10-148-19 Me. Code R. § A-15

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
A. The following shall govern the admission to care of any child by the PNMI- Child Placing Agency.
1 The PNMI- Child Placing Agency shall not place a child into foster care without the written authorization of the parent other person, official or Child Placing Agency having legal authority to give that authorization.
2 The PNMI- Child Placing Agency shall not place a child into foster care without the following information being secured and recorded in the child's record.
a Full name of the child and residence when accepted for placement into foster care.
b Date and place of birth.
c Sex of child.
d Name, addresses, telephone numbers, occupations marital status of parents and how they may be reached in the event of an emergency.
e Names, ages, and sex of siblings with addresses when available.
f Legal status of the child, including custody orders.
g Religion of parents.
h Medical history insofar as available.
i Sufficient information to show why foster care is necessary for the child.
j The particular needs of the child and family and how the PNMI- Child Placing Agency can meet these needs including a plan of care.
k Brief life history of the child up to the time of acceptance.
l Statement of financial arrangement at the time of acceptance.
3 The PNMI- Child Placing Agency shall make provisions to ensure that the child being placed with other children shall be free from communicable disease and is of such physical and emotional health as to be able to accept the program planned for the child. The PNMI- Child Placing Agency shall further assess the child for unmet mental health needs, and make appropriate referrals for mental health care.
B. The responsibility of the PNMI- Child Placing Agency.
1 No child shall be placed into a children's home for foster care that is not licensed for a sufficient number of children to cover the child(ren) to be placed.
2 No child shall be placed for adoption unless the family has been approved as meeting rules 12(A) through 12(C) of these Rules.
3 No child shall be placed into the care of an unlicensed child placing agency or unlicensed child care facility.
4 The PNMI- Child Placing Agency which accepts responsibility for a child must provide or arrange for the child's service needs to be met.
5 The PNMI- Child Placing Agency shall assess at least every six months the continued appropriateness of the plan of care as specified in Rule 15(j) of these Rules, and the service needs of the child and family.
6 Based on an assessment the plan of care shall be reviewed at least every six months and revised as appropriate.
7 The PNMI- Child Placing Agency shall assure that the child and the persons legally responsible for the child shall have the right to private discussions with each other. Other individuals important to the child shall have the right to reasonable visiting privileges according to a plan formulated by the legal custodian and the PNMI- Child Placing Agency.
C. Discharge from care of any child by the PNMI- Child Placing Agency.
1 Discharge of a child from care shall be made only to the person, persons or agency having legal custody of the child or on the written authorization of one of these.
2 The name and address of the person, persons or agency to whom the child was discharged, date of discharge and reason for discharge shall be recorded in the child's record.

10-148 C.M.R. ch. 19, § A-15