The Development Fund (DF) Program provides funding to local governments to assist businesses to create jobs for low and moderate income persons.
The Regional Assistance Fund (RAF) Program provides financial resources to local governments or regional organizations which can use the RAF assistance as leverage to obtain funds under the Economic Development Administration (EDA) Economic Adjustment Assistance Program (Title IX) and the EDA Public Works Program (Title I) or the Rural Development Agency (RDA), Rural Business Enterprise (RBE) Grant and the Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) and/or other Federal, State, and private programs. The purpose of the RAF is to bring additional money into the State and therefore RAF cannot be used as match with the State's CDBG program or conventional lending institutions.
The Micro-Loan Program (ML) provides communities with funds to assist existing and new businesses to create and/or retain jobs for low and moderate income persons.
Exceptions: Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement under the following circumstances: l) program delays have occurred beyond the control of the grantee due to unforeseen changes in availability of funds or acts of nature or 2) the recipient has received unanticipated program income and expenditure of grant funds has been delayed 3) the job creation goals of a previous grant have not been fulfilled.
Phase I Application: The maximum length of an application is six pages. The application deadline is March 12, 1999.
Each application will be rated in relation to all other Micro-loan applications. A minimum of 70 points from the Problem Statement, Proposed Solution and Citizen Participation sections will be required for an application to be considered for funding. A distress score will be added to this result.
Scope of Problem: (35 points) - Description of the economic base and business trend problems of the community and the impact on job opportunities. Description of the need for funds including data on area capital availability.
The Economic Development Infrastructure (EDI) Program provides Maine communities with funds to develop or rehabilitate public infrastructure to support new and existing non-retail businesses that create or retain jobs for low and moderate income individuals.
Exceptions: Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement under the following circumstances: l) program delays have occurred beyond the control of the grantee due to unforeseen changes in availability of funds or acts of nature or 2) the recipient has received unanticipated program income and expenditure of grant funds has been delayed 3) the job creation goals of a previous grant have not been fulfilled.
Phase I Application: The maximum application length is 8 pages. The application deadlines are January 8, 1999, April 9, 1999, June 11, 1999 and September 10, 1999
Each application will be rated in relation to all others. The total points from the Problem Statement, Proposed Solution, Citizen Participation, Numerical Analysis and Commitment sections will be determined for each application. A distress score will be added to this result. A rank order will be established with the highest ranking application receiving first consideration and continuing until the allocation for each EDI funding round is exhausted.
The Office of Community Development reserves the right to fund only those applications deemed to be in the best interests of the State of Maine and the Community Development Block Grant Program. Applications will not be funded out of rank order except in instances where a preceding application is deemed ineligible.
The Business Assistance (BA) program provides funds to assist businesses to create or retain jobs for low and moderate income persons. The Business Assistance program will provide either loans, grants or a combination of each to meet the infrastructure, capital equipment and real property needs of businesses. The program will assist those economic initiatives and development opportunities that are of sufficient magnitude to have a significant impact on a local or regional economy.
In 1998, the Office of Community Development awarded a grant to one Super Park Project. A similar program was included in the proposed 1999 Program Statement but was removed based on considerable public comment. OCD anticipates including a Regional Super Park competition in its 2000 Program Statement.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 18, § 3