The Housing Assistance Grant (HA) Program provides funding to address housing problems of low and moderate income persons.
Exceptions: Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement under the following circumstances:
Phase I Application: The maximum application length is ten pages. The application deadline is January 29, 1999.
Each application will be rated in relation to all other HA applications. A minimum of 70 points from the Problem Statement, Proposed Solution, Citizen Participation and Commitment sections will be required for an application to be considered for funding. A Distress score will be added to this result to determine the application score.
The Public Facilities/Infrastructure Grant (PFIG) Program provides funding for local infrastructure and public facility activities which are part of a community development strategy leading to future public and private investments.
ActivityBreakdown: Applicants may apply for one or more activities from a single category but cannot apply for activities from more than one category.
Exceptions: Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement under the following circumstances:
A maximum of two fire station projects will be funded. Sand/salt shed projects will only be funded after all other eligible category #3 projects.
Phase I Application: The maximum application length is ten pages. The application deadline is December 4, 1998.
Each application will be rated in relation to all others in its respective category. A minimum of 70 points from the Problem Statement, Proposed Solution, Commitment and Citizen Participation sections will be required to be considered for funding. A distress score and bonus points will be added to this result.
The Public Service Grant (PSG) Program addresses community resource needs by providing funding for operating expenses, equipment and program materials for public service programs.
Exceptions: Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement under the following circumstances:
Phase I Application: The maximum length of an application is eight pages. The application deadline is April 5, 1999.
Each application will be rated in relation to all others. A minimum of 70 points from the Problem Statement, Proposed Solution, Citizen Participation and Commitment sections will be required for an application to be considered for funding. A distress score will be added to this result.
Scope of Problem: (30 points) - Identification and description of the nature and magnitude of the problems to be addressed with PSG funds.
The Downtown Revitalization Program (DR) will provide funds to enable communities to implement comprehensive, integrated and innovative solutions to the problems facing their downtown districts. These community revitalization projects must be part of a strategy that targets downtown service and business districts and will lead to future public and private investment.
Exceptions: Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement under the following circumstances:
Phase I Application: The maximum application length is ten pages. The application deadline is January 15, 1999.
Each application will be rated in relation to all others. A minimum of70 points from the Problem, Solution, Commitment and Citizen Participation sections will be required for an application to be considered for funding.
The Urgent Need Grant (UNG) Program provides funding to enable a community to address serious and immediate threats to health and welfare.
Phase I Application: An UNG application must include the following:
Phase II Project Development: Urgent Need Grants will be made on a first come basis. Prior to consideration of a grant award, all UNG proposals must meet the four Threshold Criteria and the Special Program requirements. While an invitation into Phase II is not a guarantee of funding, applicants will receive the amount necessary to complete their project, up to the maximum UNG Program award until the funding available is exhausted. Phase II applications must comply with the following:
The Downtown and Neighborhood Revitalization Program will provide funds to enable communities to implement comprehensive, integrated and innovative housing and development solutions to the problems facing their downtown and neighborhood districts. These community revitalization projects must be part of a strategy that targets these areas and will lead to future public and private investment.
The successful application must combine housing and community development activities funded with both MSHA and CDBG funds.
This program is a pilot project targeting service center communities as identified by the State Planning Office. Projects will utilize the combined resources of:
CDBG MSHA New Lease Fix-ME New Neighbors, and; First-time Home Buyer ProgramSuccessful communities will present innovative and integrated project proposals.
Exceptions: Applicants may request a waiver of this requirement under the following circumstances:
Phase I Application: The maximum length of the Phase I application is ten pages. The application deadline is May 14, 1999.
Each application will be rated in relation to all others. A minimum of70 points from the Problem, Solution, Commitment and Citizen Participation sections will be required for an application to be considered for funding.
19-498 C.M.R. ch. 18, § 2